POLITICAL: Ron Paul has been proven right time and again


Covid RIP… and Ron Paul was Right.

*** begin quote ***

So yes, Dr. Paul was prescient in 1988 when he warned about the FBI as a political weapon – as we’ve seen it again used this week against a former US President. But he also simply understood the truth about the nature of government: that the more of it we have, the more temptation for the elites to bend power to better fulfill their end-goal of total control. Politics is about power. It is war by other means.

In a similar vein, and almost under the radar, the CDC just announced that everything they had been demanding and telling us for the past two plus years has been a lie. It doesn’t matter if you stand six feet away from people, it doesn’t matter if you are vaccinated or unvaccinated. You don’t need to quarantine. Kids can stay in school if someone around them has contracted the ‘rona.

The CDC and the thugs around them are pretending that this is something new, that they suddenly understand “the Science” better. They will not admit that they were lying and manipulating all along in pursuit of power and money.

But Ron Paul understood from day one. He saw what was coming and he put it all on the line to fight the totalitarian tide. He wasn’t armed with a crystal ball. He was armed with an understanding of truth: Power corrupts.

*** end quote ***


His largest unheeded warning was about the FED and its inflation.  It has really crippled the USA and perhaps the world.

“We, The Sheeple” needs to punish the D’s, the R’s, and the politicians and bureaucrats!


Climate Change – LewRockwell

1. Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.

The leading advocates of the Climate Change movement are politicians, entertainers, and even children. Climate preachers such as Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio lack any formal scientific training whatsoever, and live personal lives of unparalleled luxury while prescribing carbon austerity for the masses. Yet no one is permitted to point out their scientific ignorance or call attention to their hypocritical lifestyles.

Source: Climate Change – LewRockwell

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Spare me the modern day equivalent of the “Court Jester” instructing “We, The Sheeple” how the world should work.

These “watermelons” (i.e.: Green outside; Red <communist> inside) don’t have the experience of one small business owner or the credentials of a wise academic like a Rothfarb.

Sorry, but — to misapply “A Few Good Men” — “I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don’t give a damn what you think you are entitled to.” Colonel Jessep in A Few Good Men played by Jack Nicholson

I don’t care what these truly “dumb” people pontificate about.  Let them live their beliefs like a Mother Theresa, Gandhi, MLK, or Ron Paul, and then and only then should anyone listen to them.


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Purism is Practical
written by ron paul
sunday january 3, 2016

*** begin quote ***

The ever-growing number of Americans who are joining the liberty movement are not interested in “reforming” the welfare-warfare state. They also have no interest in “fixing” the Federal Reserve via “rules-based” monetary policy. Instead, this movement is dedicated to auditing, then ending, the Fed and stopping the government from trying to run the economy, run the world, and run our lives. If this movement refuses to compromise its principles, we may succeed in restoring a society of liberty, peace, and prosperity in our lifetimes.

*** end quote ***

In addressing the “welfare” part of the welfare-warfare state, it’s unfortunate that those of us that want to “end welfare as we know it” are portrayed as heartless unfeeling Ebenezer Scrooges.

In actuality, nothing could be further than the truth.

If you look on the Gooferment’s failed “war on poverty”, then you will see whole GENERATIONS lost to the despair of “welfare”. Politicians and bureaucrats — mostly D’s — and “community organizers” have developed a “poverty industry” that they siphon off of. Argh!

We have more than SIX DECADES of the current system, with no end in sight of misery.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” — attributed to Einstein

So WHY can’t we try something different?

* Eliminate the minimum wage by phasing it out over 20 years. That would do wonders for black youth unemployment.

* Eliminate the “(pseudo) War on (some) Drugs” that sends so many poor people to prison, impoverishes them, and limits their employment opportunities. And BTW inflicts crime and violence on the poor disproportionately!

* Eliminate the handouts by phasing them out over 20 years. Reduce them 5% per year. 

* Eliminate the various and sundry “regulations” on the States concerning “welfare”.

* Eliminate the Crony Capitalism “regulations” of “licensing” various things like hair braiding, Uber driving, and all sorts of other stupidity.

* Eliminate the tremendous “take” off the poor by the various forms of Gooferment lotteries. 

Americans are very charitable. If the taxes are reduced by reducing the welfare burden, then true charity will spring up to help the truly needy with real help. I cite Homefront NJ as an example of what a real community can do. (And, from whom, I was taught that the “welfare bureaucracy” needs lots of “clients” to justify their continued existence.)


