GOVEROTRAGEOUS: When do the (Nuremberg) trials begin?

“NIH director confirms agency hid early COVID genes at request of Chinese scientists”; so what else did the NIH hide? We know full well the CDC hides data from the public all the time; INVESTIGATE

  • I agreed with the view in DC among administration, POTUS Trump was going to take CDC and NIH and FDA down to the very studs, he was going to fix it ONCE and for all; firing the corrupted officials

Dr. Paul Alexander

*** begin quote *** 
The alphabet health agencies in the US, the CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID…all all corrupted political entities…they ‘used’ to do the public’s good, today,
they are an arm of the government, and I argue both sides, but they worked as a quartet to undermine Trump and damage him, DAILY…there is no question about that. And the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Bourla of Pfizer, Bancel of Moderna, Fauci of NIAID, and Francis Collins of
NIH…these 4 must be taken into a courtroom and drilled and if we find they did wrong, only if we find they did wrong, we clean them out of
every damn cent, every penny, penniless, walking the streets barefoot and shorts, ONLY, we punish any beast, any beast, who was reckless and
caused deaths in COVID when they knew the right thing and had the right data…

*** end quote ***

It’s clear to me that the “alphabet health agencies” need to be closed down.

All the personnel must be terminated with prejudice from future Gooferment employment.

The ringleaders should be prosecuted.



POLITICAL: D’s more upset about sexual harassment than the nursing home deaths?

dems are bothered more by sexual harassment of a few women than they are the killing of 1000’s of elderly
Flopping Aces ^ | 03-15-21 | DrJohn
Posted on 3/15/2021, 4:25:13 PM by Starman417

*** begin quote ***

Andrew Cuomo completely mismanaged the COVID crisis. His ineptitude caused the deaths of thousands of elderly. He ordered nursing homes to accept COVID positive patients and sounded very crass

“Older people, vulnerable people, are going to die from this virus,” Cuomo added. “That is going to happen despite whatever you do, with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive. Older people are more vulnerable.  That is a fact that is not going to change.”

Worse, he lied about it.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s top aide confessed privately this week that the administration suppressed the true COVID toll in the homes. She also offered an apology — not to the thousands of New York families who needlessly lost loved ones thanks to her boss’s mismanagement but to Democratic lawmakers put in a difficult “political position with the Republicans” by the coverup.

Then he became dismissive about the elderly deaths

“New York State, we’re only about 28%, only, but we’re below the national average in number of deaths in nursing homes — but who cares?” he asked. “Thirty-three, twenty-eight, died in a hospital, died in a nursing home, they died.”

*** end quote ***

Personally, I am surprised that the coverup of the NY nursing home deaths hasn’t drawn its own criticism.

Isn’t the saying “It’s not the crime, but the coverup”?

AND, I’m also absolutely flabbergasted that there has NOT been and avalanche of wrongful death suits against all involved.  Guess the ambulance chasers are afraid of reprisals from the politicians and bureaucrats!
