NEWJERSEY: WARNDEP, the secret police app to inform on your neighbors

New Jersey Dept of Environmental Police, Set up Snitch Line to Report Contraband Plastic and Styrofoam Users
May 4, 2022 | Sundance | 278 Comments

*** begin quote ***

Perhaps in the grand scheme of all things facing us, this action by New Jersey may seem a little silly; however, it’s still nuts.

Comrades, starting today it is illegal in New Jersey to have plastic or paper bags in stores for shoppers.  Additionally, restaurants,
cafeterias and food trucks are forbidden to serve take-out food in Styrofoam-like products. Also, all retailers must stop selling
polystyrene foam products like plates and cups.  Drinking straws require a permit for restricted distribution as monitored by the Department of

To ensure legal compliance within the Garden State, officials in New Jersey have established a snitch hotline for citizens to call the Dept
of Environmental Police (DEP) and report dissident violators, while the state ministry of citizen compliance have created a “WARN DEP” app to
facilitate easier snitching on your neighbors if you spot them using contraband containers.

*** end quote ***

*** begin quote ***

May 5, 2022 10:20 am
This is easy! We have the phone number, so everyone, from every State, overwhelm the lines with calls. Report whatever State agency in
NJ you hate. Begin with any one of the programs that give money away, and include every department within the hierarchy, the Secretary of
State (saw an employee carrying a doggie box, Justice pouring coffee into styrofoam cups in secret meetings.

It doesn’t have to be true! Swamp ‘em. Push back the Alinsky rules right back in their faces. Total derision. We can play this game. It’s a
civic duty. 877 WARN-DEP. 877 927-6337

*** end quote ***

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May 5, 2022 1:33 pm
I’m old enough to remember when plastic bags were touted as a way to “save a tree.”

*** end quote ***

*** begin quote ***

Legislature OKs bill closing plastic bag ban loophole


A 2019 law, that went into effect Jan. 1, prohibited large stores and chain retailers from providing “any single-use plastic carryout bag” to consumers at the point of sale.

Rather than offer reusable fabric bags or paper, however, many stores in the First State took advantage of an exemption in the 2019 bill that allowed for thicker plastic bags, reasoning that those plastic bags would be reusable, rather than single use. The reality after their use began, however, was that most consumers weren’t reusing the thicker bags as recommended.

*** end quote ***

The only people I’d report are politicians and bureaucrats.

I can get behind any effort to muck up the system.

Know any good “black hat hackers” for a good DDOS?


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: “Memphis Belle” was not the first heavy bomber to survive 25 combat missions; she was the third.

Military Facts and Legends: First WW II Aircraft Crew to Reach 25 Missions 

*** begin quote ***

So why did the U.S. Army Air Force promote the “Memphis Belle” as the first heavy bomber to fly 25 combat missions?

According to Warbird News, our government was anxious to report uplifting and inspiring stories of the war that would capture the American public’s imagination. For the USAAF it was heavy bombers crews that successfully reached 25 combat mission in defiance of actuarial norms. Because the “Memphis Belle” hit that momentous milestone without a crewman’s death made her the likely candidate to be first to return home for a War Bond tour.

Americans, for better or worse are conditioned to respond to a happy ending, especially when it goes against all probability.

*** end quote ***

So, the Gooferment can’t even tell the truth in little things.

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RANT: Prison Camp Training

Prison Camp Training: Rockford School District Edition

Education indoctrination : Defending Searches, Security Director Says ‘Every School Has Drugs In It’
Posted November 4, 2014 5:03 pm by PatriotRising

*** begin quote *** 

The ACLU of Michigan, however, sees things differently. “It turns students into suspects in a place where they should be nurturing them and focusing on their learning,” Mark Allen, the agency’s spokesman, told “There are ways to do a search that are more narrow and don’t implicate people’s privacy rights.”

*** end quote ***

Let’s remember the true purpose of the Prussian Model Gooferment Skrules:

  • cannon fodder for the Army,
  • willing morons for the factories, and
  • useful idiots to vote for and be led by the elite

Sorry, but throw in the “dumbing down” Common Core and the virtual insessent Brain Washing about Mother Earth and Father State, what else is this but training for prison?


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TINFOILHAT: Sinking of the Lusitania

Behind the Sinking of the Lusitania
By Patrick J. Buchanan
September 3, 2014

*** begin quote ***

On May 1, 1915, Lusitania set sail from New York. As Windchy writes, the ship “secretly carried munitions and Canadian troops in civilian clothes, which legally made it fair game for (German) U-boats.

“After the war, Churchill … admitted that the Lusitania carried a ‘small consignment of rifle ammunition and shrapnel shells weighing 173 tons.’ New York Customs Collector Dudley Malone told President Wilson that ‘practically all her cargo was contraband of various kinds.’”

*** end quote ***

I’m sure that the Gooferment “history books” don’t report this particular “war crime”.


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POLITICAL: “Nothing could be worse than Saddam Hussein”

Thomas E. Woods Jr.
August 8 at 10:47am ·

*** begin quote ***

Every so-called conservative who was tricked by government propaganda in 2003, repeat after me: “I was grotesquely wrong to have thought nothing could be worse than Saddam Hussein. I admit that Ron Paul predicted what we are seeing now, while I was standing with Hillary Clinton in support of the stupidest war in U.S. history.

“Next time I will be more skeptical of government propaganda, which as a conservative I am supposed to be in the first place.”

*** end quote ***


Everything coming from politicians and bureaucrats is at best “propaganda” and at worst an absolute lie.


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Thomas E. Woods Jr.August 8 at 10:47am ·
Every so-called conservative who was tricked by government propaganda in 2003, repeat after me: “I was grotesquely wrong to have thought nothing could be worse than Saddam Hussein. I admit that Ron Paul predicted what we are seeing now, while I was standing with Hillary Clinton in support of the stupidest war in U.S. history.
“Next time I will be more skeptical of government propaganda, which as a conservative I am supposed to be in the first place.”

