Another Whistleblower Suicide: the Immediate and Unquestioned State Narrative of Philip Haney’s Death – LewRockwell


*** begin quote ***

The latest so-called “suicide,” which has all the markings of a planned assassination, is that of Philip Haney. Haney was a whistleblower, and one of the founders of Homeland Security. He was a true insider that had evidence, and wrote about it in his book, “See Something, Say Nothing,” about the Obama administration’s orders to destroy the raw material that had been collected concerning Islamic terrorist groups.

*** and ***

Philip Haney was, according to those that knew him, a very happy man, had just recently gotten engaged to be married, and was attempting to publish a follow-up to his tell-all book. But do I know for a fact that he did not commit suicide?

*** and ***

The Epstein story was disappeared almost immediately, and held much more interest to the ignorant masses, so how long before this likely murder is disappeared from view?

*** end quote ***

Source: Another Whistleblower Suicide: the Immediate and Unquestioned State Narrative of Philip Haney’s Death – LewRockwell

# – # – # – # – #

Here’s the story about the death.

Here’s another “apparent suicide” that does seem to be “kosher”.

Like Epstein, it doesn’t make any sense.  Happy about to be married?

Convenient for BHO44 that he “suicided”, maybe it’s like ARKAN-cide?

If anyone decides to be a whistleblower, then they better have a depot of data “in case of my death”.

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Podcast Episode 224: The Constitution and Executive Power | Brion McClanahan Author & Historian

A leftist professor wants to limit executive power. This should not be news in the Age of Trump. Every leftist wants to do that, but this leftist might be slightly different. Professor Julia Azari wrote a piece for Vox arguing that the Constitution doesn’t do enough to limit executive power and suggests amending it to do so.

Source: Podcast Episode 224: The Constitution and Executive Power | Brion McClanahan Author & Historian

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We need to reign in the Executive.  The problem is NOT BHO44 or DJT45.  The DOWG weren’t perfect and they didn’t do enough to prevent the President from becoming a King. Or worse, a Deity.

I think of how some of my Depression Era relatives “worshiped” FDR and the fights when certain uncles who were war vets pointed out his flaws (i.e., women), claims that just weren’t true (i.e., he saved us from the Depression), and “conspiracy theories” (i.e., he caused Pearl Harbor; he led us into war; he was a socialist that gave away the world at Yalta).

Maybe that where I get my “suspicion” that ALL the Conspiracy Theories have a grain of truth at the core AND SOME even are true!


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POLITICAL: A stunning assertion, which if true ,needs some exposure

The Obama administration ‘SABOTAGED a DEA operation to stop Hezbollah smuggling drugs into the US and helped the militant group grow into a global threat so the Iran nuke deal would go ahead’

  • Ex-President’s officials accused of opening a door for traffickers and launderers
  • DEA led a complex operation called Project Cassandra to bring down militants
  • Claimed Obama’s people threw down a number of roadblocks, hindering agents
  • As the Iran nuclear deal neared its agreement, the harder it became for the DEA 
  • By Gareth Davies For Mailonline
  • PUBLISHED: 05:54 EST, 18 December 2017 | UPDATED: 11:21 EST, 18 December 2017
# – # – #
Let’s see if there is any follow up on this story. I’m sure there will be no consequences. Argh!

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TINFOILHAT: BHO44’s fake ssn

December 2, 2016
The ‘Fake News’ Con: A Case Study
By Jack Cashill

*** begin quote ***

Obama began using his 068 number in 1986, the year after he moved to Chicago. Did good neighbor Ayers lend him a Connecticut social security number? To me, this seems a more likely explanation than a typographical error. Lacking the resources to probe further, however, I can only speculate.

The Times has no such excuse. Its editors have the resources. They simply choose not to employ them. From Obama’s first days on the national scene, in fact, the Times has shown itself oddly incurious about his past, his very identity for that matter.

In late October 2007, for instance, the Times ran a telling article headlined, “Obama’s Account of New York Years Often Differs From What Others Say.” Given that he was a candidate for president, the Times expected Obama to welcome the chance to reconcile his account in his 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father, with the accounts of those who knew him.

