TINFOILHAT: Why didn’t “We, The Sheeple” ask questions before believing the Gooferment “experts”?


“Crazy” Questions Everyone Should Have Asked About Covid-19
By Brian J. Foley — August 3, 2022

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One of the most astonishing things about the past two-plus years and counting has been how asking certain questions gets one branded as “crazy,” “stupid,” “conspiracy theorist,” etc. Questions that, had you asked “Before COVID,” would have been … normal.

So let’s dig into our closets and put on our now-sort-of-out-of-fashion clothes, get into a time machine and travel back to, say, 2014. (I pick 2014 to “control” for the Trump Derangement Syndrome that gripped about half the country and most media the next year.)

Government officials and media breathlessly tell us that a deadly virus is rampant, and that we must take particular measures, including vaccinating everyone. Before rolling up your sleeve for an injection, you would (ask) questions.

*** and ***

First, the COVID-19 debacle — meaning not only the deaths from the illness but the collateral damage from the response — would not have occurred had these questions been asked prominently and often by a critical mass of citizens and in “mainstream” media. We would have stopped after the first set of questions regarding the severity of the illness! There was no need to do anything beyond staying home when sick and washing one’s hands regularly and taking extra care around unhealthy people.

Second, not only did a critical mass of people fail to ask basic questions, but many people, perhaps most prominently the “educated,” denounced, bullied, and harassed anyone who did. These “educated” bullies even proposed and supported grotesque coercions, including shunning, barring the “unvaccinated” from going into stores and restaurants — and earning a living.

*** end quote ***

For the life of me, I don’t know the answer to that question.

I held out for the longest time before getting “the jab”.  While I had comorbidities, my cardiologist and my GP both said “wait” for few months before giving me the green light.

Of course, right after — 24 hours — after getting the second shot, I go Covid.  

Coincidence or causal?  I’ll never know.

But I keep reading about vaccine injuries and early deaths and wonder could this be “yet another conspiracy theory” on its way to becoming true?

Only time will tell.

One thing is for sure Big Pharma and the vaccine cheerleaders made a lot of money off this pandemic!


GOVERNACIDE: Memorial Day — Remember the dead, dying, and maimed. Punish the “chicken hawks”!



The ‘lucky ones’
Fifty years after Vietnam’s bloodiest battles, veterans gather for what could be a final reunion
Story by Michael E. Ruane Published on April 29, 2017

*** begin quote ***

1st Lt. Victor David Westphall III , 28, of Albuquerque, killed May 22, 1968, at An Dinh in a battle that claimed 25 Marines, 12 from his company. After his death his parents and brother built a memorial to him in rural Angel Fire, N.M., among the earliest such tributes to the fallen veterans of Vietnam.

*** end quote ***

Read the list of the young men in the sidebar of this story.

Then, tell me how you stand on “war”. Any war!

And, when you get all done, tell the “chicken hawk” politicians and bureaucrats to get us out of the Middle East and turn the Pentagon into a true “Department of Defense”.

I was lucky. I was state-side for my “term of enlistment”. Of my two best friends at Manhattan Prep, one went and came back different and one evaded dying in highway wreck. The saddest part is that I never saw my “evader” buddy and he died a few miles from where I was stationed.

Makes me sad. But I’d never criticize the folks who went or the folks who evaded. I WILL criticize all the phonies — “chicken hawks”, politicians and bureaucrats who will send youngster to die for their vanity, the Military Industrial Complex for profiting on those bodies, and the ersatz astroturf “anti-war” crowd that comes out only when there is an R in the White House. A plague on all your houses.

I reiterate the concept, that I heard best stated by video / podcaster Jason Stapleton https://jasonstapleton.com, “I’m not anti-war; I’m pro-peace”. He describes what war should be and it’s ugly. A lot of people will die. I agree that we should be “pro-peace” up until: our children’s lives or ours are at risk, our liberties are threatened, or there is NO other path to take. Then, if you’re at “war”, then be at “war”. Not this “shadow war” that “We, The Sheeple” don’t care about, want to pay for, and most certainly don’t want to fight in.

“Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago’s death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don’t give a damn what you think you are entitled to.” Colonel Jessep in A Few Good Men played by Jack Nicholson

So too, if you’re so all hot and bothered to go to war, as Jason Stapleton say, “go buy a ticket, grab a gun, and go” and then you can urge — not force — other to go to. Be very lonely out there when you have to stand up and fight for what you believe in. Much easier to have the Gooferment send other people’s children to die in your stead. All so you can be “patriotic” and “though on defense”?

