POLITICAL: Voting for crime?


Retail Theft Ring Busts Reveal Some Hard Truths
By John F. Di Leo

*** begin quote ***

Los Angeles County Sheriff Department detectives proudly announced a complex and successful sting this week. 

A retail theft ring has been caught red-handed, with millions of dollars’ worth of make-up, perfume, pharmaceuticals, and more, stolen from stores in and around California, much of it still bearing store tags.  

Product has been recovered; at least a dozen locations have been revealed. Multiple fences have been identified, with eight arrests announced at the start, and likely more to follow. They will prove that shoplifting rings were organized to hit the stores that had what the fences wanted – from pharmacies like CVS to big box stores like Walmart.

*** and ***

One of the hallmarks of today’s progressive prosecutors – the many Soros-funded district attorneys of cities and counties like Los Angeles – is the public declaration that police resources are too valuable, and capitalist retailers too unimportant and undeserving of protection, to waste time on prosecuting “minor crimes” like retail theft valued under some arbitrary figure of $800 or $1,000. This position has always been shameful and indefensible, but is all the more so in light of organized theft rings like the one in today’s news. 

*** end quote ***

If the police are doing their jobs and the criminals are back on the street before they finish the paperwork then why are we surprised as crime wipes out society.

When we “vote” for these politicians and bureaucrats, then we are accepting the moral decline of our country.

Murders get a slap ion the wrist and thieves get a free pass.

It is the voters fault!


DISCOURAGING: ‘Conspiracy Theories’ are not longer imaginary rantings of loonies, but warning signs of a downward trajectory


‘Conspiracy Theories’ Aren’t Theoretical Anymore
By John Green

*** begin quote ***

The national mood in the mid-twentieth century was very different from now.

  •     The United States was respected around the world — even if not necessarily liked.
  •     Technology was advancing faster than at any time in human history.
  •     Our cities were mostly orderly, safe, and clean.
  •     We believed there were few hardships which couldn’t be overcome with hard work. Opportunities seemed endless, as was our optimism.
  •     We were completely naïve about the danger posed by our own government.

Not everything was sunny. We had problems that needed attention. That is the nature of human existence after all. But when Ronald Reagan said, “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem,” we just thought he was promoting self-reliance and highlighting government inefficiency. As I said, we were naïve.

*** and ***

As we watch all this unfold, we know that vast government criminal conspiracies are no longer theoretical. There is nothing demented or delusional about believing our government would willingly facilitate the murder a political threat. The actions of the DoJ in conjunction with the legislation proposed by the Democrats makes that perfectly clear.

The plot to place Donald Trump at the tender mercies of a prison’s “genpop” is not the only evidence of government criminal conspiracy.

*** and ***

Things have changed a lot since the mid-20th century. The children of the 21st century have a completely different worldview.

  •     The United States is a corrupt and impotent international laughingstock.
  •     We’ve become technically stunted. Replacing the Francis Scott Key bridge is expected to take three times longer than building the Golden Gate bridge almost a century ago.
  •     Our cities are becoming unlivable post-apocalyptic hellscapes.
  •     “Living the American dream” is no longer a middle-class expectation.
  •     We know that fear of our own government is a prudent mindset.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doesn’t sound so crazy now that the conspiracies are no longer theoretical.

John Green is a retired engineer and political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He spent his career designing complex defense systems, developing high performance organizations, and doing corporate strategic planning. He is a staff writer for the American Free News Network and can be reached at greenjeg@gmail.com.

*** end quote ***

And lest we forget that JFK was killed by the Deep State to prevent him from ending the Vietnam War and sending LBJ to prison.

Can the USA ever return to its former greatness?

Not very likely,  Argh!



RANT: Of course. there never is and evidence of voter fraud?


Ohio Volunteers Uncover Massive Irregularities in Voter Database
By Jack Gleason

*** begin quote ***

The day after certification in 2022, the Ohio statewide voter roll database showed:

  •     58,209 resided in an apartment or in a mobile home lot but had no unit number as required on their voter registration application to ensure proper delivery of mail, including mail-in ballot material.
  •     4,143 were older than the oldest person in the U.S. at the time or were too young to legally register.
  •     6,348 had a date of birth that was different in 2022 than it was in 2020.
  •     253,486 voters supposedly registered on January 1st, 84,221 voters registered on another Federal holiday and 201,693 voters registered on Sunday — all times when Ohio boards of elections and state offices are closed.
  •     120,094 had registration dates in the 2022 state voter file that were earlier than their registration date in the 2020 file. 59,025 people were listed as registering to vote before they were born.
  •     243,583 had state identification numbers that had changed since 2020, even though federal laws require each voter be issued “a unique state identifier.” 34,233 had 2 to 5 registration records with different state identification numbers, making it possible for them to vote more than once.

