GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Isn’t our welfare state at the root of our immigration problem?

Obama-Biden did it during Obama’s devastating 8 years as POTUS; now switched roles & again, Biden-Obama INVADING America; these 2 & their leftist party deepstate seeking to DESTROY USA via IMMIGRATION

  • Biden-Obama have invaded America and flooded it and flooding (4 more million by November at 20,000 illegals per day) to hollow out USA with rapists, murderers, jihadists, islamists to breed you out

Dr. Paul Alexander Apr 15, 2024

*** begin quote ***

There is a plan, wrapped up in constant Cloward–Piven strategy, to damage USA, and now, we have 11 millions illegals under Biden-Obama, 4 more million project by election day, so 15 million…most are BAD BAD BAD for America…these illegals are being placed ahead of blacks who have sweated and toiled for America…not fair, not so, must be stopped!

Black Americans must rise up now civilly and take to the streets civilly, peacefully and demand what is theirs before it is given all to the Latino and jihadi illegal…the CHINESE military aged illegal…these people are coming to harm USA…unvetted…diseased! I know things I cannot state here…as an infectious diseases expert they are brinbing serious infections…

*** end quote ***

If we are to have “open borders”, then “we” can not afford to have welfare.  It attracts the ne’er-do-wells that want live off the system,

That goes for everyone, even those born here!



ConspiracyTheories: Accident or terrorism — the Gooferment is quick to decide, but is that the truth?

Lara Logan on Baltimore Bridge being hit by ship ad collapsing; para this was no accident, ‘ Intel Sources Claim Baltimore Bridge Collapse On “Second busiest strategic roadway for hazardous materials”

  • Was “absolutely brilliant strategic attack”; on US critical infrastructure – most likely cyber – & our intel agencies know it. Attack perfectly targeted. “They have figured out how to bring us down.”

Dr. Paul Alexander  — Mar 27, 2024

*** begin quote ***

too soon to rule out terrorism…Logan is on to something here…

*** and ***

The footage shows the cargo ship never got in the approach lane in the channel. You have to be in the channel before you get into that turn. Location was precise/deliberate: chose a bend in the river where you have to slow down and commit yourself – once you are committed in that area there is not enough room to maneuver.

*** and ***

They chose a full moon so they would have maximum tidal shift – rise and fall. Brisk flow in that river on a normal day & have had a lot of rain recently so water was already moving along at a good pace.

Hit it with enough kinetic energy to knock the load-bearing pylon out from under the highway – which fatally weakens the span and then 50 percent of the bridge fell into the water.

*** end quote ***

I’m not convinced yet that it was NOT an accident!  

But she does bring up some interesting “factoids”.

I am skeptical about how quickly the Gooferment responded to rule out “terrorism” or a “cyber attack”.  How could anyone have enough time or data to make such a judgement.

“Move along, people. Nothing to see here. Go home, you looky-loos.” Officer Barbrady’s Catch Phrase South Park

At the very least, the Gooferment has not done a very good risk assessment on the nation’s infrastructure if one “bridge / boat” collision can have such an impact.  Where are the risk mitigation efforts planned if this should happen.

Once again, like so many times before, the Gooferment is asleep at the switch/

Have to see what comes out in the next 20 years.

Checking the Conspiracy Theorist “thermometer”  — it’s “category 5  — possible” pending further evidence.


ConspiracyTheories: Do “noses of planes fly through buildings”?

Trump: “how could a plane (a 767/747) possibility go through the steel”…

Dr. Paul Alexander

Mar 11, 2024

*** begin quote ***

Stay focused on the one thing.

The live newscast chopper footage of Plane #2 purportedly hitting Tower #2.

Can you do it?

Can you focus on that one thing?

I’m gonna break this down a bit more in the next post. Standing on the shoulders of giants, sure…and adding a few more insights.

::raises hand slowly:: is the shibboleth here.

Off the top of my head.

You are a photojournalist in a chopper documenting a historic “accident.”

Flying around the Twin Towers.

Trained and professional news gathering photojournalists do not zoom in to avoid an approaching plane flying directly at the Twin Towers.

This plane would have been visible incoming on the horizon.