About the worst epithet that I can label someone with is “chicken hawk”.


Let’s be like Switzerland and MYOB!

Dona Nobis Pacem

Requiescat In Pacem, you fallen heroes.

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POLITICAL: The Peace Amendment by L. Neil Smith


You Go First: The Peace Amendment by L. Neil Smith lneil@netzero.com

  • First published in TLE Issue 269, May 2, 2004
  • Republished in Issue 465, April 27, 2008
  • Author’ Note:As the government continues trying to pick a fight with the Bear, this may be the only deterrent.
*** begin quote ***

The idea is probably as old as the Pharaohs, maybe even as old as Homo Erectus. Whenever and wherever old men have sent young men off to die, sooner or later someone has suggested that the old men should go first.

There are two reasons for this, I think. The first is that, unless you’re running an empire of some kind—which we Americans are not supposed to be doing—and you’re fulfilling a Manifest Destiny you imagine that you have, to reach out and steal everybody else’s life, liberty, and property, finding yourself involved in a war represents a serious failure on the part of a nation’s political leaders. In fact they’ve screwed up bigtime, and there ought to be a price to pay for that.

Instead of paying a price, however, politicians are traditionally rewarded for screwing up. Like the man said, “War is the health of the State”. And of the statists, too. War offers them expanded power and prestige, more stolen money to spend and less need to make excuses about it, greater control over society in general as well as every facet of an individual’s life, and plenty of justifications for employing violence and threats to shut anybody up who objects. But just as nobody should be allowed to profit from a crime, no politician should be allowed to profit politically from plunging his country into war.

*** and ***

It is time to ratify the Peace Amendment.

Here’s how it would work: the first clause would repeal the War Powers Act and any other law, regulation, or directive that allows a president to send troops overseas (or do very much of anything else militarily) without a formal declaration of war passed by majority of congress.

Maybe even a super-majority.

The second clause would reinstate the 1878 Posse Comitatus in full, forbidding the government to use the military to enforce its will anywhere within the United States. Perhaps this idea belongs in another piece of legislation, but my belief is that politicians feel an irresistible urge every waking minute to use the military to beat somebody up and kill them. Prevent them from doing it overseas, and things could get worse here, unless we prevent that with the same stroke.

The third clause is the meat of the amendment. Having voted to declare war, every Congressman who voted “aye” will immediately get up from his seat and march right out the door, where he will be handed a uniform and a weapon and be conveyed directly to the front, defined as that area of military activity that is producing the highest number of casualties.

No excuses. Practicing politicians will be denied Conscientious Objectorhood. As long as they voted to subject yet another generation of Americans to war, their age, sex, prior service, or state of health won’t keep our valiant congressional warriors from going with the “boys”. If they can’t march, they’ll be given knobby tires for their wheelchairs.

*** end quote ***

Heinlein in “Starship Troopers” suggested that only veterans of “Federal Service” should be politicians or bureaucrats.

“A soldier accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the body politic of which he is a member, defending it, if need be, with his life. The civilian does not.”

“Service men are not brighter than civilians.”

At one time in the USA, prior to William Jefferson Clinton, a President HAD to be a combat vet. Senators and Representatives usually too.

Sad that “We, The Sheeple” let that “tradition” slip away.

I like the Peace Amendment. How does it get passed?


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LIBERTARIAN: “War Is a Racket”


Ep. 791 War Is a Racket: The Life and Thought of Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler
25th November 2016 Tom Woods

CJ Killmer, host of the Dangerous History Podcast and popularly known as Prof. CJ, joins me to discuss the antiwar views of the fascinating Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler, author of War Is a Racket.

Book Discussed

War Is a Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler

Guest’s Website


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Can’t we look under the covers and see that the USA’s “defense” is not the problem. It’s the “offense”.

“Department of Defense” is definitely a deliberately mislabeling of an identity.

I read this back in the mid 70’s after 4 years in the USAF. It completed my change into a little L libertarian as well as a real anti-war zealot. (Not the psuedo ersatz anti-war movement that comes out whenever there is an R in the White House and disappears when it’s occupant is a D!) It’s short and sarcastic so I really liked it. It’s a quick read and if it doesn’t influence your thinking, please let me know.

