A Failsafe in a World of Falling Safes | TAPinto

When Farina tells her story, her eyes always tear at the word “foreclosure.” Her Orange home had four-bedrooms and was beautifully furnished but when the bank foreclosed after just a few months of her struggles, “I ended up giving almost everything away,” she said.

She remains hurt and confused about the quick foreclosure, but “I didn’t have anybody there to fight for me or show me the way.

”She was a victim of the predatory real estate shuffle in urban areas that got more than a few banks in hot water with the government, but she ended up with nothing but the satisfaction that the big lenders were fined. But satisfaction doesn’t pay the rent.

Source: A Failsafe in a World of Falling Safes | TAPinto

# – # – # – # – #

Sure your Gooferment will protect you. Notice that this woman’s banks got off with a fine. Shovel more money into the Gooferment cesspool. Did they give it to her to get back what she lost — obviously not. Private charity is efficient and effective; Gooferment “charity” is immoral, ineffective, and inefficient. As well as untrustworthy. It’s a sham. And, it deceives “We, The Sheeple” into thinking that they don’t have to be individually responsible to fund charity because the Gooferment does it.

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Gooferment Skrules discriminate against the poor kids


No pay, no play! Poor kids banned from NY school carnival
Published May 24, 2015New York Post

*** begin quote ***

No party for the poor.

PS 120 in Flushing held a carnival for its students on Thursday, but kids whose parents did not pay $10 were forced to sit in the auditorium while their classmates had a blast.

Close to 900 kids went to the Queens schoolyard affair, with pre-K-to-fifth-grade classes taking turns, each spending 45 minutes outside. The kids enjoyed inflatable slides, a bouncing room and a twirly teacup ride. They devoured popcorn and flavored ices. DJs blasted party tunes.

But more than 100 disappointed kids were herded into the darkened auditorium to just sit or watch an old Disney movie while aides supervised — the music, shouts and laughter outside still audible.

*** end quote ***

So much for the Gooferment Skrules as the great equalizer.

I can’t imagine them doing worse.

And, for those of you who thought “free Gooferment education” was a great idea, this should come as big wake up call.

Can you imagine a parent funded student focused achievement oriented school doing such? I can’t.

Separation Education and State!

The Gooferment is immoral, ineffective, and inefficient and here’s another example.

How do you think those children felt?

# – # – # – # – # 

POLITICAL: Switch all pension plans to defined-contribution!


A Wake-Up Call for Public Pension Systems
Jason Russell | 10/03/2014 |

*** begin quote ***

For decades, public pension systems have been doling out more than they take in. Labor unions have stymied reform efforts, but the latest estimates of the public pension gap may finally serve as a wake-up call.

A new study from Moody’s Investors Service, the bond credit rating business, reports that the level of unfunded liabilities for the 25 largest state and local U.S. public pensions is now more than $2 trillion. The gap is more than three times higher than it was just a decade ago.

*** and ***

No one wants to see pensioners live poorer lives, caused by broken promises and bankrupt pensions. The public pension system’s integrity must be protected with common-sense reforms that acknowledge the reality of the constantly growing pension gap. The ideal reform for struggling pension systems would be a switch from defined-benefit to defined-contribution pension plans.

*** end quote ***

For the various Pepuls Republiks of Nu Jerzee, Nu Jerk, Taxachusetts, Kalifornication, and Flori-Duh, it’s too late.

The Teachers Unions, the politicians, the bureaucrats, and Crony Capitalists control the Gooferment.

Best possible outcome for the poor and the taxpayers is that these “disaster zones” go broke. Like Detroit.

Withdraw your consent by leaving these “theft zones”. 

Expect the worst.

Buy a mini bond, you must be out of your mind.

Even a silver coin will preserve your wealth better!

