NEWJERSEY: WARNDEP, the secret police app to inform on your neighbors

New Jersey Dept of Environmental Police, Set up Snitch Line to Report Contraband Plastic and Styrofoam Users
May 4, 2022 | Sundance | 278 Comments

*** begin quote ***

Perhaps in the grand scheme of all things facing us, this action by New Jersey may seem a little silly; however, it’s still nuts.

Comrades, starting today it is illegal in New Jersey to have plastic or paper bags in stores for shoppers.  Additionally, restaurants,
cafeterias and food trucks are forbidden to serve take-out food in Styrofoam-like products. Also, all retailers must stop selling
polystyrene foam products like plates and cups.  Drinking straws require a permit for restricted distribution as monitored by the Department of

To ensure legal compliance within the Garden State, officials in New Jersey have established a snitch hotline for citizens to call the Dept
of Environmental Police (DEP) and report dissident violators, while the state ministry of citizen compliance have created a “WARN DEP” app to
facilitate easier snitching on your neighbors if you spot them using contraband containers.

*** end quote ***

*** begin quote ***

May 5, 2022 10:20 am
This is easy! We have the phone number, so everyone, from every State, overwhelm the lines with calls. Report whatever State agency in
NJ you hate. Begin with any one of the programs that give money away, and include every department within the hierarchy, the Secretary of
State (saw an employee carrying a doggie box, Justice pouring coffee into styrofoam cups in secret meetings.

It doesn’t have to be true! Swamp ‘em. Push back the Alinsky rules right back in their faces. Total derision. We can play this game. It’s a
civic duty. 877 WARN-DEP. 877 927-6337

*** end quote ***

*** begin quote ***

May 5, 2022 1:33 pm
I’m old enough to remember when plastic bags were touted as a way to “save a tree.”

*** end quote ***

*** begin quote ***

Legislature OKs bill closing plastic bag ban loophole


A 2019 law, that went into effect Jan. 1, prohibited large stores and chain retailers from providing “any single-use plastic carryout bag” to consumers at the point of sale.

Rather than offer reusable fabric bags or paper, however, many stores in the First State took advantage of an exemption in the 2019 bill that allowed for thicker plastic bags, reasoning that those plastic bags would be reusable, rather than single use. The reality after their use began, however, was that most consumers weren’t reusing the thicker bags as recommended.

*** end quote ***

The only people I’d report are politicians and bureaucrats.

I can get behind any effort to muck up the system.

Know any good “black hat hackers” for a good DDOS?


RANT: Gooferment Motors bailout has cost over 32B$ dollars so far

Not News: UAW Considering Plan to Milk the Unemployment System If It Calls a GM Strike
By Tom Blumer | October 24, 2015 | 10:30 PM EDT

*** begin quote ***

The news coming out of Detroit about near-deadline negotiations between the United Auto Workers union and General Motors has been pretty quiet. As the Sunday 11:59 p.m. deadline approaches, the Associated Press only has a four-paragraph blurb indicating that the union wants to get a richer package than it just garnered in negotiations with Fiat Chrysler. A Reuters report goes into detail about GM’s cost structure still being higher than that seen at Toyota’s and Nissan’s U.S. plants by about 15 percent and 31 percent, respectively. The New York Times is only carrying reports from the wires.

One note of substance about the UAW’s strategy covered at Bloomberg News — surely known to others following the industry who are filing bland reports — is that it plans to milk the unemployment insurance system in the event of a protracted strike.

To be clear, such a strike would appear to be very unlikely, if for no other reason than the fact that Americans remember that the Obama administration bailed out GM at a considerable cost several years ago. The final fully-loaded cost involved was $26.5 billion — not the $11.2 billion touted by the press last year. It’s safe to say that quite a few people would not take kindly to the idea of the primary beneficiaries of that unprecedented largesse walking out on their jobs when so many others are still unemployed and under-employed over six years after the most recent recession’s official end.

(Additionally, the linked $26.5 billion analysis appears not to have picked up the effect of the government permitting GM to carry forward $16 billion in tax losses incurred by the “old GM” into the “new GM” — even though “a business that undergoes a change in ownership usually has to forfeit the old company’s net operating losses,” which certainly happened during the bailout. At the statutory federal income tax rate of 35 percent, that decision alone cost the U.S. treasury $5.6 billion.)

