POLITICAL: Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment


Throw All the Bums Out

By J.B. Shurk

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The reason is simple: if Marxist globalists get their way, then sovereign U.S. powers will continue to be unlawfully delegated to the U.N., the WHO, and other international monstrosities until some Obama-type tyrant is ruling over us all from Turtle Bay or a stately castle outside Brussels.

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Our Union came into existence only because the former colonies were assured that they would maintain their freedom and independence. Had the Articles of Confederation or their successor, the U.S. Constitution, sought to extinguish the individual states’ inherent sovereignties by replacing their discrete political powers with those of a single new nation, then no agreement to form a Union would have ever been reached. The colonies did not fight a war for their independence from an empire only to squander their victory and become part of another empire.

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What we need is a movement of people who recognize that nullification is not only possible, but necessary. The problem is that Americans have been forced to choose between two private corporations posing as political parties that do not embrace a duty to protect Americans’ freedom and liberty. That is perhaps the most telling symptom of our current problems. A Union that was formed to protect the people’s inalienable rights and liberties has no political party addressing those foundational concerns on the national stage.  

Perhaps it is time to throw all the bums out, so that we may begin representing ourselves.

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Let’s start by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment which “defanged” the States from controlling the Federal (Central) Gooferment.


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