Sure. Maybe it was Dolts Botching Shit.

Made it all the way to the big leagues in the Big Apple. Market #1. NYC.


Trained and professional Gleaming Talking Heads do not mistakenly say that noses of planes fly through buildings as we will hear Peter Jennings saying in the next video.

When I ran some of this last year, I asked if the anchor head voiceovers themselves may have been faked.

When I ran the Day Tapes, I asked if anyone could debunk them.

I want to know what is real. Exactly what happened.

And how it got done.

*** end quote ***

I’m still not sure I believe anything any one says about this tragic event?

There are so many discrepancies.

For me the one that causes me the most consternation is the undamaged passport of one of the terrorits?

That and WTC7’s convenient collapse with all the evidence of Pentagon missing money.

Just all doesn’t add up to me.

# – # – # – # – # 

On my Conspiracy Theories scale  — 

 — * Governmental

 — 3. More likely than not


ConspiracyTheories: Was John Kennedy Jr. killed?

POTUS John Kennedy: did his son John (John John) Kennedy Jr. who was ‘killed’ in a plane crash, did he tee us up on POPULATION control? depopulation agenda? SAGE HANA reminds us of Bill Gates’s 1997 interview with John Kennedy Jr. before he died;”Bill Gates’s 1997 Interview with RFK’s Dead Cousin John in George Magazine: “I fund population control…”Planned Parenthood Medical Director, Day Tapes

Dr. Paul Alexander

Feb 5, 2024

*** begin quote ***

I thought John Kennedy Jr. would have made a tremendous POTUS, I lean libertarian, right of center, social conservative yet no EFF in label but I would have voted for John-John.

Did they kill John-John? Was John Kennedy Jr. killed? I think a legitimate question. I actually think he was killed, deliberately. I do not discount that. I have no proof. 

*** end quote ***

OK let’s crank up the old Conspiracy Theories meter. “Political  —  5. Possible”.

I remember that at the time his plane went down reading that he was being talked about as a rival of HRC for the NY Senate seat.  Now anyone who gets in the Clinton’s way seems to be “suicided” rather quickly.

So it’s possible that this very convenient “accidental” pilot error could be more than it seems.

Will we ever know?  Probably not.


GOVERNACIDE: Elite Exemptions? “Let them eat cake” time around the world!

BREAKING in New Zealand, FOIA request showed that 11,000 politicians and elites got COVID vaccine exemptions, did not take it; how? they knew it was NOT needed & was harmful, BUT they forced you under threat of law and arrest to take it and now you and many are vaccine injured! so how do we investigate, put into legal tribunals and take their money and imprison and HANG them if shown guilty? HANG!
Dr. Paul Alexander
Dec 5, 2023

*** begin quote ***

Elite Exemptions: Power Over the People!  

In the current trend of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the 1% is exempt. They are exempt from their own rules and marketing ploys. The continued facade of doing good for All, with policies, programs, and new ideations on society, only truly benefits the elite groups. Policies and programs that wind up hurting – us and helping – them. 

These kind of operations are a complete FARCE and Americans pay in every way!

New FOIA requests from New Zealand are showing the writing on the wall: The COVID-19 vaccination program exempted thousands of government officials and elites from taking them. In America, the FDA wants 55 years to process one of these requests. Please tell me WHY? In America and across the globe, they have taken life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness away from everyday citizens. They took licenses away from stellar physicians, closed small businesses, instigated riots and division, jailed people for not wearing masks and mercilessly allowed people to die. They enabled strong-armed fear tactics that promoted submission while they smiled in our faces, all the while knowing exactly what they were doing. NOT for the greater good. 

They should not be trusted.

The sheer evilness of these antics are clear as day; say and do anything to generate profit even if it completely destroys others. The unwitting and innocent lined up with absolute trust in these officials. Many corrupt spokespersons for the corrupt media. Always, always follow the money. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion aren’t part of this plan from the elitist caste system. They are of their own kind, using their homogenous class to keep us riddled with illness, fear, doubt, subservience and obedience. 

Don’t eat from their hands.

Continue to move forth in your sovereignty and empower yourself with supplies, medications, protection, and the truth.

*** end quote ***

What a coincidence?  