Why can’t we have an experiment to see if this wouldn’t work so much better?

Gooferment politicians and bureaucrats, as well as all those that make fine living off the current system. 


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MONEY: Save the penny; it’s educational


If You Want People To Keep Using Cash, Support Killing The Penny
By Justin Pot on 15th May, 2015 

*** begin quote ***

There’s quote you might have heard.“A penny saved is a penny earned” -Ben Franklin

First: Franklin never said that. Second: adjusting for inflation, an early 1800’s penny is worth about 25 cents today. With these points in mind, I propose the following update: “A quarter saved is a quarter earned” -Unknown

My point is simple: when the penny was worth more, no one saw the need for a piece of currency valued at 1/25th of a penny. Creating something like that would have been stupid, because you couldn’t have bought anything with it.penny-bucketToday, it’s nearly impossible to find anything that costs one cent. Anywhere.Seriously: try to find anything that costs a penny. You’ll have to resort to a single nail at the hardware store, but when you try to pay for it with your penny the clerk will probably tell you not to bother – saying to just take the nail and leave. 

*** end quote ***

I disagree. The penny is an in your face constant reminder that the Gooferment, specifically the FED (i.e., Ferderal Reserve Bank) … …

— The Federal Reserve Bank is a misnomer. IT ain’t “federal”. It reserves nothing. And, it ain’t a “bank”. It is a private cartel of the elite banks run for their benefit and that of the entrenched politicians. —

… … stolen the wealth of the world by inflation. I insist on ranting every time some wants to get rid of the penny, by pointing to Ron Paul and the evils of fiat currency. 

Without the Fed’s fiat currency, WW1 and WW2 could not have been fought and the current welfare / warfare state would be impossible. 

The penny is the “canary in cage” for the national debt, the deficit, the unfunded liabilities, and the out of control spending.

Keep the penny and let’s not forget WHY it’s worthless!

If you doubt any of this rant, listen to the Tom Woods podcast http://tomwoods.com/podcast/ep-397-the-fed-the-lifeblood-of-the-empire/ and how the FED enables war.

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INTERESTING: Ron Paul — MH17 info withheld from the public



Ron Paul Says U.S. ‘Likely Hiding Truth’ About MH17 Crash

HuffPo reports that in an Aug. 7 post at, Voices of Liberty, Ron Paul said he believes the U.S., with all its intelligence-gathering capabilities, should have a clear idea of what happened on July 17 when MH17 was shot down over Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board. But much of that information, he says, has likely been withheld from the public.

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Seem like a good “guess”.

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POLITICAL: “Nothing could be worse than Saddam Hussein”


Thomas E. Woods Jr.
August 8 at 10:47am ·

*** begin quote ***

Every so-called conservative who was tricked by government propaganda in 2003, repeat after me: “I was grotesquely wrong to have thought nothing could be worse than Saddam Hussein. I admit that Ron Paul predicted what we are seeing now, while I was standing with Hillary Clinton in support of the stupidest war in U.S. history.

“Next time I will be more skeptical of government propaganda, which as a conservative I am supposed to be in the first place.”

*** end quote ***


Everything coming from politicians and bureaucrats is at best “propaganda” and at worst an absolute lie.


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Thomas E. Woods Jr.August 8 at 10:47am ·
Every so-called conservative who was tricked by government propaganda in 2003, repeat after me: “I was grotesquely wrong to have thought nothing could be worse than Saddam Hussein. I admit that Ron Paul predicted what we are seeing now, while I was standing with Hillary Clinton in support of the stupidest war in U.S. history.
“Next time I will be more skeptical of government propaganda, which as a conservative I am supposed to be in the first place.”

ECONOMICS: Tom Woods give a clear definition and distinction


The Role of Austrian Economics in the Liberty Movement
July 22, 2014

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Tom Woods kicks-off this year’s Mises University with a brilliant discussion of the ‘Role of Austrian Economics in the Liberty Movement’.

*** end quote ***

An interesting hour.

I was fascinated by his clear definition and distinction between “Austrian Economics” (i.e., von Mises et al.) and the “Liberty Movement” spawned by Ron Paul.

Are “we” a minority? Absolutely.

So were the Dead Old White Guys!

The interesting part is about “we are winning” because “our” ideas align more closely with reality that do the Keynesian Economics and the big Gooferment welfare / warfare state with it’s Crony Capitalism, corrupt politicians, and lifetime lazy bureaucrats.

