TINFOILHAT: The Moskva Riddle — NATO, Ukraine, sabotage, or accident?


The Moskva Riddle
Pepe Escobar • April 23, 2022 •

*** begin quote ***

Martyanov also stresses, “it is impossible to hide the external impact of the anti-shipping missile – one will immediately know what hit the ship. Moreover, to hit and sink such a target as the Moskva one has to launch a salvo and not only two missiles, likely 3-4 at least. In this case, Russia would know who attacked Moskva. Does NATO know? I am positive this event has NATO written all over it, if it is not an internal sabotage which absolutely cannot be excluded at this stage. I am sure if Nebo was operational it would have seen the salvo.”

Which brings us to the inevitable clincher: “If NATO was involved, I am sure we will see some retaliation, after all, as I am on record all the time, US bases in Middle East and elsewhere are nothing more than fat prestigious targets.”

So get ready: something lethally “asymmetrical” may be about to pop up.

*** end quote ***

Now here’s a good question for a “Conspiracy Theory”.  Apparently, there are four good alternatives for what happened.  It’s seems to be a well proven “fact” that something did happen. But, since I have not touched the hull or have someone reputable touch it, I can’t know for certain.

The author makes a plausible motivation for why NATO might have done something, but that is not evidence.  And, one can’t really expect any reliable dikw (i.e., data, information, knowledge, wisdom) from Russia on the topic.  

The whole Ukrainian tale about sneaking cruise missiles in while the crew was distracted by drones seems less likely. 

So we just have to wait and see what “leaks” out.


MONEY: “Inside Money” standard and the “Outside Money” reality


The Ins and Outs of Whose Money is it Anyway?
Date: March 13, 2022Author: Tom Luongo

*** begin quote ***

Today’s “Inside Money” standard, known colloquially as the Dollar Reserve standard, is actually what I like to call “Milton Friedman’s Nightmare.” It is nothing more than a system of competitively devalued and inflated debt-based scrips running around drinking each other’s milkshakes until everyone’s glass is empty.

FYI, there are a lot of empty glasses around the world right now and more are being created everyday as the financial system turned predatory after the Lehman Bros. collapse in 2008.

It was then that the Central Banks and governments turned fully against the people sucking up more and more outside money by inflating inside money egregiously to control more and more of the real wealth of the world.

There is only one problem with that, however. Eventually, you run out of property to squeeze out of people’s hands. The more you take, the less people are restrained by little things like laws.

Eventually two things happen. The first is what we’ve been seeing from Russia and China for the past twelve years — steady accumulation of gold and other hard assets, outside money, including the building of real manufacturing infrastructure as well as the financial infrastructure to house it.

The second is just over the horizon — the moment where all the legal claims to controlling outside money mean nothing when enforcement of those legal claims gets exposed as a bluff because there aren’t enough enforcers capable of keeping the looters from taking it.

*** end quote ***

I’m am waiting for the “Great Reset” to drop on “We, The Sheeple” of which I am part of in someways.  I know this is going to hurt the poor, the seniors, those on fixed incomes, as well as the non-super rich.

Wonder what the price of gold will go to … … (the fellow’s guess)  about 45k$.  By other guesstimates, that’ll translate to 80$/gallon for gas.  Now I’m not predicting this but even if gas goes from 4 to 8$/gallon, the economy is totally screwed.

The U$D would be near worthless.


The future is murky and there could be a cliff in the fog.





June 22, 2013
Executive Branch Illegalities Go Unsanctioned
Posted by Michael S. Rozeff on June 22, 2013 07:28 AM

*** begin quote ***

Now that the U.S. is openly arming groups in Syria, it has openly admitted that it has been training rebels for several years in secret bases in Turkey and Jordan. Up to now, those who reported or wrote of this were using other sources of information as here. The Guardian reported this on March 8, 2013. The U.S. had to admit this because of these reports, if nothing else. Obama likes to conduct his wars in secret.

When I speak of “illegalities”, I mean that the executive branch of the U.S. government constantly breaks either the Constitution, international laws, solemn pledges it has signed, treaties it has signed, or laws it has previously made (passed by Congress and signed by some president). Even if there were no moral case against the U.S. actions, which there is, there is a legal case (and a pragmatic case).