Sorry but there have been rumors that in the USA politicians like Old Befuddled Joe got saline injections purporting to be covid jabs.  Of course, all these reports were dismissed as “Conspiracy Theories”.  Now we have evidence that at least in New Zealand, the “elite” were exempt.  Fair to ask: who, why, and how?

Why don’t we have an equivalent disclosure in the USA?

Personally, I wouldn’t trust anyone shilling for big Pharma.  That especially include politicians, bureaucrats, and “celebrities”.  How much was Travis Kelce, Taylor Swift’s now popular beau, paid and what was he given in the advertised shot?  “Travis Kelce does vaccine ad, tells public they can get COVID, flu vaccines at same time

Inquiring minds would like to know!


RANT: Was saline injected to improve the safety profile? That’s just fraud.

Jim Torma is on fire here TWEETING with the troubling issue of the SALINE factor in the COVID vaccinated! This is Torma’s TWEET below, the saline factor could horrifically change the final numbers; if 1/3 of persons were given saline, then the percentage of persons being harmed and dying would be far greater for the number of harms were DILUTED by the saline; I/we need to run some numbers

Dr. Paul Alexander

Aug 20, 2023

*** begin quote ***

I think Torma is onto something and one of the key issues is that they unblinded the study by giving those in placebo the vaccine.

‘You see I was listening to 97.7, the What % of people injected with a needle of “stuff” were given saline around the world. Pfizer admitted in the recent hearings in Europe that their employees got a different “COVID” injection. Can @JackPosobiec please ask this extremely important question? 

*** end quote ***

Now, that’s an interesting charge.  

Deliberately obliterating the control group of the study was criminal enough.  Fudging the numbers with saline was a deliberate criminal falsification.

Will anyone be held accountable?

That’s a joke on “We, The Sheeple”



COVID virus real? No virus? A virus? 100% hoax? Lockdowns to fraud gene vaccine? Couey & Yeadon & other sage oracles are stretching our imaginations no doubt! Me? IMO, something was released

  • IMO bad people for their own sick agendas, and one being to topple ’45’, to remove POTUS Trump e.g. Francis Collins, Fauci, Baric, Daszak, Bourla, Bancel orchestrated greatest hoax & killed people

Dr. Paul Alexander  — Jul 2, 2023

*** begin quote ***

IMO, 100% of the pandemic was a fraud, 100%, nothing about it is and was real. Trump administration and Biden administration people pulled off the greatest hoax in history and POTUS Trump was fooled hook, line, and sinker. POTUS Trump was decieved in a way that is staggering for them to convince him locking down his 3.4% unemployment country was the way to go, for a fraud manufactured PCR pandemic that NEVER was, with an IFR of 0.04-0.05% those less than 70 to 75 years old. 

*** end quote ***

BOTTOM LINE:  “We wud robbed!”

TL:DR Repeated line by “experts” “We, The Sheeple” were panicked with “horror stories”, “predictions”, and falsified data into giving up their God-given rights.  We need Nuremberg style trials to punish the guilty.



DISCOURAGING: Gooferment “welfare” is the new form of slavery

The Great Society: POTUS Lyndon Johnson & Democrats destroyed minority & African-American, he broke their backs with his fraud dependency program in 1964 (the largest social reform plan in history)

  • these democrats that wanted to do good by blacks, well, with welfare, housing etc. they reversed 100 years of strong progress where blacks post slavery were outpacing whites on most socio-indicators

Dr. Paul Alexander  —  Jun 19, 2023

*** begin quote ***

Key was welfare that emerged as the ‘husband’ of the minority American woman; Democrats took the father out of the home, destroyed his role, his place, turned potent strong independent hard working blacks into dependents, destroyed the will and mind. No government program has done more damage to the American people than The Great Society. Broke the backs of blacks when truth be told, blacks were digging out of the slavery hole post 1865, outpacing whites.

From 1965 (100 years post abolition of slavery), when you look at the socio-economic indicator curves, you see it plunge downwards for blacks while whites stayed up. What blacks were doing on their own was reversed in 1965 and one key is the devastation of the nuclear family where today over 3 out of 4 African American homes are lead by a single person often not mother who is a crack whore while father is a dead beat drug addict thug just screwing each woman he could and getting her pregnant. Not taking responsibility and leaving the kids fatherless who then use the judge as their mother, the streets as their homes, and the jail as their father. 

