INSPIRATIONAL: Refugees survive due to a few gold coins

Gold and Money in Extremis… One Man’s Story
By Daily Reckoning Contributor

*** begin quote ***

I was ordered to get my coat and accompany them. I was taken to a station and asked many questions. It was a stroke of luck for me that the Russian soldier to whom I had spoken in the past was here among them. After conferring with the others, he said: “Because you were born in Siberia, speak Russian, and you’re an uneducated worker — much like us — we will not detain you further. You may go for now.” He then gently grabbed my elbow and said very quietly, “Go back to your family, Marion. Get prepared for deportation to Siberia.” I ran home.

At dawn, I retrieved the gold and jewelry. I found my largest boots and heaviest jacket. I lined the bottom of my boots carefully with small coins and put leather over the insoles. I slit the heels, carefully hollowed out what I could and stuffed larger gold coins inside the cavities. Finally, I opened up various parts of my jacket and distributed more gold chain and coins in it — with great care so they did not rattle and were hard to detect.

Several days later, we were awakened by a knock at 4 a.m. and told we were being deported to Siberia. We were given 15 minutes to gather any personal belongings needed for immediate use. Our land, homes, and possessions were now property of the Russian state. My wife, my three-year-old daughter, and I were put into a truck with a group of others and taken to a railroad station.

We would never see our parents, our siblings, nor set foot on Polish soil, again. I was greatly relieved that they did not check my jacket or my shoes. My small cache of gold was going with me.

*** end quote ***

Like the Christmas story, where Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem to “register” and eventually flee, here’s a powerful lesson. It can happen to you!

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INSPIRATIONAL: Hopefully it induces you to action

How Doctors Die
It’s Not Like the Rest of Us, But It Should Be
by Ken Murray

*** begin quote ***

Years ago, Charlie, a highly respected orthopedist and a mentor of mine, found a lump in his stomach. He had a surgeon explore the area, and the diagnosis was pancreatic cancer. This surgeon was one of the best in the country. He had even invented a new procedure for this exact cancer that could triple a patient’s five-year-survival odds—from 5 percent to 15 percent—albeit with a poor quality of life. Charlie was uninterested. He went home the next day, closed his practice, and never set foot in a hospital again. He focused on spending time with family and feeling as good as possible. Several months later, he died at home. He got no chemotherapy, radiation, or surgical treatment. Medicare didn’t spend much on him.

It’s not a frequent topic of discussion, but doctors die, too. And they don’t die like the rest of us. What’s unusual about them is not how much treatment they get compared to most Americans, but how little. For all the time they spend fending off the deaths of others, they tend to be fairly serene when faced with death themselves. They know exactly what is going to happen, they know the choices, and they generally have access to any sort of medical care they could want. But they go gently.

*** end quote ***

I hope, that when we finally find out “the right answers” at the Final Judgement, my decisions about my wife’s end of life care will be the “correct” ones. The handwriting was on the wall when her kidney’s shut down. I asked her if she understood that meant? Her last words were “when will this all be over?” My tearful reply was “Soon, hon, real soon.” It was.

No pain. Peace.

Not for those left behind.

But the race had been run. And Death won.

As it always does.

My paperworks been updated because when my time comes as it does to all of us, I’m hoping for the “Good Death”.

Luckily, in my case, there’ll be no spouse left behind.

“And I’ve lost her … . I’m so sad that I don’t have … . But I’m so grateful that she was with me … . And I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?” — Chuck Noland ala Tom Hanks in Cast Away (2000)

# – # – # – # – # 2011-Dec-12 @ 13:22

INSPIRATIONAL: Vets Day “Understanding the true price”


Here’s my reaction.