I especially like his idea that the military vote on “going to war” decisions. There’s a reason that few of the politicians and bureaucrats have their children in the military. Remember Heinlein’s Starship Troopers’ universe? One does not merely have the right to be a citizen and vote by virtue of what Heinlein called the mere accident of birth; rather, one has to earn this right through Federal Service that tested one’s ability and willingness to sacrifice for the greater good of the polity. Bet not a lot of vets would vote for any, if not all, the undeclared wars the USA has been in since WW2?

It should be required reading for the USA citizenship exam and I be you’ll never see it in the Gooferment Skrules.

Dona Nobis Pacem

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POLITICAL: How Americans perceive “war”


Nazis on the Backlot
How Hollywood has changed our perception of war

*** begin quote ***

Memorial Day used to be a somber occasion, dedicated to reflection and remembrance of those killed in America’s wars. Today it is instead a celebration of ongoing wars, a long shopping weekend and the unofficial start of summer. Part of the problem with America’s shifting perception of the price to be paid when one goes to war is that it has been shaped by Hollywood and video games, so much so that it has become divorced from the horrible reality of what happens when countries and peoples do their best to kill each other.

*** and ***

My point is that when Americans think of war they think of something heroic and relatively painless unless you are somehow electrocuted by your PlayStation. There are no bad consequences arising from stomping on Afghans from a control center in Nevada. And if you screw up and kill a wedding party, so what? I am not advocating a salutary invasion of the United States to create an awareness of just how terrible war is, but a little more creative candor from the media, Hollywood and the political class might just help make the public think twice before it goes into that voting booth to pull the handle for Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush. Or Hillary.

*** end quote ***

“WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.” –Major General Smedley Butler

Gooferment needs war to keep the Crony Capitalists pouring “campaign contributions” into the politicians and bureaucrats.

I have often blamed “giving women the right to vote” for the rise of “organized crime” because they pushed Prohibition and other “Progressive” causes. I add to that they have failed to stop us from going to war so many time. 

“Yes, when we get out of here. We’re going to have to fix that. You know we control something that can get it done. Not the ballot box, but the other box. (A giant sucking sound as pure Miss Marie used that very rude idiom.) We can end war.” — character “Marie” being anti-war in CHURCH 10●19●62 Volume 1 Page 262

As I’ve aged, I’d like to think I’ve gotten wiser. 

And, one topic of growth is about the wars.

I don’t understand why “We, The Sheeple” can NOT wake up and see the rows of graves and ask “Why?”

You can trace it back to brainwashing, propaganda, and Gooferment Skrules.

It’s rooted in the FED printing press money that allows the Welfare / Warfare state to spend without restraint. (One reason for the FED was so that Gooferment could spend money without having to forcibly extract it from the people.)

SO how do we roll this back and put Gooferment back in avery small cage?

Have to end the FED. Have to end Gooferment Skrules. Have to bring all the girls and boys home now.

Be more like Switzerland.

Secession is the key. Just like the USSR imploded, so to will the USA. 

Argh! Not going to happen in my lifetime.

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POLITICAL: A condemnation of Bill and thus Hillary I hadn’t realized


Hillary Clinton: Class President Of A Failed Generation
By David Stockman
David Stockman’s Corner
April 17, 2015

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Their job was to have at least the vision of Warren G. Harding. After all, he did demobilize the US war machine completely, eschewed the imperial pretensions of Woodrow Wilson and actually launched a disarmament movement which resulted in the melting down of the world’s navies and the Kellogg-Briand treaty to outlaw war.

Yet the opportunity at the Cold War’s end was even more compelling. There was absolutely no military threat to American security anywhere in the world. The Clintons could have drastically reduced the defense budget by mothballing much of the navy and air force and demobilizing the army. They should have cancelled all new weapons programs and dismantled the military-industrial complex. They could have declared “mission accomplished” with respect to NATO and made good on Bush’s pledge to Gorbachev to not expand it “by an inch” by actually disbanding it. And, as legatees of 1968, they were positioned to lead a global disarmament movement and to end the arms export trade once and for all.

That was their job—-the unfinished business of peace. But they blew it in the name of political opportunism and failure to recognize that the American public was ready to end the century of war, too.

So they capitulated to the pork barrel politics of the Pentagon, plunged into the lunacy of the Balkan wars, launched the misbegotten project to expanded NATO, failed to bring Iran back into the community of nation’s when its leaders reached out to Washington, and kept America in harm’s way by keeping our war machine in the Persian Gulf and extending the pointless campaign against Saddam Hussein that could only open the gates to hell in Bagdad.

