ECONOMICS: Measuring the FED’s inflation over time

Wildest Inflation Red Flag: Vegas Table Limits | SchiffGold

*** begin quote ***
Take the Las Vegas Strip. Casinos on the Strip, long known for trying to take the money of everyone from the highest high-rolling whale to the coupon-clipping low-roller camped out at Motel 6 or Excalibur Casino, are now finally admitting that some dollars aren’t worth the effort of taking. In August, the Wall Street Journal reported on the declining number of tables where you could play blackjack in Las Vegas while the amount of revenue earned from blackjack stayed high even as casinos offered worse rules to players, such as paying out 6:5 when a player receives a “blackjack” rather than the traditional 3:2. Strip casinos are also doing away with low table limits, meaning that players that want to risk $5 or $10 on a single hand of blackjack are struggling to find a game.
*** end quote ***
​Wow.  I remember 25¢ craps where I learned to play.  And 10¢ a way Keno on 15 lines.  Sigh.  I miss the cheap buffets, “free” rooms, and $1 per seat “shows”.  Progress?  I think not; INFLATION due to the FED and Gooferment spending.

GOVEROTRAGEOUS: How about the sneakiness of the Gooferment with our “money”


Ronald P. Society Hill • 2 Nov • 

*** begin quote ***

The sneakiness of manufacturers! 

One has to be so aware of how manufacturers dupe their customers. 

We have been a big fan of Chock Full O’Nuts Coffee for many years. Always liked to wait for when the coffee went on sale for $1.99 per can. The new sale price at ShopRite reducing it from $5.69 a can is now $2.99. We put the coffee in a canister instead of using it out of the can. Suddenly the canister did not get filled. Apparently the amount of coffee that is now in the can is 10.3 ounces instead of 13 ounces! So now the sales price went up 50% and the quantity of coffee went down over 20%. 

I have found that manufacturers slip in a new reduced package size when they put the item on sale and customers don’t pay attention to the quantity. 

This is not unique to this company but seems to be practiced widely. It is always buyer beware.

*** end quote ***

Let’s not ignore the Gooferment’s role in all of this.

It has inflated the number of dollars in circulation by several trillion.  

Don’t you think that has some role in all this?

See my blog rants about penny candy, nickel cigars, and dime comics!

Shrinkflation is the manufactures’ response to a dollar devaluation.

“Dollar stores” are proliferating because that’s what people can afford.  

I can’t imagine shopping for food in a dollar store, but I think we are going to see more of this.  Not less.

Time to vote the clowns out and just resist.


DISCOURAGING: What’s messed up and what’s not

​*** begin quote ***
Pretty sure everyone with even a couple of functional brain cells can see that everything is falling apart. Whether by design or coincidence can be debated, personally I believe it is a mix of by design and unintended consequences thrown in for good measure. Inflation, Crime, Random acts of violence, a failed public education system, supply chain malfunctions, work force participation, illegal immigration, food shortages, sheer Government incompetence, Polarization and Deep Divisions, A general mix of fear and hostility out in society. The list just keeps going to the point that the list of things NOT wrong and messed up is a lot shorter than the list of things that ARE wrong and messed up.
*** end quote ***​
I’d point out the SVB depositors bailout as a “national disaster”.

MONEY: “Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero.” -Voltaire, 1694-1778


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Unlike dollars, there will only ever be 21 million Bitcoin

“Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero.” -Voltaire, 1694-1778

The history of fiat money (ie. money issued by government decree) shows that governments consistently increase supply far beyond demand. This invariably leads to devaluation of the currency over time, something that we experience as inflation. Looking at some examples:

    The U.S. dollar has lost 96% of its value since 1913

    The euro has lost 40% of its value since 1997

    The pound has lost 99.602% of its value since 1751

“It’s going to be very hard to unseat bitcoin as a store of value, because it’s got a 14-year brand, and there’s a finite supply.”  — Billionaire investor Stanley Druckenmiller

*** end quote ***

I have put some spare change into ₿ and bullion on the off chance that the USA goes into a hyperinflation.  Based on the spending by Congress and the “printing” by the FED  — The Federal Reserve Bank is a misnomer. IT ain’t “federal”. It reserves nothing. And, it ain’t a “bank”. It is a private cartel of the elite banks run for their benefit and that of the entrenched politicians.  — I think more and more that this is a distinct probability.  Look at Turkey, Venezuela, Nigeria, and many other countries.  That’s what a runaway inflation looks like.