TINFOILHAT: We’re the “sane” ones? We don’t buy the lies at face value

University study shows they are more well-grounded than others
Published: 20 hours ago
author-image GINA LOUDON

*** begin quote ***

Invented term

DeHaven-Smith said that the term “conspiracy theorist” was invented and made popular intentionally by the CIA in an effort to discredit those who asked questions surrounding the assassination of JFK.

Since the CIA is banned from domestic activities, if true, it is illegal, contends Kevin Barrett of Press TV.

He said “people who use the terms ‘conspiracy theory’ and ‘conspiracy theorist’ as an insult are doing so as the result of a well-documented, undisputed, historically real conspiracy by the CIA to cover up the JFK assassination.”

“That campaign, by the way, was completely illegal,” he continued, “and the CIA officers involved were criminals; the CIA is barred from all domestic activities, yet routinely breaks the law to conduct domestic operations ranging from propaganda to assassinations.”

Research seems to be trending in support of some of these claims. An abstract of a recent study published by researchers at the University of Kent in the U.K. looked at trends in social media.

The study collected comments and organized them into “conspiracist” and “conventionalist” categories. They assert that “conspiracy theorists” might be more well-grounded, even more sane, than those who accept conventional wisdom on contested events.

*** end quote ***

My first “tin foil hat” was my Uncle Louie.

He was firmly convinced that Pearl Harbor was instigated by FDR.

I remember my father and other uncles and aunts tell him he was “crazy”.

He didn’t have “evidence”, but even at that time all the decision makers were “out of touch” for the duration of the crisis. (Remind you of BHO and Hillary’s red phone commercial. And, Benghazi-gate?)

I heard grumblings in Grammar and High School history. Many of the Christian Brothers were old vets. No one had “evidence”, but all had different “suspicions.

The thing common to most of the discussion was “why were the carriers at sea when the fleet was in port?” 

A fact.

Not evidence.

I read a lot about WW2. Then WW1. 

I saw all the movies. 

I was a war monger.

Then came Viet Nam.

And stuff came out by dribs and drabs.

Then, many moons later, in 1999, I read: “Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor” by by Robert Stinnett 

And, I was “tin foil hat”!

Stinnett’s evidence, much of it circumstantial, convinced me that everyone lied!

From that it was short trip to the Lusitania carried munitions, Gulf of Tolkin never happened, JFK was killed by the CIA and LBJ, … and on and on.

So, if the Gooferment, their willing propagandists in the “media”, most politicians and bureaucrats say something, I demand “evidence”!

They could say “the Sun will rise tomorrow” and I want proof.


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TINFOILHAT: TWA 800 still has unanswered questions

The Mystery of TWA 800
by Philip Giraldi, July 18, 2013

*** begin quote ***

Unlike TWA 800 and the U.S. press, there has been a continuing lively interest in the European media regarding Itavia 870, possibly a tribute to the Italian public’s painfully acquired belief that its government is, of course, nearly always lying and covering up about nearly everything. Most Americans, in spite of the travails of the past twelve years, would apparently prefer to think otherwise in spite of the contrary evidence so the story of TWA 800 hardly resonates and is easily pushed to the back burners prior to once again disappearing completely down the memory hole. Should one ask if the United States military just might have accidentally shot down a civilian airliner and then initiated a cover-up? It could seem preposterous to think that that should have occurred, but most certainly the question ought to be asked, particularly when credible witnesses have surfaced who claim that to be a distinct possibility.

*** end quote ***

Yup, the Gooferment is always covering up its activities.

You have to laugh when it pretends to be “transparent”!

And, there is always misdirection.

GX/TM distracts from Chicago bloodbath.

Abortion debates distract from debt and Obamacare.

It’s not like we don’t have real problems to solve.

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INTERESTING: Do we believe what we are being told?

*** begin quote ***

Japan’s Radiation Disaster Toll: None Dead, None Sick
by Soulskill
An anonymous reader writes “This article discusses a recently-released U.N. Scientific Committee report which examined the health effects of the accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant. Their conclusion: ‘Radiation exposure following the nuclear accident at Fukushima-Daiichi did not cause any immediate health effects. It is unlikely to be able to attribute any health effects in the future among the general public and the vast majority of workers. … No radiation-related deaths or acute effects have been observed among nearly 25,000 workers involved at the accident site. Given the small number of highly exposed workers, it is unlikely that excess cases of thyroid cancer due to radiation exposure would be detectable.’ The article even sums up the exposure levels for the workers who were closest to the reactor: ‘Of 167 exposed to more than the industry’s recommended five-year limit of 100 mSv (a CT scan exposes patients to up to 10 mSv), 23 recorded 150-200 mSv, three 200-250 mSv and six up to 678 mSv, still short of the 1000 mSv single dosage that causes radiation sickness, or the accumulated exposure estimated to cause a fatal cancer years later in 5 per cent of people.’ The report also highlights the minute effect it’s had on the environment: ‘The exposures on both marine and terrestrial non-human biota were too low for observable acute effects.'”

*** end quote ***

I hope this correct and not “biased” by Gooferment.

If it is, then despite a huge blunder nuke energy makes sense.

Only if we trust the dikw (i.e., data, information, knowledge, wisdom) we are receiving, then we should be pushing nuke versus carbon as our civilization’s savior.

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INTERESTING: Is there a “thumb on the scale”?

A fun experience was interrupted by the garish “commercials” pro-Obama anti-Romney 47%.

This brought an interesting thought: is ABC’s website providing propaganda support?

How is that accounted for to its stockholders?

Reported to the FEC?

Just seems odd to me. Revisited the site at random and got the same ad. Considering that the underlying story is “youth oriented” maybe this is an another “thumb on the scale” attempt. 

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INTERESTING: “Hunger Games” as a little L libertarian recruiting tool

Hunger Games (2012)
A strong anti Government message

I’m sure that this movie will create some budding little L libertarians. Even more so than the recent “Atlas Shrugged”. If only because the theater was packed with youngsters. Some as young as 10. So much for PG13. And, of course, the obligatory crying baby!