*** end quote ***

Seems there is ALWAYS evidence of voter fraud.  What is everyone looking at?  They say “justice is blind”; maybe that is what is meant.


DISCOURAGING: Will SCOTUS reign in “Javert” Jack Smith


February 23, 2024
Jack Smith Will Annoy the Supreme Court
By Sean Ross Callaghan 

*** begin quote ***

A unanimous Supreme Court should restore the federal courts’ reputation by denouncing “Javert” Jack Smith and his jurisprudence of jihad and announcing that it will take all due time to consider presidential immunity from criminal prosecution and to craft an opinion to stand the test of time, the timing of the election be damned.

*** end quote ***

One can only hope that SCOTUS or some other fair-minded judge puts a HARD STOP to this “law fare”!


GUNS: Israel’s gun-control policies are much stricter than those of other countries


Israel and Gun Control
By Jessica Geraghty

*** begin quote ***

Israel’s gun-control policies are much stricter than those of other countries typically known to be anti-gun, including Australia and England, says Stern.He believes that recent media narratives paint an all-too-forgiving picture of the willingness of Israeli leaders to arm and protect their citizens.

Jessica Geraghty is an established freelance writer and blogger who has over 15 years of experience writing for businesses, political candidates and news publications. Most recently, topics she has written about include human resources, informed consent, the Second Amendment and real estate.

*** end quote ***

So, all the pictures of gun toting Israeli’s is “bull <synonym for excrement>”!

No wonder the October 7th attack by Hamas was so successful. The people were like lambs to be slaughtered.

It’s a well known meme about Germans were disarmed and then you got the Holocaust.  A lesson that has been repeated several times in history. 

So when do “We, The Sheeple” wake up?

Native american guns


VOCABULARY: “death-by-queue” caused by socialized medicine?


November 17, 2023
Restoring Public Trust In Doctors
By Deane Waldman, M.D. 

*** begin quote ***

After unaffordability, inaccessibility is another compelling reason for distrust. What good is an assigned physician if I can’t get to see the doctor? Before the Affordable Care Act (ACA, 2010), the maximum average wait time to see a primary care physician was 99 days. After ACA went into effect, wait time increased to 122 days, causing death-by-queue. Cutting wait times requires reinserting free market forces into healthcare so that clinicians are incentivized to provide timely service and can afford to do so.

*** end quote ***

The only solution is to get Gooferment and Big Insurance out of health care.


GUNS: “Never ever give up your guns, because the minute you do you become a helpless victim”


Hamas Massacres: The New Face of Gun Control
By Hank Vanderbeek

*** begin quote ***

Blizovsky told the Times he believes the atrocities committed by Hamas could have been avoided if more Israeli civilians had firearms.

Never ever give up your guns, because the minute you do you become a helpless victim. You never know when something like an inhumane attack on the homeland will happen. We have open borders through which illegal immigrants pour in from the entire world. We are not just talking about refugees from Central America and Mexico. Deranged Middle Easterners are entering unfettered. What are their plans? Entire terror cells could be walking across the borders.

Don’t believe someone who tells you to give up your guns to make society safe. The Second Amendment allows us to keep and bears arms to keep us safe, not to take our arms to keep us safe. 

In the end, Stern said the Israeli government’s restriction on civilian firearms ownership cost hundreds of civilian lives. That grave injustice should never be forgotten.

*** end quote ***

Sorry, but the Gooferment is the “gang that can’t shoot straight” and can’t protect its citizens.  The police come after the fact and draw chalk lines around the dead victims.  

We need to go back to the Old West ethic that everyone is responsible for “keeping the peace”.

Everyone needs to be armed at all times if they feel capable of doing it.


POLITICAL: It is the border, economy, and the debt, stupid!


It’s The Border, Stupid!
By Brian C. Joondeph

*** begin quote ***

As the 2024 presidential election nears with the world on the brink of, or already in, World War Three, America must make a serious choice in 13 months. Will America course correctly or slide into bankruptcy and irrelevancy on the world stage? Perhaps the feckless Republicans need a rallying cry.