“Yet he declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years,” reported the Times’ Janny Scott. For reasons unexplained, she and her editors chose to leave this particular hole in Obama’s life unfilled.

*** end quote ***

Maybe now we can get someone OTHER than Cahill to run down some of these “oddities”?

Surely, someone MUST be, if nothing else, curious!

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GUNS: BHO44 is playing politics on “gun violence”

It Only Took A Terror Attack For Obama’s DOJ To Prosecute A Straw Purchaser
Posted by Bob Owens on December 31, 2015 at 8:54 am

*** begin quote ***

It finally took a terrorist attack in San Bernardino to finally shame Barack Obama’s Department of Justice to do it’s job and prosecute a straw purchaser. Unfortunately, we can expect them to drop this charge, as they almost always do.

*** and ***

How bad is Obama’s DOJ when it comes to prosecuting gun crime seriously?

  • Violent criminal Curtessa Franklin was busted red-handed attempting to make several straw purchases in West Virginia while wanted on several warrants. She was let go by ATF within 14 hours.
  • Jalita Johnson straw-purchased a handgun for her boyfriend, violent convicted felon Marcus Wheeler. Wheeler then used that gun to shoot Omaha, Nebraska Police Officer Kerrie Orozoco, hours before she was scheduled to start maternity leave. Johnson’s sentence, 40 hours of community service and 180 days of house arrest for her role in killing a cop.
  • Dontray Mills straw-purchased 27 for known gang members, and faced 55 federal charges. He faced 550 years in prison and nearly $14 MILLION in fines. Obama’s DOJ gave him a plea deal that let him off with probation.
*** end quote ***

This demonstrates that it’s all posturing about “gun violence”.

If BHO44 was serious about the issue, he’d have the DoJ working OT on REAL gun crimes.

And, ATF probably got bonuses — remember Fast ’n’ Furious.

The Gooferment is immoral, ineffective, and inefficient. As well as untrustworthy. And, so are the politicians and bureaucrats!

It’s all propaganda!

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TINFOILHAT: DNA Prove’s Obama is a Foreign Citizen and No Relation To Stanley Ann Dunham

DNA Prove’s Obama is a Foreign Citizen and No Relation To Stanley Ann Dunham
Published on Apr 23, 2014

*** begin quote ***

Obama a natural citizen of Great Briton,Will an obscure intelligence advisor in England show the way for Americans to finally get rid of the illegal presidency of Barack Hussein Obama?

Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate has been almost universally deemed a forgery, long before Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio’s forensic examination found it to be created digitally and never having existed in paper form. Without even a digital examination, it is obvious it is a cut-and-paste job, with at least eight different typewriter fonts.

Despite this fact, and despite Obama clearly not being a natural-born citizen—his father, Barack Obama, Sr. being a subject of the British crown as admitted by Obama—the dozens of lawsuits filed against Obama charging that he’s not a natural-born citizen, or that his birth certificate is a fake—have been summarily dismissed for invalid reasons.Americans have found themselves in a quandary: we know Obama is ineligible to be President; we know his birth certificate is fake—yet we appear to be powerless to do anything about it. But there may be a novel way that Americans can prove Obama is not a natural-born citizen: have a Special Prosecutor demand Obama submit—like Clinton did in 1998—a DNA sample to prove that his mother and father are who he says they are.

This, however, may have already been carried out—by the CIA!

According to British intelligence advisor and author of the just-published book, Spyhunter, Michael Shrimpton states that the CIA took a DNA sample of Obama prior to the 2008 election and found that the woman Obama now states is his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, is not related to Obama—and his mother may in fact be a foreign citizen!

Shrimpton is no tinfoil hat-wearing kook: He has dozens of contacts in both the British and American intelligence agencies and has access to a huge cache of intelligence documents.
Will an obscure intelligence advisor in England show the way for Americans to finally get rid of the illegal presidency of Barack Hussein Obama?