*** end quote ***

I remember the discussion of the “peace dividend” when the USSR broke up. What happened?

Ike was right to warn us of the Military Industrial Complex!

So how does anyone be like Harding? (Who has moved up in my estimation with my being educated about his disarmament stance.)

I think a good start is to —as most good MBAs will assert — is to cut G&A 10% immediately.

That goes along with my wish to cut — a real bottom line cut; not the phoney “District of Corruption” cut to the rate of growth — 1% every year. (At least, until real people scream! Not astroturf people.)

One can only hope.

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dotcomeraden! https://reinkefaceslife.com/2007/10/23/fun-dotcomeraden/ Aprundlebreakhttp://tinyurl.com/34n533

TINFOILHAT: Sinking of the Lusitania


Behind the Sinking of the Lusitania
By Patrick J. Buchanan
September 3, 2014

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On May 1, 1915, Lusitania set sail from New York. As Windchy writes, the ship “secretly carried munitions and Canadian troops in civilian clothes, which legally made it fair game for (German) U-boats.

“After the war, Churchill … admitted that the Lusitania carried a ‘small consignment of rifle ammunition and shrapnel shells weighing 173 tons.’ New York Customs Collector Dudley Malone told President Wilson that ‘practically all her cargo was contraband of various kinds.’”

*** end quote ***

I’m sure that the Gooferment “history books” don’t report this particular “war crime”.


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POLITICAL: Nagasaki — an anti-Catholic national disgrace


Unwelcome Truths for Church and State Concerning the Bombing of Nagasaki August 9, 1945
By Gary G. Kohls
August 6, 2014

*** begin quote ***

69 years ago an all-Christian bomber crew dropped “Fat Man”, a plutonium bomb, on Nagasaki, Japan, instantly annihilating tens of thousands of innocent civilians, a disproportionate number of them Japanese Christians, and permanently or mortally wounding uncountable numbers of others.

In 1945, the US was the most Christian nation in the world (that is, if you can label as Christian a nation whose churches overwhelmingly fail to sincerely teach or adhere to the ethics of Jesus as taught in the Sermon on the Mount).

Prior to the bomb exploding over St. Mary’s Urakami Cathedral on 11:02 AM, Nagasaki was the most Christian city in Japan. The Nagasaki cathedral was the largest Christian cathedral in the Orient.

*** end quote ***

Never mind “just war”.

How about Christian charity?

In Little League, there’s the mercy rule.

In life, the golden rule.

This makes me sad.

Now that I am old, I can see sadly the result.

The Swiss have the right idea.


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POLITICAL: Global financiers create political cover


Is War With China Inevitable?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/13/2013 22:10 -0500

*** begin quote ***

Global financiers created the circumstances that have led to America’s probable economic demise, but they don’t want to be blamed for it. War provides the perfect cover for monetary collapse, and a war with China might become the cover to end all covers. The resulting fiscal damage and the terror Americans would face could be overwhelming. Activists who question the legitimacy of the U.S. government and its actions, once considered champions of free speech, could easily be labeled “treasonous” during wartime by authorities and the frightened masses. (If the government is willing to use the Internal Revenue Service against us today, just think about who it will send after us during the chaos of a losing war tomorrow.) A lockdown of civil liberties could be instituted behind the fog of this national panic.

*** end quote ***

You have to look at the financial fraud being pulled by the Fed.

The Chinese are in control of our fate. (Not that they don’t have their own problems.)

So, when these very ugly chickens come home to roost, how will the elite avoid the “french revolution’s guillotine”? 

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POLITICAL: Kidnapped Anti-War Celebrities?


14 Principled Anti-War Celebrities We Fear May Have Been Kidnapped
Our government is yet again marching us towards a war of choice in the Middle East and our non-partisan, peace-loving celebrities have gone missing since late 2008. We fear the worst.
posted on September 6, 2013 at 5:51pm EDT

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Can the Sheeple see the astroturf?

Not bloody likely.

Call them what they are: phonies, fakes, and frauds!

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RANT: No military action in Syria

Subject: Defend America only. Do not manipulate or police the world.


Dear Politician:

Defend America only. Do not manipulate or police the world.

Take immediate action to prevent President Obama from launching any military action in Syria.