Bill Clinton had one when he ran against ruling class scion George HW Bush. “It’s the economy stupid” was a phrase James Carville coined in 1992 when he was advising Bill Clinton in his successful run for the White House.

In 2023, it’s the economy again, but not only the economy. Our national debt is over $33 trillion, growing by $5 billion a day, with interest payments costing taxpayers almost $2 billion each day. Much of it is or was going to one of the most corrupt countries in the world, holding no vital US interest, or spent on the nonsensical “Green New Deal,” while most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

*** end quote ***

Hopefully, “We, The Sheeple” can keep three priorities in their mind when they are voting!



GOVEROTRAGEOUS: We’re fromt he Gooferment and we’re here to help!


If We the People Were Actually in Charge
By J.B. Shurk

*** begin quote ***

Perhaps no greater delusion stubbornly persists from one generation to the next than the idea that governments can be trusted. Sure, they conduct their affairs in secret, spy on their own people, and arm themselves to the teeth — but, by all means, trust them as you would a dear relative. Sure, they steal from productive citizens, manipulate markets, and swell their bureaucratic armies with ever-growing taxes — but, by all means, trust them as you would a close business associate. Sure, they impose their beliefs on our culture, ban the public expression of unfavored religions, and interpose their agents between parents and children — but, by all means, trust them as you might a pastor, rabbi, or priest.

*** end quote ***

Ronald Regan’s words rang true.  The Gooferment is not only NOT your friend.  It’s your enemy.  And, should be treated as such.




GUNS: Protect schools with real resources


Time to Get Serious about Protecting Our Schools
By David Huntwork

*** begin quote ***

Many years ago, Israel faced waves of terror attacks against soft targets. The Israelis responded by seriously hardening their schools and other more vulnerable locations. Much of that added security was in the form of well armed and well trained personnel specifically designated to deter and defeat the type of threats we are now seeing directed at U.S. schools. What we do not see now is anyone successfully targeting or attacking Israeli schools. There are good reasons for that, and we should not be afraid to learn from the hard lessons of others.

*** end quote ***

I remember that when the Israelis hardened their schools, they were reported to be using grandparents as “extra security”.  I remember thinking at the time about how smart that was.  Grandparents would willingly sacrifice themselves for their grandchildren.  And, no one would be more vigilant about “school security” than they would be.

As this article suggest, let’s not put an added burden on police but have a real force who’s mission was singularly focused.

Bring sanity back to society.


POLITICAL: Just say “no” to Federal Funds!


Why State Schools Should Refuse Federal Money
By Sheri Few

*** begin quote ***

The key to eliminating federal intervention in government schools is to eliminate federal funding.

The time is right for states to wean themselves off the federal dole. Serious conversations are taking place throughout the country about the legitimate and effective role of the federal government in education. But who has a viable plan to dismantle the behemoth?

The “Blueprint to Establish State Control of Education by Eliminating all Federal Education Dollars,” written by United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) outlines the necessary steps to restore state sovereignty for education policy and practice — and it’s achievable.

The Blueprint explains detailed steps to help governors and state legislators develop and execute a concrete plan, and even provides clear evidence as to how educational outcomes can improve.

States can eliminate federal funding in four steps:

1. Analyze education funds by source: federal, state, and local.

2. Conduct a Cost of Compliance Study for federal funds.

3. Identify state programs to replace USED programs.

4. Shift education revenue responsibilities entirely back to the state.

*** and ***

One approach to generate required revenue could be to establish a state tax called “offset to federal funds” calculated to collect the amount needed. Since most of the federal tax is collected from income taxes, a replacement tax using the same model might be most easily understood by the public.

To keep from sending the federal government the money they previously took and gave back, taxpayers would need a mechanism to deduct this offset from their individual federal taxes. Since the state and local tax deductions were eliminated in the last major tax bill, a special arrangement would have to be made. However, there is benefit to the federal government in this arrangement as the savings from program improvements would be shared with them, since only the replacement funding is deducted.

*** end quote ***

Like the mouse that doesn’t understand “free cheese”, so to “We, The Sheeple” need to just say “no” to “Federal funds”.

First off, there are NO “Federal funds”  — EVERYTHING comes from the Taxpayer in one way or another.

(The idea of sending money to the Federal Gooferment and getting pennies on the dollars back tied to conditions NEVER made any sense to me.  Eliminate all the layers and cost associated with it.)