*** end quote ***


And the UAW isn’t happy?

Talk about Crony Capitalism.

Now they want to stick the taxpayer — via unemployment insurance — with the cost of their “strike”.

Guess no one remembers the current 18T+ national debt and the guesstimated 200T+ in unfunded liabilities that our posterity will have to deal with!


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POLITICAL: HRC seems to be immune

Five Dirty Little Secrets About Hillary That the Media Isn’t Talking About
Ed Klein | Oct 20, 2015

*** begin quote ***

  • The Smoldering Gun
  • Bill Clinton’s Advice on How to Deal With Marco Rubio
  • How Chelsea’s Husband, Marc Mezvinsky, Takes Advantage of His Clinton Connection
  • Hillary’s Health Issues
  • Hillary Ignores Obama’s Orders
  • Valerie Jarrett’s Six-Pronged Investigation of Hillary

*** end quote ***

I don’t understand why she hasn’t been held to account for the email breech.

Impeach, indict, or just be held by “We, The Steeple” as unsuitable in a position of trust.


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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Lapdog media conceals Gooferment bad behavior

Victims’ Families Speak Out Against Obama, Networks Don’t Care
Published: 9/18/2014 9:45 AM ET
By Geoffrey Dickens
Deputy Research Director

*** begin quote ***

The mother of ISIS beheading victim James Foley told CNN’s Anderson Cooper, on September 11, that she was “embarrassed and appalled” by the White House’s handling of her son’s kidnapping. On September 8 a spokesman for the family of ISIS victim Steven Sotloff claimed that both families were “bullied and hectored” by the administration.

So how many Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network stories have been devoted to helping these families tell their shocking stories of a White House that let them down and even intimidated them? Just three (CBS 2, ABC 1, NBC 0).

However, in the summer of 2005 when anti-Iraq war mom Cindy Sheehan camped out in front of George W. Bush’s Crawford, Texas ranch the networks flooded their evening and morning shows with 100 stories (ABC 37, NBC 33, CBS 30) in the first month (August 9 through September 9) of coverage alone.

*** end quote ***

The Gooferment gets away with bad behavior because the Media is “in bed with the D’s”.


How much more obvious can it be?

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TINFOILHAT: There’s more to Watergate than meets the eye

Unanswered Questions About Watergate
There are many—why is no one asking them?
By Beverly Gage|Posted Monday, April 22, 2013, at 10:26 AM

*** begin quote *** 

The effect is mildly ridiculous. All the same, Stein provides one of the film’s few hints that Watergate is not, even now, an entirely settled matter. With four decades’ perspective, there are still big political questions to ask: How did a Republican Party on the verge of collapse in 1974 surge back six years later to launch the Age of Reagan? How much of the scandal was really about Nixon and his paranoia, and how much was about a broader set of institutional and political rivalries? Did the reforms put in place after the scandal—on presidential power, on intelligence prerogatives—effectively constrain the executive branch? To what degree did Watergate, once seen as a great Democratic triumph, help to fuel a conservative anti-government backlash?

*** end quote ***

What was concealed before this all came out?

Was this just a bureaucrat annoyed because he didn’t get the job?

Do we think this doesn’t go on all the time?


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TINFOILHAT: Boston Bombing — Saudi connection

Apr. 26, 2013 9:06am Mike Opelka

*** begin quote ***

During Thursday night’s episode of The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News, Glenn Beck discussed TheBlaze’s investigation into the government’s curious handling of the Saudi national who was questioned in the hospital after the Boston Marathon bombings.

The two former Fox colleagues talked about the possible reasons for DHS detaining the Saudi man and O’Reilly said he’s willing to give Beck “a hearing.”

Beck laid out the story to O’Reilly, showing him a copy of the front page of the report on Ali Abdulrahman Alharbi and explained that page two described the man as “armed and dangerous.”

*** end quote ***

Clearly, we can not get the straight scoop from our politicians and bureaucrats.

Do any of the Sheeple and Clovers care?