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Thanks, but there are others far more worthy than I to receive such a message. All I did was “defend” Maryland. Unfortunately, the US’s political leadership hasn’t measured up to the worth of the girls and boys who served. Argh! That’s why I’m for Ron “bring the troops home” Paul. Ten years in AfPak, two sessions in the sandbox, and open ended wars in six countries in Africa only highlights the absurdity of bases in Korea, Japan, and Germany. Time for a return to a good old American tradition of MYOB. Yeah, I know, grumpy fat old white guy injineer. But, “old soldiers” see things a lot more clearly in their dotage. That’s why we shouldn’t be allowing non-vets “chicken hawks” to send those young girls and boys out to fight. Not that vets are any smarter, braver, or stronger. Just that they understand what the price is. That’s what Vet’s Day is all about. Understanding the true price.

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INSPIRATIONAL: Coach Summitt, one tough lady

Summitt’s diagnosis raises Alzheimer’s awareness

By BETH RUCKER, AP Sports Writer

*** begin quote ***

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP)—Tennessee coach Pat Summitt hopes her public battle with dementia raises awareness about the disease and inspires people to do more.

Kentucky associate head coach Kyra Elzy is one of many whom Summitt has already touched.

After making a New Year’s resolution to do more volunteer work in 2011, when the 59-year-old Summitt made her announcement in August, Elzy saw a perfect opportunity to honor her former coach and her grandmother, who had Alzheimer’s.

Elzy volunteers at Best Friends Day Care in Lexington, Ky., an adult day care for people who require supervision.

“My coach, Coach Summitt, she is very courageous, very strong and a very giving person, so for her to come out in public with the type of platform she brings, everybody takes notice, everybody listens,” Elzy said. “It was so courageous of her to want to help others. She’s a face and a voice that people respect. It’s just breathtaking.”

Summitt, who revealed in August that she’d been diagnosed with early-onset dementia, Alzheimer’s type, isn’t the only famous person fighting dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Many public figures who have faced Alzheimer’s, such as former president Ronald Reagan and actor Charlton Heston, were diagnosed late in life and privately faced the disease.

*** end quote ***

One can only pray that a cure is found for this disease that robs one of their memories and takes their dignity.

Donna Nobis Pacem

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INSPIRATIONAL: Dyno gal that is worth 20 minutes

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Ten things I know for sure:

1. Change is never good; it’s unstoppable, relentless, and often silent.

2. Cherish every moment; even the bad times. You may view them as better than where you are now.

3. Often your paradigms and memes are wrong; you have to keep questioning your assumptions.

4. You should have children so that, hopefully, some one cares.

5. “Run out” all your ideas; hindsight is 20-20. “I could a been a contender!”

6. Figure out your personal “success for your generation”.

7. Advice, no matter how well intentioned, is often wrong. What’s right for the advisor can be completely wrong for you.

8. Time is a unique thing. Everyone has this moment. What you do with it may matter? Carpe diem us an understatement.

9. All of the world’s problems are rooted in “fiat money”.

10. A marketplace is an election in which everyone’s needs are “equally” dissatisfied.

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INSPIRATIONAL: The death of somebody close to you

5 Ways to Cope During a Life Crisis
Written by Paul Browning
Categories: self improvement

*** begin quote ***

One of the great things about a life crisis is you get to find out what works. When life is easy and no major challenges are on the horizon, you can read all about affirmations, pray, meditate, firewalk or just read self-help manuals written by big-name gurus. Then life throws you a major health challenge, the end of a relationship, the death of somebody close to you and an unexpected job loss. Now what?

*** and ***

The center is the core of YOU, where you sense all your feelings and experience your emotions.

*** end quote ***

I’m not so sure that these tactics work for me.

Can’t hurt to try them.

I’ve never had a unique center in forty years. Hard to figure out where it is.

It’s easier to go back to bed. :-) Or blog, That’s the same thing.

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INSPIRATIONAL: Imagining what might have been

My Life in Key West
Posted by Key West Lou at 7:54 AM

*** begin quote ***

Williams was a pianist. The best! Popular tunes.

He came upon the musical scene in 1955. Autumn Leaves. Outstanding! To listen to, to dance to, to make love to. I was 19. She was 19. Her name was Terri Hoffman. I was at Manhattan College at the time. She at New Rochelle.

Terri was a day hop. She lived in Larchmont with her family and daily commuted to New Rochelle.