Second, the results of Gooferment Skrules is absurd.


Stop it.


POLITICAL: The President is, or should be, the nightwatchment of resources for “We, The Sheeple”


Energy prices in America are going to get much worse than we’ve ever imagined
September 10, 2023  — Unattributed 

*** begin quote ***

Joe Biden has seized control of an American asset and is withholding it from the American people to their detriment. He is doing so in service to an ideology that is belied by actual science, and that is fundamentally anti-humanist.

But of course, this isn’t Biden, who is a puppet. This is the Democrat party. If Biden or another Democrat gains the White House in 2024, expect more of the same until we have reverted to a medieval lifestyle that is, in Hobbes’s immortal words, “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” The dividing line between then and now is fossil fuel. Yank it out from under us, and it’s all over.

*** end quote ***

They are not “his” assets to use to reinsure his political future.



POLITICAL: What Federal Gooferment agencies would you shut down?


Trump’s Movement Transcends Politics
By Matt Kane

*** begin quote ***

But the gloves are now off. So much about the American political system is rooted in precedent, and a precedent has been set that will allow Trump to open investigations into the many troubling actions taken by his predecessors. Another Trump election could bring true generational change to America for the better. He has vowed he would quickly bring down inflation and gas prices, strengthen the economy, secure the border, and reintroduce a strong America on the global stage in just months. But taking on the Deep State is most important now, and he has demonstrated that he understands how vital this task is for America’s long-term future by recently urging Republicans in Congress to “fight fire with fire.” He also referenced “an eye for an eye” when asked, if re-elected, if he would “lock up” those in government who commit crimes.  

*** end quote ***

Recently I read someone complain that calling Washington DC a swamp it really unfair to swamps everywhere.  A better adjective would be a sewer.  Like the old joke about calling politicians “morons” was unfair to real “morons”.

That being said, Vivek Ramaswamy has at least begun to address the list of Federal Gooferment agencies that he would shutdown.  Desantis has four.

Us little L libertarians, have an inexhaustible list: Federal Reserve, FBI, AFT, DHS, IRS, HHS, D of Education, D of Energy, Agriculture, … … and on and on and on. 


POLITICAL: Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment


Throw All the Bums Out

By J.B. Shurk

*** begin quote ***

The reason is simple: if Marxist globalists get their way, then sovereign U.S. powers will continue to be unlawfully delegated to the U.N., the WHO, and other international monstrosities until some Obama-type tyrant is ruling over us all from Turtle Bay or a stately castle outside Brussels.

*** and ***

Our Union came into existence only because the former colonies were assured that they would maintain their freedom and independence. Had the Articles of Confederation or their successor, the U.S. Constitution, sought to extinguish the individual states’ inherent sovereignties by replacing their discrete political powers with those of a single new nation, then no agreement to form a Union would have ever been reached. The colonies did not fight a war for their independence from an empire only to squander their victory and become part of another empire.

*** and ***

What we need is a movement of people who recognize that nullification is not only possible, but necessary. The problem is that Americans have been forced to choose between two private corporations posing as political parties that do not embrace a duty to protect Americans’ freedom and liberty. That is perhaps the most telling symptom of our current problems. A Union that was formed to protect the people’s inalienable rights and liberties has no political party addressing those foundational concerns on the national stage.  

Perhaps it is time to throw all the bums out, so that we may begin representing ourselves.

*** end quote ***

Let’s start by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment which “defanged” the States from controlling the Federal (Central) Gooferment.


POLITICAL: Hard time for election fraud!


The Achilles Heel of Mail-In Ballot Fraud
By Jay Valentine

*** begin quote ***

What we have here is something of true beauty: one government database showing the nonsense in another government database. When leftists say “show me the fraud,” one needs only to do one click — “voters who voted in 2022, who the government tax records note are ineligible.”

In 2024, the leftists are pulling out all the stops. Hundreds of thousands of American voters will wake up in the 90 days before the election with strangers living in their homes, apartment buildings, the local 7-11, or the vacant field. Those are the Trump anti-votes.

*** end quote ***

The Left’s cry of “show us the fraud” is actually funny.

Here’s examples of it for which there is NO remedy.

I’m so frustrated.  Why have rules when they are ignored?  Election fraud should be a mandatory 5 year hard time in a federal prison.  These are NOT innocent mistakes.



DISCOURAGING: Elections are fraud!