On to New Hampshire, as part of the Free State Project (http://freestateproject.org) to make it the FIRST truly “Free State”.


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POLITICAL: The O’Reilly Stewart debate; the 2012 Lincoln Douglas equivalent?


Bill O’Reilly. Jon Stewart. 2 podiums. 1 Air-Conditioned Auditorium. “O’Reilly v Stewart 2012: The Rumble in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium” will be streamed live, Saturday, October 6th at 8pm ET from Lisner Auditorium at The George Washington University. O’Reilly and Stewart will take an entertaining and comedic approach to today’s pressing political issues in an attempt to find the best direction for America. “The Rumble 2012” will surely be a must-see event! If you pre-order by October 1st, you can suggest a question that Jon and Bill may answer during the debate. Pre-Order Now to be a part of the action! 

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MY question:

How can we get the girls and boys home from AfPak and Iraq? Only Ron Paul gave us a choice to get them out. With him out and basically BHO43 and Mitt have the same non-policy. The “anti-war” movement has been shown to be astroturf for the democrats. But the Taft wing of the R’s was definitely an anti war tradition. Given the blood and treasure wasted, how do “we” get out? Viet Nam, Republic of taught “We, The Sheeple” nothing!

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POLITICAL: Internet Freedom; isn’t that always good?


Ron Paul’s Anti-Net Neutrality ‘Internet Freedom’ Campaign Distorts Liberty
Gregory Ferenstein
Friday, July 6th, 2012

*** begin quote ***

The libertarian super-duo, Congressman Ron Paul and his son, U.S. Senator Rand Paul, launched an “Internet Freedom” campaign this week that has come out swinging against net neutrality, branding it as a clever attempt at more government intervention. “The Technology Revolution” manifesto decries any attempt to regulate private Internet service providers as an affront to liberty, yet seems to ignore that powerful telecommunications monopolies can wield as much coercion over the future of the Internet as the government. A world without a level playing field of Internet bandwidth allows powerful companies to favor their well-endowed corporate friends over the scrappy startups that power the most vibrant innovation on the web.

*** end quote ***

After awhile, it’s hard to know what’s good and bad.


We can only say that ANYTHING that opposes the Gooferment is good.

If “the Gooferment” tells us that sky is blue, we should ask for evidence. 

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POLITICAL: Party politics is more corrupt than the elections?


Stunning video: GOP leaders cheat Ron Paul?
‘Like tyrants they are, they said, ‘That’s it,’ and ran out the door’
by Drew Zahn

*** begin quote ***

The Athens-Clarke County GOP met on Saturday, March 10, to vote – among other things – on delegates to represent the county at district convention, from there to attend the state and national conventions.

But shocking video shows the meeting’s chair pushing through a list of pre-selected delegates over the objections of the convention and promptly declaring the meeting closed, a startling turn of events that took exactly 21 seconds.

Ron Paul backers, who made up a majority of the seated precinct delegates and had hoped to nominate their own choices for district convention, were stunned.

By their count, also captured on video, more than 20 of the 30-some delegates present had voted no to the slate of delegates offered, yet Athens GOP Chairman Matt Brewster first declared, “The ‘ayes’ have it,” then ignored loud calls for a vote count, before quickly concluding, “There is no other business to discuss; the convention is now closed.”

*** end quote ***

And you’re surprised?

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POLITICAL: Ron Paul is the “true conservative”


WaPo: The True Conservative Is Ron Paul
by Robert Wenzel

*** begin quote ***

So when WaPo says that Ron Paul is the “true conservative”, and this is what they are saying: That most conservatives are not neo-cons and that they are anti-war, small government conservatives, that is, Old Right conservatives.

*** end quote ***

The anti-war small-government candidate!

When will “We, The Sheeple” wake up?

Before it’s too late?


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RANT: Ron Paul is not a progressive; that’s a good thing


Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Ron Paul is not a progressive

*** begin quote ***

Paul was right on both wars, on the bailout of the banks and continues to be right about the need for transparency at the fed. He is right about gay marriage and he is right on most civil liberties issues and the drug war.

But Ron Paul is not a progressive. Ron Paul is not anti-corporate. He believes that empowering business is the best way to accomplish all good things and that government has no role to play in ensuring a level playing field. It was Paul’s dismissal of a government role in health care that elicited the shout of “let him die” during the Republican debates.

