RANT: Recall the Ambassador to Kenya now


Obama Ambassador to Kenya Openly Endorses Proposed Pro-Abortion Constitution
from LifeNews.com Pro-Life Headlines by news@LifeNews.com (Steven Ertelt)

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Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — After initially saying the Obama administration is not technically supporting the proposed pro-abortion constitution in Kenya and insisting it is merely supporting the voting process itself, United States Ambassador to Kenya Michael Ranneberger is now openly supporting it.

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Excuse me!

Why are “we” taking any position in what any foreign country puts in their “constitution”?

Especially when the issue of abortion is involved.

How dare they use tax money, wealth stolen from taxpayers who find the issue morally abhorrent, to push that abomination in their name!

This ambassador should be recalled immediately and replaced.

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