Barack Obama has been methodically dismantling the United States, shredding the Constitution, and enslaving us to the Chinese with crushing debt; so let us hope Michael Shrimpton can show us how how we can prove Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen and may in fact be a foreign citizen

*** end quote ***

I’m not a “birther”. I have no idea where he was born or who his parents are. 

I prefer to think of myself as a “proofer”.

There are enough questions that make one suspect that he has usurped the Presidency with the willing cooperation of the Democratic Party, some of the “elite”, and some in the Republican Party.

Telling a big enough lie often enough is the essence of political propaganda.

Who knows what the truth is. 

BHO44 may not even know himself.

The ultimate ”manchurian candidate”?

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*** end quote ***

RANT: Our clueless President


Obama under fire for saying that ISIS has been ‘contained’ just hours before Paris attack as he heads to Turkey for G-20 Summit 

# – # – # – # – # 

What can one say?

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INTERESTING: Everything We Know Has an Expiration Date

Intellectual Dishonesty
By Walter E. Williams
June 2, 2015

*** begin quote ***

President Barack Obama’s stance, expressed in his 2014 State of the Union address, is that the debate is settled and climate change is a fact. Obama is by no means unique in that view. Former Vice President Al Gore declared that “the science is settled.” This “settled science” vision about climate is held by many, including those in academia. To call any science settled is sheer idiocy. Had mankind acted as though any science could possibly be settled, we’d be living in caves, as opposed to having the standard of living we enjoy today. That higher standard of living stems from challenges to what might have been seen as “scientific fact.”

According to mathematician Samuel Arbesman’s book, “The Half-Life of Facts: Why Everything We Know Has an Expiration Date,” many ideas taken as facts today will be shown to be wrong as early as five years from now. Arbesman argues that a study published in a physics journal will lose half its value in 10 years.

Many academics know that to call any science settled is nonsense. But their leftist political sentiments and lack of academic integrity prevent them from criticizing public officials and the media for misleading a gullible public about global warming.

*** end quote ***

I can always count on Professor Wilaims educating me.

I never had heard about the “Half-Life of Facts”.

As a fat old white guy injineer, “facts” were always “facts”.

There are certain absolutes in this world: π, ℊ, 𝑒, and lying politicians.

There are certain moral principles: The Golden Rule (i.e., do unto others), the Zero Aggression Principle (i.e., don’t hurt people or steal their stuff), and Karma (i.e., what you do, comes around back to you).

There are a lot of “theories”. For example, Evolution, Conspiracy, and Global Warming / Global Cooling / Climate Change,

Personally, I have always used the DIKW (i.e., data, information, knowledge, wisdom) paradigm to understand the world and structure my memes accordingly.

Note that “facts” don’t appear in my paradigm because, for the most part, when people tell me “facts”, they are not very absolute.

In my mind, “facts” are “information” subject to verification and testing.

Thanks for Professor Williams educating me that there is no such thing as “settled science”.

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RANT: Obamacare should be rolled back


That’s what the architect of ObamaCare called you, the American voter.

He said they wrote the law specifically to confuse voters, to conceal what the law was about.

But now ObamaCare is going to face a day of reckoning.

# – # – # – # – #   

Argh! “health”, “health care”, “health care insurance”, or something else

But, I think we should thank these bozos for getting “health insurance” disconnected from “employment”.

Like “car insurance”, it should have ZERO connection to your employer.


All due to the wage and price controls of WW2.

Aggravated by the Crony Capitalist tax code that allows business to deduct “health insurance expense” but employees can not!


I hope that the R’s will correct this aspect.

If I was an R, I’d be passing bills like a machine gun. Then BHO44 can veto or sign. “We, The Sheeple” can make judgments from there.

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POLITICAL: Separate Health Insurance from employment

On a slightly different note, while I think Obamacare is a giant FAIL on so many points, I do think that it demonstrates the need to end associating medical insurance with one’s employment.

Car Insurance should be the model. You don’t lose your car insurance if you change jobs.

Let WalMart, Credit Unions, Fraternal Organizations sell Group Medical Insurance.

Just like Life Insurance!

Did you know that the Knights of Columbus invented Life Insurance for the poor working men. And, it took off like wildfire. My maternal great grandmother, a Protestant, bought in for her brothers by claiming they were Catholic. Until Met Life came along with a better rate. (Laugh!)