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GUNS: Defensive use of a gun gets near ZERO coverage Texas woman shoots wanted serial robber, possible rapist; Story ignored by MSM DEFENSIVE GUN USE  APRIL 11, 2013  BY: JENNIFER CRUZ

*** begin quote ***

Early Sunday morning, April 7, in Lumberton, Texas ( /topic/texas) three robbers kidnapped and robbed one woman, but when they moved on to rob two more women they were met with an unexpected surprise.

According to a report by 12 News Now ( say-is-responsible-for-robbery-spree) , one of the would-be victims brought their robbing spree to a halt when she shot one of them. The three robbers, identified as 21-year-old Scott Willis, Jr., 21-year-old Malik Washington, and 21-year-old Ariel Malveaux, all of Beaumont, have apparently been targeting women as victims of robberies since last month.

In the first robbery which happened on Sunday morning, the three abducted a woman at gunpoint, and forced her to drive to an ATM to withdraw cash. There has also been an unconfirmed report that she was sexually assaulted.

In the second robbery attempt, the three approached two women and demanded money. One of the women was able to retrieve her handgun and shot Willis in the abdomen, reportedly puncturing his liver. Willis is being held in the intensive care unit at Christus St. Elizabeth hospital where he is being treated for the gunshot wound. Upon his release, Willis will be charged with aggravated robbery. Washington and Malveaux are both being held by Lumberton police on aggravated robbery charges. Washington also faces a kidnapping charge.

*** and ***

One would think that a story of this woman’s courage and quick thinking which ultimately led to the capture of three violent serial robbers would be a big story that would catch the attention of mainstream media. However, it has not. At the time this article was published, there were only eight reports of this incident ( ab&q=woman+shoots+robber+lumberton+texas&oq=woman+shoots+robber+lumberton+texas& gs_l=hp.3…18800.21573.1.22579.…0.0…1c.1.8.psy-ab.boc1zkCf2Rw&pbx=1& bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45107431,d.b2I&fp=f541d26e5940a762&biw=1366&bih=664) , all which include local media outlets, local conservative political websites, a forum, a blog and an individual’s Facebook page, who happens to be the brother-in-law of the first woman who was robbed.

However, when a 4-year-old accidentally shoots a 6-year-old, the media is sure to exploit it everywhere, with more than 17 pages (,or.r_cp.r_qf.& bvm=bv.45107431,d.b2I&fp=f541d26e5940a762&biw=1366&bih=664) of stories covering the incident, including many mainstream media outlets.

In addition, the big story reported by local media seems to be that the police caught these criminals, giving very little, if any, credit to the woman who actually shot one of them, which ultimately resulted in the apprehension of all three.

Is there bias in media reporting which compliments an anti-gun agenda? Voice your opinions below.

*** end quote ***

Sure there IS a big anti-gun bias.

“Victim disarmament is the view that it is somehow better to see a woman raped in an alley and strangled with her own pantyhose, than see her with a gun in her hand.” — T.D. Melrose

“God created men and women, but Sam Colt made them equal!” Quote inspired by Sam Colt

Wishing that the world wasn’t a dangerous place will do nothing but increase the body count.

Capital punishment doesn’t seem to deter bad behavior, armed victims seem to put a big crimp in it. Not mention a big hole in a vital body part. I recommend that women aim just below the center of mass. Let the recoil bring it up to the kill zone.

If a kick there hurts, imagine getting it blown away.

That should solve the problem very quickly.

Note that not everyone has to be packing. Just enough so that it turns a “sure thing” into “risky business”.

“An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” — Robert A. Heinlein

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RANT: NBC with its thumb on the scales

NBC issues apology on Zimmerman tape screw-up – Erik Wemple – The Washington Post

# – # – #

This is a complete screw up. I wouldn’t trust NBC with my news needs.

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Deception evidence reaches Oval Office?

Analysis says everything president, lawyers said ‘was carefully orchestrated and scripted’

Posted: July 11, 2011

By Bob Unruh

*** begin quote ***

In an allegation that pushes the dispute over Barack Obama’s presidential eligibility to a new level, an affidavit prepared to accompany a criminal complaint over the “Certificate of Live Birth” released April 27 suggests there was a plan to mislead the American public, and it went as high as the Oval Office.