The President is trying to fix something that cannot be solved by outsiders dropping bombs. This will not protect innocent people. It will kill innocents. Their blood will be on the President’s hands, and on your hands, unless you use your powers to resist.

Take Sarah Pallin’s counsel: “Let Allah sort it out.”

Is it tragic? Yes. But to quote some way: “There are many problems in this world, and some of them are mine.”

Be like the Swiss: MYOB! Blessed are the peacemakers. Peacemakers don’t start wars.

Mr. Ferdinand Reinke

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Feel free to click over to DownSizeDC and write your own.

If you want to support the troops, bring them all home for Labor Day!

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POLITICAL: Changing minds?

How Ron Paul Changed My Heart and Mind
By Mike Marion
August 9, 2013

*** begin quote ***

Ron Paul blew my mind the first time I saw him on one of the talking head shows. Some of it made perfect sense, but some of it sounded downright heretical. How could this man say such sensible things about taxes and the economy, and then the next moment become a naïve lefty spouting nonsense like “peace brings prosperity” and “war is always destructive”? Didn’t this guy know that WWII ended the Great Depression? That Reagan beat the Soviets with an arms build-up? Jeez, didn’t he know that the U.S. waged war to beat slavery, and Nazism, and Communism? Peace through strength, man!

It was around this time that I slaughtered my first sacred cow: the War on Drugs. It became clear to me that this war was economically foolish. The argument that “prohibition on alcohol didn’t work, prohibition on drugs doesn’t work” made logical sense. I realized that I could not possibly justify locking anyone in a cage for a victimless crime, particularly as I enjoyed a couple cold beers at home while watching politics on TV. I started to identify as a libertarian, and I began to suspect that if I could be wrong on such an obvious issue as this war on the American people, maybe I would need to rethink everything.

*** end quote ***

The “(pseudo) War on (some) Drugs” was really my second “Sacred Cow”.

I avoid the drugs in the Sixties. 

But it was the Viet Nam war that really opened my eyes. 

I wasn’t smart enough to be a draft resister. (But I should have been.)

As the slaughter evolved, it should have been apparent that it was a stupid idea, propagated by stupid people, by politicians who were using it for their own gain.

I knew from my interest in the Civil War that the “Generals” fought a European style war, on the American terrain, with weapons that obviated the strategy and tactics they were using. It was a bloodbath.

And, I knew it was Lincoln’s fault. (I never worshiped at that particular alter. He said it was about “tax collection” in his first inaugural address, but I know few have ever read that.)

The “Drug War” was another joke.

I was already a little L libertarian when Ron Paul emerged. I knew about him before most anyone else did. I found him in the Libertarian stuff and, studied him when I heard his voting record — 235-1 aka Doctor No long before James Bond.

I am not persuasive. I r an injineer. fat old white guy injineer to be precise.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” — attributed to Einstein

The USA, it’s politicians and bureaucrats, as well as it’s Sheeple, Mundanes, and Clovers, are all nuts!

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RANT: Afghanistan = nothing to show for it


*** begin quote ***

“We are leaving Afghanistan after 12 years with nothing to show for it but trillions of dollars wasted and thousands of lives lost. Afghanistan is a devastated country with a weak, puppet government—and now we negotiate with those very people we fought for those 12 years, who are preparing to return to power! Still we learn nothing.”

— Ron Paul

*** end quote ***

Imagine if the Sheeple and Clovers could have seen who the ONLY anti-war candidate was.

And, he’s the “loon”?

As Clint Eastwood said: “I know you were against the war in Iraq, and that’s okay. But you thought the war in Afghanistan was OK. You know, I mean — you thought that was something worth doing. We didn’t check with the Russians to see how did it — they did there for 10 years.”

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INSPIRATIONAL: Views — memes and paradigms


“The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.”

– Muhammad Ali

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When I think of myself thirty years ago, my views today are different — some the same; some vastly different.

I’ve always been pro-life, but that has matured to be an anti-death penalty anti-war pro-choice pro-lifer. (The Gooferment has made this a polarizing issue. While I believe we have to preserve and value life, but not by force. It has to be done by moral persuasion. Winning the hearts and minds of our fellow humans. Certainly not by diktats and guns.)

I was pro-government; now I’m some sort of a little L libertarian that hates Gooferment!

Those are the two big memes that have morphed.

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POLITICAL: We will never be at peace


May. 26, 2013 3:22pm
Becket Adams

*** begin quote ***

Gingrich went on to criticize the Obama administration for ignoring the threat that radical Islam poses to civilized society.