On technical points, while it may win Academy Awards and be a box office smash, it is NOT “GREAT”! (Although I might go see it again to capture the nuances drown out by the poor crying baby. (Wasn’t that “child abuse”? Or aggression by the parent of stealing their fellow theater goers’ expensive experience.)

I didn’t think anything was especially note worthy. In the ENTIRE movie. in general. It doesn’t have a stand.out “Gone With The Wind” type moment.

It lacks the vivid realism of that opening scene in “Saving Private Ryan”, which as much as Hollywood could, puts you on the beach with a feel for the awesome ferocity and death. Made me realize that those D-day vets were one crazy group of men. With real ‘huevos rancheros’. Lacks the pathos of Tom Hanks in “Castaway”. Fails to terrorize us like “Psycho”.

It fails to communicatethe abject desperate poverty critical to the story line. The “District 12” residents don’t look like the starving Death Camp inmates in that “Band of Brothers” segment. Or the poor in Henry Fonda’s portrayal in “Grapes of Wrath”. Look at a picture from the Depression and it communicates poverty. In fact, the “poor” from District 12 look fatter than the average Hollywood starlet or runway fashion model. Hollywood can do anorexic well; the “hungry” cast looks downright fat.

In doesn’t havean iconic line of dialogue like: George C. Scott in “Patton” telling us “to make the other poor dumb bastard die for HIS country”; Jack Nicholson as  Col. Nathan R. Jessep in A Few Good Men shouting “You can’t handle the truth!”; Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko in “Wall Street” calmly quietly promulgating the Libertarian realization that “Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.”. Somehow “May the Odds be Ever in your Favor” just doesn’t do it; “May the Force Be With You” was best.

It doesn’t have the artistic beauty of “Avitar, “She Wore A Yellow Ribbon”, or “Casablanca”.

What it does have is those sometimes wordless messages to hate the elite, the Government, the System, and “the Man”.

For example, the Government doesn’t do maintenance well when Katniss Everdeen walks through the “electrified” fence. The reason there are drugs in prison is that humans are better than maze rats for finding away.

For example, the ruling class in the Capitol are effete drones living parasitically and vacariously off the suffering poor. Effie Trinket, wearing a costumer and wearing strange cosmetics, is an example of ego run amuck. Especially when she tells the condemned tributes about her inconvenience.

For example, in registering for the reaping, the clerks have all the humanity of the Post Office or the DMV. We see that repeatedly like when the trackers are inserted in the tribute’s arms —sending the message that we don’t own our own bodies.

So there’s a ton of subliminal messaging to create little L libertarians in the future.

So on that basis alone, it overcomes all its shortcomings. And revolutions don’t fail. The human spirit, like the maze rat, always gets through.

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Here’s a thoughtful well-written review of the movie. As opposed to what you read above.

# – # – # – # – #  2012-Mar-27 @ 18:13

: the realistic real li

POLITICAL: Forwarding me a “FW: KISS Concert – Patriotic” video really knotted my shorts

On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 12:03 AM, LUDDITE wrote:

SUBJECT: FW: KISS Concert – Patriotic

And two inet forwards in the message:

>This was filmed in Iraq at a USO tour of a US Marine Base. If you believe in God and country, play it and spread it around.
>Just click below.
>God Bless America.

>>Well, I got tears in my eyes! Who would have thought that KISS even knew the words or music to these songs!
>>No makeup and no costumes–just straight up!! It is truly worth a few minutes of your time to watch!
>>Don’t pass this one up! Kiss’ Military Salute. Some people may think that Gene Simmons & the band “KISS” were strange
>>people, but I think Gene got it right this time!This was filmed in Iraq at a USO tour of a US Marine Base. If you believe in
>>God and country, play it and spread it around. Just click below.
>>God Bless America.

# – # – # – # – #


Properly used, I’d be as big a flag waver as the next guy. BUT, (and there is always a BIG butt), since at least WW2, the politicians have USED the military as a prop. We’re getting a lot of good girls and boys killed and maimed so that “We, The Sheeple” can feel good and sing patriotic songs and pat themselves on the back. I watched the video and looked at the faces. How many of them are dead, wounded, or destroyed by PTSD now? Vets have to tin cup on TV for Wounded Warrior to try and put the pieces back together.


I guess I’ve finally grow up and like Dorthy keep looking behind the curtain. I keep seeing a crass manipulation of the booboisie.
Maybe I’m over reacting, but there’s now a big push to go to war with Iran. Ron Paul is painted as a crazy old coot because of his anti-war, anti-military adventurism, anti-foreign agression. And, we have chicken hawks running for office and pontificating on the boob tube advocating for war, who have never served a day in their lives. And whose children will never serve a day in their lives.
This video really put a knot in my shorts. I was at the AmLeg last night chatting with an 81 year old Korean War vet, and with both agreed that the politicians should be on the front line for this nonsense. And, they want women to have equal rights to come home in body bags.

We may not have the draft to scare kids, and the wars may look like video games, but they are just as deadly. And, like I say to old people about nursing homes, dying may not be the worst fate that can come about.


I feel I’m a patriot because I support the troops. I want them all home today. OK that’s not practical, tomorrow. Spike the guns and, as Ron Paul says, “catch the first thing smoking heading this way”. Or something like that.

Argh! squared!!


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RANT: Comic book hosts ‘gay’ wedding; seriously?

All-American comic book hosts ‘gay’ wedding
ACLU among groups celebrating soldier ‘marrying’ his therapist
by Drew Zahn

*** begin quote ***

“It’s unfortunate that a comic book series usually seen as depicting innocent, all-American life is now being used to advance the sexual revolution,” Peter Spriggs of the Family Research Council told Fox News. “I think whatever boost in sales might come from the novelty or curiosity factors will be more than offset by the number of both kids and parents who will be turned off by this storyline and its obvious social and political agenda.”

*** end quote ***

Sorry, but comic books have become “propaganda”.

Maybe they always were?

I’ve never felt so far from “American culture” as when I read this.

As little L libertarian, I don’t want the Gooferment telling folks anything. Neither do I want Big Media propagandizing children.