What is Election Certification?
By Marly Hornik and Harry Robert Haury

*** begin quote ***

Our findings are extensive and disturbing:

1. Massive vote-to-voter discrepancies.

2. Millions of legally deficient voter registrations.

3. Gross failure to determine if all votes were from unique individuals qualified to vote.

4. Peer-reviewed evidence of an algorithm creating fake and unlawful voter registrations embedded in the New York State voter rolls.

5. Pervasive failures of identity resolution prior to registration.

6. Failures of procedural process requirements.

7. Massive numbers of tallied votes that have no valid state identity information.

*** end quote ***

JFK versus Nixon was the first obvious fraudulent election and it’s just gotten worse since them.


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Why Vaccines are Treated Differently


July 15, 2023
Why Vaccines are Treated Differently from Other Products
By Victor Fernandez 

*** begin quote ***

Attorney Aaron Siri of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) who has worked a great deal on vaccine-related issues like vaccine injury claims, vaccine exemptions and vaccine policy work, gave testimony to the Arizona State Senate on May 25th. His impressive two-hour presentation sought to answer the question: How can this system that people rely on fail us so badly? But to understand the failure is to understand the context within which the new vaccines arose. We need to understand what happened 37 years ago.

In 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (HR5546). This is an historic act because it removed liability for childhood injury vaccines. Removing liability tends to alter the behavior of entities that benefit. Indeed, it turned out that pharmaceutical companies were no longer liable for injuries caused by their products. That has been the law since 1986. 

Attorney Siri says that he knows of no other product that has that kind of immunity. Not planes nor drugs. But since 1986, big pharma has not had any market force check of any significance. “Think of all the products out there that warrant safety precautions, and the one you give immunity to is the one you give to babies. Think about that.”

*** end quote ***


Time to repeal that law and hold Big Pharma accountable for its products.


Europe doesn’t allow advertising.

We should NOT allow doctors to profit from Big Pharma “bribes”.

The system is corrupt; time to address it. 

In the meanwhile, question authority!


RANT: You have been ordered to FORGET!


July 3, 2023
Sorry, DC — Too Many Americans Remember
By J.B. Shurk 

*** begin quote ***

Conversely, we could boil down all of the various Machiavellian plans being unfurled today by Western governments seeking our surrender into a single order: forget.


Forget your history and your ancestors’ sacrifices.

Forget your religious convictions.

Forget your natural rights and freedoms.

Forget the importance of personal liberty, property, and privacy.

Forget the sanctified bonds of marriage.

Forget the unbreakable bonds of families.

Forget the sacred duties of parents.  


Forget that forced experimental medical treatments are crimes against humanity.

Forget that climate cultists were warning about global cooling just years before warning about global warming.

Forget that one-world-government types who wish to control all farming methods and hydrocarbon energies have depended on climate models that have been consistently wrong.

Forget that race relations had drastically improved during the last century before the callous race-hustlers re-emerged with new intensity to divide human beings again.  


Forget that paper money backed by gold once had value.

Forget that warrantless government surveillance is a sign of tyranny.

Forget that J6 election protesters have been persecuted as “insurrectionists” while Antifa and Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists have been protected from prosecution.

Forget the lies told to justify earlier wars so that new lies can be told to justify the next.

Forget that a government’s legitimacy comes from the people’s consent.

Forget that freedom of conscience outweighs orders to comply.

Forget that censorship is a weapon of oppressors.

Forget that free speech is the hallmark of liberty.

Forget that a person’s life and labor do not belong to the State.

Forget that art, culture, imagination, and innovation all give civilizations enduring strength.

*** end quote ***

In all the chaos brought on our civil society, “We, The Sheeple” must be urged NOT to FORGET!


ECONOMICS: Time for everyone to realize that they were defrauded by Social Security


July 2, 2023
The World’s Largest Ponzi Scheme
By David D. Schein 

*** begin quote ***

Americans are just beginning to see the tip of the iceberg of their own trillion-dollar Ponzi scheme, Social Security (“SSA”). Signed into law in 1935 by FDR during the heart of the Great Depression, workers were told that Social Security was intended to provide a safety net parallel to retirement systems that existed in Europe. The retirement age was set at 65. Americans were required to pay into the fund through payroll deductions their employers collected. Most Americans were “covered” by the system, and it was later expanded to cover household workers and others who were excluded initially. The system is structured to be a regressive income tax covering most workers’ wages up to $160,200 per year, with no limit on the parallel Medicare withholding.