Terri and her family lived in a large apartment complex on the Boston Post Road. An apartment high up. Her Dad was an attorney working with a not for profit in New York. Terri had twin brothers. If my recollection is correct, they also were attorneys.

One evening, Terri and I were sitting about 500 feet from a country club in her home area. The club was located on the ocean near her home. We were sitting on some rocks by the water. There was a party at the nearby club. We could hear Autumn Leaves being played.

It was a night of passion for us. We necked. Period! Nothing more. Not even touching. This was more than 50 years ago and any more was unheard of.

Some evenings, Terri and I would dance in her living room to Autumn Leaves. Lights out. Her family gone.

I have thought of Terri periodically over the years. I have no idea what happened to her or where she is. Each time I think of her, Autumn Leaves is in the background.

*** end quote ***

I guess it’s common for old men to think back to old times. Happier times.

In Lou’s case, triggered by a song, he remembers a girl long lost in time.

In my case, I too think of two two girls. Now both long lost. One in time; the other in death. One, not chosen; the other of forty years plus.

Makes me sad.

For what might have been. What shoulda been. What coulda been.

If we could but rewind the VCR of time and play it over and over again.

Like “Groundhog’s Day”.

Yup, those … Shouldas, couldas, and wouldas! … they will really kill your soul.

“And I’ve lost her … . I’m so sad that I don’t have … . But I’m so grateful that she was with me … . And I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?” — Chuck Noland ala Tom Hanks in Cast Away (2000)

But still we return to the old days. Imagining what might have been.

Donna Nobis Pacem

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INSPIRATIONAL: Knowing what to do when something bad happens?

Get Over Your Life – It Doesn’t Have to Be Miserable
Written by Marcelina Hardy
Categories: self improvement

*** begin quote ***

Attack, Squash and Move On

Bad things happen to everyone. No one is immune to that. The differences between people who are happy and miserable people are that happy ones know what to do when something bad happens.

They attack it, like a vulture on prey. As soon as something look like it’s about to go awry they are on top of it to squash it.

If they aren’t able to stop the crisis from happening, they do everything in their power to control every part of it until it’s resolved. They take it over and do whatever they have to do to resolve it. Once it’s resolved, they take a deep breath, relax and move on with a smile.

So what does it feel like after an accomplishment like that? Image yourself conquering a crisis with control and strength. Now you know can take on anything life wants to throw your way. You are ready.

*** end quote ***

It’s not all that easy.

Some things are a permanent punch in the gut.

Some times you don’t have choice.

“My love, were it in my power, I would sadly grant thee this boon. But, we have to continue to follow His Plan for us. Let’s go forth and speak no more of this. Who ever is last will be last. It will be His choice; not ours. We’re but humble custodians of His temple on earth. It’s not our place to trump His plan. Whatever that plan be, know that I will be with you to my last breath.” — character “John” in CHURCH 10●19●62 Volume 2 Page 399

But that doesn’t mean being “happy” going forward.

One goes “forward” because there’s really no other choice.

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Posted on October 7, 2011 at 9:52am by Mike Opelka

*** begin quote ***

Meet The 53%. Who are they? The term 53% refers to the people who are actually paying taxes for themselves and the rest of the country.

The 53% is a group of responsible young people organizing across the country. However, this group is not camping out in parks around the country and demanding the entire capitalist system be destroyed. These men and women have jobs (most of them work at more than one job in order to make ends meet), but they are talking about attending the Minneapolis Occupy Wall St. protest scheduled for today – Friday, October 7th.

*** end quote ***

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INSPIRATIONAL: Coach Pat Summitt will receive the Maggie Dixon Courage award

Summitt to receive Maggie Dixon Courage award
By DOUG FEINBERG, AP Basketball Writer

*** begin quote ***

NEW YORK (AP)—Coach Pat Summitt will receive the Maggie Dixon Courage award when she brings her Tennessee Lady Vols to the sixth annual Classic that honors the former Army coach.

*** end quote ***

Praying for Coach Summit.