*** and ***

It is the Democrat party that is the modern day slave plantation and it is imperative that blacks leave that plantation. Complete, for it worked to destroy them. 

*** end quote ***

Malcolm X said: “The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.”

And, my sainted Uncles heard this and agree that he had hit the nail on the head.

“I recall when Mrs. Viola Meekins, when I was a student at Stoddart-Fleisher Junior High School in the late 1940s, had our class go page by page through a textbook and correct each instance in which Negro was printed with a lowercase “n.” In Malcolm X’s day, and mine, Negro was a proud name and not used derisively by blacks as it is today.”  — Walter Williams 

“The welfare state is the oldest con game in the world. First you take people’s money away quietly and then you give some of it back to them flamboyantly.”  — Thomas Sowell 

Instead of “Black Live Matter” stealing from that charity and phone hearings on “reparations”, we should demand the Gooferment get out of the “welfare” business that is the new form of slavery for poor white AND black women.




GOVEROTRAGEOUS: How about clawing back all the fraud in Gooferment programs?

Debt deal passes; McCarthy gets help from Dems; did I not tell you McCarthy is the other side, the UNIPARTY, these are crooks Republican Resistance Falters, Again… How Biden pulled it off…DRUDGE gets it right…he forgot one more headline e.g. “the crooks, the high-crime congress people BS us again as they worked together to rape the tax payer and steal the future of children; America hating

Dr. Paul Alexander

Jun 1, 2023

*** begin quote ***

These are thieves and you need now to read it, read the bill, and see where the money was stolen, who got which pork, who is going to get kickbacks, who is the bagman or bagmen, whose family is richer today due to it, this is all a game, a show of thieves and we should not be afraid to go back and examine every COVID relief and PPE $ money, all of it, every tax dollar linked to COVID for I am sure 90% was fraudulent and these beasts in government enriched themselves, kind of like the COVID Freedom Fighters, at least some of them. They came to ‘take’. 

*** end quote ***

I’d suggest a 10% bounty of every dollar clawed back from fraud, waste, and abuse.  Let’s put the free market to work punishing these thieves.



GOVERNACIDE: The JAB is killing people who should be just fine

Dr. William Makis covers the surging incapacitation of BUS drives, school bus drivers especially

Dr. William Makis covers the surging incapacitation of BUS drives, school bus drivers especially & he asks “Died suddenly – School bus drivers are collapsing at the wheel – 9 recent incidents!”

I stand with him and we are seeing young people dying suddenly, middle aged people with cardiac arrests, brain bleeds, collapsing & this issue like for airline pilots, is very troubling given the risk

Dr. Paul Alexander  — May 3, 2023

# – # – # – # – # 

​Yeha, yeah, I have a tin foil hat. But when was the last time, prior to the Covid “vaccination”, did you hear of stories like this. Athletes, airline pilots, ​and doctors dropping dead have been reported. Now we are seeing Bus Drivers. Still think it’s a coincidence? I don’t!


The Gooferment is leading the coverup.  Cut Bono.


RANT: Can’t the FDIC clawback all such “bonuses”?

Did you just say SVB owners, Silicon Valley Bank owners took bonuses just immediate before the banks were taken over by FDIC? These crooks ‘deserve to be in jail’; crooked criminal thieving bitch*s!

Dr. Paul Alexander

# – # – # – # – # 

I don’t understand.  It would seem to me that all transactions for the year prior to the collapse would be examined under a microscope.  Stock sales, bonus, and expenses would be fair game for the IRS, FDIC, SEC, and DOJ to clawback everything that isn’t justified.