“What I believe you are looking at is a classic example of an attempt at plausible deniability,” wrote Doug Vogt, who has filed a criminal complaint that charges Obama’s birth record is forged.

Vogt, who describes himself as an expert in documents, typesetting, imaging, scanners and document imaging programs and has owned Archive Index Systems since 1993, referenced the widely broadcast White House event when officials, including then-White House Counsel Robert Bauer and Obama’s communications director Daniel Pfeiffer, released the purported Hawaiian “Certificate of Live Birth.”

*** end quote ***

As usual, the cover up is what kills you.

There are an awful lot of people who should be testifying under oath in front a Grand Jury.

And, as before, it all comes down to the question: “Why?”

Followed immediately by “Who knew what? When?”

I’m convinced that “We, The Sheeple” have been defrauded, deceived, and manipulated.


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RANT: “Default”? No way, not needed

As a political junkie, I’m enraged when some bozo (i.e., politician and /or bureaucrat) is allowed by some talking head to say “default” without opposition.

IMHO any reasonable person would pay the interest on the debt first, then the social security and other mandatory welfare payments, and come up with a “total must pay”. Subtract that total from the budget to come up with “what’s left to pay”. Subtract “total must pay” from current receipts for “what’s left”.

Divide “what’s left” by “what’s left to pay” and that’s the haircut that the budget must be slashed by.

No one is going to be happy, but no default. It’ll set off a lot of wailing and gnashing but that’s what fiscal discipline is all about.

That’s why I say don’t raise the debt ceiling. And, don’t let politicians and bureaucrats scare old people by saying no soc sec or the markets by saying default.

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MEDIABIAS: No bias in delay for the Global Warming grazillionaire!

The Gore complaint – Ben Smith: The Gore complaint
June 23, 2010

*** begin quote ***

Portland’s Oregonian today printed a police report echoing a National Enquirer story that a masseuse accused Al Gore of sexual harassment in 2006.

*** end quote ***

America is being badly served by the Fourth Estate!


It’s a shame when the National Enquirer sets the standard for “journalism”.

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POLITICAL: Helen Thomas steps in it

Helen Thomas: Jews Should ‘Get the Hell Out of Palestine and Go Back To Germany And Poland’
Posted by Jeff Dunetz Jun 4th 2010 at 11:43 am in Featured Story, Mainstream Media, media bias

*** begin quote ***

Helen Thomas’ comparing of the IDF to Nazi Germany is nothing but an attempt to water-down the horror of the Holocaust, and to dehumanize Israel. And her advice to the Jews to get the hell out of Palestine, and go back to Poland and Germany is nothing short of anti-Semitism. If Thomas’ comments were directed toward any other group but the Jews, she would have been out of work a very long time ago. Maybe it’s time for Helen’s bosses to retire her to the The Home For Crazy Old Anti-Semites.

*** end quote ***

“Liberals” are always so sensitive and caring. But every once and while, they show their true colors. Hateful.

Us little L libertarians despise them for their two-faced presentation.

“Fair minded journalists”? Don’t make me laugh!

“Liberals” were once the champions of the People. Now they are just small-minded control freaks.

Maybe Helen Thomas should just do interviews with Robert Byrd about the KKK’s opinion of Jews?

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TECHNOLOGY: Mediasaurus

Today’s mass media is tomorrow’s fossil fuel. Michael Crichton is mad as hell, and he’s not going to take it anymore.
By Michael Crichton

*** begin quote ***

The extreme positions of the Crossfire Syndrome require extreme simplification – framing the debate in terms that ignore the real issues. For example, when I watch Crossfire, or Nightline, or MacNeil-Lehrer, I often think, wait a minute. The real issue isn’t term limits; it’s campaign finance reform. The real issue isn’t whether a gasoline tax is regressive, it’s national security – whether we’d prefer to go back to war in the Gulf instead of reducing oil consumption by taxing it more heavily, as every other nation does. The real issue isn’t whether the United States should have an industrial policy, it is whether the one we have – no policy is a policy – serves us well. The issue isn’t whether Mickey Kantor is a protectionist, it’s how should the US respond to its foreign competitors.

*** end quote ***

He hits the nail on the head. The media is just SO biased that it distracts from the data, info, knowledge, and wisdom from the “story”.