# – # – # – # – #   

GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Lapdog media conceals Gooferment bad behavior


Victims’ Families Speak Out Against Obama, Networks Don’t Care
Published: 9/18/2014 9:45 AM ET
By Geoffrey Dickens
Deputy Research Director

*** begin quote ***

The mother of ISIS beheading victim James Foley told CNN’s Anderson Cooper, on September 11, that she was “embarrassed and appalled” by the White House’s handling of her son’s kidnapping. On September 8 a spokesman for the family of ISIS victim Steven Sotloff claimed that both families were “bullied and hectored” by the administration.

So how many Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network stories have been devoted to helping these families tell their shocking stories of a White House that let them down and even intimidated them? Just three (CBS 2, ABC 1, NBC 0).

However, in the summer of 2005 when anti-Iraq war mom Cindy Sheehan camped out in front of George W. Bush’s Crawford, Texas ranch the networks flooded their evening and morning shows with 100 stories (ABC 37, NBC 33, CBS 30) in the first month (August 9 through September 9) of coverage alone.

*** end quote ***

The Gooferment gets away with bad behavior because the Media is “in bed with the D’s”.


How much more obvious can it be?

# – # – # – # – #   

POLITICAL: Hemp, why not?


5 Surprising Health Benefits of Hemp
Brandi, selected from Diets in Review
August 17, 2013

*** begin quote ***

Hemp has always had trouble stepping out of the shadow of its dirty cousin marijuana. While it is closely related to whacky tobaccy, hemp has microscopic amounts of THC — the chemical in marijuana that gets you high — and eating hemp foods won’t jeopardize your next drug test. The health benefits of hemp are so vast that people are beginning to abandon the antiquated stereotypes of the versatile plant.

Sharon Palmer, author of The Plant Powered Diet, wasn’t wasting her breath when she said, “I think hemp is the next ‘it’ food — it has been for a while.” The hemp seed is bursting with Omega-6 and Omega-3, essential fatty acids that have heart health and anti inflammatory benefits. Hemp seeds are nutty in flavor and breathe life into salads, desserts, yogurts, cereals, and breads. Hemp seeds can be turned into butter, milk, protein powder, finishing oil, and soap.

Unfortunately, Uncle Sam outlawed hemp farming in 1958, a shame when you consider how amazing a crop it is. The plant thrives without pesticides, purifies the soil around it, and kills weeds. The U.S. is the only country that bans industrial hemp farming, quelling what could be an agricultural and financial boon for our indebted country.

*** end quote ***

How about we get the Gooferment out of farming?

Why do we have a “Department of Agriculture” any way?

Oh yeah, that’s right we need to reward “crony farmers” who make contributions to politicians.

Why can’t we feed the world with our exports?


# – # – # – # – #   

INSPIRATIONAL: Schools kill creativity


Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity

Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity. 

Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we’re educating our children. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence.

# – # – #  

Another “don’t miss” TED talk.

I always criticize Gooferment Skrules because they are immoral, ineffective, and inefficient.

Here’s someone saying that what “school” deliver is not right for the future of humanity.

Can “We, The People” change?

# – # – # – # – #   

GUNS: “Zero-Tolerance”; “Zero-Sense”


When “Zero-Tolerance” Makes “Zero-Sense”
Posted on June 14, 2013

*** begin quote ***

We’ve been reporting very regularly on ridiculous cases involving over-zealous school officials misinterpreting and wrongly enforcing “zero-tolerance” rules.

In March, we reported on an outrageous case of a seven-year-old Baltimore, Md. student who, according to a March 2, Daily Caller article, was suspended for two days for the nefarious act of shaping a breakfast pastry into what his teacher thought looked like a gun. Yes, a breakfast pastry.

According to the young student, he was eating the strawberry pastry during snack time and was biting off pieces in an attempt to shape it into a mountain. Apparently, the teacher thought the student’s handiwork instead looked like a gun, and escorted him to the principal’s office for prompt disciplinary action.

In a recent follow-up story, the Daily Caller reported on more bad news for the young victim of over-zealous school administrators.

*** end quote ***

How dumb are we?

The Sheeple and Clovers don’t get it.