*** end quote ***


*** begin quote ***

Anonymous Anonymous said…

Excellent points by Hank K.    Ron Paul would destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and any social program that helps ordinary folks. He would probably be for assisting the privatization of our public schools. Libertarianism is filth, a despicable bunch of garbage that’s great for the greedy millionaires and greedy billionaires (as opposed to the responsible and altruistic millionaires and billionaires) who don’t want to pay their fair share in taxes. Under libertarianism, if you become disabled and can no longer work, then tough luck or go out in the street and beg for charity. Libertarians say, let the charities take care of the millions who are disabled, elderly or too poor. It’s an idiotic notion to think that charities are even close to being able to help the 50 millions uninsured. Dialysis costs about $150,000 per year and there are many thousands of people in this country with kidney disease or kidney failure. Medications cost thousands per year, there aren’t enough charities on earth to deal with these numbers. I would not vote for Ron Paul even if you put a gun to my head.

*** end quote ***

And, everything today is just working perfectly and at costs we can afford?

Ron Paul hasn’t said anything about destroying everything. He has said that we need real cuts in Gooferment spending. Do you dsagree?

For example, he says the Federal Gooferment should have no role in education. Let the States do it. So we send money to Federal Gooferment to send back to the state Gooferment. There’s a swag that says ½ of any money passing through a Gooferment entity loses ½ its value due to the cost og handling. Sending a dollar to the Feds gets maybe 25¢s back! Eliminate the overhead.

Of course that will totally destroy the education establishment. And, maybe we can have a national and state discusion on “education”. Personally, I authored a paper for Hands Across New Jersey on how to transition “education” from Gooferment to parents over 40 years. (Under the theory that parents are in a better position to educate their children. And cheaper and better. They made the decision to have them; they should provide for them.) I’m frustrated because if HANJ wasn’t subverted by the duopoly, we’d almost be out of the problem.

You bring up charity, charity care, and the cost of medicine. But you ignore the role of Gooferment in driving up the cost of healthcare. Just like it drives up the cost of “education”.


I think that Ron Paul represents the essence of the Taft Republicans. It’s been lost for decades and we have a 15T$ debt, deficits for as far as the eyes can see, unfunded liabilities somewhere between 50T$ and 150T$ depending upon who counts what, and a dismal economic future.
Perhaps, you might consider that Socialism doesn’t work. Didn’t for the Soviet Union. And, won’t for the USA.


“everything is fine. move along citizen. nothing to see here.”


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VETERANS: Us old vets ain’t doing our job






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I don’t know if it’s the Wounded Warrior Project commercials, the Country Music videos, or the media coverage of the Republican Presidential Primary.

But I’m <past tense synonym for urine output> off!

I’m a bubbling cauldron of little L libertarian rage.


Didn’t “We, The Sheeple” learn ANYTHING from Viet Nam, Republic of?

Apparently not.

Of all the candidates, Ron Paul is the ONLY one challenging our foreign policy of world occupation. Our Gooferment has its “nose” and “hands”, up to the proverbial elbows, in everyone else business. No wonder we’re hated. And, now the chicken hawks are drumming up a fight with Iran, Syria, … and who knows who else.


To enrich the politicians and bureaucrats. Thru crony capitalism.

Now, I’m sympathetic to the veterans’ plight. Especially those “kids” who signed up for their State’s Guard unit and found themselves in one of the sandboxes or the rock box. But the all volunteer force means that girls and boys had to “volunteer”. And, I know that there’s all sorts of nuances to that “freedom”. From old farts with delusions of patriotism, to economic pressures. With stops along the way at TV commercials touting education benefits and the comrades in arms propaganda. Us old vets are a fault for allow that to happen. We know better. (Heinlein was right; only vets should vote!)

So why am I being panhandled to “help vets”. The Gooferment isn’t doing its job in that function either.

So, let’s support the troops!

Don’t let them be used for trivial purposes that are not in the strategic interest. They are not props for Presidents (of either party) or politicians to play with.

To quote another country song, let’s put boot up the <synonym for donkey> of politicians.

Old vets should hold them accountable!

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RANT: The first item first column on Drudge says it all

The first item first column on Drudge says it all.

*** begin quote ***

MARCH 19, 2011

OBAMA: ‘Today we are part of a broad coalition. We are answering the calls of a threatened people. And we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world’…

MARCH 19, 2003

BUSH: ‘American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger’…

*** end quote ***

Donna Nobis Pacem!