There has been no war declared on Syria. There is no Syrian aggression against the U.S. There is no legal basis for training rebels or arming them. The U.S. government is an outlaw rogue regime, constantly lying, constantly manipulating information as in this case, constantly hiding critical information, and worthy only of great disrepect.

*** end quote ***

Clearly, this is yet another example of abuse by the Executive branch. This is not a D or R thing. Both sides of the supposed “aisle” do the same thing.


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RANT: Mayhem and murder are the State’s hallmarks

Oh, Please
via LewRockwell.com Blog by Becky Akers on 4/16/13

Every time the Feds mount another false-flag operation-sorry, every time another tragedy like the Boston Marathon Massacre hits, the corporate media solemnly assures us that mayhem and murder are “the price we pay to live in a free society.” Balderdash. Mayhem and murder are the State’s hallmarks; the freer a society is, the less of both there will be. Imagine America without her ruling socipaths: no wars overseas or at home; incredibly little poverty absent the Fed’s inflation, professional licensing to create unemployment, and taxation; virtually no crime since the well-regulated militia would defend itself from all criminals, free-lance or official.

Meanwhile, the latest of the media’s morons to blame Boston’s horror on liberty rather than Leviathan is Tom “The Babbler” Brokaw. First, The Babbler calls the police-state currently tyrannizing Americans an “open society.” If warrantless wiretapping, waterboarding and other torture, NDAA, gate-rape, secret No-Fly Lists, and the NSA are The Babbler’s idea of “openness,” well, spare me from what he considers tyranny (actually, we all know how he defines “tyranny”: these same evils when practiced by other countries’ politicians and bureaucrats on their hapless serfs — usually financed with Uncle Sam’s “foreign aid”). Second, at best, the State apparently knew an attack was likely and did not prevent it, despite the overwhelming resources at its command; at worst, it actively participated in it.

# – # – # 

I just don’t trust the politicians and bureaucrats. 

What are diktat are they going to impose now?

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RANT: Boston has to be examined

The Plot Thickens
via LewRockwell.com Blog by Becky Akers on 4/16/13

“University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines. ‘They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it’s just a training exercise,’ Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15. Stevenson said he saw law enforcement spotters on the roofs at the start of the race. He’s been in plenty of marathons in Chicago, D.C., Chicago, London and other major metropolitan areas but has never seen that level of security before.”

And the police-state still couldn’t get it right.

Hmmm. Or did it? Be sure to catch the readers’ comments: plenty of other skeptics out there, flinging terms like “false-flag” and “psy-ops.”

# – # – # 

I too don’t trust the mainstream media not to be a lapdog for “group think”.

Within hours, the liberal press (CNN and MSNBC) were indicting the “right wing”.

Sorry, but I have no idea who did it.

I’m not even sure there was “extra security”. 

What I do know, deep in my heart, that we haven’t gotten, won’t get, may never know the “true story”. 


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TINFOILHAT: Pearl Harbor was an “inside job”


The American and British Governments Knew – Down to the Day – of the Coming Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor … And Let It Happen to Justify American Entry Into WWII

Posted on October 15, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog

Military Officers and Code Breakers Speak Out … On Camera

*** begin quote ***

But a full and honest account of World War II shows that some big American banks funded the Nazis. And America dropped nuclear bombs on Japan when top U.S. military officials said it wasn’t needed.

And – as shown below – we probably knew about the coming Pearl Harbor attack, but let it happen to justify America’s entry into World War II.

The White House apparently had – a year before Pearl Harbor – launched an 8-point plan to provoke Japan into war against the U.S. (including, for example, an oil embargo). The rationale for this provocation is that the U.S. wanted to aid its allies in fighting the Nazis and other axis powers, and decided that an attack by Japan would be the most advantageous justification for the U.S. to enter WWII.