And, the Gooferment Skrules are mindless idiots as well.

There’s a reason that teachers are the lowest rung on the academic ladder.

Those who can do; those who can’t teach; those who can’t teach, teach teaching. Obviously there’s another tier: those who can teach teaching and have no common sense become school bureaucrats!

Why torture children with this type of a system. Remember the Jack in the box model comes from Prussia. The objective was to make cannon fodder for the Army, good factory workers, and a pliable underclass that could be led easily by the elite!

Remind me again where the rich and politicians send their children?

# – # – # – # – #   

POLITICAL: Honesty, if Gooferment?

*** begin quote ***

WSJ/NBC News Poll: Scandals Prompt Doubts About Honesty
Recent controversies surrounding the Internal Revenue Service and other government agencies have sown doubts about the honesty of the Obama administration, but most people don’t hold the president personally responsible for the agency actions, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds.

A majority of poll respondents, some 55%, said IRS scrutiny of conservative groups raised some level of doubt about the administration’s “overall honesty and integrity.”

*** end quote *** 


Why is it so low?

I’d have bet it would have been in the high 70’s.

Oh yeah, “low information voters”.


# – # – # – # – #    

RANT: Prefabricated terror plots


When Homeland Security Theater Goes Off-Script

by William Norman Grigg

*** begin quote ***

While police in Watertown, Massachusetts closed in on the boat in which 19-year-old terrorist suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had concealed himself, FBI investigators in Chicago were snapping handcuffs on 18-year-old Abdella Ahmed Tounisi as he attempted to board an airplane bound for Istanbul. He intended to travel to Syria to fight on behalf an Islamic rebel group that seeks to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

There is reason to believe that the FBI had advance knowledge of the Boston Marathon bombing plot. On the other hand, we know that Tounisi was a pure product of the FBI’s terrorist factory: He was the latest in a long procession of socially alienated teenage Muslim males who have been lured into an FBI-orchestrated plot by the Bureau’s roving troupe of “terrorism facilitators.”

What makes the terrorism charges against Tounisi more remarkable is the fact that he is accused of seeking to enlist in the service of a terrorist group that is presently receiving material aid from Washington.

Tounisi had been targeted by the FBI last fall after a friend named Abdel Daoud was snared in one of the Bureau’s prefabricated terror plots.

*** end quote ***

Isn’t this by definition “entrapment”?


I don’t know how the Sheeple and Clovers put up with this.

Instead of doing real police work to prevent the Boston Bombing, check processes so when someone tells you something real, you take action.

This is like a little girl’s tea party.

More like the Mad Hatter! 


# – # – # – # – #   

SECESSION: Laugh, ridicule, and shun


Fixing Their Wagon
March 15, 2013

*** begin quote ***

Shun them.

The model for this is easy enough to understand. If the person who owned the house down the road from you was known to be a child sex offender, would you invite him to your summer barbecues? Would you contract with his business to perform work? Would you shake his hand when you bumped into him at the store? You probably – hopefully – would not.

Apply the same treatment to the people who insist on living by doing violence to others. For they are exactly like child molesters in the sense that matters: They victimize people. They manipulate and coerce and threaten. They leverage power – force and its threat – to get what they want. It is only because we’ve been conditioned to accept the unacceptable via euphemism and evasion that we tolerate such people among us. Those reading this column no doubt do not accept it. Hence, they ought not to tolerate it. There may be occasions when we are forced to deal with them. But wherever possible, wherever we have the choice, we ought to elect not to deal with them. And we ought to tell them exactly why we want nothing to do with them. Call them on it. Do not let it – their reliance on violence – go unmentioned. Mention it. Bring it into the open. Make them squirm – those that still have the vestigial capacity to squirm when confronted with their own ethical atrocities. But never, ever, accept them as members of civilized society. Because civilization is dying on account of them.

*** end quote ***

Sounds like a great strategy.

Laugh at them, make them absurd, and then turn the other cheek.