Marriage is the province of the Church. Not the comic book makers. This just continues the illusion that the Gooferment has a role in it.


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RANT: “Default”? No way, not needed

As a political junkie, I’m enraged when some bozo (i.e., politician and /or bureaucrat) is allowed by some talking head to say “default” without opposition.

IMHO any reasonable person would pay the interest on the debt first, then the social security and other mandatory welfare payments, and come up with a “total must pay”. Subtract that total from the budget to come up with “what’s left to pay”. Subtract “total must pay” from current receipts for “what’s left”.

Divide “what’s left” by “what’s left to pay” and that’s the haircut that the budget must be slashed by.

No one is going to be happy, but no default. It’ll set off a lot of wailing and gnashing but that’s what fiscal discipline is all about.

That’s why I say don’t raise the debt ceiling. And, don’t let politicians and bureaucrats scare old people by saying no soc sec or the markets by saying default.

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RANT: Why I Won’t Call It Independence Day Or Recite The Pledge Of Allegiance!


>Happy 4th of July!….

It’s supposedly Independence Day. Why don’t I feel very free?

① The Gooferment taking an obscene percentage of our income and wealth (it’s incalcuable with taxes and fees hidden everywhere). The only true measure of how much wealth we pay in taxes is to consolidate all the gooferment spending on and off the books. (Yes, they keep multiple sets of books!) It stunning when you add it all up. And “We, The People” pay it.

② The Gooferment has the largest prison population (by number and percentage) in the world. (Let’s free all non-violent drug offenders immediately and lower that number by half!)

③ The Gooferment has economically enslaved 52% the people (i.e., the 52/48 split between welfare / work) and has a huge number of gooferment “employees”.

④ The Gooferment has encumbered us and future Americans with an unrepayable national debt and crushing unfunded liabilities while continuing to “give” us “free” stuff (i.e., health care; porkulous; global warming relief) and wage undeclared wars (i.e., Afganistan, Iraq, Pakistan).

⑤ The Gooferment has re-instituted Prohibition. Instead of alcohol, it some other drugs. It has seized control of our bodies; determining what we can and can not put in them. Is not this the essence of freedom and liberty? Along the way, they have destroyed our cities with Drug Prevention, enabled a massive mafia of drug criminals — foreign and domestic, militarized our police, brought corruption to a massive scale, and killed all sorts of people almost at random.

⑥ The Gooferment has, and continues, to indoctrinate children in Gooferment Skrules. It inculcates the future voter into the cult of gooferment worship. It impoverishes us with its costs. And fulfills the Prussian model: cannon fodder for the army, workers for the factory, and useful idiots to be led by the elite. (Where do Presidents and the elite send their children? Not Gooferment Skrules!)

⑦ Since 1970, the dollar has lost 98% of it’s value. The Constitution says only gold and silver are money. The Federal Reserve System is a banker’s monopoly cartel that has allowed the Gooferment unlimited spending. It has created a “rubber yardstick” where money is concerned. All statistics are “inflation adjusted”; thus meaningless.

⑧ The income tax has been a disaster of special interest meddling. The death tax has destroyed more family farms and small business than can be counted. Corporate taxes bury taxes in both every day items and the capital cost of everything that makes stuff. We can’t even guesstimate what we pay in taxes.

⑨ Gooferment welfare has created four generations of “welfare farmers”. Entire families are trapped in the cycle of poverty and despair. Corporatism, or corporate welfare, has done the same thing to our once vibrant economic industries. Shipped overseas to make the elite wealthier. And the Gooferment has disabled America making it a ward of the State unable to do even daily tasks without assistence and direction from the elite.

⑩ The psuedo war on (some) drugs has, first and foremost, allowed the GOoferment to tell us what we can and can’t put in our own bodies. Isn’t this the very essence of freedom and personal liberty? In doing this, they have really hurt us with unintended consequences: empowered our foreign enemies with drug money; destroyed the inner cities and the minority communities with drugs; militarized the police to kill / maim us while trampling on our supposed rights; filled our prisons; killed our youth with bad drugs; AND driven it as a wedge issue between people (i.e., scared people don’t understand it’s about Gooferment control of one’s own body) and making them believe it can be stopped.

It’s hard for me to say “independence” with a straight face.


The Pledge is un-American.

Written by an American Nazi who was a flag salesman.

To indoctrinate school children. (The whole American education system is designed to create dummies. Cannon fodder for the Army> Workers for the factories. Designed to be led by the Elite!)

It’s propaganda. Designed to delude people into nationalism.

We, The People don’t need to “pledge” anything.

And, certainly not “allegiance” to an out-of-control corrupt Socialist gooferment.

Remember: Gooferment is the meme that kills. Only Gooferment can commit genocide.


So I’d be happy to sing Woody Guthrie’s “This Land Is Your Land”. Or, “America, The Beautiful” by Katharine Lee Bates – 1913. Or, even Amazing Grace by John Newton 1725-1807.


Before I can, we have to:

  1. Return to Constitutional money of gold and silver;
  2. End the personal and corporate dole;
  3. Phase out gooferment public education;
  4. Stop the various wars — foreign, domestic, and especially drug;
  5. Repatriate the troops — bring them all home now;
  6. Downsize ALL the gooferments — federal, state, and local;
  7. Eliminate all taxes but tariffs and excise;
  8. Empty the prisons of non-violent offenders;
  9. End the death penalty immediately; AND
  10. Payoff the debt and unfunded liabilities.

Then we can truly call ourselves the “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”.

Declaration of Independence
(Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776)

The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. –Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.

He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.

He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislature.

He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to civil power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:

For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

For protecting them, by mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states:

For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing taxes on us without our consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury:

For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses:

For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule in these colonies:

For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments:

For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us.

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.

He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow citizens taken captive on the high seas to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare, is undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war, in peace friends.