Moreover, Honolulu newspapers warned of a possible attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor:

Indeed, as the following must-watch BBC documentary – with interviews with many of the main players, including military officers and code-breakers – shows, the American and British knew of the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor — down to the exact date of the attack — and allowed it to happen to justify America’s entry into World War II:

And see this short essay by a highly-praised historian summarizing some of the key points. (The historian, Robert B. Stinnett, a World War II veteran, actually agreed with this strategy for getting America into the war, and so does not have any axe to grind).

*** end quote ***

I read Stinnett’s book many years ago. I was convinced with the “smoke” from the gun he laid out in the book.

Now we have testimony!

Seems like this one for the Tin Foil Hats.

Maybe the people won’t be so quick to dismiss suspicions.

Sad that so many people died and so man lives disrupted for so many generations.

We can’t total up all the costs.

Time to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

— 30 —

POLITICAL: Do “we” really understand the cost of war?


I Was Fooled by the War-Makers

by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

*** begin quote ***

Twenty years ago, as I was completing my freshman year in college, I was a full-blown neoconservative. Except I didn’t know it. Having concluded that I was not a leftist, I simply decided by process of elimination that I must be a Rush Limbaughian.

Like most people, I was unaware that any alternative to those two choices existed, or that in some ways they were two sides of a common statist coin. In particular, I embraced a neoconservative foreign policy with gusto. The way to show you weren’t a commie was by supporting the U.S. military as it doled out summary justice to bad guys all over the world. And frankly, it was exciting to watch it all unfold on TV.

I never gave the human cost of war a second thought and became impatient with anyone who did. War was like a video game I could enjoy from the comfort of my home. Devastation and human suffering were quite beside the point: the righteous U.S. government was dispensing justice to the wicked, and that was that. What are you, a liberal?

*** and ***

Mothers and fathers were crying themselves to exhaustion over children they had lost, or who, worse still, were dying agonizing deaths before their very eyes. There is no worse anguish for parents than to watch their children suffer and to be helpless to do anything about it.

Was it really right that we Americans should meanwhile be celebrating with a Bob Hope special, and – on cue – flattered by the ceaseless reminders that ours was the awesomest country ever?

*** end quote ***

How can anyone be for war?

How can anyone support BHO44’s “drone war”?

How do we explain the deaths of 2,000 American youths?

Sorry, but I too was once fooled by the welfare / warfare state!

This scale of killing was never envisioned by the Constitution. The political class doesn’t even follow these supposed limits. How was war in Libya declared? By Presidential fiat! 

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Why are the girls and boys still in AfPak?


Mr. President, Why Is My Son in Afghanistan? By Anna Berlinrut
Juliet Buck
Radical SAHM
Topics> Foreign Policy, Military, Politics, Diplomacy
Editors Note:

Anna is a member of Military Families Speak Out — the only nationwide organization of military families (and supporters) that want to bring our troops home from Afghanistan NOW and take care of them. There is power in numbers. We now have approximately 4,000 military families registered and about 2,000 non-military supporters. The larger we grow, the more powerful our voice will be. We also want to stop the War with Iran before it starts. That war would also not be in the best interest of our country.

This piece was originally published at warisacrime
Wed, 09/19/2012 – 8:37am

*** begin quote ***

September 17, 2012

Dear Mr. President:

He’s been in Afghanistan for two weeks, but I feel as though I’ve aged 10 years. This is my only son’s sixth deployment in harm’s way.

I was supposed to get together with friends Saturday night. But when I read that two more NATO troops were killed in Helmund Province in a green on blue attack, I cancelled my plans. Then I found out they were Brits. This morning I heard that four American troops were killed by Afghans in uniform. Another mother’s son is dead. Not mine.

I don’t understand why our troops are there. First we were told it was to destroy al Qaeda. But Bin Laden is dead and al Qaeda has not been in Afghanistan in large numbers in many years. They are now scattered around the world in many countries.

*** and ***

My son is an ANA trainer in one of the most volatile regions of Afghanistan. He has left his pregnant wife and two young sons to go half way around the world to a country where many of the people he is trying to help want to kill him. Our President cannot give me a valid reason why he is there. It’s time to bring all of our troops home and take care of them.

Anna Berlinrut, Maplewood, New Jersey

*** end quote ***

Like Ron Paul said: “We can just march out!”