It’s a long article but it does highlight how bias and technology are making the “media” obsolete.


How do we capitalize on the replacement?

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POLITICAL: Why can’t we buy and sell human organs?

LifeSharers: Opting In vs. Opting Out

*** begin quote ***

The United Network for Organ Sharing, which runs the national organ allocation system, has the power to put registered organ donors first. Sadly, it has not chosen to make this common-sense change. Americans who want to donate their organs to other organ donors don’t have to wait for UNOS to act. They can join LifeSharers, a national non-profit network of organ donors who agree to offer their organs first to other organ donors when they die. Membership is free at or by calling 1-888-ORGAN88. There is no age limit, parents can enroll their minor children, and no one is excluded due to any pre-existing medical condition.

*** end quote ***

Until we wise up and allow a marketplace in human organs, we will always have shortages. The lack of a marketplace hurts the poor the worst. The rich always seem to have “connections”. The poor don’t get a chance to sell what they no longer have a need for and help their families. May sound grusome, but it’s a tough life being poor. Why further complicate a poor family’s life? They should be allowed, no encouraged, to sell their deceased family member for parts. Instead they get their arm twisted to “donate” and a bill for the funeral. Why is it OK for doctors and hospitals to make a buck doing transplants, but not for the “donor” to get paid? I can envision that some unfortunate’s child gets to go to college on his dead relative’s kidney. What’s so terrible about that?

See its our own thinking that kills us by preventing us from seeing the solution. All because it doesn’t fit someone’s preconceived notions. Free markets always clear the supply and demand. Only when the gooferment gets involved to we have shortages, waste, death, injury, and destruction.

# # # # #

POLITICAL: “Signing” standards

June 06, 2009
Presidential signing statements are bad – only if Bush did it
Rick Moran

*** begin quote ***

President Obama has issued more signing statements at this point in his presidency than George Bush. And yet, the crickets are chirping in the media and on the left for all the stink they’ve made about it.

*** end quote ***

Of course, there’s no liberal bias.

Signing statements on their face are unConstitutional.

The fact that we have different standards for different sides of the political aisle.

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RANT: Begala says paying taxes is patriotic

Commentary: April 15 is patriots’ day

   * Paul Begala: April 15 is one day most Americans sacrifice for government

   * Begala says paying taxes to support worthy government services is patriotic

   * “Tea parties” are being pushed by GOP supporters who lost election, Begala says

   * He says President Obama and Congress have cut taxes for most

By Paul Begala

CNN Contributor

*** begin quote ***

(CNN) — Happy Patriots’ Day. April 15 is the one day a year when our country asks something of us — or at least the vast majority of us.

*** and ***

This country has showered me with the blessings of liberty. So what do I owe my country in return? Paying my fair share of taxes, it seems, is the least I can do. Thanks to President Obama and the Democratic Congress, 95 percent of Americans will get a tax cut this year. No one — not even the wealthiest 1 percent — will have to pay higher income taxes until 2011.

*** end quote ***

Please don’t make me laugh. Or, insult my intelligence!

As a vet, a voter, and a taxpayer, why don’t I feel “represented”. My congress critters and bureaucrats no more represent my thinking than the pirates in Somalia. Congress is bought and paid for by the special interests.

I am oppressed more than any serf in the middle ages. At least the feudal lord left them half.

It’s impossible to day to figure out how much of a serf I am. It feels close to 100%!

And, perhaps, Komrade Begala can explain to me how this obligation was created.

The State has no specific duty to protect me; yet, I have an obligation to pay taxes for protection I don’t receive. So, how does what some dead old white guys agreed to in a room more than 200 years ago bind me? Sorry, but I didn’t, don’t, and won’t agree with tyranny.

# # # # #

MEDIABIAS: A new Taliban operations officer


March 11, 2009
Look who showed up as Taliban Operations Officer
Rick Moran

*** begin quote ***

An old friend of America’s has surfaced as Taliban operations officer, charged with coming up with ways to kill our soldiers.

We know him because he had a nice long stay at Guantanamo:

“The Taliban’s new top operations officer in southern Afghanistan had been a prisoner at the Guantanamo Bay detention center, the latest example of a freed detainee who took a militant leadership role and a potential complication for the Obama administration’s efforts to close the prison. U.S. authorities handed over the detainee to the Afghan government, which in turn released him, according to Pentagon and CIA officials.”

“Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul, formerly Guantanamo prisoner No. 008, was among 13 Afghan prisoners released to the Afghan government in December 2007. Rasoul is now known as Mullah Abdullah Zakir, a nom de guerre that Pentagon and intelligence officials say is used by a Taliban leader who is in charge of operations against U.S. and Afghan forces in southern Afghanistan.”

*** end quote ***

Now I’m a little L libertarian and wouldn’t be in Afghanistan or Iraq.

BUT, (there is always a big butt), that having been said, I’m not a pacifist. If these folks were taken for good reason, then this isn’t “catch and release”.

In the West, they have the expression “SSS”.

“Shot, shovel, and shut up!”

Varmints — two or four legged — same to me!

Add politicians and bureaucrats to that same list!

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BIGOTRY – RELIGIOUS: Little p in Pope

“Stem cell go-ahead puts Obama at odds with pope”

Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:14am EDT

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Maybe I’m being picky, but should THE POPE be capitalized.

It’s a specific person or a specific title.

After all, if it was written: “Stem cell go-ahead puts obama at odds with Pope”, I can hear the screams now.

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RANT: Media Bias? What Media bias?

January 26, 2009 CONTACT: COLLEEN O’BOYLE or TIM SCHEIDERER AT 703.683.5004

Bozell: ABC’s Stephanopoulos Must Recuse Himself From Any Reporting Involving The Obama Administration
This Week host owes an explanation for his daily strategy phone calls with White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Tuesday’s Politico broke the news that ABC News’s Chief Washington Correspondent and the host of ABC’s Sunday morning news show This Week George Stephanopoulos has daily phone discussions with White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel during which he helps formulate and shape the thoughts of and messaging for Emmanuel and the Barack Obama Administration. And that he has had these conversations with Emanuel throughout his tenure at ABC.

CNN liberal pundits Paul Begala and James Carville also participate in the daily round robin telephonic strategy sessions. In the article, Begala said he often can’t remember the originator of any particular insight, and is quoted as saying “We talk so much — was this my idea that James changed, or was this George’s observation that Rahm tweaked?”

Stephanopoulos first joined ABC News as an analyst in 1997. He was serving as a fill-in anchor by 2001 and became host of This Week in September of 2002. When named to what would seem to be an unrealistic post for him in June of that year, Stephanopoulos asserted “If I were biased, I don’t believe I would have gotten the job.”

Emanuel was elected a Democratic Congressman from Illinois in November 2002. As head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee he helped the Party retake control of the House in 2006.

And Emanuel accomplished all of it with the daily assistance of ABC News’s Stephanopoulos. And he continues to receive Stephanopoulos’ help in his new role as President Obama’s Chief of Staff.

Brent Bozell:

   “What’s worse than the liberal media’s sycophantic coverage of President Barack Obama? ABC’s George Stephanopoulos actively helping design and deliver the Administration’s strategy and message – which he is then charged with reporting.

   “Will Stephanopoulos be critical of the White House’s plans when he spends every morning helping to craft them? Not likely. He must from this point forward recuse himself from any reporting involving the Obama Administration.

   “For Stephanopoulos, the line between journalist and liberal strategist would be completely obliterated were it not for the fact that it apparently never existed at all. He didn’t fail in his attempt at transformation from liberal operative to journalist – he never made the effort.”

# – # – #

This just leaves me speechless.
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RANT: Officials at Occidental College challenged on Obama

Eligibility battle rages on 3 fronts
Court, Congress and college challenged on constitutionality
Posted: January 18, 2009
12:05 am Eastern
By Bob Unruh

*** begin quote ***

Officials at Occidental College in Los Angeles, Calif., have been served with a demand to produce records concerning Barack Obama’s attendance there during the 1980s because they could document whether he was attending as a foreign national – in one of three fronts now established by those contesting the president-elect’s constitutional eligibility for the Oval Office.

The Supreme Court and Congress also both are being challenged to address the worries that Obama doesn’t meet the requirements of the U.S. Constitution that the president be a “natural born” citizen.

