GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Biden to allow abortions by executive diktat?

Who Knew That The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Protects A Right To Abortion?
The Biden Administration is about to walk into another eviction moratorium debacle.
Josh Blackman | 7.19.2022 11:15 PM

*** begin quote ***

Politico reports that the Biden Administration has potentially settled on an executive-action response to Dobbs:

White House officials plotting the administration’s post-Roe response are weighing a narrow public health directive aimed at safeguarding nationwide access to abortion pills, three people familiar with the discussions told POLITICO.

The Biden team has zeroed in on that authority in recent days. They consider it the most feasible of the White House’s limited options for protecting abortion rights, and have concluded that it could have the most immediate on-the-ground impact while also quelling Democrats’ demands for stronger action. . . .

The proposal would rely on powers under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act reserved for public health emergencies to shield doctors, pharmacies and others from liability for providing abortion pills to people across the country — even those who live in states that have outlawed or severely restricted the procedure. .

*** end quote ***

Seems like this is a transparent attempt to circumvent overturn of Roe by executive diktat.

I would assume that SCOTUS would quickly take cases to set things straight.

And Red-State governors would “nullify” the Federal diktats.


Not like we have an real problems to work on like inflation and the backfiring of Russian sanctions.



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POLITICAL: Biden spouts off and it appears to a “four Pinocchios” fib

Biden’s Dubious Tale Of 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Gets Dismantled
Via ZeroHedge

  • Last week President Biden regurgitated a single-sourced claim that a 10-year-old girl was raped and forced to cross state lines to get an abortion.

*** begin quote ***

Kessler notes what journalist Megan Fox pointed out days ago – that “Under Ohio law, a physician, as a mandated reporter under Ohio Revised Code 2151.421, would be required to report any case of known or suspected physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect of a child.”

“As a spot check, we contacted child services agencies in some of Ohio’s most populous cities, including Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton and Toledo. None of the officials we reached were aware of such a case in their areas.”

*** end quote ***

There is no honesty left in the USA political scene.

At the very least, there’s something for Congress, Illinois bureaucrats, and Oho bureaucrats to investigate!

If true, it’s horrible. If not, it’s a criminal fraud upon “We, The Sheeple”

Shame on all involved.


Now it comes out that it happened but no one reported it.

Doctors should lose their licenses.  Someone should go to jail for doing the act.


LIBERTARIAN: Roe is bad law; the Federal Gooferment has no role in healthcare since it is NOT an enumerated power

Did Roe Just Get Effectively Overturned? – LewRockwell
By Silvio Canto, Jr.
American Thinker

September 3, 2021

*** begin quote ***

A few months ago, Governor Greg Abbott signed the “heartbeat law,” and everyone on the left was screaming about going to the courts to fight for “reproductive rights.” Frankly, I thought we’d be in the courts by now rather than watching the new law go into effect.

So what happened? Well, the law was written in such a way that it makes it difficult to challenge in the courts.

*** end quote ***

What should be a very private decision between a woman and her support “staff” is suddenly the Federal Gooferment’s business.

We should have a national debate on when does life begin and when do human rights inure to a person.

There’s a school of thought that says “rights” begins when you can assert them. Another say when you can fight for them. Others say at conception, when a human becomes viable outside the womb, or at birth.

I’m a fat old white guy injineer; not a doctor or an ethicist.  And I’ve never stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.  But I’ll go out on a limb and say, in the absence of some consensus otherwise, the Gooferment, at all levels, should focus on more pressing problems.  The debt, the deficit, and such come to mind!


RANT: Can’t drive a car, vote, or drink, BUT …–Morning-after-pill-to-move-over-the-counter

30 Apr 2013, 3:14 PM PDT 
AP Medical Writer

*** begin quote ***

The Plan B morning-after pill is moving over-the-counter, a decision announced by the Food and Drug Administration just days before a court-imposed deadline.

Tuesday, the FDA lowered to 15 the age at which girls and women can buy the emergency contraceptive without a prescription _ and said it no longer has to be kept behind pharmacy counters.

Instead, the pill can sit on drugstore shelves just like condoms, but that buyers would have to prove their age at the cash register. 

*** end quote ***

So let me understand, these girls can’t drive a car, vote, or drink, BUT they can take powerful drugs with side affects?

And, I guess their parents get to clean up the mess afterwards?