There is NO logic to why we are there, still there, ever went there.


This just proves to me that the “anti-war movement” was astroturf!

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The United States Government’s Willful Ignorance Is Costing Soldiers’ Lives
Posted by John Bernard, 1st Sgt. USMC (ret.)
Dec 29th 2011 at 5:23 pm

*** begin quote ***

To that end, it has been my contention that this administration, the past administration and the entire upper end structure of the military machine has failed miserably. Not only have they chosen the wrong strategy to achieve a definable victory for their nation, they chose one that has been disproportionately brutal for our forces while providing cover for the enemy and the population that has proven over and over again to be untrustworthy.

History has defined and will continue to define only a miniscule number of opportunities for a theater-wide application of the precepts of Counterinsurgency Doctrine to have been efficacious. Even a casual glance at the human terrain in either Iraq or Afghanistan, with Syria and Iran to possibly follow, should have given the critical thinker everything they needed to adequately keep COIN under lock and key in the vault of terrible ideas.

*** and ***

First of all, if someone can point me toward the ongoing, public record of support for America in either of these operations or the public record of Muslim denunciation of the actions of the “terrorist” or “radicalized” Muslim or Jihad as a war doctrine, Taqiyya as a deceptive practice with the intent of keeping the enemy off balance, please show me?

The clear evidence only suggests groups as defined by those who willingly strap on bombs and those who do not. Unfortunately, we know that from within the second group comes the financial and spiritual support for the first.

Suggesting you can parse these two and do harm to one while garnering support for said harm from the “moderates” simply misses the truth about religion – all religion!

*** and ***

We watch the wanton destruction of human life by the forces of Islam and the associated silence from the “moderates” every day. Is it the contention of those who submit to the “two Islams” vision that we should continue to assume the best of a people whose religion is belligerent to non-believers?

*** end quote ***

The First Sargent correctly imho distills the “problem” into the concept: “It not what we think, it’s what it is that counts.”

Their “moderates” support their “extremists”.

Any failure to recognize this fact in policy, strategy, or tactics dooms us to failure. And, failure, in this case, translates into dead human beings. Soldiers and civilians on both sides are lost due to the stupidity of our leadership. Or lack there of.

We need to get the girls and boys out of the fire zone until we figure it out.

“We, The Sheeple” learned nothing from Viet Nam.

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VETERANS: Us old vets ain’t doing our job






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I don’t know if it’s the Wounded Warrior Project commercials, the Country Music videos, or the media coverage of the Republican Presidential Primary.

But I’m <past tense synonym for urine output> off!

I’m a bubbling cauldron of little L libertarian rage.


Didn’t “We, The Sheeple” learn ANYTHING from Viet Nam, Republic of?

Apparently not.

Of all the candidates, Ron Paul is the ONLY one challenging our foreign policy of world occupation. Our Gooferment has its “nose” and “hands”, up to the proverbial elbows, in everyone else business. No wonder we’re hated. And, now the chicken hawks are drumming up a fight with Iran, Syria, … and who knows who else.


To enrich the politicians and bureaucrats. Thru crony capitalism.

Now, I’m sympathetic to the veterans’ plight. Especially those “kids” who signed up for their State’s Guard unit and found themselves in one of the sandboxes or the rock box. But the all volunteer force means that girls and boys had to “volunteer”. And, I know that there’s all sorts of nuances to that “freedom”. From old farts with delusions of patriotism, to economic pressures. With stops along the way at TV commercials touting education benefits and the comrades in arms propaganda. Us old vets are a fault for allow that to happen. We know better. (Heinlein was right; only vets should vote!)

So why am I being panhandled to “help vets”. The Gooferment isn’t doing its job in that function either.

So, let’s support the troops!

Don’t let them be used for trivial purposes that are not in the strategic interest. They are not props for Presidents (of either party) or politicians to play with.

To quote another country song, let’s put boot up the <synonym for donkey> of politicians.

Old vets should hold them accountable!