Secession takes many forms!

# – # – # – # – #   

RANT: The election results sadden me

Huge unemployment, record numbers not working, welfare at an all time high.

Debt soaring, deficits increasing, fiscal irresponsibility.

Foreign policy in shambles. More wars, less peace.

Lying, cover ups, media bias.

Assault on the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Tenth Amendments.

Corruption and fraud in the elections.

Obamacare fundamentally seizes control of healthcare. Death panels start killing us. Cost exponentially increase.

Pro-Life and Catholic values rejected. Marriage redefined. I am taxed to fund activities I deem abhorrent and immoral.

A second term of even more radical action can be expected.

Sorry, but the American Experiment in Liberty is traveling down the road to ruin.

If anything, this election convinces me more that we have to figure out how to secede.

Looks like, things are going to get much much worse. As the takers have outvoted the makers. And, like the nursery story, The Little Red Hen, the producers have no incentive to cooperate in the theft of the fruits of their labors.

I’d predict that the “productive class” will coast and the economic will get even worse.

I just don’t understand the logic.

But, I will not be abused. I will not be robbed, I will not kneel.

I do NOT consent.


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Why is the TSA still around?


Mississippi passenger detained, stranded in Hawaii by No-Fly List

By Elliott Freeman

Oct 17, 2012 – yesterday in Travel

*** begin quote ***

A Mississippi man flying to visit his wife in Japan on Monday was detained during a stop in Hawaii and has been barred from reboarding his flight – or any other flight – because his name came up on the U.S. No-Fly List, leaving him stranded on the island.

Gulfport resident Wade Hicks, Jr., boarded a military jet at Travis Air Force Base in San Francisco so he could spend time with his newlywed wife, a U.S. Navy lieutenant stationed in Okinawa, Japan, the Canada Free Press reports.

According to Hicks, when the plane stopped for refueling at Hickam Air Base on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, he was escorted from the plane and detained by armed military personnel. After several hours, a representative of U.S. Customs and Border Protection arrived and told him he was pulled off of the flight because he was on the no-fly list.

Why was he put on the list? “They have given me no reason. They just basically are telling me, ‘You can’t fly because we said so,'” Hicks said in an interview with radio talk show host Doug Hagmann. “They didn’t know how I even left Travis Air Force Base.”

*** end quote ***

Sorry, but any bureaucratic organization that is this stupid needs to be put out of its misery.

It was a bad idea to start. Made worse over time. Unionized.

Just a waste of valuable human attention, time, and effort.

Close it down now.

The “terrorists” won by changing our way of life and getting us to do stupid things.

How dumb are we?

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POLITICAL: Obamacare is “constitutional”


*** begin quote ***

The chief justice was hell-bent to find a way to make this law applicable, so he just decided, you know what, as a tax increase, it works, because there’s no limit on the federal government’s ability to tax. And it’s right there in the preamble of the Constitution, right there, Article 1, Section 8, the general welfare clause, it’s been established Congress can tax whatever, whoever, whenever, how much they want. Even when they don’t ask for it, the Supreme Court is gonna find a way to make what they want to do legal because John Roberts said it’s not our job here to forbid this. It’s not our job to protect people from outcomes. It’s not our job to determine whether it is right or wrong or any of that. We just get to look at it. We can’t forbid this. This is what the elected representatives of the people want.

No, the elected representatives of the people were deceived. Remember yesterday I asked you, if this decision went this way, what was your initial reaction going to be. And how many of you were deflated as you can be because of the way this was reported? The first thing that came down, the mandate, unconstitutional, that was the first thing everybody reported. Mandate unconstitutional, big sigh of relief. And then within moments, wait a minute, wait a minute, we’re reading further. Hold it just a second. The mandate’s unconstitutional, but the court has decided it’s a tax, and therefore it’s okay.

*** end quote ***

The Socialists and Communists have won.

The battle, that began with Wilson and the Income Tax, the Federal Reserve, and World War 1 form the “peace candidate, has culminated in the official End of the American Experiment.