“Bullets, beans, bandaids, bullion, booze in a safe retreat”  — Unknown


MONEY: “Blue Light Special” announcement — fiat currencies like the U$D are being stolen by “inflation”

The 5 Stages Of Getting Orange-Pilled

 — via my feedly newsfeed

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​I’m at “acceptance and hope” stage​.  Back when the employment model switched from “lifetime employment” to “job hopping/consulting”, I told my turkeys that there was now “Blue Light Special” announcement like at the now defunct Kmart to tell them that “the game” had changed.  So to, now, imho, the “financial game” has changed and no announcement is being made.  Bitcoin, alternative forms of money, and other commodities are replacing fiat currencies like the U$D, Euro, and others.  Only the Russian Rouble has made the shift.  All other forms of fiat are subject to “inflation” aka Gooferment Theft. 

Unfortunately, not many have gotten the “non-announcement” and so will pay the tax and take the losses.  Heaven help the bond holders who will get triple screwed (i.e., inflation, loss of income, and loss of capital value) when the 1/7 seesaw rocks against them (i.e., 1% rise in interest rate yields a 7% decrease in the dollar value a bond).

FWIW YMMV and TANSTAAFL (“There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch” From Robert Heinlein’s classic) 


MONEY: Has time finally run out?

Peter Schiff Warns Tucker Carlson: Inflation Only Has One Way To Go!
TUESDAY, MAR 15, 2022 – 08:11 AM

*** begin quote ***

Last week, we got another big jump in consumer prices with the February CPI data. Peter Schiff appeared on Fox News with Tucker Carlson to talk about the rampant inflation. He said it’s only going to get worse. Inflation only has one way to go.

*** end quote ***

I’ve blogged about this self-inflicted national disaster for decades.  Been aware of the problem since the late 60’s.

And, I hope that I don’t I’ve to see some very ugly chickens come home to roost.

The problem is the FED! The Federal Reserve Bank is a misnomer. IT ain’t “federal”. It reserves nothing. And, it ain’t a “bank”. It is a private cartel of the elite banks run for their benefit and that of the entrenched politicians.

When will “We, The Sheeple” wake up?

If, ever!


RANT: Once again, I’m forced to agree with Piers; Biden has earned the scorn of the electorate

PIERS MORGAN: President Biden’s shameful move to muzzle the US media is a cynical and desperate Kim Jong-un style attempt to hide the fact that his presidency is turning into a total disaster
PUBLISHED: 10:01 EST, 8 December 2021 | UPDATED: 10:25 EST, 8 December 2021

*** begin quote *** 

It’s the kind of thing that regularly happens in Russia, China or North Korea.

When journalists stray too far above their totalitarian-controlled station and dare to hold their political leaders to any form of proper account, they get a visit or phone call from shady Government officials.

*** and ***

I wonder what it could have been that suddenly turned the media so negative against the President?

Oh wait, I remember.

  • August was when the cowardly leader of the free world threw millions of Afghanistan women to the Taliban wolves with his shocking sudden withdrawal of US troops, betraying American allies and costing many lives.
  • Then he authorized a disastrous botched drone strike on a terror suspect in Kabul that killed an innocent family of 10 including women and children.
  • In September, fresh mayhem erupted on the Southern border due to catastrophic mixed messaging from the Biden administration and Americans watched in horror as US border patrol horsemen charged into Haitian migrants. The President shamefully blamed his guards for the chaos, not himself for causing it.
  • In October, Biden tried to criminalize American parents who protested against their kids being taught woke agenda subjects like Critical Race Theory by encouraging the National Schools Board Association to disgracefully brand them ‘domestic terrorists.’
  • Later that month, America ground to a virtual shuddering halt with a vast flotilla of cargo ships stuck off the Californian coast, and a chronic shortage of food-delivery drivers causing empty shelves to appear right across the country.
  • This was a direct consequence of Biden’s reckless desire to behave like an all-year-round Santa Claus with his massive Covid-19 stimulus spending spree that sparked the inflation that provoked this crisis.
  • Prices surged, especially at the fuel pump, wages stagnated, and vast swathes of the American workforce quit their jobs because their President made it more economically beneficial for people to stay at home than go to work.