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RANT: Yet another country to vote against us at the UN


Vatican welcomes Republic of South Sudan to the United Nations

*** begin quote ***

New York City, N.Y., Jul 16, 2011 / 08:52 pm (CNA).- The Vatican congratulated South Sudan, the world’s newest country, for its admission to the United Nations on July 14.

*** end quote ***

Excuse me?

Why is the American Taxpayer paying for the UN?

Another country on the dole.

More politicians and bureaucrats created as opposed to productive workers.

More people in poverty from supporting a new “priestly” class.

Another to vote against us in the “General Assembly”.

More embassies!

Another set of DPL plates in NYC.


# # # # #

RANT: Borrow from China to give it to the Muslim Brotherhood?


Humpty Obumpty and the Arab Spring
By Spengler
DC Insanity: Washington Borrows From China and Gives The Money To The Arabs

*** begin quote ***

(Editor’s Note: I keep giving you proof of the myriad ways that the global collapse will occur. It could come from within DC. But is just as likely to come from outside the USA as other nations implode. And don’t forget about the European Union. HALF of its member nations are already bankrupt. And OBama commits $20 Billion to Arabs…money that we are borrowing to “lend” to the Arab nations that are in trouble.)

I’ve been warning for months that Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and other Arab oil-importing countries face a total economic meltdown (see Food and failed Arab states, Feb 2, and The hunger to come in Egypt, May 10). Now the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has confirmed my warnings.

*** and ***

Whatever the Group of Eight actually had in mind, the proposed aid package for the misnomered Arab Spring has already become a punching bag for opposition budget-cutters. “Should we be borrowing money from China to turn around and give it to the Muslim Brotherhood?” Sarah Palin asked on May 27.

*** end quote ***

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Maybe I’m being taken in by the “stupidity” of Sarah Palin, but this make as much sense as BHO44 stopping Gulf drilling and giving 2B$ to Brazil to drill in the Gulf.

Time for “We, The Sheeple” to speak up!

# # # # #

RANT: An Israeli Perspective on events in Egypt


Watching Egypt Burn: An Israeli Perspective
What is happening now in Egypt has immediate and potentially disastrous consequences for the Jewish state. (Also read Roger L. Simon at the Tatler: “Cluless Israel wakes up on PR (sort of)”)
January 31, 2011 – by Benjamin Kerstein

*** begin quote ***

The result has been that most Israelis have long since given up hope that the Arab world can or wanted to change. Things were the way they were and we would have to accept that. As a result, two schools of thought developed: One held that, since the Arabs would never change, we would have to reach peaceful reconciliation with the situation as it was, however difficult and unstable. The other claimed that peace with such neighbors was ultimately impossible, and that Israel should hunker down, make itself as close to militarily invulnerable as possible, and look to its own prosperity and development. This situation has held for decades, and even the American push for democratization during the war with Iraq did not change things. Most Israelis considered it misguided idealism at best and dangerous naivete at worst.

*** end quote ***

As a little L libertarian, I’m astonished at what passes for American “foreign policy”.

There’s nothing more dangerous that being a ally or a friend of the USA Gooferment. (Either party can be at the controls. They are equally untrustworthy.)

Remember the airlift out of Saigon? How many of our friends were tortured to death?

The Dead Old White Guys were correct — no entangling alliances.

Switzerland has the meme.

# # # # #

POLITICAL: Troops out of Iraq?? Completely!

On Aug 20, 2010, at 9:29 AM, XXXXXXXXX wrote:

*** begin quote ***

Isn’t this like the “Mission Accomplished” banner? ‘We no longer have combat troops in Iraq’….but….there are still 50,000 there. And I have a crisp $100 bill that says they have guns on them!

*** end quote ***

If they don’t, then they are victims.

How dumb does BHO44 and his media think we are?

Is this like Germany? We’re going to have troops there for eternity.


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GOVERNACIDE: I’m stunned at the ignorance of some and the insensitivity of others


British doctor and nine others killed in Afghanistan ambush
A British doctor, Dr Karen Woo, was among ten aid workers ambushed and shot dead by gunmen in a remote area of northern Afghanistan, it emerged today.
By Andrew Alderson and Ben Farmer in Kabul
Published: 1:44PM BST 07 Aug 2010

*** begin quote ***

A British doctor, Dr Karen Woo, was among ten aid workers ambushed and shot dead by gunmen in a remote area of northern Afghanistan, it emerged today.