The Republic actually ended with Abraham Lincoln.

The demise of the American Education System, captured by the Social Progressives, enabled by the Women’s Vote, has score another victory for the effort to end American exceptionalism.

For decades, from when I heard it from Harry Browne in the 1970’s, the Gooferment courts can be counted on to find the Gooferment’s abuses “Constitutional”! The Little L Libertarains have long argues that expecting justice from the Gooferment’s “courts” is like expecting mercy from the Sheriff of Nottingham by appealing to King John.

I can’t say that I am surprised.

And, all the bluster that this will energize the Right is just smoke.

“We, The Sheeple” have in Amerika in essence a One Party System that the Communists in the USSR are envious of.

We have to begin, or in the case of us Little L Libertarians, continue the battle for the heart and minds of the Great American Spirit in the young and the class rooms around the country.

The journey of a million miles begins in the classrooms with the minds full of mush. The Communists have robbed these children of their birthright. That is the right to succeed or fail on the sweat of their own efforts.

The drone have taken over the hive. Where will we find freedom and liberty?


POLITICAL: The Gooferment runs the roads as well as it does the Post Office


Long-Awaited Route 27 Intersection Upgrade Gets Green Light from DOT
Davy James | Jun 22, 2012

*** begin quote ***

Route 27 and Beekman Road intersection to be widened, along with installation of a right-hand turn lane and a new traffic signal.

*** end quote ***

How about a series of synchronous lights from Henderson Road to Beekman Road say every 200 feet. When North South is red, they are all red. This would give the (imho very dangerous) “cross traffic” a chance to enter the roadway safely. The pedestrians might not have to play “you bet your life” to cross.

And if some one was really an “engineer” there would left turn arrows in advance of the green northbound and trailing the green south bound.

And, let’s get really wild and crazy, and expect all the Gooferment traffic planners to turn the durations longer during the midnight to 6am period and shorter during the other hours.

Then let’s do some tuning for special conditions accident on RT1 and everyone diverts to 27.

Yeah, I know, I’ve lost my head. Remember the Titanic was designed by experts and Noah was an amateur.

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RANT: Multiple DUIs

Instead of focusing on the average joe who has a beer with dinner, this is the problem! 4 DUIs. Why is he out of jail?

Of course, then the problem would be solved and no need for “checkpoints” as revenue raising.

f———- Forwarded message ———-

From: South Brunswick Twp Police Department
Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Subject: Advisory Message: Cops catch drunk driver after near collision and chase
To: reinke

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Agency Logo
Wednesday May 30, 2012, 8:37 AM
South Brunswick Twp Police Department

CHIEF RAYMOND J. HAYDUCKAAdvisory: Cops catch drunk driver after near collision and chase

Hi fjohn reinke,

A drunk driver, who had been convicted four times previously for driving while under the influence, was arrested Saturday morning after nearly striking a police car and leading officers on a chase. The incident began at 1:30am as Sergeant Frank Lombardo was driving east on Route 522. William Campbell age 52 of Franklin Park was operating his 1994 Ford pickup truck south on North Umberland Way. He entered the intersection of Route 522 without stopping and nearly ran into Sergeant Lombardo’s marked patrol car. The sergeant had to slam on his brakes to avoid a collision.

The sergeant then activated his lights and siren attempting to stop the vehicle. The pickup truck accelerated and struck two curbs as it winded through the South Ridge Townhomes development. Campbell then pulled onto New Road and headed east. He turned off of New Road into a commerical development accelerating behind some buildings. Sergeant Lombardo pursued him behind the buildings where Campbell made a U-turn and came back at the officer. Sergeant Lombardo was able to get his vehicle out of the way as Campbell pulled pass. Campbell then pulled up to the rear of one of the commercial buildings and parked his vehicle. He stumbled out of the driver’s seat without explanation. Sergeant Lombardo was able to arrest Campbell without further incident.