“No one wants to talk honestly about the fact that there is a radical Islamism on offense,” Gingrich said. “It is on offense across the planet…We will never be at peace in the pre-1941 sense that we are not threatened and that we don’t have to actively take measures all the time.”

*** end quote ***

If we don’t recognize the enemy and our contribution to the problem, how can we ever have peace?

The R’s and the D’s both support the warfare / welfare / crony phony corporatism. 

You expect them to change?

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RANT: Bring the girls and boys home now!


In Memory of
SSgt. Richard A. “Richie” Dickson
May 7, 1988 – April 27, 2013

SSgt. Richard A. Dickson “Richie” born May 7, 1988 in Sacramento, Calif passed away suddenly on April 27, 2013 in Kandahar Afghanistan at the age of 24. Richie is survived by his loving wife and soul mate – Lacie D. Dickson & their baby girl – Sophie A. Dickson. He is also survived by his Mother Rebekah (Kelly) Pratt, Grandmother Martha Reinking, Sister Erron Poole, Brother Chad (Michelle) Dickson, Nephew Riley Paber, Niece Rachael Paber, In-Laws Robin & Lawrence Gueths, many Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends & fellow Airmen.

Richie proudly served his country in the USAF from June 2006 until April 27, 2013 as a Airborne Intelligence Systems Operator. Richie was an amazingly loving husband, father, son, brother & uncle. Richie was a kind, loving soul who accepted everyone for being exactly who they were and he will be greatly missed by all who’s lives he touched, may his memory live on in our hearts forever and ever!!!

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Anyone need a better reason to withdraw troops from around the world and be like Switzerland!

Let the backwaters places settle their own problems.

All we do is give them a unifying target.

Just make it clear, you, or your unruly citizens, attack us, we’ll retaliate tit for tat. So, these two bit “leaders” better get their people under control. Or resign. 

And, just to be clear, I’m anti-war pro-choice pro-life little L libertarian, but I’m not an isolationist or a pacifist. Live and let live. But, don’t mess with me or mine. But by the same token, “sticks ‘n’ stones”.


I read this obit on Mother’s Day and felt bad for that woman and baby! 


I’d make every politician attend every funeral. Think they’d get the message?

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POLITICAL: “Hanoi Jane”


Jane Fonda: I’ll Take Vietnam Photo Op Mistake ‘To My Grave’
Print Article Send a Tip
by Breitbart News 4 Apr 2013 post a comment View Discussion
Jane Fonda has already apologized for posing with members of the Viet Cong, an act that permanently stained her among many Americans as “Hanoi Jane.”

*** begin quote ***

“There were no planes, the gun was not operable. It didn’t matter. This is an image that belied everything that I was,” Fonda said.

 *** end quote ***

Sorry, but even before this she was a vocal well-know “anti-war” activist.

I put that in quotes because like some many other “anti-war” activists, we see that they are not “anti-war” when the right party is in control. 


A lot of people have been forever changed by this whole episode in history.

She should have the courtesy of just going quietly into that good night.

At the Final Judgment, everyone will have to answer for their sins.

As sinner, I don’t envy that process for anyone. I hope that I’m more consistent and honest than she’s been. 

Like the old joke, “I don’t’ have to outrun the bear; just you!”


RANT: Vietnam, Republic of


Saturday, March 23, 2013
Black Eye

*** begin quote ***

For once, we agree with Bob Beckel.

The veteran Democratic operative and panelist on Fox News Channel’s “The Five” was outraged over a recent segment on the CBS’s reality show, “The Amazing Race.” And rightfully so. On a swing through Vietnam, someone thought it would be a swell idea to have the contestants pick up a clue in front of the wreckage of a U.S. B-52 bomber, shot down by an SA-2 battery during the war.

*** end quote ***

How insensitive can the Liberal Media be?

I lost friends, directly and indirectly, in the Viet Nam “war”. As a country, the Gooferment screwed over “We, The People”.


As a vet, I feel for all the folks on all sides of the debate. I was lied to as was everyone else. 

BUT, that doesn’t give the Liberal Media / Hollywood the right to taunt.

There’s a reason that Jane Fonda is reviled!

Add CBS to my personal list!!!