So, what happened to statutory rape? Child molestation!


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POLITICAL: The debate is really NOT about “insurance”

A Woman Said
Posted on February 24, 2012

*** begin quote ***

What follows was part of a discussion on a well known “social media site”.  I copied it because I thought it said a lot about a great divide in our country, the one between two kinds of people, two generations, two different world views, two different cultures.  It was occasioned by the appearance of a cartoon showing the President of these Untied States wearing the clerical robes of a pope.  It was s satirical cartoon designed for strong reactions, and it got them.  People objected to the artist’s robing Obama as the Catholic Pontiff, commented on his support for abortion and his refusal to recognize the conscience rights of Catholics.  Someone, a young woman, wrote:

I find it disturbing, but I’m mostly offended by the commentary it represents. I don’t like Obama, but I don’t find him to be any more “tyrannical” or arrogant than any other President we’ve had. Calling him a Communist really just illuminates one’s complete misunderstanding of communism, and the equation of abortion with the Holocaust as well as the implication that requiring insurance to cover birth control is equal to abortion, just pisses me off.

*** and ***

As for the requirement that private employer’s insurance policies cover contraception – I could go on at length about the necessity of hormonal birth control for many women (such as myself) for entirely NON-birth control related reasons (if I don’t take it, I get terrible cysts due to my endometriosis – cysts that may very well prevent me from getting pregnant in the future when I choose to) – but also that I don’t think an employer, whether or not it’s the Catholic church, should be making the medical decisions of its employees. Removing one area of coverage allows others to be chipped away at – and employers and insurance companies may find it in their interest to lower premiums by not covering many routine [JR: My emphasis.] and/or necessary procedures they chose not to agree with for whatever reason.

*** end quote ***

Stepping out from the pro-choice / pro-life debate for a moment, I’d suggest that we all focus for a moment on the word “routine”. To me that means, “ordinary and predictable”. And, are we talking about “insurance”? Where a bunch of folks with the same random risk profile pool their premiums to be paid out when that fire, flood, or tornado hits. Here we have a lady arguing that we, as a society, should “insure” “oil changes for our cars.” Where is the random disaster in an “oil change”? Went to aa Jiffy Lube / Oil Well / or some such place last week. In and out for under $100 in ½ hour. Now envision if it was insured. Call 1-800-thrid world country, file a report, yada yada. No way that was going to cost under $100 and less than ½ hour. In principle, it’s the same. Forcing “insurance companies” into the position of paying for “routine” stuff is just wrong. So, if this is NOT about “insurance”, then it must be about “politics”, propaganda, and manipulation. So this circles us back to the pro-life / pro-choice debate. Because it’s OBVIOUSLY NOT about “insurance”. imho. ymmv.

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LIBERTY: The abortion issue as it applies to real people issues

A Few Words About Abortion
by Andrew P. Napolitano

*** begin quote ***

Roe vs. Wade also permits the states to prohibit or to allow abortions during the last three months of pregnancy. Most states prohibit all abortions during the final three months, as this is the period of viability; when the baby can live – assisted, of course – outside the mother’s womb. New Jersey, my home state, is the exception, as it permits abortions up to the moment of birth.

*** and ***

Did you catch that? The Supreme Court declared that the baby in the womb is not a person. When it made that declaration, it rejected dozens of decisions of other courts, in America and in Great Britain, holding that the baby in the womb is a person. This is reminiscent of the Supreme Court’s infamous Dred Scott decision in 1857 in which it ruled that blacks were not persons. In both cases, it cited no precedent, it gave no rational basis, and in Roe vs. Wade, it merely said that because philosophers, physicians and lawyers could not agree on whether babies in wombs are persons, it would declare them not to be persons.

If the baby in the womb is a person, then all abortion is unlawful. That’s because of the constitutional protection for all persons. The Constitution unambiguously prohibits the government from impairing or permitting others to impair the life, liberty and property of persons without due process. Here’s my political beef with so-called pro-life politicians in both parties. In the years in which the pro-life Ronald Reagan and both Presidents Bush were in the White House, from time to time, both chambers of Congress had pro-life majorities. Did you see any legislation passed that declared a baby in the womb to be a person? No. This could have been done by a simple majority vote and presidential signature, and Roe vs. Wade, and all the killing it spawned, would have ended.

*** end quote ***

So secret that I like Napolitano and how direct he is.