VETERANS: The KIAs, MIAs, and POWs deserve a full and complete accounting

NEVER leave a marine behind; Biden administration JUST DID, left another, Whelan, behind for WNBA player Griner in a reckless prisoner swap for Viktor Bout, like 13 killed leaving Afghanistan; the left, Biden et al. show you just how they value US military who is scum to them, a WNBA player caught with cannabis oil is worth same as the Russian ‘merchant of death’ & more than a marine
Dr. Paul Alexander

*** begin quote ***

The left hates the military, uses it for convenience and simply to enrich themselves (and btw, so do republicans). Obama did same for that puke fraud BergDOG (Bergdahl), remember him, the one he traded for serious deadly middle eastern killers. Remember the deserter who was traded for the vicious five, I remind you with their high school picture day photos below. This is the left, do not forget. Remember these 5 innocent friendly neighborhood homies, flying kites and building sandcastles sending you butterfly kisses. They were not building bombs and not trying to kill as many Americans (and us) as they could. Obama thought they were priests, innocent priests. He equated one deserter who placed soldiers ta risk searching for his deserter arse to these five. Do you? Do you think the Bout-Griner trade was fair or equal or even should have happened? I say no, never and certainly if not inclusive of Whelan and maybe 10 others

*** end quote ***

“Never leave a man behind.” Is a MYTH.

The USA Gooferment has left men and women behind whenever it was “necessary”.  WWII thru Afghanistan have copious examples.  Vietnam is still a festering sore thanks to John McCain covering up his prison record. 

I discourage anyone from enlisting because you can’t trust the US Gooferment and the Deep State that runs it to protect our troops.

And, BTW, I don’t know who is running the Biden White House, but it sure is not Biden.   Maybe “Doctor” Jill as the present day instantiation of Elinor Roosevelt.  Maybe BHO44 via Susan Rice.  But it sure is not Demented Joe.

We have to try and pressure the politicians and bureaucrats for a better full and complete accounting of the KIAs, MIAs, and POWs. 

Sorry I have no faith in the Gooferment; perhaps an enraged “We, The Sheeple” might be able to get their attention?


HEALTH: Don’t trust doctors today to take a temperature, they are so stupid & corrupt

*** begin quote ***

Baby Will’s parents are damn right to refuse the regular blood supply! Why? Because the hospital & doctors said so? I would not trust doctors today to take my temperature, they are so stupid & corrupt

Baby Will’s parents must demand safe blood for him for they are the parents and know what is best, not doctors or hospitals that sedated, Remdesivir-ed, ventilated & killed our parents!

Dr. Paul Alexander
Dec 5

*** end quote ***

I feel the concern.  



POLITICAL: All politicians and bureaucrats must be held accountable

Media? Politicians? FDA? CDC? Innocent? They are the victims? You beasts colluded to topple Trump with lockdowns & fraud vaccine, FDA denied hydroxychloroquine to hurt Trump; f*cking criminals!

  • No quarter, no peace, we will get you in the proper legal inquiries, tribunals, we will deal with you in courts & ballot boxes, NO sympathy, no respect, NONE, you MUST be JAILED! PRESIDENTIAL TAKEDOWN

Dr. Paul Alexander

# – # – # – # – #

I’m not sure how these CRIMINALS can be held accountable?


POLITICAL: Here’s a lady ranting about human trafficking — who care who doesn’t want to hear it

Lara is asking important questions, you may not like how she asks them and the fact she is asking them; I love it. Bravery
Dr. Paul Alexander
Oct 26

# – # – # – # – #

There’s no transcript of @Laura Logan’s rant but in a nutshell she points to human trafficking of children across the border who then “disappear” to who knows where. 

That’s upsetting and outrageous.  These children are human beings and deserve to be treated humanely.

It also brings to mind Epstein’s and Maxwell’s “little black book of Clients” that has never been disclosed.

The Gooferment is immoral, ineffective, and inefficient. As well as untrustworthy. And, this lady needs o ur support to expose the truth.



TINFOILHAT: FDA in complicity & collusion with CDC & Pfizer were NEVER … going for approval

FDA in complicity & collusion with CDC & Pfizer were NEVER ever going to grant BLA ‘full’ licensure approval of COVID vaccine; was going to keep it ALWAYS on EUA; why? ineffective & harmful, could not pass thresholds to get full BLA, vaccine could not be granted BLA as is too harmful, FDA knew it & gave placebo group vaccine so study was OVER, only way then is via child immunization schedule
Dr. Paul Alexander

*** begin quote ***

… was explained this by FDA and CDC high level officials on condition of anonymity. FDA with the vaccine makers had their plan ALWAYS never ever grant BLA for the vaccine could not pass that test, and FDA officials knew they would go to jail for the vaccine killed and they could not get past that, so kept it on EUA, so always was headed to children immunization schedule, they concocted that scheme.