Yet far from the media giving Biden a tougher time than Trump over all this, as Milbank suggests, most of them went out of their way to defend him.

*** end quote ***

Once again, I’m forced to agree with Piers.  Despite being on a different page politically than he is, here I think he is spot on.

As Bill Clinton always said “It’s the economy stupid”.  And Sleepy Old Joe has screwed the pooch on that one.

Single handedly, killing the Keystone pipeline and making US oil difficult to get out of the ground, he has take the US from net-exported to begging OPEC for help.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Piers has assembled a great list of the difficulties that Joe has put himself in.


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Social Security is the biggest Ponzi scheme ever!

66247127 10158072914274381 3119017886148984832 n

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I usually joke that I have to live to 132 to steal all my soccer contributions back.

Now I’m not even sure that will be enough.

How did “We, The Sheeple” ever let the FDR and his socialists pull off the greatest theft in human history?

Now, how do we unwind it?


MONEY: Inflation deception — what goes up; never ever comes down

Is Inflation “Transitory”? Here’s Your Simple Test
THURSDAY, JUN 17, 2021 – 09:50 AM
Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

*** begin quote ***

Is inflation “transitory” in your household budget? Really? Where?

The Federal Reserve has been bleating that inflation is “transitory”–but what about the real world that we live in, as opposed to the abstract funhouse of rigged statistics? Here’s a simple test to help you decide if inflation is “transitory” in the real world.

Let’s start with some simple stipulations: price is price, there are no tricks like hedonics or substitution. Nobody cares if the truck stereo is better than it was 40 years ago, the price of the truck is the price we pay today, and that’s all that matters.

(Funny, the funhouse statistical adjustments never consider that appliances that used to last 30 years now break down and are junked after 3 years–if we adjusted for that, the $500 washer would be tagged at $5,000 today because it has lost 90% of its durability over the past 30 years.)

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My readers, acquaintances, friends, and anyone who will listen to me is probably tired of hearing me whine about “penny candy”, “three silver dimes for a 1965 gallon of gas”, “my long gone father-in-law’s fifty dollar bill”, and “the dollar losing 99% of its purchasing power in 50 years”.

I don’t know how else to make “We, The Sheeple” realize that the politicians are robbing us blind.


All I can say is save your nickels; at least they have some intrinsic value.


MONEY: Penny candy and other economic lessons

Peter Schiff With Tucker Carlson: Inflation Is a Painful Tax

*** begin quote ***

We’re told inflation isn’t a problem. But a quick trip out to the grocery store or to fill up your car with gas tells you otherwise. Prices are going up. Peter Schiff recently appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show to talk about inflation. He said the price of everything is going up and the value of everything is going down.

It’s clear that prices are rising.

*** end quote ***

I’m tired of ranting about inflation. 

Just do a search on the blog for “three silver dimes” and you’ll see some of my best examples (i.e., the Roman’s cloak, penny candy, 1968 gas prices).

It all comes down to the politicians and bureaucrats having an incentive for silent taxes.  If some Gooferment goon came in every year and seized 2% of your wealth (i.e., 2/100ths of your house), then you’d understand.

I don’t know what I can write that will make the point of inflation is due to the FED. (The Federal Reserve Bank is a misnomer. IT ain’t “federal”. It reserves nothing. And, it ain’t a “bank”. It is a private cartel of the elite banks run for their benefit and that of the entrenched politicians.)

Sure the rich, the elite, politicians, and bureaucrats love inflation.

It’s a racket.

“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it! You, and I, are not in the big club.” — George Carlin


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Eric Peter’s Reader Rant! “We” Need and “I Believe”…

Here’s the latest reader rant, with my comments below: Dave writes: I went for years as a healthy individual until a staph infection last April. Almost died. I am 75. You never know when it is your turn to be sick . So I am on the state insurance called Medicare.

Source: Reader Rant! “We” Need and “I Believe”…

*** begin quote ***

I agree that you never know when it is your turn to be sick. But that is not the issue. The issue – the moral issue – is whether your sickness and associated expenses impose an obligation upon me enforceable at gunpoint. And mine on you. My position is that they do not. That your life is yours and mine is mine and we each ought to be free to live our lives as we think best; to plan for life’s exigencies and regardless of them, accept that our problems, whether the result of irresponsibility or not, don’t give us the moral right to pick up guns and point them at other people.