Obamacare may have given us lemons, but we can make lemonade out of it.

Then on to “pension reform”.

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POLITICAL: The “fruit of the poisonous tree”

Parallel Reconstruction
By Andrew P. Napolitano
October 9, 2014

*** begin quote ***

Nevertheless, the NSA’s agents and lawyers felt it necessary to concoct this groundless, disingenuous and fictional legal distinction in order to persuade the FISA court that it is legally acceptable to permit untethered spying so long as the fruits of that spying are not used in criminal prosecutions. Curiously and naively, judges of the FISA court bought that argument.

So, what happens when the spying uncovers ordinary criminal behavior unrelated to national security? In order to keep its hands clean, so to speak, the NSA sends that evidence to the DOJ, whose lawyers and agents in cahoots with the NSA then concoct an explanation as to how the DOJ came upon the evidence. Of course, that explanation curiously and carefully omits the mention of domestic spying. DOJ lawyers know that if the beginning of the process of obtaining evidence is found to be unconstitutional, then the evidence itself can be useless in court.

This is what lawyers and judges call the “fruit of the poisonous tree.”

*** end quote ***

This is deceptive, unlawful and unconstitutional behavior by the Executive Branch.

It undermines the “Rule of Law”.

And the fact that it was done by BOTH the R Bush and the D Obama demonstrates that there is little difference between the D’s and the R’s.

At the very least, there should be dismissals and pardons for ALL defendants who were unfairly convicted. 


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RANT: Ebolaphobia is perfect for Gooferment purposes

Ebola outbreak: Why Obama is allowing Ebolaphobia to spread
By Dr. Keith Ablow
Published October 09, 2014

*** begin quote ***

Adults admit to anxiety about whether the illness could strike many more people here, and children have confided to me that they are terrified of Ebola. And what is being said is only the obvious part of the psychological virus (call it “Ebolophobia”) that is spreading; I would venture that millions of people are already unconsciously spending mental energy to suppress their worries that the disease could infect them or those they love.

Part of the preventive health strategy to help contain this psychological virus should be a reliable flow of information and bold policy from the Obama administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But, already, their response lacks the necessary element of steady stewardship. And that’s because of President Obama’s continuing reticence to put America first.

*** end quote ***

Rahm’s rule: “Never let a good crisis go to waste!”

It distracts the Sheeple and makes them think they need the Gooferment to “protect” them.


If I was “King” like BHO44, then:

* Travel ban;

* Fire up the CDC for a daily national announcement;

* Fire up the FDA for an fast track plan for drugs;

* Put DoD on the Southern Border problem;

* Nuke the whole Homeland Security organization; and

* Put Biden in charge of the “Ebola” effort.

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The only winning move is not to play

Mr President, the Less you do the Better
By Eric Margolis
September 6, 2014

*** begin quote ***

Washington DC – “We’ve got to stop ISIS… al-Qaida… Syria’sAssad… Hamas… Hezbollah… Taliban…

Shebab…the wicked Ruskis in Ukraine…those Yemeni Houthis…Iran…Sudan…Islamists in Libya and Mali…Boko Haram in Nigeria… the Red Chinese in Asia. Oh yes, and defend Latvia and fight the Lord’s Army in Uganda.

*** and ***

To quote Frederick the Great, “he who defends everything, defends nothing.” To which we may add, he who spends on wars everywhere, ends up broke. And he who ignores domestic needs for the sake of imperial glory abroad is cruising for a bruising.

The American Imperium can no longer enforce the international status quo that had given it immense power and wealth since 1945. The Hapsburg Emperor Charles V and poor Louis XVI faced the same problem.

*** and ***

As they say at the Betty Ford Clinic for drug and alcohol addicts, “just say no.” Or, if Americans really want more jolly little wars around the globe, then raise taxes to pay for them instead of hiding their cost in the national debt.

Americans now face two conflicts in places they can’t even find on the map.

*** end quote ***

From the movie WarGames (1983):  “A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?”