Would anyone like to go back to the last Presidential campaign? I said here and vocally that the only truly “Peace” candidate was Ron Paul. Everyone told me that BHO44 was that “Peace” candidate.

“barbara streisand”

I told you so. And, it gives me no pleasure to say that. If I was smarter, I would have been more persuasive. But, when I say there is no difference between the R’s and the D’s, everyone tells me there’s a difference. Look at “today’s conservatives” and “today’s liberals”?

Where do we get the moral authority, let alone the Constitutional authority, to wage war on Libya?

IMHO from a moral, strategic, and tactical basis, this is an outrageous disaster.

So what are you going to do about it?

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GOVEROUTRAGEOUS: Ron Paul 03/04 “The end of the war in Iraq is not near!”



Ron Paul 03/04: The end of the war in Iraq is not near!

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It’s outrageous that the government would lie so blatantly. Obama ran as the “anti-war” candidate. That allowed him to slip in on Hillary’s left flank. THe American people outraged at the Republicans whisked him into office. Only to find, he IS that 100% liberal they were warned about, NOT REALLY anti-war at all, and a typical Chicago crook appointing all the same old same old crooks.


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POLITICIAL: Ron Paul on Bill Mahr simple and direct!


Ron Paul rocks on Bill Mahr’s show!

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POLITICAL: Where does the Ron Paul energy go?

Where does the Ron Paul revolution (i.e., peace, nonintervention, economic freedom, personal liberty, sound money, and a drastically limited government) go?

The shell game of Republican and Democrat bigger gooferment prevents any other “choice”.


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MONEY: H.R. 2755: Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act


*** begin quote ***

You might also ask your US Representative to co-sponsor the Bill to Abolish the Fed. So far Ron Paul’s Bill has no co-sponsor. What does that tell us?

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[JR: That politicians are happy with the blank check that the current system provides them? ]


*** begin quote ***

Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act – Abolishes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and each Federal reserve bank.

Repeals the Federal Reserve Act.

This bill is in the first step in the legislative process. Introduced bills go first to committees that deliberate, investigate, and revise them before they go to general debate. The majority of bills never make it out of committee.

*** end quote ***


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POLITICAL: My economic recovery plan


Fallen Angel
by George Giles

*** begin quote ***

Our one party has two wings blue state socialists and red state fascists, they only disagree on minor conjectures like should we fleece the public fisc through the Federal Reserve, or the Internal Revenue service, or both?

*** and ***

If eternal vigilance is the price of liberty then Americans, as a culture, have been found wanting. The immense debt, the vanishing equity, and the struggling economic infrastructure are the waves upon which our ship of state sails.

*** end quote ***

Wonder if the sheeple will realize they have been had? If we have faith in the “American experiment”, then we can return to our roots of rugged individualism, cast out the socialists, and let the truly free market return us to prosperity. Enlightened individual self-interest is a powerful engine of prosperity. But, we have to be the “home of the free and land of the brave”.

(1) Let the bad actors in the marketplae fail. Citi, GM, NBC, or whomever has a problem; it’s just that. Their problem. Hard bitter medicine? Yes, but essential into correcting the “moral hazard” that our politicians have allowed to happen.

(2) Restore the “uptick rule” that prevents bear raids. FIre the genius at the Treasury, Fed, SEC that changed that one historical gem of an idea.

(3) Restore the marketplace in mortgages. Home ownership may not be for everyone. 20% down! Review every mortgage for criminal fraud. (Rumor hath it that Organized Crime went into the mortgage business.)

(4) End the “Drug Prohibition” policy. Sorry, but it’s nobody’s business what anyone puts in their own body. Pardon all non-violent drug offenders. Allow WalMart to battle the “illegal violent drug dealers”. (The cost of impure illicit drugs will dissolve overnight when Sam Walton’s children become “drug dealers”.) Clean safe drugs at everyday low prices will take all the profit and sexiness out of the drug culture. Hard to imagine a drug war over aspirin level prices. Pot, heroin, crack, and speed for $4 for a month’s supply? Maybe then as a society, we can focus on the medical problems that addicition represents. And, stop killing children both directly and indirectly. Eleimate all the drug agencies: DEA, FDA, and on and on. Consumers Reports, Underwriters Labratory, and “Drug Stores” like WalMart will do a far better job of keeping us safe.

(5) Downsize governemnt at all levels. Let’s conduct a raid on all these bloated kingdoms of waste. Let’s cut 5% per year. Every year.

