TINFOILHAT: Why didn’t “We, The Sheeple” ask questions before believing the Gooferment “experts”?


“Crazy” Questions Everyone Should Have Asked About Covid-19
By Brian J. Foley — August 3, 2022

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One of the most astonishing things about the past two-plus years and counting has been how asking certain questions gets one branded as “crazy,” “stupid,” “conspiracy theorist,” etc. Questions that, had you asked “Before COVID,” would have been … normal.

So let’s dig into our closets and put on our now-sort-of-out-of-fashion clothes, get into a time machine and travel back to, say, 2014. (I pick 2014 to “control” for the Trump Derangement Syndrome that gripped about half the country and most media the next year.)

Government officials and media breathlessly tell us that a deadly virus is rampant, and that we must take particular measures, including vaccinating everyone. Before rolling up your sleeve for an injection, you would (ask) questions.

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First, the COVID-19 debacle — meaning not only the deaths from the illness but the collateral damage from the response — would not have occurred had these questions been asked prominently and often by a critical mass of citizens and in “mainstream” media. We would have stopped after the first set of questions regarding the severity of the illness! There was no need to do anything beyond staying home when sick and washing one’s hands regularly and taking extra care around unhealthy people.

Second, not only did a critical mass of people fail to ask basic questions, but many people, perhaps most prominently the “educated,” denounced, bullied, and harassed anyone who did. These “educated” bullies even proposed and supported grotesque coercions, including shunning, barring the “unvaccinated” from going into stores and restaurants — and earning a living.

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For the life of me, I don’t know the answer to that question.

I held out for the longest time before getting “the jab”.  While I had comorbidities, my cardiologist and my GP both said “wait” for few months before giving me the green light.

Of course, right after — 24 hours — after getting the second shot, I go Covid.  

Coincidence or causal?  I’ll never know.

But I keep reading about vaccine injuries and early deaths and wonder could this be “yet another conspiracy theory” on its way to becoming true?

Only time will tell.

One thing is for sure Big Pharma and the vaccine cheerleaders made a lot of money off this pandemic!


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