Maybe BHO44 was displaying a flash of unexpected brilliance when he blurted out “ … we don’t have a strategy …”?

At some point, “We, The Sheeple” must wake up and take charge of our Gooferment!

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POLITICAL: The situation at the border IS a national disgrace

Posted on July 11, 2014 by keywestlou

*** begin quote ***

ABC News ran photographs on the internet yesterday of some of the children who have come over the border into Texas. The 52,000.

Here is what I saw.

Children sleeping on bathroom floors, in orderly fashion next to each other. More sleeping on shower floors. Not in orderly fashion. On top of each other in many instances. The floor in each room reported to be concrete. Nothing between the kids’ bodies and the concrete. Some standing crowded almost like sardines in what was described as a holding room.

The news report stated the areas where the children were held were fenced in by chain link and barbed wire. It was further reported that the children are only allowed 30 minutes outside each day to play.

ABC’s report further indicated that many of the children still appear dehydrated and hungry. The report also stated some of the children were sick and could not eat.

Is this how we treat children in the United States? Regardless of how they arrived here?

This is not a Republican/Democrat thing. This is a humanitarian crisis. Political differences and hatreds should be set aside. We are duty and conscience bound to react. To do the right thing. To be God like. To help the children.

*** end quote ***

The situation at the border IS a national disgrace.

Let’s not forget the reason this situation was created — politics.

The D’s figure to remake America into a Socialist Paradise by embarrassing the R’s in front of Hispanic voters. Add to that that all the illegal aliens will vote D is the cherry on the Sunday.

And it distracts from the bad economy, the foreign policy disasters, and the Obamacare disaster. Never mind concealing the IRS scandal and the VA débâcle.

As a Voluntaryist type of little L libertarian, America needs good people to come work and assimilate. The current immigration disaster is failure to have such policy.

A plague on all their houses for the mess that they have made.

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POLITICAL: A very upsetting example

Illegal Alien With 7 Kids Got Food Stamps, Housing & Social Security – for 20 Years (Video)
by Top Right News on January 18, 2014 in amnesty, Border Security, Economy, GOP, Immigration, Obama, Politics

*** begin quote ***

Illegal alien and mother of seven, Florida resident Marita Nelson, receives $240 in food stamps, monthly medications, $700 in Social Security and a housing allowance.

And she has been receiving government assistance for over 20 YEARS – ever since she illegally entered the U.S. by swimming the Rio Grande.

*** end quote ***

If this is true, then The Sheeple are fools.

This is unacceptable!

Why should the producers subsidize the moochers?

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POLITICAL: the “Bystander President” seems appropriate

by SCOT KENDALL 1 Jan 2014 

*** begin quote ***

2013 was anything but a banner year for President Obama.

A peppering of failures and scandals marked the first year of the second term of the “most transparent administration in history.” These scandals came in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all shared one prominent feature.

That is the amount of knowledge Obama claimed to have of them before they happened – none.

*** and ***

Let’s hope that 2014 sees the “blindsided” president (whom the GOP has called the “Bystander President”) learning from his mistakes and taking a more active role in the governance of his country and the doing of his job. As the year unfolds, we’ll all be keeping a close watch.

*** end quote ***

Seems appropriate.

How many time can he use the same excuse?

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POLITICAL: Obamacare has more “surprises”

Obamacare’s Biggest Whopper
Betsy McCaughey | Jan 02, 2014

*** begin quote ***

But the nastiest truth about the health law is still to be exposed – the tightening hold the federal government will have over your doctor, even if you’re paying with private insurance. Obama said “you’re not going to have anybody getting in between you and your doctor in your decision making.” It was a lie from day one, just like the president’s other sales pitches.

*** end quote ***

Sarah Palin called it “death panels”.

You can believe that they will set “standards”!


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POLITICAL: GM $14 billion in taxpayer dollars

The Bailout
By Eric Peters
Eric Peters Autos
December 13, 2013

*** begin quote ***

In Washington, they always try to announce unpleasantness during the off-hours (weekends, holidays and such) so that – hopefully – the stink will be less noticed.