Campbell, who in addition to four driving while under the influence convictions has ten license suspensions, was charged with driving while under the influence and eluding. He was transported to police headquarters and processed. His bail was set at $25,000. He was lodged in the Middlesex County Correction Center in default of bail.

Contact Information:
Sgt James Ryan

For full details, view this message on the web.

# – # – # – # – #   

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RANT: Gooferment protection is nonexistent; circular reasoning


But, see there is the “key fact”, the Gooferment ENABLES that bad product to make to the market in the first place. Then you think the Gooferment should “protect” us from it. It’s ineffective and inefficient. If makers were exposed to the FULL BRUNT of their mistakes, then they would be infinitely more careful.

The marketplace exacts a SWIFT and TERRIBLE justice on the “offenders”. Think Corvair. Think Thallidomide. Think Enron. Think … any good disaster. Yeah, the Gooferment got involved long after the train left the station. I remember TIME magazine breakign the Thallidomide story and had women stopping that drug LONG before the actual link was formally recognized in Europe. Which PRECEEDED the FDA by a while.

Yes, my little L libertarian “paradise” my be only in my dreams now. But it’s coming. Because humans NEED to be free. And, you can only surpress it for so long before it erupts. My exemplar is “drugs in prisons”. Humans are irrepressible; you can only kill them.

Good point about the the seat belts. But it was one passionate committed man who dragged Gooferment along kicking a screaming. Even some good things result from a big bad thing.

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RANT: Mangled flags


‘Star-Mangled Banner’: Wait Until You See the Decrepit Flag Flying Over a Harlem School
Posted on March 19, 2012 at 9:02am
by Jonathon M. Seidl

*** begin quote ***

Given Villaverde’s outrage over the tattered flag hanging high above PS 28 for all to see, you would think the school would have done all it could to replace the eyesore, if not out of respect then for aesthetics. But not so. Even though the school’s principal quickly responded to Villaverde and said “We didn’t mean to be disrespectful” and pledged to fix it, the flag apparently still remains.

“Not only is it not supposed to be up in that condition, but it’s supposed to be disposed of in a respectful way,” he told the Post, which noted the flag is not illuminated at night, which is required for those who do not take the flag down every day.

His repeated calls to the city’s all-purpose hotline, 311, have also yielded no results. And when he contacted the Department of Education, it told him the issue was the local janitor’s problem.

That itself seems to point to a larger problem, however.

*** end quote ***

If Vets don’t take action, who will?

Certainly not politicians or bureaucrats.

# – # – # – # – #  2012-Mar-19 @ 09:07

RANT: ‘Pink Slime’ for your kids?

[TIP ‘o’ the HAT to: Mike Elgan Weekly]

US government buys 7 million pounds of ‘pink slime’ for America’s children. Pink slime is when th…
Mar 07, 2012 10:05 pm

US government buys 7 million pounds of ‘pink slime’ for America’s children.

*** begin quote ***

Pink slime is when they take all the cow parts left over after everything usable has been removed from a cow, grind it up, sterilize it with ammonium hydroxide (which may not work), then shape it into burgers and other food-like products.

Pink slime is so nasty and controversial even McDonald’s, Burger King and Taco Bell have stopped using it. But a new report says the US government is buying 7 million pounds of it to feed to America’s school children.

*** end quote ***



# – # – #


Everyone who reads my stuff or talk to me knows that I think the Gooferment is the problem.

Anyone doubt that is true after reading this story.

Can there be any redeeming value in “pink slime”?

Sure, if some private company wants to risk their own money to provide a budget product and consumers buy it, then there’s the value.

Unfortunately, when the Gooferment buys you a steak, pink slime is what you get.

Separation of Gooferment from EVERYTHING!

# – # – # – # – #

LIBERTY: Conservatives should run for school boards?