When FDR was garnering praise for helping the working class, the average life expectancy in the United States was only 60.7 years. So, while most workers would pay into the system, few would live long enough to collect benefits.

In contrast, by 2020, the average American life expectancy had surged to 78.81 years. This is just one of the problems with the SSA’s structure that has brought America to the current financial cliff. Obviously, if most of the alleged beneficiaries would not live long enough to collect, it was a near-perfect scheme for its operator. The “baby boomer” generation, by expanding the system’s benefits and living longer, is tanking the system.

*** end quote ***

A private individual (Made-off) or a corporation (Enron) would be severely sanctioned but the Gooferment politicians and bureaucrats can retire on their Gooferment pension with complete immunity.

When will “We, The Sheeple” realize that they have been robbed?

Anyone who fails to plan for zero social security in their old age, will find SPAM a delicious luxury.

Pitchforks and torches anyone?


OBSERVATION: Has “feminism” robbed women of respect?


How Women Have Robbed Themselves
By Deanna Chadwell

*** begin quote ***

Women in our society have traditionally been treated with a unique honor and respect. Were we always treated fairly? Not entirely — there was a time when we couldn’t vote. There was a time when women couldn’t own property. True. But since forever men have been showing us, even in small ways, that what we have to offer society is paramount. We can make babies and without babies, mankind cannot fulfill even the most basic mandate — multiply and fill the earth.

*** end quote ***

Certainly seems that in today’s “Only Fans” world, women have diminished themselves into mere “sex workers”, units of production, or shrill harpies.  #METOO has exposed some of the elite’s “sins” and horrible exploitation.  Epstein’s Clients have yet to named and shamed.  Injustices seem to be hard to prove or rectify.  Some cases are absurd on their face, but do nothing, when prosecuted, to make it harder for real victims to come forward and be believed.

A sad day for the USA when we fail to treat the “weaker sex” with the respect they deserve.



POLITICAL: Despite his flaws, DJT45 will send a message to politicians and bureaucrats in the Deep State


June 17, 2023
Our Broken System Needs Disruption, And Trump Is The Disruptor
By Danny Lemieux

*** begin quote ***

“We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.” —C.S. Lewis

When Donald J. Trump established himself in the president’s office in January 2017, one of the first things he did was hang a portrait of President Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office. That was a signal.

Andrew Jackson was an irascible war hero known for his blunt manner, explosive temper, and inclined to physical violence. He was elected President in 1828, his second attempt, as a reformer who promised to clean out the “deep state” corruption of his day.

*** end quote ***

While DJT45 has many many flaws, he is promising to “disrupt” the system!


INSPIRATIONAL: “hold firm to our God-given rights against a godless government” seems like great advice


April 7, 2023
Leftism and the Minions of Satan
By Nancy Van Deest 

*** begin quote ***

With Holy Week upon us, it is time for Christians to stop relinquishing our beliefs out of fear from retribution and vitriol. Instead, put on the full armor of God to stand firm against the deteriorating culture, understanding that the more we voice God’s truths to counter their lies, the greater their inner demons will scream, expecting to stop God. But do not yield. Instead, offer God’s message of salvation, hoping it will plant a seed and move them toward God and away from Satan. However, prudently realize that at some point, God gives Satan’s unrepentant followers over to their depraved minds.

Given Satan’s growing influence on American leaders and the dangers they pose, Christians should be encouraged by David, who picked up a stone to defeat Goliath. His faith in God against overwhelming odds gives proof that God goes before us as our champion. While God may not spare us from the effects of the storm, with God in the lead, we can stand confidently upon His truths and hold firm to our God-given rights against a godless government. At the same time, we should warn those seeking unholy power, “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”

*** end quote ***

It’s a sad end that the American Experiment seems to be ending with a quick sinking into bankruptcy, perversion, and crime.

I’ve ofter railed about how the “King” wants to destroy the “Church” as an alternative authority.  Pedophilia in the Catholic Church was allowed to continue and thus erode any claim to “moral authority”.  

So too, the Gooferment was allowed to undermine thrift, self-reliance, and a sense of community with welfare paid for by future generations.  Get everyone on some sort of dole to enhance the “King” (i.e., politicians and bureaucrats).

Decadence used to be shamed and hidden mostly in Hollywood has now become front page “news”.

As the few good people man the battlements, let’s go down if we must.  But go down fighting to the last soul speaking the truth to the Powerful and their befuddled troops.  