*** end quote ***

As a little L libertarian, I agree that essentially EVERYONE is responsible for their own care.  However, under the guise of “insurance”, the Gooferment has made many promises, suggestions, “spins”, and innuendos about “coverage”.  So it’s no wonder that one of the “clovers” (Peter’s name for “We, The Sheeple”) is confused.  Given the “education” that passes for what happens in Gooferment Skrules, it’s no wonder that the disaster is ongoing.

I empathize with those of us in the same boat.  The Gooferment has stolen our savings by “taxation” and “inflation” in exchange for (non-existent) “protection” and (bankrupt and misrepresented) “insurance”.

What’s a crime victim to do?

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MONEY: Save the penny; it’s educational

If You Want People To Keep Using Cash, Support Killing The Penny
By Justin Pot on 15th May, 2015 

*** begin quote ***

There’s quote you might have heard.“A penny saved is a penny earned” -Ben Franklin

First: Franklin never said that. Second: adjusting for inflation, an early 1800’s penny is worth about 25 cents today. With these points in mind, I propose the following update: “A quarter saved is a quarter earned” -Unknown

My point is simple: when the penny was worth more, no one saw the need for a piece of currency valued at 1/25th of a penny. Creating something like that would have been stupid, because you couldn’t have bought anything with it.penny-bucketToday, it’s nearly impossible to find anything that costs one cent. Anywhere.Seriously: try to find anything that costs a penny. You’ll have to resort to a single nail at the hardware store, but when you try to pay for it with your penny the clerk will probably tell you not to bother – saying to just take the nail and leave. 

*** end quote ***

I disagree. The penny is an in your face constant reminder that the Gooferment, specifically the FED (i.e., Ferderal Reserve Bank) … …

— The Federal Reserve Bank is a misnomer. IT ain’t “federal”. It reserves nothing. And, it ain’t a “bank”. It is a private cartel of the elite banks run for their benefit and that of the entrenched politicians. —

… … stolen the wealth of the world by inflation. I insist on ranting every time some wants to get rid of the penny, by pointing to Ron Paul and the evils of fiat currency. 

Without the Fed’s fiat currency, WW1 and WW2 could not have been fought and the current welfare / warfare state would be impossible. 

The penny is the “canary in cage” for the national debt, the deficit, the unfunded liabilities, and the out of control spending.

Keep the penny and let’s not forget WHY it’s worthless!

If you doubt any of this rant, listen to the Tom Woods podcast and how the FED enables war.

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MONEY: Default is unavoildable

—  begin quote —

Will the federal government default? Yes. Will investors learn their lesson? Not for long. But for a time, yes.

Here is the lesson: Do not trust a politician who says America cannot, must not, and will not default.

Here is the rule: “Never believe a rumor until it is officially denied by the government.”

Obama has officially denied it.

It’s coming.

— end quote —

Regardless of how you define “default”, what the FED is doing in buying debt with more paper, is de facto default.

So what the individual to do?

Buy assets that are not dollar denominated.

Bullion coins are my favorite. Nickles too.

Diversify. Pay off debt. And “get small in your hole”. (Any vet knows what that means!)



RANT: The four insideous taxes

‎”“Florida is a state of choice,” said Thalius Hecksher, global development chief for Apex Fund Services, who moved many of his operations to Palm Beach. “It’s organically grown. There’s no need to drag people down here. It’s a zero-income-tax jurisdiction.”” Should have done it year ago!!!

‘Wall St.’ flees NY for tax-free Fla.

The city’s hedge-fund executives are flying south — and it’s not for vacation. An increasing number of financial firms, especially private equity and hedge funds, are fed up with…
Don’t forget FOUR insidious taxes that you don’t see: (1) the inflation tax — the FED has destroyed 99%of the value of the dollar in the last three or four decades; (2) the gas tax — gets added into every product sold and into every capital good used to make products, or deliver them; (3) the corporate tax — corps don’t pay tax, people do, they just pass it on; and (4) the estate tax — that turns productive assets into legal fees and schemes to avoid it as opposed to capital investment that improves society’s wealth — say goodbye to the family farm or a families’ small business. I’d assert that (a) the true tax rate is incalculable because it’s so well hidden; (B) it crushes the poor and middle class; and (c) some years we pay more than 100% of an annual year’s earnings in taxes! The loss of purchasing power means real savings goes down DESPITE rising account balances!!!!!!!!!