On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 10:24 AM, LUDDITE wrote:

“If you saw this on Fox sorry about the repeat…wow, what an eye-opener….and does “

—– Forwarded Message —–

If you haven’t seen the below short video please, take a moment and watch it… see what a college professor learned about students’ expectations from government. Scary!!! This is what is wrong in our country and why we must work hard to get more conservatives to run for local school board and in the class rooms.

# – # – # – # – #

I think the problem is Gooferment Skrules. We should be seeking to correct this mistake. The Gooferment is propagandizing future voters. And, indoctrinating them into the “Big Gooferment” meme. End Gooferment Skrules! That’s the answer.

Not putting the “right” people on the Skrule Board. That just propagates the mistake.


# – # – # – # – #

POLITICAL: What the government is not


The Case for Austerity
by Andrew P. Napolitano

*** begin quote ***

Government is not a jobs program, and government is not your caretaker. Government is an arrangement made by free individuals to protect their rights and their property.

It doesn’t take $3.6 trillion a year to do that effectively in America today. I doubt it takes a trillion. We must swallow the bitter pill of austerity now, on our own terms, while we are still the undisputed leader of the free world and while we still have a Constitution, so that we can restore our prosperity in a way consistent with personal liberty.

*** end quote ***

Certainly seems that the 15T$ national debt is OUR problem.

If we were all on the same page, then we could amortize that over generations.

Bet we could sell 50 year bonds!

But we’re not even on the same planet as some people.

The Tea Party and the Occupy folks were all screaming about the same thing. Crony Capitalism, Regulatory Capture, and Rule by the Effete Elite. (imho)

Time to cut spending. And get everyone back to work.

# – # – # – # – #

TECHNOLOGY: Test identity; not for drugs


Man with nine different names created massive benefits fraud from Thailand
Dublin man jailed for social welfare fraud
By CATHAL DERVAN, IrishCentral.com Staff Writer
Published Friday, July 22, 2011, 8:04 AM

*** begin quote ***

An Irish emigrant has been jailed for orchestrating a massive social welfare fraud across the border counties – while living it up in Thailand.

Paul Murray swindled the Irish taxpayer out of half a million dollars using nine different names in an elaborate international hoax.

The 63-year-old emigrated to Thailand in the 1970s but returned home every three months to collect his fraudulent social welfare payments.

*** end quote ***


The gang known as the State of Florida wants to test welfare recipients for illegal drugs.

Here’s an idea. DNA test all welfare recipients to establish identity.

Here’s another. Eliminate the dole. Period.

The Gooferment: Immoral, ineffective, and inefficient. In example after example.

Let’s use technology to solve problems?

# # # # #

TAGONIST: Wrong door raid in the Hudson Valley

The DEA has apologized for the wrong door raid in the Hudson Valley. John P. Gilbride, special agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration, issued a statement Friday clearing Spring Valley resident David McKay and his family of anything to do with the series of drug raids that took place early Thursday in Westchester and Rockland counties. “We sincerely regret that while attempting to execute an arrest warrant for a member of this drug trafficking organization, the innocent McKay family was inadvertently affected by this enforcement operation,” Gilbride said. “Though we take many precautions to prevent this type of incident from happening, drug investigations are very complex and involve many fluid factors,” Gilbride said. “DEA will continue to pursue these criminal organizations to protect the public from the scourge of drug trafficking.”

# – # – #

PRO-TAGONIST: I’m just glad they were working to stop drug traffickers. Collateral damage is often a byproduct of good yet dangerous work. It’s not like math, 2+2=4, it has many variables, is very risky and uncertainty. But in the end, the more criminals we can stop…some collateral damage along the way is acceptable, to me anyway. It’a like a drone that takes out Al-Qaida terrorists planning an attack. Sometimes there is collateral damage there too, but when compared to the potential loss of lives the terrorists could have done, it is a win. No loss of life or liberty is a good thing…but it’s a mean world out there.