“Right to Life” is enshrined in the Constitution.

Now, I’m not for putting the Gooferment in charge of anything. But, one of its few legitimate duties is to protect rights.

If we say that if life begins at <insert conception, first trimester, viable on their own, birth, or some other point in time>, then we should have a national discussion.

To do less is a disgrace.

The interesting part is that like Dred Scott, the courts are not the proper venue for decisions like this.

Congress has abdicated so many of its powers and responsibility.

If the Gooferment can allow its citizens to be killed at the beginning of life, then how long before it starts killing at the end? Then, the middle. Then, for whatever reason it wants.

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RANT: A conversation about Roe versus Wade

Roe versus Wade was NOT a national conversation. It was court decision and a bad one at that. imho. On par, with Dred Scott.

The process of amendment would allow a conversation about the philosophy of life and intrusion of the Gooferment into our lives. Ron Paul is for the Gooferment to get out of the mandating business and let the States form their own policies.

I’m convinced that a future ethical society will look back at us as as backward as the bloodletting surgeons and as evil as the Nazis.

Bear in mind as a little L libertarian I don’t want force applied to anyone that hasn’t initiated it. The very personal decision of a woman to bear children should not be the subject of idle chit chat by old men in funny dresses. Nor should it be the way that a company, “Planned Parenthood” makes grazillions of dollars luring children into the “sex trade”. That’s what it is virtually.

Parents should raise children and politicians should raise pets.


What we have here is immoral! Not that I want to tell folks what to do. But I certainly don’t want to pay for killing our future. Which is what is done now. We may have killed the next Hawking, the girl who cures cancer, or the boy who’s the next Gandhi.

Ever play the game “Adventure”? If you kill the bird in the first few minutes of the game, you’ll never get past the snake. We’re killing the future,
And, we may have already “aborted” the answer to our soclal security problem. A growing vibrant population.

A Constitutional Amendment was the Dead Old White Guys’ way to make the big decisions about how we run the country. NOT nine old guys is funny costumes.
Viva La Revolution.fjohn

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RANT: Recall the Ambassador to Kenya now

Obama Ambassador to Kenya Openly Endorses Proposed Pro-Abortion Constitution
from Pro-Life Headlines by (Steven Ertelt)

*** begin quote ***

Washington, DC ( — After initially saying the Obama administration is not technically supporting the proposed pro-abortion constitution in Kenya and insisting it is merely supporting the voting process itself, United States Ambassador to Kenya Michael Ranneberger is now openly supporting it.

*** end quote ***

Excuse me!

Why are “we” taking any position in what any foreign country puts in their “constitution”?

Especially when the issue of abortion is involved.

How dare they use tax money, wealth stolen from taxpayers who find the issue morally abhorrent, to push that abomination in their name!

This ambassador should be recalled immediately and replaced.

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RANT: Kagan not kosher; she unacceptable to Pro_lifers as well

Rabbis say Kagan not a ‘kosher’ Supreme Court nominee

*** begin quote ***

Alexandria, Va., Jun 27, 2010 / 06:13 pm (CNA).- According to the National Rabbinical Alliance and its more than 850 Orthodox Jewish members, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is not “kosher,” or fit to serve, on the court.

*** and ***

Spokesman for the Rabbinical Alliance, Rabbi Yehuda Levin, told Cybercast News Service that most groups are happy when “one of their own” is nominated to such a prestigious position. “A great deal has been made about the fact that she would be the second Jewish woman on the court,” Levin noted. “We want to signal to people across the country that we take no pride in this.”

*** end quote ***

Where is the statement by the Catholic Church in the USA that they oppose the nomination?

Where is the public outrage that this Socialist President will appoint an obviously biased “justice”?

Why can’t we see all the papers that she produced as Clinton’s Solicitor General?

Sorry, but I don’t feel very “represented” in this so called representative government!


And, she’s “young”. Can’t BHO44 appoint a nice old judge? Say 75! At least if it’s a mistake we won’t have to suffer very long!

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INSPIRATIONAL: A lot of opinions with no tuckus in the problem

Focus On This!
January 31, 2010 · 3 Comments

*** begin quote ***

Sometimes, you know, my mind takes me to another place. That ever happen to you? Take this, for instance…

*** and ***

I’m talking about the one where this fellow Tebow says he’s happy his Mom let him get born.