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POLITICAL: Ron Paul is the “true conservative”


WaPo: The True Conservative Is Ron Paul
by Robert Wenzel

*** begin quote ***

So when WaPo says that Ron Paul is the “true conservative”, and this is what they are saying: That most conservatives are not neo-cons and that they are anti-war, small government conservatives, that is, Old Right conservatives.

*** end quote ***

The anti-war small-government candidate!

When will “We, The Sheeple” wake up?

Before it’s too late?


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VETERANS: Us old vets ain’t doing our job






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I don’t know if it’s the Wounded Warrior Project commercials, the Country Music videos, or the media coverage of the Republican Presidential Primary.

But I’m <past tense synonym for urine output> off!

I’m a bubbling cauldron of little L libertarian rage.


Didn’t “We, The Sheeple” learn ANYTHING from Viet Nam, Republic of?

Apparently not.

Of all the candidates, Ron Paul is the ONLY one challenging our foreign policy of world occupation. Our Gooferment has its “nose” and “hands”, up to the proverbial elbows, in everyone else business. No wonder we’re hated. And, now the chicken hawks are drumming up a fight with Iran, Syria, … and who knows who else.


To enrich the politicians and bureaucrats. Thru crony capitalism.

Now, I’m sympathetic to the veterans’ plight. Especially those “kids” who signed up for their State’s Guard unit and found themselves in one of the sandboxes or the rock box. But the all volunteer force means that girls and boys had to “volunteer”. And, I know that there’s all sorts of nuances to that “freedom”. From old farts with delusions of patriotism, to economic pressures. With stops along the way at TV commercials touting education benefits and the comrades in arms propaganda. Us old vets are a fault for allow that to happen. We know better. (Heinlein was right; only vets should vote!)

So why am I being panhandled to “help vets”. The Gooferment isn’t doing its job in that function either.

So, let’s support the troops!

Don’t let them be used for trivial purposes that are not in the strategic interest. They are not props for Presidents (of either party) or politicians to play with.

To quote another country song, let’s put boot up the <synonym for donkey> of politicians.

Old vets should hold them accountable!

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RANT: It’s not, once again, “our” fight


No-Fly Won’t Fly Constitutionally by Ron Paul

*** begin quote ***

Last week we once again heard numerous voices calling for intervention in Libya. Most say the US should establish a “no-fly” zone over Libya, pretending that it is a benign, virtually cost-free action, and the least we could do to assist those trying to oust the Gaddafi regime. Let us be clear about one thing: for the US to establish a “no fly” zone over all or part of Libya would constitute an act of war against Libya. Establishing any kind of military presence in the sovereign territory of Libya will require committing troops to engage in combat against the Libyan air force, as well as anti-aircraft systems.

*** and ***

Even by the loose standards of the War Powers Resolution, which cedes far too much power to the president, he would have no authority to engage in hostilities because we have not been attacked – not by Gaddafi, and not by the rebels. This is not our fight. If the administration wants to make it our fight, let them make their case before Congress and put it to a vote. I would strongly oppose such a measure, but that is the proper way to proceed.

*** end quote ***

How many wars do these politicians and bureaucrats want to fight at the same time?

Bring the girls and boys home NOW!


It’s not our fight.

And shut up.

Remember the Hungarian Revolution? The USA agitated, mostly over VOA, and when the patriots rose up, “America” turned its back. They were slaughtered.

It should be the national foreign policy to keep our collective mouths shut. Any one who want to go fight in Libya, AfPak, Darfur, or where ever, let them go stick their nose in first. Any politicians and / or bureaucrats, who advocate interventionism, get to lead the charge.

That should end that “advice”.

What foreigner in their right mind would ever trust the USA?

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RANT: The first item first column on Drudge says it all

The first item first column on Drudge says it all.

*** begin quote ***

MARCH 19, 2011

OBAMA: ‘Today we are part of a broad coalition. We are answering the calls of a threatened people. And we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world’…

MARCH 19, 2003

BUSH: ‘American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger’…

*** end quote ***

Donna Nobis Pacem!

Would anyone like to go back to the last Presidential campaign? I said here and vocally that the only truly “Peace” candidate was Ron Paul. Everyone told me that BHO44 was that “Peace” candidate.

“barbara streisand”

I told you so. And, it gives me no pleasure to say that. If I was smarter, I would have been more persuasive. But, when I say there is no difference between the R’s and the D’s, everyone tells me there’s a difference. Look at “today’s conservatives” and “today’s liberals”?

Where do we get the moral authority, let alone the Constitutional authority, to wage war on Libya?