Into the Valley of Death, rode one tough lady.

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INSPIRATIONAL: Dolores Hope; dead at the age of 102

Dolores Hope remembered for deep Catholic faith

By Kevin J. Jones

*** begin quote ***

Los Angeles, Calif., Sep 21, 2011 / 12:31 am (CNA).- Dolores Hope, the widow of entertainer Bob Hope and a supporter of many Catholic charities, was a Catholic of “deep abiding faith,” Archbishop José H. Gomez said in tribute to her life.

“Both the entertainment world and the Church have lost a woman of profound faith, gifted musical talent, and dedication to the betterment of peoples world-wide. The death of Dolores Hope leaves a huge void in Southern California,” he said.

“May she now enter into that eternal life and light prepared for her by the God whom she loved so fully and deeply.”

Mrs. Hope died Sept. 19 at the age of 102.

*** end quote ***

In this day and age, she certainly made her mark quietly.

I always gave them credit for class. He for his clean although risque troop shows. Her for her USO work.

An amazing couple.

World’s a little poorer without them.

# – # – # – # – # 2011-Sep-21 @ 10:37

INSPIRATIONAL: Now that’s “constituant service”

Mon, Sep 19 2011
Congressman Phil Roe performs CPR on man at airport
By Colleen Jenkins
WINSTON-SALEM, North Carolina | Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:39pm EDT

*** begin quote ***

(Reuters) – Representative Phil Roe retired from his medical career to go to Congress, but on Tuesday he put his doctor skills to use to help save a man’s life at a Charlotte, North Carolina airport.

*** end quote ***

Now that’s “constituant service”!!!

# – # – # – # – # 2011-Sep-20 @ 21:39

INSPIRATIONAL: “Leave Your Tower”? Are they kidding!

7 Steps to Making Your Dream Come True
Written by Doug Rice
Categories: productivity tips, self improvement

*** begin quote ***

#3. Leave Your Tower

To make your dreams come true, you’ve got to get started.

Eventually, you need to move from the realm of thinking to the realm of doing. You need to make a “no turning back” decision that sets you in the direction of accomplishing your goals.

For Rapunzel, this decision is to leave her tower for the first time in her life. Once her feet touch the ground, she realizes that she’s taken the biggest step that she’ll need to take during her entire journey. “I can’t believe I did this!” She keeps shouting as she experiences her newfound freedom.

Have you taken the initial step? Or, are you still stuck in your tower dreaming? Nothing will ever happen until you get started. You’ve got to get out of your comfort zone and burn the bridge leading back to it. Break off the unhealthy relationship you’re in. Buy an expensive set of paints for your first masterpiece. Quit your job. Do something that sends the signal that you are serious and you’re not turning back.

*** end quote ***

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I was doing ok until he said “leave tower”. I’m an ITSJ!

<<Yes, I KNOW it’s ISTJ, BUT, (and there is always a BIG butt), as an IT guy, I LIKE it as ITSJ!>>

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TECHNOLOGY: “Low” tech? I’d call it “essential”

Tom Vander ArkCEO, Open Education Solutions
18 Low-Tech Learning Innovations
Posted: 8/28/11 01:00 PM ET

Education Reform , Google , Teachers , Education Innovation , Education Idea , Education Innovation America , Innovation , Learning Innovations , Learning Low-Tech , Teacher Innovations , Education News

*** begin quote ***

I frequently write about new learning technologies, but there are lots of low tech learning innovations (i.e., produce better outcomes and potentially cost less). Here’s a lit of 18. I bet you can add two to the list to make it an even 20. At this point, some aren’t really innovations, they are demonstrated best practices but they exist in so few places they are worth mentioning.

1. High expectations and future focus. In the first minute of visiting an Aspire elementary school you see, feel, and hear about the college going focus — a unique and powerful combination of high expectations and future orientation.

*** end quote ***

Seems like this is a “universal” low tech list. Never saw an enterprise use this approach.