Thirty seconds the ad is supposed to take. Thirty seconds squeezed in between all the beer ads with pretty girls and the car ads with pretty girls and the insurance ads and all the other ads with pretty girls, and the half time lollapalooza with pretty girls and ancient guitar players singing about how great it is to be us. Thirty seconds that cost the group that made the ad, Focus on the Family, about two and a half million bucks.

Now, Focus on the Family is one of those groups that says kids should be allowed to be born. I happen to think this is a good idea. They say some other stuff, too, that I happen to agree is a good idea. They say and do some stuff that I don’t happen to agree is so good an idea at all. But, that’s not what I’m on about, here.

*** end quote ***

Well said, good sir, well said. But then, I’m just an injineer who had a low index. Seems obvious that: (1) potential human beings are getting killed; (2) a lot of people, without their tuckus on the line, have a lot of opinions about how others should live; and (3) getting the gooferment involved in a tough moral, ethical, and economic problem is like bringing that proverbial bull to help select china. Nice writing to bring light, not heat, to a tough subject. Glad I’m a man and will never have to make such a tough decision. I pray for all those that do. They’re better folks than I. Who knows what I’d do? Math is easier.

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POLITICS: A disgusting reality

The View Hosts Fail to Grasp the Real Immorality of Planned Parenthood, Abortion
by Colleen Raezler
November 4, 2009

*** begin quote ***

ABC’s “View” host Barbara Walters brought up Johnson’s story, calling it “controversial” and Behar quickly denounced Planned Parenthood for making money off abortions. She called it “gross” and “obnoxious” before she stated, “I don’t see abortions as a profit-making industry. I think that is the real immorality of it.”

*** end quote ***

Well, sometimes a stopped clock is right.

I find Joy’s unquestioning “liberalism” (as well as Elizabeth’s Republican Kool Aid), “unintelligible”.

Woopi usually is spot on most times.

In this case, everyone seems to look askance at profiting from killing whatever; they would debate what exactly was being killed. But we all in our hearts know what it is … a baby!

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POLITICAL: Notre Dame accomplished labeling Obama as an abortionist

2 points of truth among Obama’s ‘wild word fraud’
Posted: May 20, 2009
Jill Stanek fought to stop “live-birth abortion” after witnessing one as a registered nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Ill.

*** begin quote ***

But one thing is for sure: Obama has now been branded as radically pro-abortion. What pro-lifers have unsuccessfully attempted since 2004 when Obama ran for U.S. Senate, he and Notre Dame accomplished in a month.

*** end quote ***

I guess we outed two abortion supporters — Notre Dame and Obama.

It was terrible price to pay. The loss of a once great Catholic university.

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POLITICS: Press misses the “salt in the wound” at Notre Dame

Obama takes a run at Notre Dame football

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Without getting into the crux of the controversy, I believe the author has misstated the upset. It was the “honorary degree” that sent everyone over the top. The Council of Bishops expressly prohibited “honoring”. That’s what sent everything into overdrive. And, his far “left” stance on abortion (i.e., infanticide). Well, Notre Dame did do one thing; it activated all the pro-lifers and firmly hung the “pro-abortion” label on President Obama. With Government Motors, the non-stimulating stimulus pork bil, and the huge 9T$ over 4 years, it would appears that reelection is far from a certainty. And, the House may turn over in 2010. Good work, Notre Dame. Too bad they had to sell their soul to do it.

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RANT: Obama invited to speak at Notre Dame

Dear Member,

Like many of you, we received the news last Friday that President Barack Obama will deliver the commencement address at the University of Notre Dame this May.

In addition to delivering the address, the President will receive an honorary doctor of laws degree. In short, one of our nation’s premier Catholic institutions will honor the President, and hold out him as an example to its students as someone worthy of emulation!

Given President Obama’s utterly shameful record on life, how could a Catholic university honor him?

The University could have politely and quietly told the White House that their standing invitation to the President of the United States was not available this year. Better yet, they could have said that while they would welcome his contributions to the public debate over how to solve our economic crisis, his regrettable policies in favor of a culture of death make it impossible for them to welcome him.

Notre Dame has regrettably hosted pro-abortion speakers in the past, but President Obama is a champion of the abortion cause.