When it comes time to pick up the pieces, those recording history will say “this was their finest hour”.

Just say no to everything that goes against the Spirit.


POLITICAL: Maybe “protecting” the Falun Gong to distract the Chinese from Taiwan


March 26, 2023
The Group the Chinese Communists Fear the Most
By Jeffrey Folks 

*** begin quote ***

The story of the Chinese government crackdown on Falun Gong is a classic example of totalitarian intolerance of competing ideas, and it involves both propaganda and physical terror. A careful examination of the record proves that the response of the communist Chinese regime is not very different from that of ancient regimes toward their own enslaved peoples. Despite their vast power, totalitarian leaders are fearful and at times even paranoid, as was Stalin, and the flip-side of fear is repression.

*** end quote ***

Seems that this could put the CCP off-balance without the USA firing a shot.



DISCOURAGING: The USA is and has been in a “Fall of Rome” death spiral


When Strength Is Needed, America Shows Weakness
By John Green  — March 6, 2023

*** begin quote ***

In the past, America was feared by its adversaries because of its sheer industrial might. During WWII, we built over 300,000 airplanes and 99 aircraft carriers. Now we can’t keep store shelves stocked with basics like baby formula. Unloading ships in a timely fashion seems to be a skill beyond our ability.

We’ve sacrificed the reliability of our electric grid in a quixotic attempt to control the weather. In pursuit of renewable power sources, we have allowed far more reliable sources to become vulnerable to sabotage and poorly maintained.

The Biden administration has depleted our strategic petroleum reserve in a failing attempt to control prices at the pump — something the reserve was never intended for. The reserve is now at its lowest level since 1984. At the same time, the administration has restricted domestic energy production. We are now energy dependent on some of the most unstable regions in the world.

*** end quote ***

When we need “leadership”, we don’t get it.  Say what they want about DJT45 and RWR40, it was handy for the world to think they were strong and a little crazy.  



POLITICAL: Is Chicago the fate of the USA under Democratic “democracy”


January 16, 2023
We’re All Chicagoans Now
By Jeffrey Folks 

*** begin quote ***

Much has been made about California leading the country: the Golden State is said to be America’s future, and to some extent, that is happening.  But in other respects, as a nation, we’re becoming more like Chicago, and Chicago is our future unless we struggle against progressive policies.

Chicago is perhaps the most solidly Democrat city in America.  It has not elected a Republican mayor since 1927.  And what it has created in the past 95 years is a society that suffers from inequality, corruption, and violence on a scale beyond anything seen elsewhere in America.  Chicago ought to be a case study in what not to do, but liberals like Obama and Biden seem to think it is a blueprint for success — and it is, if only for the political elite who rule over a helpless underclass.

That blueprint involves transforming citizens into clients of the State, a process that progressives have begun calling “democracy.”  Progressives intend to establish a socialist totalitarian society with a permanent underclass ruled by a small elite — the so-called vanguard of the proletariat that Lenin said must rule indefinitely until workers were prepared to govern themselves, a day that never has arrived in any communist state.

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It would seem that every Gooferment political entity my be reformulated into a bicameral form in which one part is elected by citizens and the other part is elected by taxpayers.

In the Pepuls Republik of Nu Jerzee, property owners pay “property taxes” but don’t get to vote on those that spend it.


Wasn’t “no taxation without representation” one of the catch phrases of the American Revolution.

Seems like a “national divorce” is the only solution.


GUNS: Gun-free zones are just magical thinking


5 Freedom-Based Solutions to Mass Shootings
By D. Parker

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1. Get rid of gun-free zones.

Gun control and gun-free zones are based on the absurd idea from the left that if no one has a gun, no one needs a gun.  Except that when these inevitably fail because criminals don’t obey the law, the excuse is offered that this happened because guns came in from the surrounding areas.

Innocent people are thus being deprived of their commonsense civil rights under a false pretense: that you will be safe and won’t need a gun because no one else will have one.  

The problem is that the gun-grabbing ghouls contradict themselves with this “logic” because there will always be a surrounding area that can be a source for firearms.  (They can’t seem to explain this with island nations like Australia, New Zealand, or the U.K. — are dolphins smuggling AR-15s?)  Thus, the only solution is to simply stop depriving people of their rights and let them deter crime themselves.

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Any politicians and bureaucrats proposing such stupidity are guilty of “magical thinking”!

“We, The Sheeple” need to hold them accountable.