IMHO from a moral, strategic, and tactical basis, this is an outrageous disaster.

So what are you going to do about it?

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POLITICAL: Further proof that the left is no more anti-war than the right


March 6, 2011
Indiscriminate Killing
Posted by Stephan Kinsella on March 6, 2011 07:11 AM

*** begin quote ***

Further proof that the left is no more anti-war than the right. Their problem with the US military is not that it is a killing machine, but that it has been too anti-gay in its hiring practices.

*** end quote ***

No difference between the D’s and the R’s.

Bring all the girls and boys home.


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POLITICAL: Uncle Sam, the aging athlete


Why are we still in Korea?
Posted: November 26, 2010
Pat Buchanan

*** begin quote ***

From 1941 to 1989, she played a great heroic role as defender of freedom, sacrificing and serving mankind, a role of which we can be forever proud. But having won that epochal struggle against the evil empire, we found ourselves in a world for which we were unprepared. Now, like an aging athlete, we keep trying to relive the glory days when all the world looked with awe upon us.

We can’t let go, because we don’t know what else to do. We live in yesterday – and our rivals look to tomorrow.

*** end quote ***

Why are we still in Germany and a slew of other strange places?

Why are American girls and boys dying in the Sandbox, the Rockbox, and a slew of other places?

Why are American politicians immune from “We, The Sheeple”?

Peace. Now!

If women ever decide that they want a peaceful world, they can have it. In minutes! (OK, maybe not minutes. But so quick, it’ll seem like minutes.)

“Yes, when we get out of here. We’re going to have to fix that. You know we control something that can get it done. Not the ballot box, but the other box. (A giant sucking sound as pure Miss Marie used that very rude idiom.) We can end war.” — character “Marie” being anti-war in CHURCH 10●19●62 Volume 1 Page 262

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INSPIRATIONAL: Express our displeasure in very effective ways


Residents of Missouri Town Block Protesters From Picketing Soldier’s Funeral
Published November 07, 2010

*** begin quote ***

Members of a small Missouri town banded together Saturday to block a controversial pastor and members of his Westboro Baptist Church from protesting the funeral of a fallen U.S. soldier, Fox4kc.com reports.

*** end quote ***

That’s “We, The People” in action. We don’t need our Gooferment to abridge anyone’s right of free speech. But, we can express our displeasure in very effective ways. No parking available? Gee that’s just too bad.

“Reinforcing that cordon, the locals applied firm pressure to ‘visitors’ not to intrude. The gas station wouldn’t sell gas to the intruders. The local sheriff was issuing warnings for parking violations. There were no rooms available for fifty miles around. And, those that wouldn’t ‘get with the program’ were usually arrested on trespass or violating some MV code or another. Reporters who transgressed were sent to the Guv’s woodshed.” — CHURCH 10●19●62 Volume 2 Page 285

“We, The People” have tremendous power to “instruct” our fellow citizens in proper conduct in so many ways.

As a little L libertarian, there’s no one who is more anti-war more pro-life than anyone, but intruding on the funerals of the military is hust NOT the proper place to conduct essentially a political discussion.

The fact that a town full of people recognized the problem and actioned it without fuss or muss is inspiring to me!

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RANT: A yute can see the “barbara streisand” in a recent new story. Is there hope?


CS: Anyone else think it strange that right as we pull out of Iraq, Iran unveils a long range unmanned strike bomber?
** 9 hours ago via Facebook for BlackBerry · Comment · LikeUnlike

FJR: No stranger than anyone thinks we are really “out”!
**   7 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·

CS: Well never out but that’s what they have to say
**    7 hours ago · Like

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A fellow your age should be inquiring when exactly we will pull our troops from Germany. The folks who fought WW2 are dying off of old age, yet we’re still there. And, still paying and still paying and paying.

Most importantly, think of all the wasted human effort spent on a meaningless activity. Hours and hours of unproductive human potential flushed.

And, if you think of those hours as “transferable” (i.e., that effort applied to something else frees up some one else to do something undone or that can’t be done by someone else). Best description I ever read was that freeing up one soldier, who returns to be grocery checkout clerk in middle-of-nowhere Idaho, starts a long string of silent unseen human resource reallocations that ends with a research scientist somewhere finding the cure for cancer.


And, we’re borrowing the wealth from China to pay to secure Germany from the non-existent past threat from the defunct USSR that youse youngsters will have to pay back with interest.


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