The American people have been defrauded and been lied to day one by FDA, CDC, NIH etc. All the officials. These are not just inept people, they are corruptible.

*** end quote ***

Seems like a “special prosecutor” is in order.

Personally, I always thought it was strange when the placebo group was vaccinated before the end of the trial.

They didn’t want any honest “study” of the drug.  Tootin foil hat         much money involved.

Special place in hell.

As tin foil hat Conspiracy Theories go, I’d call the a “Government & Commercial” one that is “3. More likely than not”!


TINFOILHAT: Is the US border invasion planned, and orchestrated?

Is this US border invasion? Is this planned, orchestrated? I think planned! White house says these people DON’T need vaccine proof since ‘they’re not intended to stay’, BULLSH*T, yet Djokovic CAN’T?

  • Novak Djokovic cannot enter US but these unvaccinated people can? Bringing Fentanyl too? Bringing (sic) not just COVID but other diseases, & NOT tested? NOT walking across the border? Not intending to stay?

Dr. Paul Alexander
4 hr ago

*** begin quote ***

First, Novak to the CDC Walensky and White House Susan Rice and Obama (as they run the show):

For the White House ran by Susan Rice and Obama to claim (oh so you thought Biden was running things, come on man, Biden only occupies the place physically, it is run mentally by Rice and Obama out of Obama’s DC house, call me, I will bring you up on things ha ha), to say there is a difference between Novak and the illegals walking across the border, and so one must be vaccinated (former) and the other (latter) needs no vaccine or proof, such that the virus knows the difference, then it shows how much trouble we are in. I will vote for a monkey, hell a group of monkeys, hell 100 of them and put them as the new Biden cabinet and POTUS etc. ahead of these clowns. These idiots make Trump’s daily clown car show White House blush. Beam even! Makes Trump’s ridiculous Task Force (save Giroir) look like distinguished Rhode scholars. And they were clear morons!

*** end quote ***

Using my recently documented scale for “Conspiracy Theories” I’d have to categorize this as “GOVERNMENTAL” by the Deep State and as “more likely than not”.

I am waiting for the proof to come out that proves this as true. 

It’s just too convenient.  And look who are coming across — criminal gangs, men posing as children, and convicted felons.

It’s a national disgrace that the border has not been secure and I blame BOTH parties for it.



GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Lyndon B. Johnson supressed African-American society with Gooferment “help”

‘GREAT SOCIETY’; Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965, this was the greatest devastation, wrong doing on the African-American society, it ‘broke’ them, damaged them; 100 years post slavery 1865 ending…

  • From 1865-1965, 100 years, African-Americans were on their way up and out, doing tremendously well, only 1 in 4 homes was a single parent; then Lyndon’s program ‘helping’, destroyed them

Dr. Paul Alexander
Jun 8

*** begin quote ***

‘Hollowed’ out African-Americans, cavitated the society, and did it under the guise of ‘doing good by you’. It is an incredible situation.

The truth is, African-Americans were outpacing whites even, based on pure hard work, skill, drive, capability, for the 1st 100 years post abolishment of slavery, 1865 to 1965. With nothing other than pure hard work. Love of America, its flag, using its customs and deep faith and love of family as its glue and fuel. The Great Society in 1965 then functioned to degrade everything that held Black America together as a coherent peoples who were ‘making’ it without any government intervention or help. Making it on their own strength.

*** end quote ***

“If the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan wanted to sabotage black academic excellence, he could not find a more effective means to do so than the government school system in most cities.” — Walter Williams’s May 6th, 2010

I can testify to the destructiveness of LBJ’s “help”.  We are now witnessing the fourth generation of “welfare farmers”.  I see poor white and black welfare recipients being “held down by the Man”. Argh!

Parochial education is destroyed.  Family values are denigrated.  Churches are a hollow shell of what they once were.