MONEY: What have we allowed to be done?

Book Review: What Has Government Done to Our Money?

*** begin quote ***

In the United States we currently have a stated policy by the Federal Reserve to create higher levels of inflation while artificially lowering interest rates. This is a policy devastating to savers and those attempting to live off of the proceeds of their capital. How did we arrive at the point where a government created agency can arbitrarily opt to destroy the value of people’s savings?

Murray Rothbard’s What Has Government Done to Our Money? lays out the step by step process by which the commodity based monies of the free market are slowly and deliberately usurped by governments and their central banks. The end result of this control is the ability of government to take purchasing power from the savings of its citizens through inflation.

Understanding money and its creation are essential to understanding how inflation originates. Rothbard assumes no prior knowledge of the subject and begins with first principles to derive what money is and how it is used in a free market. He then covers the manipulations used by government to wrestle control of money away from the free market. Finally he finishes with a two hundred year history of money and currencies in the Western world. It is through this history he demonstrates how government abuse has resulted in a series of breakdowns of the dollar with respect to gold that have inevitably led to our current global monetary crisis.

*** end quote ***

We have allowed the politicians and bureaucrats to inflate the paper currency and silently steal from everyone — rich and poor  alike — their wealth. For the poor, it’s the value of their labor. For the rich, it’s the value of their savings.



ECONOMICS: Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumber!

No Debate: Both Men are Economically Ignorant



*** begin quote ***

Each man insists that America’s economy can be harmed by inexpensive imports – in other words, harmed by opportunities for voluntary exchanges that lower Americans’ cost of living.

By promising to raise taxes on Americans who buy Chinese-made goods, Mr. Romney again promised to break his campaign promise to not raise taxes. That he is unaware of the contradiction isn’t promising.

Mr. Obama is no better. He bragged that he “saved a thousand jobs” with his “tough” trade action that – by raising taxes on Americans who buy Chinese-made tires – ensured “that China was not flooding our domestic market with cheap tires.”

By this logic, the President’s policy is inexcusably lame. If creating more jobs in U.S. tire factories justifies forcing consumers to pay higher prices for tires, the Obama administration should also outlaw the sale of used tires (which, like low-priced imports, are “flooding our domestic market”). Indeed, the president should seek legislation mandating that all rubber used to make tires be non-vulcanized. The resulting decline in tire durability will create even more jobs in U.S. tire factories by “protecting” our market from being “flooded” with cheap tire durability – that is, with tires that last for tens of thousands of miles before needing to be replaced.

*** end quote ***

It’s hard to imagine that there is any rationale for restrictions?

Do we want to be a nation of tire makers?

In the Sixties were more expensive for a poorer quality. Now they are “cheaper” and more durable.

(Remember that the value of money has been inflated away. Gas is up by a multiple of 100 in dollars but about 50% cheaper in silver. Tires in the Sixties ran about $20 each; some more some less. Priced in gold a tire was 20/35 = 4/7 = 0.57 oz. So today, just recently I paid over 100$ per tire; where as I should have paid over a 1k$ each. SO tires have gotten 90% cheaper. It’s the value of money that obscures our vision.)

I want Americans to have cheap tires so they can spend their money on other needs and wants.

If it means the tire industry has to go to China, all well and good.

If the Chinese are so dumb as to give us tires for worthless green pieces of paper, great!

The market will peacefully decide what gives us the most bang for our buck. With out a politician “helping”.



MONEY: Financial planning with old memes

Take Action Now To Prepare For The Great Retiree Crisis

Jeff Voudrie, See It Market | Oct. 10, 2012, 8:30 AM

***** begin quote *****

The financial planning community has largely relied on assumptions regarding equity, debt and inflation percentages that have been experienced over the last 30 years.

There are 3 problems with these assumptions:

Equity returns the last 30 years have been extraordinarily high as a result of the longest and greatest Bull market in the history of U.S. stock markets. Accordingly, many financial plans used projections that assumed equity returns of 8-10% a year.