Sadly, it is now indisputable that our President has become the world’s leading promoter of abortion, embryo-killing cloning and research, taxpayer-funded abortion, and a vigorous opponent of conscience protections for medical professionals. His campaign promises to find ‘common ground’ have sadly been ignored, or perhaps were simply lies. And this Administration has only just begun.

Is there anything a president could do that would disqualify him or her from delivering such a prestigious address?

If there is such a threshold, Barack Obama has not disqualified himself with Notre Dame officials.

And so we must act.

We have spoken with professors, students, and leaders at Notre Dame over the past 48 hours and have concluded that a massive protest will be practically difficult, and even counterproductive. The University has a right as a private school to prevent all protestors from entering campus, and could legally arrest those who violate this rule. Secondly, a protest could create exactly the wrong impression.

Therefore, we are recommending four courses of action.

1) has partnered with the Cardinal Newman Society, a dynamic organization dedicated to the renewal of Catholic higher education in Together our aim is to collect thousands of signatures and present them to University officials.  Sign the petition now.

2) Contact Notre Dame and charitably express your outrage. is large enough to have a major impact, and we urge you to contact Notre Dame President Father Jenkins at (574) 631-5000.

3) Join your fellow members in a prayer of reparation on May 17 from 2-4 PM. We encourage you to organize local groups to pray for mercy for the decision by Notre Dame, but also for our nation for continuing to permit the tragedy of abortion.

***If you live in the Midwest, or near Notre Dame University, we invite you to personally join us in prayer at the Grotto on the campus of Notre Dame from 2-4 PM on May 17, where we will be joined by several Notre Dame professors, alumni, and current students. The gathering will be a peaceful and prayerful.

4) Please forward this message to your family and friends. Let them know about Notre Dame’s decision to honor the most pro-abortion President in American history. We must not remain silent over this scandal!


Brian Burch, President

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Have the people running Notre Dame lost their mind?

A supporter of infanticide invited to speak at a supposedly Catholic institution of higher learning!

I guess it too will join the ranks of “catholic in name only”.

Shame on them.

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RANT: Another Hollywood expert. Argh!

Former West Wing Actress Allison Janney Cheers Obama, Stumps for Abortion
by Steven Ertelt Editor
March 13, 2009

*** begin quote ***

Washington, DC ( — Actress Allison Janney, best known for her role in the television drama “West Wing,” is stumping for the pro-abortion group Emily’s List. In a fundraising email for the political group, Janney applauds the pro-abortion record of President Barack Obama and asks for donations to support his efforts.

“During the dark days of the last administration, millions of Americans watched Martin Sheen play an intelligent, compassionate president on The West Wing,” Janney says in the email received. “Isn’t it exciting to have the real thing in Barack Obama?”

Despite his decisions to force taxpayers to pay for promoting and performing abortions in other nations and embryonic stem cell research, Janney claims, “President Obama has set us on a course to move our country in a more hopeful, positive direction.”

*** end quote ***

It’s a real shame. “Liberal” Hollywood types confuse play acting for the real thing.

I’m saddened. She’s a good actress. And, she certainly has the right to speak freely. I just wish she had the same degree of understanding of a very complex issue.

(1) I object to paying for that which I find morally reprehensible. I’m force to fund Obama’s abortion plans.

(2) It’s genocide! Death by government. We’re strangling the life out of the future. I’ve made the argument before what if we have aborted the cure for cancer, the next Steven Hawking, or the future Obama?

(3) Hollywood success doesn’t translate into policy expertise or even common sense. In this case, she equates “West Wing” with the new tyranny in the White House.

(4) Abortion is a policy, social, and personal DISASTER on so many levels. Be best if the gooferment just got out of the debate. And, let the people involved sort it out. Legislating it as a right is just morally wrong!


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POLITICAL: Abortion is genocide

The George Bailey Effect
Posted: January 31, 2009
1:00 am Eastern
By Larry Burkett

Editor’s note: The late Larry Burkett, popular Christian financial counselor and author, penned this article in 1998. It is a compelling “response” to Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent statement that the economy benefits from “family planning.” Joseph Slife contributed to this column.

*** begin quote ***

As the preceding evidence demonstrates, abortion is not simply a matter of private conscience, but of public concern. Abortion-on-demand has effects that are rippling throughout our society and could even threaten our future liberties.

This is why abortion, even if all moral arguments are totally discounted, cannot be ignored in framing public policy. Simply writing off abortion as a “moral” or a “religious” issue is a short-sighted approach that fails to reckon its economic and demographic consequences.