We need to free the children — all the children — from the tyranny of Gooferment Skrules.

Remember the current “education system” was created by the Prussians to create cannon fodder for the Army, willing morons for the factories, and useful idiots to vote for and be led by the elite. Ask where the elite send their children to be educated?  With the notable exception on Amy Carter, it ain’t to Gooferment Skrules.

Let’s start SEPARATING the Gooferment from running things.  Starting with schools.



INSPIRATIONAL: The value of time

“The last wishes of Alexander the Great”; I am seeking to verify this by some fast extensive reading, but if so, this is stunning and I wanted to share…so light reading 
Dr. Paul Alexander

*** begin quote ***
The Greatest Military General in History,, who only lived to be 32 Years old

“My first desire is that”, said Alexander, “My physicians alone must” carry my coffin.”

2) After a pause, he continued, “Secondly, I desire that when my coffin is being carried to the grave, the path leading to the graveyard be strewn with gold, silver and precious stones which I have collected in my treasury”.

3) “My third and last wish is that both my hands be kept dangling out of my coffin”.

The people who had gathered there wondered at the king’s strange wishes.

One of his generals who was surprised by these unusual requests asked Alexander to explain.

*** end quote ***

Read further for the logic.

And, I really don’t care if it’s true or apocryphal.

“I fear all we have done is awakened a sleeping giant.” — apocryphal quote attributed to Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto played by Mako in the movie ‘Pearl Harbor’

It’s so true.  And, I wish I had GROKKED it as a young lad.  I did become a little L libertarian due to Robert A. Heinlein; maybe I should have absorbed the value of my time at that time. Not seven decades later.

Tempus fugit



GOVEROTRAGEOUS: When do the (Nuremberg) trials begin?

“NIH director confirms agency hid early COVID genes at request of Chinese scientists”; so what else did the NIH hide? We know full well the CDC hides data from the public all the time; INVESTIGATE

  • I agreed with the view in DC among administration, POTUS Trump was going to take CDC and NIH and FDA down to the very studs, he was going to fix it ONCE and for all; firing the corrupted officials

Dr. Paul Alexander

*** begin quote *** 
The alphabet health agencies in the US, the CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID…all all corrupted political entities…they ‘used’ to do the public’s good, today,
they are an arm of the government, and I argue both sides, but they worked as a quartet to undermine Trump and damage him, DAILY…there is no question about that. And the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Bourla of Pfizer, Bancel of Moderna, Fauci of NIAID, and Francis Collins of
NIH…these 4 must be taken into a courtroom and drilled and if we find they did wrong, only if we find they did wrong, we clean them out of
every damn cent, every penny, penniless, walking the streets barefoot and shorts, ONLY, we punish any beast, any beast, who was reckless and
caused deaths in COVID when they knew the right thing and had the right data…

*** end quote ***

It’s clear to me that the “alphabet health agencies” need to be closed down.

All the personnel must be terminated with prejudice from future Gooferment employment.

The ringleaders should be prosecuted.



GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Pfizer … who do we jail first?

PCR test fraud & how Pfizer used this sensitive ‘over-cycled’ test with a 97% false-positive rate to defraud the US & the world, to work with FDA
to get EUA based on 8 vaccine and 162 placebo events

  • What evidence does Jaafar and Bullard give us to devastate this PCR fraud these? What did we know yet disregard? What evidence did the CDC and FDA pretend not to exist on PCR false-positives?

Dr. Paul Alexander

*** begin quote ***
That Pfizer went to FDA with 170 events in total, 162 placebo control group and 8 in the intervention group, to get a FDA authorized EUA for a
safety untested vaccine for hundreds of millions if not billions globally, that we know today is ineffective and harmful, deadly…who do we jail first? That really is the question…who do we jail first? That they would unblind the studies knowing we would never then be able to get the efficacy/effectiveness and harms data ‘in the future’, at any time as now the placebo got the intervention. These really are academic scientific frauds.

What did Jaafar and Bullard warn us about as to the fraud over-cycled PCR test? Why has Pfizer not explained the specifics on the PCR testing in their trial?

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Does anyone really think that this fraud will result in ANYONE going to jail?
