MONEY: Inflation deception — what goes up; never ever comes down

Is Inflation “Transitory”? Here’s Your Simple Test
THURSDAY, JUN 17, 2021 – 09:50 AM
Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

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Is inflation “transitory” in your household budget? Really? Where?

The Federal Reserve has been bleating that inflation is “transitory”–but what about the real world that we live in, as opposed to the abstract funhouse of rigged statistics? Here’s a simple test to help you decide if inflation is “transitory” in the real world.

Let’s start with some simple stipulations: price is price, there are no tricks like hedonics or substitution. Nobody cares if the truck stereo is better than it was 40 years ago, the price of the truck is the price we pay today, and that’s all that matters.

(Funny, the funhouse statistical adjustments never consider that appliances that used to last 30 years now break down and are junked after 3 years–if we adjusted for that, the $500 washer would be tagged at $5,000 today because it has lost 90% of its durability over the past 30 years.)

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My readers, acquaintances, friends, and anyone who will listen to me is probably tired of hearing me whine about “penny candy”, “three silver dimes for a 1965 gallon of gas”, “my long gone father-in-law’s fifty dollar bill”, and “the dollar losing 99% of its purchasing power in 50 years”.

I don’t know how else to make “We, The Sheeple” realize that the politicians are robbing us blind.


All I can say is save your nickels; at least they have some intrinsic value.


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