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INSPIRATIONAL: The “infamous Florena Budwin”

Confederate Prison Site Turned National Cemetery
By Ron Walters August 15, 2011 at 11:52 am

*** begin quote ***

Not far from the trenches a single headstone sits apart, bearing the name Florena Budwin. Her life was a fascinating one. Having disguised herself as a man to follow her husband into battle, she was captured and interned at the notorious Andersonville prison and later moved to the Florence stockade. Owing to meager rations and disease at the prison, she fell ill. The doctor who treated her uncovered her carefully guarded secret. Following her recovery, she stayed on at the prison to nurse her fellow soldiers, fell ill again, and died in January 1865.

*** end quote ***

Interesting that women “snuck” in to fight?

The blurb on this post says: “the infamous Florena Budwin”

Why “infamous”?

Inspirational that she said as a nurse.

Women are “tough stuff”.

Like the joke says, “if men had to have babies, the human race would have end after the first generation”.

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INSPIRATIONAL: West Point’s code

MAIN STREETAUGUST 22, 2011, 11:09 P.M. ET
Duty, Honor, Football
What West Point could teach Miami.

*** begin quote ***

The ingredients of Miami’s vices—the nightclubs, the prostitutes, the yachts—make it far juicier than the typical pay-for-play. The scandal here is not that teenage football players behave badly when a wealthy benefactor indulges their every appetite. The scandal is what it says about the impoverished sense of community on our college and university campuses, and the fecklessness of those who know better.

*** end quote ***

Time for the NCAA to admit it’s all about the Benjamins and drop the pretense of “amateur”. But then what do we accept bad conduct from our politicians?

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INSPIRATIONAL: Ideas as sad little orphans

Starlee Kine: Fear, Heartbreak, and Making It Happen Against All Odds

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Twenty minutes, but very interesting. A motivator.

A good label for ideas — Little Orphan Annie — Tomorrow.

I’ve blogged about “you are what you sing”; this lady reenforces the idea.

Overly dramatic about her breakup? I don’t think so. It’s a terrible thing to lose your soul mate.

Like the Biblical story of Adam’s rib, it that completion.

And, what does one do?

Haven’t figured that out yet. I wonder if I ever will?

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INSPIRATIONAL: Celebrate Independence Day; bring ALL the girls and boys home

Watch this video and see if you don’t agree. Then, tell your politicians and bureaucrats. Vote Ron Paul, the true peace candidate.

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Credit to Gretchen Rubin for finding this video.

*** begin quote ***

I loved this video of two children who unwrap a big gift — not knowing that their father, who just finished his deployment, is hidden in the box. One child bursts out crying, and I absolutely understand that emotion. Too much to take in.

*** end quote ***

I agree; to me, it spoke volumes.

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INSPIRATIONAL: Would you trade me for a xxxxxxxxx who would live longer?”.

TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2011
Would You Trade Me?

*** begin quote ***

I was a teenager when my mother fought cancer. As she lay dying I was understandably upset. She squeezed my hand and pulled me close. She whispered in my ear. “Would you trade me?”. I did not understand the question, so she asked, “Would you trade me for a mother who would live longer?”.

*** and ***

If you cannot change a bad situation, do not let it define you.

*** end quote ***

As Perry Mason would say “Objection. The question assumes facts not yet in evidence.”

Nor would there ever be any evidence.

Can’t rewind the VCR. No redos like Groundhog Day. No way to know.

I can empathize with the question.

The answer is “Of course not”. Because even if you wanted to, you can’t. So why waste your time, attention, and effort to make yourself even more unhappy.

My advice is: “Make a decision and hang on for the ride.”

Mine was a hell of a ride. Too short. But there are no guarantees when you buy your ticket to ride.


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INSPIRATIONAL: TV increases chances of dying before 65

June 15th, 2011 at 8:52 am
Two hours of TV a day increases chances of dying before 65

*** begin quote ***

The activity – or rather the inactivity – raises the odds of developing Type 2 diabetes and heart disease, say scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health in the US.

They believe television compromises health in two ways.

Firstly, it gets in the way of more healthy pastimes – those that involve physical movement.