We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

New Hampshire: Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton

Massachusetts: John Hancock, Samual Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry

Rhode Island: Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery

Connecticut: Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott

New York: William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris

New Jersey: Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark

Pennsylvania: Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross

Delaware: Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas McKean

Maryland: Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton

Virginia: George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton

North Carolina: William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn

South Carolina: Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton

Georgia: Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton

Source: The Pennsylvania Packet, July 8, 1776

Until then … … …

… … … don’t talk to me about Independence!

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TECHNOLOGY: Mediasaurus

Today’s mass media is tomorrow’s fossil fuel. Michael Crichton is mad as hell, and he’s not going to take it anymore.
By Michael Crichton

*** begin quote ***

The extreme positions of the Crossfire Syndrome require extreme simplification – framing the debate in terms that ignore the real issues. For example, when I watch Crossfire, or Nightline, or MacNeil-Lehrer, I often think, wait a minute. The real issue isn’t term limits; it’s campaign finance reform. The real issue isn’t whether a gasoline tax is regressive, it’s national security – whether we’d prefer to go back to war in the Gulf instead of reducing oil consumption by taxing it more heavily, as every other nation does. The real issue isn’t whether the United States should have an industrial policy, it is whether the one we have – no policy is a policy – serves us well. The issue isn’t whether Mickey Kantor is a protectionist, it’s how should the US respond to its foreign competitors.

*** end quote ***

He hits the nail on the head. The media is just SO biased that it distracts from the data, info, knowledge, and wisdom from the “story”.

It’s a long article but it does highlight how bias and technology are making the “media” obsolete.


How do we capitalize on the replacement?

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Obama’s garden is polluted!

Michelle Obama’s toxic veggie nightmare: White House organic garden polluted with sludge
Alex Salkever
Jul 30th 2009 at 10:00AM

*** begin quote ***

The White House has sought to downplay the issue, and a number of experts have pointed out that 93 ppm of sludge in soil is somewhat normal for older urban locales. However, the EPA recommends not growing food in soil that has 100 ppm. Several major food producers, including H.J. Heinz and Del Monte, won’t accept produce grown in sludge. That’s despite decades of U.S. government efforts to encourage farmers to use solid sewage wastes in lieu of traditional fertilizer products.

*** end quote ***

You have to admire liberals. Their hearts are always in the right place. And, their heads are … …

Well, it’s intentions that count; not results. Right?

No one in the gooferment could tell them about this problem BEFORE the big garden photo op?

And, it’s the big bad corporations like Heinz and DelMonte that want to poison us!


I just shake my head.

And, they want to run HEALTHCARE, ENERGY, as well as GM, the Banks, Wall Street and everything else.

They can’t even manage a small garden!


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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Get ready for propaganda!


Tue Jun 16 2009 08:45:10 ET

*** begin quote ***

On the night of June 24, the media and government become one, when ABC turns its programming over to President Obama and White House officials to push government run health care — a move that has ignited an ethical firestorm!

*** and ***

Late Monday night, Republican National Committee Chief of Staff Ken McKay fired off a complaint to the head of ABCNEWS:

Dear Mr. Westin:

As the national debate on health care reform intensifies, I am deeply concerned and disappointed with ABC’s astonishing decision to exclude opposing voices on this critical issue on June 24, 2009. Next Wednesday, ABC News will air a primetime health care reform “town hall” at the White House with President Barack Obama. In addition, according to an ABC News report, GOOD MORNING AMERICA, WORLD NEWS, NIGHTLINE and ABC’s web news “will all feature special programming on the president’s health care agenda.” This does not include the promotion, over the next 9 days, the president’s health care agenda will receive on ABC News programming.

Today, the Republican National Committee requested an opportunity to add our Party’s views to those of the President’s to ensure that all sides of the health care reform debate are presented. Our request was rejected. I believe that the President should have the ability to speak directly to the America people. However, I find it outrageous that ABC would prohibit our Party’s opposing thoughts and ideas from this national debate, which affects millions of ABC viewers.

In the absence of opposition, I am concerned this event will become a glorified infomercial to promote the Democrat agenda. If that is the case, this primetime infomercial should be paid for out of the DNC coffers. President Obama does not hold a monopoly on health care reform ideas or on free airtime. The President has stated time and time again that he wants a bipartisan debate. Therefore, the Republican Party should be included in this primetime event, or the DNC should pay for your airtime.

Ken McKay
Republican National Committee
Chief of Staff

*** and ***

ABCNEWS Senior Vice President Kerry Smith on Tuesday responded to the RNC complaint, saying it contained ‘false premises’:

“ABCNEWS prides itself on covering all sides of important issues and asking direct questions of all newsmakers — of all political persuasions — even when others have taken a more partisan approach and even in the face of criticism from extremes on both ends of the political spectrum. ABCNEWS is looking for the most thoughtful and diverse voices on this issue.

“ABCNEWS alone will select those who will be in the audience asking questions of the president. Like any programs we broadcast, ABC News will have complete editorial control. To suggest otherwise is quite unfair to both our journalists and our audience.”


*** end quote ***

Geee, I guess we should complain to the FCC, FEC, and the Supreme Court!

Like that’s going to do any good.

# # # # #


I think your plan to turn ABCNEWS into the propaganda arm on President Obama administration on “health care”. For me, ABC News has lost all credibility. There is a legitimate POLITICAL debate about the pros and cons of what is being proposed. For you to jump in with both feet on President Obama’s side is completely unacceptable. Bad enough that the lines have blurred in the past, now you are dropping any pretense of independent journalism. Shame on you for letting the American people down. We gave you an honored position in civil society, buttressed you with the First Amendment and our support, to protect us from the Political Class. You have stabbed us in the back. Disgraceful.

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MONEY: The Gooferment acts to preserve its monopoly on “dollars”

Dear Reader:

This is OUTRAGEOUS. Just as Sadam Hussein of Iraq learned when he suggested that oil be trade in gold, don’t mess with the US’s monopoly on the world’s reserve currency.

(Disclaimer, I think the Liberty Dollar is overpriced versus the spot price of the underlying commodity. But, maybe I don’t understand how expensive it is to mint medallions. They are cheaper than what is offered on the late night infomercials to buy “Liberian Silver” or such nonsense.)

