FUN: Different _________!

***Begin Quote***

Steve started off the conference with a parable:

A man on a safari in Kenya gets separated from his group and wanders off, lost. He comes across an elephant lying in a clearing, nursing a foot that has been pierced by a branch.

Carefully and slowly, the man approaches the elephant. Once he gets close enough to touch the beast, the man yanks the branch from its foot. He runs back across the clearing, then stops to look back at the elephant.

The huge animal stares at him. Then it rises to its feet, walks slowly over to the man, and touches him on the forehead with its trunk. Then the gentle giant turns and walks away.

The man eventually meets up with his group and goes home.

Ten years pass.

The man goes to the zoo with some friends. At one enclosure, he notices that an elephant is staring at him intently. The elephant drops the food it is eating and approaches the fence, staring all the while at the man.

The man’s friend says, “Hey, looks like that elephant recognizes you.”

And the man starts wondering, Is this the same elephant?

As the elephant stares at him, he becomes more convinced that this is the same elephant he saved in Kenya. He goes closer to the fence. The elephant stares at him. He starts to climb the fence, despite the protests of his friends. He drops into the enclosure. The elephant stares at him. Then, slowly, the elephant reaches out its trunk and touches him on the forehead.

I know this elephant! the man thinks. Then the elephant stretches out his trunk again, and grabs the man around the waist and slams him on the ground.

It wasn’t the same elephant.

Steve got a lot of laughter from this story. But his point was that info marketing is not the same elephant.

***End Quote***

I gotta kick out of thins and a new catch phrase “different elephant”!

Categories FUN

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