Debt returns over the same period are equally skewed. Remember the double-digit interest rates of the 1980’s? In 1989, as a young broker, I was selling 30-year TVA bonds yielding 10%! Financial plans the last 5-10 years have used interest rate assumptions around 5-6% a year.

The scenarios that led to the historic markets the last 30 years are very unlikely to EVER be repeated in today’s retiree’s lifetime. And those who are taking distributions based on these outdated assumptions may soon run out of money.

For instance, let’s assume that someone retired 5 years ago at age 60 with a $500,000 investment portfolio. Based on financial plans popular at that time, the retiree is taking $2500 a month in distributions—money they need to maintain their current standard of living. Since the plan anticipated the ability to average a 7% return on a portfolio with close to 50% in equities, the retiree expects to be able to take those distributions and never run out of money.

Adjusting those assumptions based on what many believe resembles more reasonable assumptions going forward requires decreasing the rate of return assumption for a similar-risk portfolio to around 4% and increasing the inflation assumption from 1-2% a year to 3-4% a year (which may still be too conservative). Suddenly, the portfolio that should last forever is now projected to be exhausted in only 16.8 years! That means that the entire nest egg and what it earns cannot sustain the current withdrawal rate. Since the retiree started the withdrawals five years ago, now they are down to 11.8 years—running out of money around age 76!

***** end quote *****

Clearly, the political class has screwed up the American economy.

Pity the poor, the elderly, the middle class, those on fixed income.

Inflation is grossly understated by the “official” stats.

Are we headed to be like Europe or pre-WW2 Germany?

Clearly, everyone needs to update their financial plans.

I’ve recommended to my turkeys that they adjust their “money reserve requirements”.

Everyone better plan to work for a longer time.

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MONEY: PT is less than AU?

KITCO Metals quotes



Take a look at the price of platinum versus gold.

What does this signal?

Price manipulation in the commodities markets in advance of the election?

Wonder when we’ll hear about the derivative contracts that are used to move the market.



MONEY: How can anyone not count food and gas in the CPI?

How’s that “change” working out for you?
Sunday, February 5th, 2012
Posted by Ed Mattson

*** begin quote ***

These government “number slingers” are the same bunch that tells you the Consumer Price Index increased 3.0 percent before seasonal adjustment to end 2011. Let’s see… 3% inflation. Do you really believe that? Have you been shopping lately? Have you purchased gasoline or diesel for your vehicle so you could go to work (if you still have a job)? Oh, that’s right.  THEY DON’T COUNT GAS AND FOOD IN THE INFLATION RATE!  I guess we don’t need food or gasoline.

In most families the women do most of the grocery shopping right? Men usually aren’t always up to current grocery store prices. Next time anyone talks about politics and how things are going, just ask them if they have purchased ten pounds of potatoes this past year, or stopped in at a gas station.  In 2009, 10 lbs of potatoes cost about $3.50 in Western Michigan (about $3.00 at Wal-Mart). Today the cost is over $5 any place you want to shop. Gas was $1.79/gal when Obama’s entourage slithered into Washington and today, down at the local discount gas station here in North Carolina, it’s $3.59. Is it any wonder they DON’T CALCULATE FOOD AND GAS INTO THE CPI?

*** end quote ***

Excellent point. If they did then they’d have to give a COLA to all the old folks.

It’s like the scam with ZERO interest rates by the FED. That keeps Uncle Sam’s 15T$ debt as a near zero expense.

When do “We, The Sheeple” wake up?

When does the World wake up?

You’ll know the scam is over when we have to pay for oil in gold or someone else’s national currency.

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MONEY: Confiscation Through Inflation

Confiscation Through Inflation

Uploaded by DollarDazeDotOrg on Dec 8, 2010

Through continual issuance of the currency, the U.S. dollar has depreciated in value when compared to gold.

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Spot on!

It gets even worse when you consider the debt being run up. It can never be repaid.

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MONEY: No meaningful way to save

ForbesOp/Ed|1/23/2012 @ 4:33PM
Gingrich, The Gold Standard, And The Florida Primary Charles Kadlec, Contributor

*** begin quote ***

There is no meaningful way to save for your retirement, for your children’s education, or for the future if you don’t know what the dollar will be worth when you will need to spend it.  That makes us insecure and more dependent on government.  Sound money — a dollar that can buy the same amount 10, 20 or 30 years from now — increases our ability to take care of ourselves, our families and to be far less dependent on government.  That goes to the heart of our ability to live in liberty.