Bernard and the Liberty Dollar folks are threatening to take the country back to Constitutional money of gold and silver. Single handedly! Interesting is they are the size of a gnat on a cow’s butt in comparison to the Federal Reserve. The “establishment” is so threatened as it has to persecute and prosecute them.

See the Establishment can NOT afford to have any one “look behind the curtain”! You might ask the question “What is a dollar?”. That question leads to the more “deadly” question — deadly to their ability to delude the people into allowing the Government have the ability to inflate — “What value does a Federal Reserve Banknote intrinsically have?”. That’s the question that puts a stake thru the heart of the vampire known as the Federal Reserve Bank. Inflation is the silent hidden tax.

(The Federal Reserve Bank is a misnomer. IT ain’t “federal”. It reserves nothing. And, it ain’t a “bank”. It is a private cartel of the elite banks run for their benefit and that of the entrenched politicians. )

(As an aside, just look at the reelection rate of incumbent politicians. And, where they are “replaced”, note that their “replacement” is a member of the opposite “major” party that follows the exact same agenda. And, you wonder why stuff doesn’t change. How can it? The elite are very content with the current system. It’s only the “unwashed” who get screwed. Repeatedly.)

So, the Federal Reserve Banknote allows the politicians to take everyone’s wealth by inflation. So they can have a “welfare / warfare” society and the sheeple don’t even known they are being shorn. In the last thirty years, the dollar has lost more than 95% of it’s purchasing power. Watch the old quiz show “Let’s Make a Deal” and see the price of a new car in the Sixties was less than 5,000 “dollars”. Why does a Government Motors car cost 50,000 now? It ain’t the same dollars. My first house cost 8,000 “dollars” when it was built in the Fifties, why is it worth 350,000 “dollars” now. Did the boards suddenly become more valuable? No, the Government money is worth less and they can’t print houses.

So, here we have the Government desperately trying to reign in the whole concept of “honest money”. There’s an old rhyme “Money has functions four: a medium, a measure, a standard, a store.” See in order to be “money”, it has to be a store of value. The Federal Reserve Banknote is: a medium of exchange (as long as the sheeple believe it to be), a measure (as long as you realize each year it’s different; imagine a measure of length getting shorter every year — giving the Government “more” land to sell), a standard (as long as you don’t mind a standard shrinking every year), and a store (where the rats in congress erode your wealth silently).

That’s why they have to surpress anything that reflects badly upon their “dollar” monopoly.

Forewarned is fore armed!

*** begin quote ***

Begin forwarded message:

From: Liberty Dollar <>

Date: June 5, 2009 2:35:24 AM EDT

To: reinkefj

Subject: FBI Arrests Bernard, Kevin, Sarah & Rachelle


June 2009 Vol. 11 No. 06-A

Urgent News for All Liberty Dollar Supporters!

FBI Arrests Bernard, Kevin, Sarah & Rachelle

The battle for a value based currency has began!

The last two days have been amazing! Just shortly after midnight on Tuesday, the phone started ringing and I let the answering machine take the call. But very soon there was another call… with an even more urgent message! Very quickly, a friend of Kevin Innes, explained to me that Kevin had been “detained” by the local sheriff and was being held for the FBI to arrest him! Holy Cow!! The #2 supporter for the Liberty Dollar and co-instructor at the Liberty Dollar University training sessions was in deep trouble with the Feds! I was sure to be next. But would they arrive in a few minutes or would it be a pre-dawn Nazi style assault?

Finally, I got up at 4:00 AM. I was very concerned for Kevin and wondered when the FBI would hit me. Fortunately the morning was quickly filled with a flurry of calls from Kevin’s friend, other interested parties, the usual business calls and making preparations for the inevitable knock on the door. But nobody came. Then just after noon, Niles, who’s wife, Rachelle, manages the Liberty Dollar Fulfillment Office, called to tell me that Rachelle had been picked up by the FBI at the LD Office and was due to be arraigned in just a few hours! The FBI strikes again!

Luckily, I was able to talk to Rachelle via her cell phone while the FBI was holding her. I was pleased that the FBI agents were the friendly professional types and afforded Rachelle and I quite a few minutes of private conversation. Under the circumstances, Rachelle’s demeanor and resolve was right on target. And very quickly, I learned that a warrant had been issued for my arrest. And just a quickly, Rachelle was off to court to be arraigned.

Much later in the afternoon, I learned to my surprise that three big FBI agents had arrested Sarah at work. She and Rachelle were arraigned together and quickly released to on their own recognizance (OR) before the sun set on a very eventful day for the Liberty Dollar. The quick, professional effort with Sarah and Rachelle were gratifying and encouraging. Unfortunately, I was to learn that Sarah lost her job because of this event.

By last afternoon it was clear that the Liberty Dollar would be best served by my turning myself in to the to the US Marshals, otherwise know as ‘self reporting.’ After a few calls, I found myself talking to Agent Andy (aka Agent F) who was his usual friendly, chatty self. He even recognized my voice although we had only spoken twice and that was over 18 months ago. Sure enough he confirmed that a federal arrest warrant for my arrest had been issued. And after a bit of gamesmanship with Agent Andy, I agreed to report to the US Marshal’s office in Fort Myers, Florida at 9:00 AM on Thursday morning as it was too late to be arraigned, plus an overnight in jail would have wrinkled by clothes :)

The following morning, Thursday, June 3, 2009, I actually arrived at the Marshal’s office at 8:30 due to light traffic. As the saying goes, “If you gotta do time, do federal time.” Quite simply, the federal boys are better educated, better trained and have better manners. I was immediately escorted to a holding cell. After an hour or less, I met with the Pre-Trila Service rep and made it to court at 11:00 in chains and handcuffs. The female judge was businesslike and granted my request to attend my son’s graduation in Physics from UCLA next week. After fingerprinting, signing a $50,000 Appearance Bond, one final meeting with the Pre-Indictment Service rep, I was free.