WND has reported on a long list of legal cases raising questions over the issue, and several of those have reached the U.S. Supreme Court already. Justices have so far declined to give any of the cases full hearings on their merits, but another conference remains on the Supreme Court docket for Jan. 23 on the issue.

“If Obama is sworn in as president, we will file a Petition for Writ of ‘Quo Warranto,’ a case that will challenge Obama as being ineligible to serve as president because he is ‘not qualified,'” said Philip J. Berg, a lawyer who has brought several cases to court. Berg, whose information is on his website, indicated the issue isn’t going away.

Orly Taitz, a California lawyer whose dispute remains pending before the high court, agreed, noting that one of the hearings already is scheduled for the days following Obama’s inaugural on Tuesday.

Taitz said her arguments rest on precedents from both the California Supreme Court, which years ago removed a candidate for president from the ballot because he was only 34, and the U.S. Supreme Court’s affirmation of that ruling. The Constitution requires a president to be 35.

*** and ***

The biggest question was why, if a Hawaii birth certificate exists as his campaign has stated, Obama hasn’t simply ordered it made available to settle the rumors.

*** end quote ***

Why indeed? What’s to hide? Why not?

On Tuesday, do we have the final nail in the Constitution?

If at some point down the road, like all the other Presidential “dirty linen” it comes out that he was not a US citizen, it will proove Spponer correct about the Constitution.

Fascinating stuff!

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RANT: Media double standard? No, the media has NO standards.

What if ‘SNL’ mocked Michelle Obama?

Posted: October 23, 2008 7:17 pm Eastern

Pat Buchanan was twice a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination and the Reform Party’s candidate in 2000. He is also a founder and editor of The American Conservative. Now a political analyst for MSNBC and a syndicated columnist, he served three presidents in the White House, was a founding panelist of three national TV shows, and is the author of seven books.

*** begin quote ***

Can one imagine “Saturday Night Live” doing weekly send-ups of Michelle Obama and her “I’ve never been proud” of my country, this “just downright mean” America, using a black comedienne to mimic and mock her voice and accent?

“Saturday Night Live” would be facing hate-crime charges.

How do we know? When the New Yorker ran a cartoon of Michelle in an Angela-Davis afro with an AK-47 slung over her shoulder, New Yorker editors had to go on national television to swear they were not mocking Michelle, but the conservatives who have so caricatured Michelle and the Messiah.

Is there a media double standard? You betcha.

*** end quote ***

The Media was once the American People’s “guardian of the truth”. How far they have fallen. They are now nothing more than cheerleaders for Socialism! Why should we be surprised? The “education industry” has been taken over by Communists. The “business model” is Fascist anyway. It was intended to make cannon fodder and factory workers to led by “the elite”. It has succeeded beyond its designer’s wildest expectations.

Where there is no vision, the people perish?

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RANT: LICENSE, lisence, … we don’t need no sinkin licenses!

Joe the Outlaw by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

*** begin quote ***

But the New York Times did some digging and discovered – horror – that Joe is doing plumbing without a proper business license. How dare he call himself a plumber! A license is required by Toledo, not just one license for a partnership but for everyone who is called a plumber. Joe has not taken the training courses, is not a member of the union, and cannot legally call himself a plumber.

The press reports on this were explosive, with reporters speaking as if they had caught this guy red-handed and completely discredited him. But what about the complete absurdity of the idea that you have to have a license in order to have the right to fix someone else’s sink? This is Soviet like, but deeply entrenched in American professional life.

The idea of licensing is that it assures quality standards. But this is just a cover used by guilds since the Middle Ages. The real goal of licensing is to create a professional cartel. Fewer providers means higher wages for those with licenses. It is all about boosting income by restricting competition. This is of course a violation of human rights because it impinges on the fundamental freedom of association.

*** end quote ***

Lew got this online before I could, And, of course, did it much better than I could. But, this is what I first thought when the press ‘discovered’ the outlaw.

A more important scandal would have been if they could have found an unhappy customer of Joe’s. That would have been a scoop.

Since it’s a successful plumbing business, I’m reasonably sure they would find one. (Well, there’s always one.)

Funny, how the ‘bad’ plumbers always seem to have licenses?

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