AN-TAGONIST: Little hard if you’re the “collateral damage”! Argh, makes me sick. The family in the Hudson Valley had Fourth Amendment rights to be secure in the home. Sorry, but I’d PUBLICLY discipline folks. If I was the Head of the DEA, I’d put at least a Letter of Reprimand in every single file of ANYONE involved in the raid. Including my own! I’d probably reassign the “Special Agent In Charge” to where ever the North Pole office was located. Nothing will send a message to bureaucrats as a threat to their beloved livelihood of “lifetime employment”. I’d put every other SAIC that a repeat blunder will result in termination. That’s what happens in the real world. One strike and you’re out! Argh! Legalize drugs; we’re all the “collateral damage” in the “(pseudo) War on (some) Drugs”.]

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How To Use Dropbox and TrueCrypt To Securely Transfer Files Privately
by Bill Rounds

*** begin quote ***


Using Dropbox and TrueCrypt should appear fairly self-evident by now. For example, you can travel with a laptop that contains no information across borders and when you arrive at your destination just install Dropbox and sync with your files from the cloud. Because Dropbox has control of the encryption key you can use TrueCrypt for an added layer of protection. That way if the Dropbox servers were compromised for whatever reason the your files would still be encrypted.

Another wonder aspect of setting up your information architecture to use TrueCrypt and Dropbox is that you no longer need to worry about backing up the files. This can save lots of time and headache.

*** end quote ***

So much for the child pornographers being caught at the border crossing.

I’m advising that all international travelers NOT carry ANY computing platform through “security”. (Not that it makes us any more secure; it’s just theater to amuse the rubes.)

That means phone, ipads, netbooks … … nothing.

You can’t know what they will “find” when they do their “data proctology” exam. Or, what they will place on your hardware when it’s outside of your control.

Come to think of it that’s good advice even inside the US.


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MONEY: Pensions are an attractive pot of money


*** begin quote ***

The article goes on to detail other pension grabs in Bulgaria, Poland, France and Ireland. Obviously, this is a cautionary tale for America. If fiscal austerity becomes a real issue in the U.S. the way that it’s been reaching critical mass in Europe — don’t think that U.S. lawmakers regard your either your personal wealth or money they might owe you as sacrosanct. Government has a habit of looking out for itself.

*** end quote ***

Too arms! To arms! Bad ideas have a way of flowing over “the pond”. Where will politicians find a lot of quick easy money? Sure, your retirement! And, the politicians and bureaucrats only have to strong arm about 2200 “custodians”. Who happen to be the very people that were “bailed out” with taxpayer money last year. So how much of a bonus did you get, Taxpayer? Mine must have gotten lost in the mail. I’d suggest that everyone take keyboard to hand and share this story. Then, get to your congress critter with a stern warning — keep your mitts off my retirement! Argh!!!

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POLITICAL: USPS, an idea who’s time has past


Privatizing the U.S. Postal Service
by Tad DeHaven
November 2010

*** begin quote ***

Although the law says that postal employees should receive wages and benefits comparable to what they could earn in the private sector, the majority of economic studies examining the issue have concluded that a postal pay premium of 20%– 25% exists if just wages are counted and about 35% if the Service’s very generous benefits are also included. {33}

*** and ***

The USPS is in a financial death spiral because of the myriad factors discussed. It faces a projected $238 billion in losses over the next 10 years under the status quo. To avoid a large and growing burden from being foisted on taxpayers in coming years, the USPS should be privatized and postal markets open for competition from FedEx, UPS, and upstart entrepreneurs.

*** and ***

Policymakers resistant to reform often depict the USPS as a “national asset” that “binds the nation together.” But these days, it’s the Internet and our telecommunications networks that bind families and businesses together across the nation. It’s time to let go of the nostalgia for the USPS and bring America’s postal services into the 21st century with privatization, open competition, and entrepreneurial innovation.

*** end quote ***

Of course, “Con”-gress gives itself free mail privileges. And, it is up to its “elbows” in local post office placement and such.

I can’t imagine what the free market will provide, but I’m sure it will.

Think about UPS and FEDEX released.

I’m sure they can do better.

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