In general, the arraignment was a pleasant affair. The US Marshals did their job with very little attitude, as they should. After all, I am self reporting, and it is for anything violent, I just want to prove that I have a right to issue my own currency and if any body chooses to use it then it is a “private contract.” It is certainly not a crime.

And so it came to pass, 2009 years after the birth of Christ, that four regular Americans have taken a stand to defend the People’s right to protect themselves from a government currency that has a long and unforgiving history of stealing the people’s purchasing power. This is a test of individual rights, as protected by the Tenth Amendment. It is the deciding moment that a private voluntary barter currency (PVBC) is legal in the great United States of America. This is a test that the Liberty Dollar must and will pass, for that I have no doubt. But it will not be easy or cheap. Please, if you support our efforts, support us with any kind of money you have, including pro bono services. Now that the Liberty Dollar faces a federal criminal trial, it is the US Government v Liberty Dollar ala Bernard, Kevin, Sarah & Rachelle. Please help us win. Please help yourself win. Please help American win.

Very simply this is a Win or Lose battle. In addition to money for this legal fight we need articles that reference non-government currency, such as Air Miles as currency, legal research assistance, expert witnesses, legal assistance, etc. If you support the ideals of the Liberty Dollar, this is the time to get behind the Liberty Dollar. We critically need your help! Please send your digital info to and your donations of value including other kinds of “currencies” to:


225 N. Stockwell Road

Evansville. Indiana. 47715

The best news is that the Liberty Dollar finally has the opportunity to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is legal. Over two years ago I sued the US government for a Declaratory Judgment to resolve the legality issue. And how did they respond, they raided the Liberty Dollar and confiscated over $4 million dollars in gold, silver and cash. The US government has done everything possible to kill the Liberty Dollar! And guess what? It has not worked. The mere fact that the Liberty Dollar is still in business is a testament to your demand for Real Money and the ideals that the Liberty Dollar represents.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support! Trust me, the Liberty Dollar is not made up of any fat cats. We are all just regular Americans. And we all just want good money, a lot less government and no damn war!

Click HERE for a stilted Press Release by the DOJ. Its three pages with a whopper by Owen Harris, Special FBI Agent in Charlotte who said, “When groups try to replace the US dollar with coins and bills that don’t hold the same value…” WOW what a telling statement of pure spin.

Click HERE for the 13 page Indictment.

Click HERE for Sarah’s Arrest Warrant.

Guess what?! Liberty Dollar still in business and we need more business! As there has been no Cease and Desist Order, Liberty Dollar remains OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Please visit our shopping cart for all the 2009 Liberty, Peace, Freedom, T-Dollars and more. Don’t be bashful or stupid. Silver is going to the moon, just as sure as the US dollar is going to hell with your purchasing power. Now is the time to protect your purchasing with the “inflation proof” currency and help usher in a new monetary model that provides the only proven, peaceful, and profitable solution to the monetary cancer that has infected America.

OUTSTANDING ORDERS: Please rest assured that we will fill all outstanding orders. Yes, after producing a sizable amount of pre-minted Silver Libertys and finally getting current with most orders, we changed mints and are now behind again. We apologize emphatically! Poor and/or slow delivery is not acceptable business. It hurts everyone. And just when we were about to get current again we were arrested. Please continue to support us with your patience too. We promise to get every order out ASAP. But as I hope you can understand, it is a struggle to run a business, any business, in such an environment and fight a major legal battle for our right to protect our purchasing power

The last few 2009 Arrest Dollars. Are you familiar with the Arrest Dollars? Starting in 2007 and continuing through this year the Arrest Dollar is one ounce Silver Liberty that is specially hand hallmarked with a micro “handcuffs” stamp and my federally registered mintmark. Issued only from the day of the raid to today. The last few 2009 Arrest Dollars are currently on the Shopping Cart. After these are gone, they are gone to eBay for much more money.

The 2009 Tea Party Dollar (T-Dollar) is still available and we are still waiting confirmation on the shipment. We are still expecting to have the first batch order in the first 24 HOURS here for the July 4 events. The T-Dollar is still only a buck for an ounce of copper AND you can still get them for 10% discount to they $1 face value for a 100 or more. Hey, they are only a buck… you can’t go wrong. Plus every copper issue has sold out. Get these while you can and help support our legal efforts tooJ

The 2009 Silver Libertys! The backbone of the Liberty Dollar model is the one ounce .999 fine silver Lib! Just in the last few days, silver has bounced back over $16, soon the 30 day moving average will be $16 and the Liberty Dollar will Move Up again to the $50 Silver Base. PLEASE don’t be dumb and buy silver when it is high. Get it NOW!!! Sure it is not $5 per ounce any more, nor will it ever be again. $5 silver is just not possible with the government spending phony baloney fiat money like a drunken sailor. Please order silver now and protect your purchasing power and profit tomorrow!

Stay tuned to the Liberty Dollar News as we vindicate and validate the legality of the Liberty Dollar. Please take an active role in this exciting and profitable time. Don’t lose out. Get involved with the Liberty Dollar to make money, do good and have fun. I am having as much fun in my 60’s and I did in The 60’s and hope you are too.

Thanks again for your support.

Bernard von NotHaus

Monetary Architect



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INTERESTING: Memorial Day war movies

It’s with mixed emotion that I watch the “war movies” that inhabit the old TV movie channels on “patriotic” holidays. Now, I have no illusions why they are showing the genre. Not that they are “patriots”. But, it does get an audience of those wistful for the simpler times, those seeking “action”, and those who have illusions of what war is.

People, mostly men, die!

You can lose sight of that fact in their silver screen propaganda.


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LIBERTY: We need nuke power to be free!

Death of a Civilization
by David Deming

*** begin quote ***

While Western Civilization sits confused, crippled with self-doubt and guilt, the Chinese are rapidly building an energy-intensive technological civilization. They have 2,000 coal-fired power plants, and are currently constructing new ones at the rate of one a week. In China, more people believe in free-market economics than in the US. Our Asian friends are about to be nominated by history as the new torchbearers of human progress.

*** end quote ***

Al Gore and his liberal pals will kill us.