Secondly, people tend to consume more junk food and drink while viewing.

*** end quote ***

Hmmm, will I make it?

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INSPIRATIONAL: You know not the day nor the hour

First Communion girl dies in bouncy castle tragedy
Family devastated after freak gust of wind accident
By CATHAL DERVAN , Staff Writer
Published Monday, May 16, 2011, 7:23 AMUpdated Monday, May 16, 2011, 9:49 AM

*** begin quote ***

Little Amy Byrne’s big day ended in tragedy when the eight-year-old died from head injuries after she was thrown from a bouncy castle at the family farm.

Parents Paul and Lorraine Byrne are being comforted by family and friends after the tragic loss of their daughter when a gust of wind threw the bouncy castle into the air.

The little girl lost her footing when the wind caught the castle shortly after 6pm on Saturday and sustained serious head injuries as she landed on the ground after she was thrown out of the castle.

*** end quote ***

It’s hard to imagine a worse day for the parents.

Donna Nobis Pacem

Carpe Diem

Stories like this teach us a lesson to easily forgotten.

Especially when after the lesson, it’s too late to do it over.

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INSPIRATIONAL: Diabetes kill another nice person; when can we get a cure?

From Karen Kenworthy email account

*** begin quote ***

April 25, 2011 5:30 PM

Dear Friends, I suspect that many of you have noticed that the last issue of Karen©s Power Tools Newsletter was dated March 17, 2010, and you may have been anxiously awaiting another. It is with great sadness that I write to tell you of Karen©s death on April 12, 2011, after a long struggle with several debilitations, including diabetes. I know that Karen touched many of you with her kindness, wit, creativity and encouragement. She was a loving daughter, sister, aunt and friend. And she was a pretty darned good programmer, too. We are deeply grieving her loss. For now, Karen©s server is still running, the programs she has written can still be downloaded, and donations can still be made through the website. We are also working to fill all CD orders that have been submitted or mailed. It is difficult to make business decisions while grieving. So, at this point, I cannot say what will be the future of, except to say that we will certainly continue Karen©s commitment to safeguard your privacy as shown at the Privacy link of Many of you have already written many kinds words of condolence and comfort. Please know that we greatly appreciate you. If you care to make a contribution in her honor, she was a long-time supporter of The Dohnavur Fellowship, a special children©s ministry in southern India. You can learn more about them at All we ask is that you remember her whenever you take the case off of your computer, contemplate removing entries from your Windows Registry, listen to Bob Wills or Riders in the Sky, or wave and say ©Hi!© to anyone on the ©net. May God richly bless you, as He has all those who knew Karen. Bill Kenworthy Karen©s brother

*** end quote ***

Dear Bill,

I’m very sorry to hear this. While I didn’t know Karen, I was just a fan. My wife died in February also after a long struggle with diabetes and its complications. I know somewhat of what you’re going through. You’re all in my prayers. What else can one do?


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What do we have to do to get a cure to this deadly killer. Clearly what we are doing right now isn’t getting us a cure.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” — attributed to Einstein

We need some “outside of the box” action!

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INSPIRATIONAL: Date specific Mass Cards

Recently, I was surprised when someone close to me didn’t know that there were two kinds of Mass cards. I thought this was surprising. Blinding flash of the obvious. I figured I should post about the difference.

Catholics, and others, “buy” “Mass Cards” for the deceased. It’s an attempt to “buy the deceased’s way into heaven”.

You can decide if such exists, if it’s an appropriate strategy, and if it does any good.

There are, in fact, two types. One with a specific date for the Mass being offered for the name deceased and one without.

The date-specific ones cite a date, time, and location where that specific Mass will be offered.

The non-date-specific promise something else. Masses offered, prayers, “enrollment”, and all sorts of stuff.

Now the funds, given for “Mass Cards”, hopefully go towards good works. So in that sense, it always does good.

There’s a tradition in the American Irish, (I don’t know about other groups), that date specific events in memory of a loved one should be attended.