(6) Let’s cut taxes. Business tax should be 0, but let’s start but cutting it to 10%. (Ireland is 11%!) We know that businesses don’t pay taxes; people do! Personal income tax ditto 10%. And, ONLY ONE ENTITY can collect our 10%. Either Federal, State, or Local gooferment. How they divide it up I care not, but no more than 10%. Property taxes should also be 0. Let the police, fire, and trash be supplied on a competitive basis.

(7) Let’s all MYOB. Marriage should be left to churches; not the gooferment.

How’s that for an economic recovery plan?

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POLITICAL: Are elections important where there is no choice?



>You’re also participating in that great movement called democracy. The opposite of democratic
>is not republican; the opposite of democratic is aristocratic. “Democratic” means rule of the
> people, the “demos” in Greek, while “aristocratic” means rule of the best, the “aristos”.

You have got to be kidding. This is a joke. Right? You can’t be serious. This is what the Founding Fathers feared most; the inflamed passions of the mob.

Sorry, given today’s education system, which is right out of the Socialist Horace Mann’s playbook, we have functionally illiterate people picking based on TV. I’ve got more respect for “Dancing with the Stars” election process than I do “the gooferment’s one”. (Have you seen the mechanics of voting?) Mann wanted an education system to create good factory workers and soldiers for the army. People who were easily lead by the elite.

See any elite in this election?

I sure do!

Sarah is the only wild card in the deck. And, at least she has some demonstrated executive ability. She is probably the most qualified of all of them. At least she hasn’t been in Washington DC at all.

No, this isn’t about an Athenian democracy. Or Plato’s “Republic”. This is about “manipulation”. Yes, you did see raw intelligent passion as folks came out for Ron Paul. There was a TRUE choice. A completely different path! Hopeless; throwing themselves against the entrenched elites of the Republican Party. Mao said “All power comes from the end of a gun”. He was dead on.

We have an American because some Dead Old White Guys stood up to the entrached power elite and said “hell, no!” and were willing to die for their liberty. We’ve seen from time to time that fighting spirit come out — the Second American Revolution aka the War of Norther Aggression aka the Civil War (there’s a misnomer).

The elite allows “elections” on the hope that the sheeple will carry on the illusion of “their government”. In fact, it is a fraud. Your friend was absolutely right there’s no difference between the two “parties”. In the election that you abhor the Supreme Court deciding, there was only two choices the Harvard guy with the blue tie and the Harvard guy with the red tie. They are so much alike I can even remember who wore what!

No, the whole thing is a farce! Except at the end of it, the gooferment kills. It kills with its diversion of our attention to REAL problems. To the real loss of liberty here at home and abroad. Eventually, the chickens do come home to roost.

At some point in time, the oppressed decide that they are tired of “the shit end of the stick”. They look at their lot in life and make a decision to say “enuf”! If we are lucky, it’s relatively peaceful like Ghandi, the Polish Soladarity, or the Russian Communism collapse. If we are not, it’s bloody like the French Revolution, Mao taking China Communicst, North Korea, Nazi Germany.

I fear we are merely traveling the road that ends in disaster. Election, or not. When you have Socialism, whether it be from a Democrat or a Republican, that takes an ever increasing percentage of wealth and earnings, while one’s accumulated wealth is inflated away, you have the focus point of revolution. At some point, even American’s will say “enuf”?

Can’t tell you at what point exactly that is. When the taxes so much, that survival is in doubt? When a life’s savings are stolen? When the insame gooferment diktats about drugs have half the people in prison? When the unemployment is 50%? When the dollar ceases to be the reserve currency and we have a Zimbabwe inflation? When Hispanics become the dominent race here in America? If Obama loses and half the people think the other half are racists? If McCain loses and half the people think the other half are Marxist Communist Socialists?

Eventually, all gooferments get around to killing their citizens. Like the JPFO says: “Frist comes disarmament; then genocide.” We will have a “vote” then. I pray it’s Ghandi-like. But, I’m not so sure of that. I do know that “cold dead hands” will decide the issue eventually. Not ballots.


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LIBERTY: Fiat money ALWAYS fails!

Ron Paul Discussing his Bernanke Confrontation 9/24/2008

Like the old Fram Oil Filter commercial, pay for it now or later. Pay now is better in the long run. Don’t bail them out. “Too Big To Fail” is an illusion. Capitalism REQUIRES us to let them fail. TO teach EVERYONE a lesson!