The gold standard also reinforces the constitutional limits on the power of the federal government.  When the dollar is linked to gold, the Federal Reserve cannot finance federal government deficits by printing excessive amounts of money.  If it were to try to do so, holders of dollars could over-rule the Fed by turning in the extra dollars for gold, forcing the Fed to reverse its policies.  Except in times of war, the Federal budget deficits were tiny.  From 1947 to 1967, they averaged just 0.1% a year.  In today’s economy, that would be the equivalent of $15 billion.

Finally, making the dollar as good as gold, and restoring gold to the center of the international monetary system, will give the Unites States an enormous boost in soft power.  According to a recent study by the Bank of England, when compared to even the flawed, post World War II gold standard, the paper dollar standard has been a disaster whose true dimensions have been disguised by the time over which it has been inflicted on people all over the world.   Since 1971, real per capital growth rates have been cut by 1 percentage point a year, even as world inflation increased 1.5 percentage points to average 4.8% per year.  Meanwhile, the frequency and severity of economic downturns have increased, as have the number of banking crises.

*** end quote ***

As far as I know, Gingrich doesn’t support a Gold Standard; only Ron Paul wants to start the process. And, it would have to be a process. A complete process of unwinding the “Era of Big Government”.

There’s a TV commercial on about the old couple at the bank being congratulated about their retirement. The teller is counting out blank pieces of paper. How true is that? In my mind, very.

Social Security was sold to “We, The Sheeple” as “insurance”. Unlike real “insurance”, the politicians and bureaucrats took the “contributions” and spent them on the welfare / warfare state. And, put IOUs in the “lockbox”. What a joke! A fraud. At least Ponzi didn’t force people to participate. If MetLife did what the Gooferment did, all the executives would be jail. The politicians and bureaucrats collect a big Gooferment pension for <synonym for the act of procreation in real time> us.

And, Social Security was never supposed to be taxable. And, inflation adjusted. Until the Gooferment decided that energy and food shouldn’t count towards inflation. Right!

And, good luck saving on your own for your retirement. The FED, to hold down the Gooferment’s borrowing costs, has by diktat keeps interest rates at zero. Or pretty close to it.

401Ks and IRA were introduced to induce savings for retirement and take pressure off Social Security. Since “it was never intended to entirely fund a person’s retirement”. That would surprise “We, The Sheeple” circa 1935.

But then a lot would surprise them!

So, perhaps, youngsters might be better off saving for their retirement in gold or silver bullion coins.

Remember that in ancient Rome two gold coins would buy a fine man’s outfit. Pretty much the same today.

Remember that in 1964, three silver dimes would but a gallon of gas. I can PERSONALLY attest to that. And, they cleaned your window, gave you a free class, and trading stamps. Today, those three silver dimes would be worth about SIX DOLLARS; enough for almost TWO gallons of gas.

So, what has changed?

The dollar!

So returning to that old couple at the bank with a lifetime of paper savings. They’ve been defrauded by society. Hard to imagine, but visualize if they’d put those savings into gold bullion coins that they kept in a kitchen pot. Each week, instead of “saving” with paper, they put some gold or silver away in that pot. Hard to imagine that they would nt be better off.

Finally, returning to Gingrich, I agree he could ignite a fire of reality. But, that’s not going to happen. Because at the end of the road, these guys are all suits who want to control people.

Vote Ron Paul. A return to sanity begines with a single step.

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LIBERTY: Gooferment fails to protect property rights

How Much Economic Freedom Do We Have in the United States?
by Andrew P. Napolitano

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The root of economic freedom is the recognition of the right to own private property. That includes the right to utilize it unmolested, to dispose of it without anyone’s permission and to exclude anyone from it, even the government. Suffice it to say, no American president since the advent of the income tax and the Federal Reserve 100 years ago has fully accepted or meaningfully defended that right. The more the government extracts in taxes and the more it inflates the money supply, the more it rejects and assaults property rights.

*** and ***

There is not a single example in human history of central economic planning producing more prosperity than a free market. The framers understood that. That’s why they wrote a Constitution that prohibited an income tax, forbade the states from interfering with contracts, and prevented the feds from taking life, liberty or property without due process. All those constitutional prohibitions have been nullified by amendment or disregarded by consensus.

