VETERANS: Us old vets ain’t doing our job

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I don’t know if it’s the Wounded Warrior Project commercials, the Country Music videos, or the media coverage of the Republican Presidential Primary.

But I’m <past tense synonym for urine output> off!

I’m a bubbling cauldron of little L libertarian rage.


Didn’t “We, The Sheeple” learn ANYTHING from Viet Nam, Republic of?

Apparently not.

Of all the candidates, Ron Paul is the ONLY one challenging our foreign policy of world occupation. Our Gooferment has its “nose” and “hands”, up to the proverbial elbows, in everyone else business. No wonder we’re hated. And, now the chicken hawks are drumming up a fight with Iran, Syria, … and who knows who else.


To enrich the politicians and bureaucrats. Thru crony capitalism.

Now, I’m sympathetic to the veterans’ plight. Especially those “kids” who signed up for their State’s Guard unit and found themselves in one of the sandboxes or the rock box. But the all volunteer force means that girls and boys had to “volunteer”. And, I know that there’s all sorts of nuances to that “freedom”. From old farts with delusions of patriotism, to economic pressures. With stops along the way at TV commercials touting education benefits and the comrades in arms propaganda. Us old vets are a fault for allow that to happen. We know better. (Heinlein was right; only vets should vote!)

So why am I being panhandled to “help vets”. The Gooferment isn’t doing its job in that function either.

So, let’s support the troops!

Don’t let them be used for trivial purposes that are not in the strategic interest. They are not props for Presidents (of either party) or politicians to play with.

To quote another country song, let’s put boot up the <synonym for donkey> of politicians.

Old vets should hold them accountable!

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