We can’t undo the past, of course. We can’t undo the fact that we have had 35 million George Baileys, people never born, people whose lives were never allowed to touch other lives. Indeed they have left an “awful hole.” But for the sake of our nation’s economic future and national security, as well as its moral character, we must resolve to promote from this time forward an ethic that is pro-family and pro-children. Only then can America continue to have a wonderful life.

*** end quote ***

When Pelosi and the Obama Democrat “liberals” advnace the pro-abortion agenda, everyone has to think of the “George Bailey” effect.

Have we aborted the future of America?

Like a self-imposed genocide.

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RANT: Anti-abortion ad reject for the Superbowl

*** begin quote ***

“NBC claims it doesn’t allow advocacy ads, but that’s not true,” Burch said. “They were willing to air an ad by PETA if they would simply tone down the sexual suggestiveness. Our ad is far less provocative, and hardly controversial by comparison.”

He said, unlike the salacious PETA commercial, the pro-life ad is clean and has a positive message.

“There is nothing objectionable in this positive, life-affirming advertisement,” Burch said. “We show a beautiful ultrasound, something NBC’s parent company GE has done for years. We congratulate Barack Obama on becoming the first African-American President. And we simply ask people to imagine the potential of every human life.”

Concerned individuals may send comments about NBC’s decision to Victoria Morgan, vice president of advertising standards at NBC Universal, or call (212) 664-4267.

*** end quote ***

“Mainstream Media” doesn’t let anyone speak that doesn’t conform to their agenda.

Lucky we have the inet to bypass them!

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RANT: “Birth Control” is stimulus.


Sun Jan 25 2009 22:13:43 ET

*** begin quote ***

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi boldly defended a move to add birth control funding to the new economic “stimulus” package, claiming “contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.”

*** and ***

PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children’s health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those – one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.

*** end quote ***

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The “stimulus package” covers any social engineering that they want to do!

Get ready for more nonsense under that “cover”.

Here’s an insight into their “liberal” philosophy: “Humans are an expense”. Wonder when abortion, eugenics, and killing off the elderly come in? After all one way to control Medicare “costs” is to get rid of those expensive old “senior citizens”. But, oh year, they can vote. We need to pick on those that can’t!


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POLITICAL: Policies need to make sense. Common sense.

New at Reason: Steve Chapman on the Case for Gay Adoption
December 1, 2008, 7:00am

*** begin quote ***

Laws against gay adoption say, in effect, that a child may not be adopted by gays even when the adoption is in the best interest of the child. But as Steve Chapman writes, the real meaning of family values is that the best interest of the child always comes first.

*** end quote ***

Regardless of how you feel about “gays”, I personally PREFER “gay adoption” to “gooferment foster care”. Many of the horror stories come from the gooferment trying to insert itself into every facet of our lives.

First priority, should be two parent heterosexual parents. But clearly, we don’t have enough of those to go around.

“Best interest of the child” would get them permanently placed ASAP!

Once that’s done, we can tackle the other thorny issues. Like abortion, marriage, infidelity, teen sex, and all the other “moral issues”.

BUT first things first.

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LIBERTY: Abortion is a “third rail” issue; laws by the gooferment aren’t the answer!

Abortion: An Excerpt From Hope
by Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith
Attribute to The Libertarian Enterprise

*** begin quote ***

“Abortion,” Alex said, “will remain legal. But not one red cent of federal tax money will ever be spent on it again, and I will do my level best to persuade the authorities at the state, county, and municipal levels to follow my example. As you know, gentlemen, I can be pretty persuasive.”

*** end quote ***

A national disaster. MYOB Let folks find their own way to the truth. Certainly, the gooferment shouldn’t be involved, pay for it, or stick its nose into a very painful personal process. It appears that a “roe v wade” industry has grown up around the government paying for this. That’s a industry that has to go away. Let’s have those, that feel abortion be free to the woman, put up their bucks to pay for it. Let’s have those, that want to save every life, put up their bucks to pay for it.

It’s a moral outrage to rob either side to pay for the programs of the other side.

See that’s what politicians do: They get us arguing among ourselves by framing the question wrong. In each one of these tough issues, we should always be asking: “Why is the gooferment involved in this?”

99% of the time the answer is “It shouldn’t be!”


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