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From the diktats (i.e., what the politicians call “laws” and “regulations”) that deprive folks of their property, to the taxes and inflation to just steal their wealth, we have no property rights.

In New Jersey, the real estate property tax mostly to support the Gooferment Skrules turns owners into defacto “renters.

How can you think we are free?

# – # – # – # – #  2012-Jan-20 @ 09:32

GOLD: Unfunded liabilities

Gold Chart Walk 2012
by Morris Hubbartt

*** begin quote ***

Unlimited government requires unlimited funding. The unfunded liabilities of the USA are staggering. Over the next 20-25 years there is probably a gigantic $75 trillion unfunded liability problem for the US government. Think of the move in gold against the dollar with a debt of $15 trillion. Can you imagine the action in gold with a debt five times the current size?

The United States could be headed towards decades of dollar devaluation. With all of the problems in Europe, why isn’t the euro hitting new lows? Why can’t the dollar mount a real rally, instead of this tiny bit of strength?

The answer is that the dollar isn’t really very strong at all. If America goes into a crisis like you’ve just seen in Europe, the fall in the dollar could dwarf the euro’s fall, because America is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world.

The nature of all fiat currencies is to be competitive, with each currency group looking for an advantage in trade, and more importantly, an advantage in debt relief for the governments that issue these currencies. Fiat currencies are designed to be depreciated over time. Buy Gold in this time of gold price weakness, because your opportunity won’t last forever.

*** end quote ***

Regardless of how you feel about gold — the magic mineral, an obsolete anachronism, or something in between — this quote should strike fear into the heart on anyone who understands “real life”.

As if “unlimited government” was NOT scary enough, “unlimited funding” should be down right terrifying.

The national debt stands at 15T$ and growing every second.

Then you hit the guesstimate of 75T$ of unfunded liability, which should knock your socks off. It does mine.

How did “we” get in this mess? Even a crooked accountant, with two sets of books, has one that tells him the truth. Even Bernie Made-off knew he was “underwater”. We don’t even have ONE set that tells us the truth.

“Jobs created or saved”, “unemployment” stats that don’t account for the “99 week”-ers, and an inflation rate that doesn’t include food or fuel.

These are the statisticians that you’re looking to tell you “the truth”.

Can you even handle “the truth”?

“The truth” is that we’re going to be like Japan, the Soviet Union, and Zimbabwe all rolled into one.

As one of those war movies said: “Tell everyone to get small in their holes because trouble is coming.”


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MONEY: Rich people buy new cars. Poor people do not

The Corruption of America
By Porter Stansberryleadimage


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All we’ve done is convert the government’s nominal GDP stats into a fixed currency value that’s based on real-world purchasing power. The fact is, our data are far more accurate than the government’s because they represent the real-world experience. That’s why our data are far more closely correlated to other real-world studies of wealth in America.

Consider, for example, annual sales of automobiles. Auto sales peaked in 1985 (11 million) and have been declining at a fairly steady rate since 1999. In 2009, Americans bought just 5.4 million passenger cars. As a result, the median age of a registered vehicle in the U.S. is almost 10 years.

Our data shows that real per-capita wealth peaked in the late 1960s. Guess when we find the absolutely lowest median age of the U.S. fleet? In 1969. At the end of the 1960s, the median age of all the cars on the road in the U.S. was only 5.1 years. Even as recently as 1990, the median age was only 6.5 years.

Rich people buy new cars. Poor people do not.


*** end quote ***


Once again we have the “underground” confirming what we know in our gut, the country is getting poorer day by day.


“Penny candy”! Remember that? Like the recent Ron Paul point about 1964 dimes and gas, “penny candy” is a similar point.


One tenth of one single silver dime in the Sixties would get you one or more pieces of loose candy at the cash register. (Amazing in light of today’s focus on germs and health hazards that anyone survived.) Fast forward to today. That silver dime is worth about two of today’s dollars. So a tenth is about 20 cents. “Penny candy” is sold in quarter “gum ball” dispensers. So all that’s changed is the value of the money with respect to the  goods available.


Who wins in this inflation? No surprise there. The politicians and bureaucrats!




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