In Detroit, too.

The recent announcement of the accession of Mary Barra as the new CEO of General Motors just happened to be exactly coincident with the announcement that the federal government has divested itself of its remaining partial ownership of GM.

This is good news.

The bad news – according to the Center for Automotive Research – is that $14 billion in taxpayer dollars went up in smoke as a result of the government’s “investment” in GM.

*** end quote ***

Sorry, but that is just the bailout cost.

What about all the lawyers, productivity, and personal losses?

Frau Reinke lost 5k$+. Where does that get tallied?

And, the loss of market discipline.

Bailouts are addictive. And, immoral, ineffective, and inefficient!

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RANT: The BHO44 selfie — narcissist!

Flirty Obama owes us an apology
By Andrea PeyserDecember 12, 2013 | 4:25am

*** begin quote ***

President Obama shares a laugh with Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt as his wife, first lady Michelle Obama looks on during a memorial service for late South African President Nelson Mandela.

*** end quote ***

I don’t like to jump on things.

BUT … …

in this case FLOTUS’ expression says it all.

He’s a self-centered pig. Incapable of being taken seriously.

If I was at Old Abe’s funeral, I certainly wouldn’t hit on a hottie.

And, I have a low opinion of “Honest” Abe.

But he was “in the arena” and I wasn’t.

From that perspective, us Monday morning quarterbacks have to restrain our criticism.

It didn’t present the USA, whom he was representing, in a very good life.

I wonder who had him and FLOTUS change seats?


Glad it wasn’t me being an A double Q.

Frau Reinke would have been a lot less forgiving.

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POLITICS: Obamaccare affects coverage

IBM to Move Retirees Off Health Plan

*** begin quote ***

International Business Machines plans to move about 110,000 retirees off its company-sponsored health plan and instead give them a payment to buy coverage on a health-insurance exchange, in a sign that even big, well-capitalized employers aren’t likely to keep providing the once-common benefits as medical costs continue to rise.

The move, which will affect all IBM retirees once they become eligible for Medicare, will relieve the technology company of the responsibility of managing retirement health-care benefits.

*** end quote ***

This is just another of the dropping shoes!

I foresee litigation.

Unless the politicians and bureaucrats give the Crony Capitalists a “free pass” because it is a big boost to their plan for “single payer socialized medicine”. 

In any event, the “Age of the Golden Watch” when paternalistic companies could be trusted with the best interest of valuable employees. Foolish meme at its heart. But, if I was an IBM employee, or potential IBM retiree, the hand writing is on the wall.

Yes, the new employment meme should be “Every person for themselves!”.

Cause NO ONE — not your employer, not the folks you buy from, not the politicians — NOBODY is looking out for YOU, but YOU!

Forget that at your own peril.

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RANT: No military action in Syria

Subject: Defend America only. Do not manipulate or police the world.

Dear Politician:

Defend America only. Do not manipulate or police the world.

Take immediate action to prevent President Obama from launching any military action in Syria.

The President is trying to fix something that cannot be solved by outsiders dropping bombs. This will not protect innocent people. It will kill innocents. Their blood will be on the President’s hands, and on your hands, unless you use your powers to resist.

Take Sarah Pallin’s counsel: “Let Allah sort it out.”

Is it tragic? Yes. But to quote some way: “There are many problems in this world, and some of them are mine.”

Be like the Swiss: MYOB! Blessed are the peacemakers. Peacemakers don’t start wars.

Mr. Ferdinand Reinke

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Feel free to click over to DownSizeDC and write your own.

If you want to support the troops, bring them all home for Labor Day!

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INTERESTING: Beck’s astute observation

Aug. 15, 2013 4:42pm Erica Ritz

*** begin quote ***

How closely have you looked at the now-historic photo of the White House Situation Room during the Osama bin Laden raid?

On his radio show Thursday — in light of recent claims that President Obama said “I can’t watch this entire thing” and played about “15 games of Spades” during the 2011 raid — Glenn Beck took a closer look at everything from the president’s lack of a seat at the table to what the commander in chief’s motivations may have been for reportedly opting to be absent for a large part of the proceedings.