We should be building nuclear reactors for power like there is no tomorrow. There won’t be. Why can France do it, but we can’t?

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: FAA conceals bird strike data

Monday, April 20, 2009
Hudson ditching survivor `shocked’ by FAA secrecy

*** begin quote ***

A survivor of the jetliner that ditched in the Hudson River after hitting birds and most other public commenters opposed a government proposal to make secret its data on when and where such bird strikes occur.

Public comments about the Federal Aviation Administration’s secrecy proposal ran 5-to-1 against it as the comment period closed Monday. One major group, which some had expected to support the rule, declined to take a position.

The primary trade group for U.S. airports, the Airports Council International-North America, told the FAA that its member airports were split on the issue so it “cannot take a position either supporting or opposing” the secrecy. But it urged the agency “to provide explanatory information to assist the public and media to use the data responsibly” if it decides against imposing secrecy.

*** end quote ***

Who’s gooferment is it?

Aren’t they supposed to be protecting us?

Regulators and the regulated. Perfect together!

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RANT: The real asto turf was the anti-war movement opposing Bush!

April 20, 2009 Issue
The American Conservative
Peace Out   
With Obama in office, liberals learn to love war.
By Justin Raimondo

*** begin quote ***

The antiwar rally at the University of Iowa was sparsely attended. The below 30 degree weather might have had something to do with it, but Paul Street, a local writer and one of the speakers, had another theory, as the Daily Iowan reported:

Before the crowd of fewer than 20, Street questioned why the ‘left’ locals and university officials aren’t doing more to help in the protests against the war. ‘The big truth right now, whether this town’s missing-in-action progressives get it or not, is that we need to fight the rich, not their wars,’ he said, citing big corporations for wasting their technology and funding on war.

The big truth is that the antiwar movement has largely collapsed in the face of Barack Obama’s victory: the massive antiwar marches that were a feature of the Bush years are a thing of the past. Those ostensibly antiwar organizations that did so much to agitate against the Iraq War have now fallen into line behind their commander in chief and are simply awaiting orders.

*** end quote ***

So, we now have DEMONSTRATED evidence that all the supposedly anti-war zealots were merely the liberal Democrats campaigning for their guy.

In this blog and on boards everywhere, I was pounded for saying that Ron Paul was the only true anti-war candidate.

All us little L libertarians are truly anti-war. Anti-aggression. Not defenseless! But pragmatic. MYOB and live and let live.

Maybe Justing is correct and Af-Pak will be Obama’s VietNam.

(Notice how the mainstream media has stopped reporting casualties. As an old vet, I watch good young men and women pour their life’s blood out for this mistake. Liek the other mistakes. How many have to die before the fathers and mothers in this country stand up and say “NO!”. Ron Paul would have done that.)

It just makes me sad!

And, mad!

# # # # #

GOVEROTRAGEOUS: CO2 is dangerous?

*** begin quote ***

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a finding that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases pose a danger to the public, setting the stage for a battle over regulations that could have far-reaching impact on the U.S. economy.

Unless superceded by Congressional action, the EPA finding potentially could lead to a wave of regulations across the economy, putting stricter emissions limits on a wide range of enterprises from power plants and oil refineries to automobiles and cement makers.

*** end quote ***

What kind of nonsense is this?

# # # # #

GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The Gooferment refuses to TARP repayment

   * APRIL 4, 2009

Obama Wants to Control the Banks
There’s a reason he refuses to accept repayment of TARP money.

*** begin quote ***

I must be naive. I really thought the administration would welcome the return of bank bailout money. Some $340 million in TARP cash flowed back this week from four small banks in Louisiana, New York, Indiana and California. This isn’t much when we routinely talk in trillions, but clearly that money has not been wasted or otherwise sunk down Wall Street’s black hole. So why no cheering as the cash comes back?

My answer: The government wants to control the banks, just as it now controls GM and Chrysler, and will surely control the health industry in the not-too-distant future. Keeping them TARP-stuffed is the key to control. And for this intensely political president, mere influence is not enough. The White House wants to tell ’em what to do. Control. Direct. Command.

It is not for nothing that rage has been turned on those wicked financiers. The banks are at the core of the administration’s thrust: By managing the money, government can steer the whole economy even more firmly down the left fork in the road.

{Extraneous Deleted}

*** end quote ***

It’s all about taking the county socialist. He was rated the 100% liberal senator. He has no other skill than manipulation.

We will never recover from this enormous debt he’s putting on our posterity.

Like Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Johnson, and Clinton, he’s taking us where we can’t get back from.

The American Experiment has failed.

Where will the new Revolution arise from?

When do the People again take to the barricades to fight for Freedom and Liberty?

Obama made a joke or threat to the Bankers saying “I am the only think between you and the pitchforks.” I’d take care Mister Politician. When the People get out the pitchforks as few of us my come after the Politicians and not the Bankers.

Beware the Devil’s bargain. And, the gooferment is that devil.

# # # # #

RANT: A failure of leadership — O on GM!

from The Wall Street Journal

*** begin quote ***

President Barack Obama blamed leadership failures in Washington, D.C., and Detroit as a key factor in the auto industry’s decline, as he called on General Motors and Chrysler to come up with better restructuring plans.

In prepared remarks Monday, Obama said, “The pain being felt in places that rely on our auto industry is not the fault of our workers… And it is not the fault of all the families and communities that supported manufacturing plants throughout the generations… Rather, it is a failure of leadership.”

The remarks came as Obama moved to impose hard-nosed, sweeping restructuring measures on GM and Chrysler, including the ouster of GM’s Wagoner.

*** end quote ***

So the money that was put into GM for the American Taxpayer went down a rathole.

And, Obama is going to run GM?

Levine on ABC has a great rant I’m going to try and find it.

Isn’t anyone upset that Obama is now running GM? Doesn’t it remind anyone of Hitler’s fascism? And, what bout the budget and spending. You youngsters are being robbed blind. And, who do they think is going to buy all this debt? It’s trillions and trillions of dollars. We’ll be in debt forever!

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