So, I received four of these. And, I attended one so far, and I plan to go to the other three.

It may or may not make a difference.

So, now, everyone knows that there are, what I will call, “Mass Cards” and “ersatz Mass Cards”.

Interesting the distinction.

It’s inspirational in that people will give away their wealth to try and make the family of the deceased feel better.

One of my now deceased Uncles, called these “White Elephants”, in that you’re being given something that requires actions on your part.

So imho be careful to GIVE “white elephants” they seem to be worth more.

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INSPIRATIONAL: Addis Hope — USA $9.00 — sponsor a child for a year!

Dear Donor Partners of Addis Hope,

The cost of running the Addis Hope program has now increased by 53% and when some long standing donor partners can no longer assist at the same funding level, I am extremely worried about the future of this much needed program. Your desperately needed financial support obviously continues to be our vital life line. The 150 Ethiopian dollars – the equivalent today of USA $9.00 we have been asking for the last ten years of the program to sponsor a child for a year makes it very difficult to keep the program operational in light of the huge increase in the cost of living.

As many of you have responded very generously to our Christmas appeal, I’m now asking if it would be possible for even more of you to do the same this Easter season by going to our web site ( to locate any additional “disposable income” for the program.

For the children of Addis Hope the program is intended to grow their minds to feed their future in a country where malnourishment of both the intellect and body is very evident.

Again, many thanks and may the risen Lord continue to bless you.
Brother Gregory Flynn (Jack)

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[JR: I prefer charities that I can “see”. In this case, I trust my fellow Jasper. Seems like a good “sacrifice” to make — 9 bucks. Little more than a “designer” beer at any place other than a dive. For a year! Seems like a “good buy”.]

# – # – # – # – # 2011-Apr-20 @ 09:58

INSPIRATIONAL: “Conscience” as a legal doctrine

Illinois Pharmacists Win Key Victory on Morning After Pill
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 4/5/11 7:00 PM

*** begin quote ***

The American Center for Law and Justice today secured a sweeping victory for pro-life pharmacy owners in Illinois after a legal battle lasting six years.

A state court in Illinois issued a decision striking down a state law that compels pharmacy owners to dispense Plan B and other forms of emergency contraception, even if doing so violates their religious or moral beliefs.

*** end quote ***

As a little L libertarian, I’m against any form of Gooferment compulsion. Personally, I’m pro-life. I think abortion, euthanasia, and the “death penalty” are wrong for numerous reasons on so many levels.

By the same token, I would not use the force of law to imprison women who make difficult choices. Nor would I punish the doctors who help them in their time of need.

I’m pro-choice on everything.

When we can place all the orphans in decent homes, even if those are orphanages, (I cite Dave Thomas as an exemplar.), then we can become more “interested” in preserving “life”.

The Gooferment has an interest in protecting the lives of people. There is a valid question as to when does life begin? Conception, third trimester, birth, when they can take care of themselves, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, 13, 18, 21, or when they can fight for their rights.

Essentially, it’s when we all agree it does. And, take action to make it so.

Everyone should always follow their conscience. If the Gooferment’s diktat conflict, that’s immoral.

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INSPIRATIONAL: April 2 Shining a Light for Autism Awareness Day

It’s the Little Things
By Patrice E. Athanasidy
April 2, 2011

*** begin quote ***

April 2: Shining a Light for Autism Awareness Day

The Lakeland schools are spreading awareness as they “Light It Up Blue.”

April is Autism Awareness Month and today, April 2 is its main day. Awareness is key and that’s because experts believe that the earlier intervention begins, the better the results for children on the autistic spectrum are.

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Looking for a blue light to put in my window. I can’t imagine the load you’re carrying. I can’t imagine the number of children afflicted. I can’t do much to change the world. Here’s a quick prayer to support you. Having know how sickness can impact families, I just wish you the strength and stamina to “run your race”. Good thing that women are much stronger than men. Like the old joke, “if men had to have babies, the human race would have died out eons ago”, here’s one fat old white guy injineer’s applause for your “heavy lift”. jasper fjohn68

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