*** end quote ***

An excellent observation!

A picture IS worth a thousand words.

Who is in charge?


The General!

No one?

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RANT: 7.4 percent because of “leavers”

*** begin quote ***

The Labor Department reported Friday that the economy added 162,000 jobs in July, after adding 188,000 in June. Unemployment fell to 7.4 percent, largely because 240,000 adults left the labor force.

*** end quote *** 

This is how the current Administration claim such a low unemployment rate — folks leaving the workforce. How can that be good news?

I wonder what we have lost in terms of productive lives.

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POLITICAL: Obama supporters posting on Facebook

Former Homeland Security attorney exposes shrewd maneuver

*** begin quote ***

The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, enacted by Congress in 1986, is a broadly written law that in practice regulates virtually all computers and cellphones, largely because communications over the Internet tends to have implications for interstate commerce.

Baker argued that the Obama presidential campaign in 2012 possibly violated the act by an arrangement with Obama supporters posting on Facebook. It allowed the Obama campaign to search the person’s Facebook network for likely voters the campaign could identify as unmotivated or unregistered.

The likely voters would then get tailored messages from their Facebook friends urging them to register and turn out.

*** end quote ***

Might makes right.

BHO44 “won” the election. 

(A disputable claim given the fraudulent voting.)

So “his” DOJ isn’t going to investigate squat.

(After all, look at the “birth certificate” and how that was swept under the rug.)

Any claim that the USA is a land of “laws” is a joke.

And the politicians and bureaucrats have no shame at all. It’s now openly blatant that “lie, cheat, and steal” is acceptable to the Mundanes, Clovers, and Sheeple.

Wonder how Hitler, Mao, or any other the other fascists came to power? You’re watching it here.

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VETERANS: Leave no man behind; a political joke

Forgotten War, Forgotten Soldiers
Book: American POWs left behind from Korean War

American Trophies

BY: Bill Gertz
July 26, 2013 4:08 pm

*** begin quote ***

U.S. prisoners of war were left behind in North Korea, China, and Russia after the Korean War and the Pentagon failed to win their release or a full accounting of their fate, according to research contained in a new book that is highly critical of U.S. POW recovery efforts.

“The Obama White House and Pentagon show not a trace of urgency in recovering our Korean War POW/MIAs, perished or alive,” said Mark Sauter, the book’s co-author who has spent more than two decades investigating missing soldiers.

“Time is running out for many of their family members, not to mention American POWs reported in North Korea long after the war, if any still survive,” he told the Washington Free Beacon. “Contrast this with South Korea, which has recovered dozens of its POWs alive in recent years. Some family members believe the U.S. government is simply waiting for the problem to go away.”

The book, American Trophies: How American POWs Were Surrendered to North Korea, China, and Russia by Washington’s ‘Cynical Attitude,’ includes numerous cases of missing Americans from the Korean War, along with several from the Cold War and Vietnam War. It is based on years of research, interviews, and documents by the authors, Sauter and John Zimmerlee.

*** end quote ***

Every American Legion post I have ever been in has a POW / MIA table.

How can we not hold politicians and bureaucrats to account?

How can we let them keep sending girls and boys overseas in our name?

Why do we vote for folks who have NOT served?


I first learned about the issue when I discussed “Men aren’t potatoes” from Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers with my Uncle who served in WW2. He borrowed my copy and read it.

Laff, he agreed with the line that “serving doesn’t make saints but it’s a good filter for cowards”.

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TINFOILHAT: Deconstructing the BHO44 legend

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


*** begin quote ***

Obama applied for a position as an adjunct and wasn’t even considered. A few weeks later the law school got a phone call from the Board of Trustees telling them to find him an office, put him on the payroll, and give him a class to teach. The Board told him he didn’t have to be a member of the faculty, but they needed to give him a temporary position. He was never a professor and was hardly an adjunct.

The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review, because if he was, he would be the first and only editor of an Ivy League law review to never be published while in school (publication is or was a requirement).

*** end quote ***

So who on the BoT made that call and who pressured them?

Enquiring minds want to know!

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