The body of Dr Woo, whose family came from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, was found on Friday next to three bullet-riddled four-wheel drive vehicles.

The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack, which also claimed the lives of six Americans, a German and two Afghan interpreters. The attack happened in the Kuran Wa Munjan district of Badakhshan province in Afghanistan.

It is understood that the victims were lined up, robbed and shot dead with AK-47 rifles. “Yesterday (Friday) at around 8am, one of our patrols confronted a group of foreigners. They were Christian missionaries and we killed them all,” said Zabihullah Mujahed, a spokesman for the Taliban.

Dr Woo was returning to Kabul after working in an eye clinic in the Nuristan province when her convoy was attacked. She had previously worked for private health care firm Bupa before she decided to do aid work in Afghanistan. Her parents and two brothers were too upset to comment on her death.

*** end quote ***

“An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.” Gandhi

I’d say a plague on their house. And, walk away.

I’m touched by the human suffering. But only the folks there can upset the apple cart.

Clearly, the Taliban don’t want any help. So we should pull back. And, if they stick there head up to hurt us, then we help them back to the stone age “dog eat dog prison” that they have created. That means no “diplomatic” trips to NYC, London, or Paris. No personal foreign bank accounts. They’re in a jail; that we don’t have to pay for.

And we can use the power of Marque and Reprisal! (Think of a “get out of jail free” card and a “dead or alive” wanted poster with “alive” crossed out.

“We, The People” have to direct our representatives to get the hell out of this mess and save some lives.

# # # # #

RANT: Little L libertarian question Stossel’s thinking


Immigrants – good or bad?
Posted: July 21, 2010

*** begin quote ***

Open immigration is dangerous today, however, because some immigrants want to murder us. And now that America is a welfare state, some want to come here just to freeload. That great champion of freedom Milton Friedman said Mexican immigration is a good thing – but only so long as it’s illegal. “Why? Because as long as it’s illegal for people to come, they don’t qualify for welfare and Social Security. So they migrate to jobs.”

*** end quote ***

A little surprised at Stossel.

He wavers on immigration because there are people in the world that want to kill us.

He didn’t pursue that line of thought. Why do they want to kill and hurt us? Because unlike Switzerland, we don’t MYOB. If we would follow George Washington’s advice on “entangling alliances” and kept our politicians and bureaucrats from messing in the affairs of foreigners, then we’d be left alone. No one tries to kill the Swiss. Why is that? And, I’m not saying be an isolationist or a victim. The Constitution recognizes Marque and Reprisal.

If we end the warfare / welfare / Prohibition / non-MYOB state, then things will immediately begin to improve.

And, we’ll need more immigrants regardless of skills — low skill migrants to pick the crops and high skill techno-grants to energize the knowledge economy.

For a temporary admission, “We, The People” should insist on: a heath check, a finger print / DNA id, and a bond equal to the cost of a return ticket. For a permanent admission, the same thing. Sounds simple enough. Keep your nose clean, pay the taxes, and you’ll have no problem here. Get in serious legal trouble, and out you go with no hope of coming back.

Anything less, and we get what we deserve.

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GOVERNACIDE: 1 US Soldier Killed


Wednesday: 40 Iraqis, 1 US Soldier Killed; 64 Iraqis Wounded
by Margaret Griffis, July 21, 2010
Updated at 8:24 p.m. EDT, July 21, 2010

*** begin quote ***

At least 40 Iraqis were killed 64 more were wounded in various attacks across the country. The worst violence collapsed a building in Diyala province, which has suffered several attacks in the last few days. A U.S. soldier was also killed in Diyala when a roadside bomb blated his vehicle.

*** end quote ***

Pisses me off that this doesn’t get more publicity!

Wake up, Sheeple, we need these boys and girls home. Now!

Ron Paul WAS the only true anti-war candidate with a plan (i.e., cut and run). We’ve made a very bad mistake. Let’s recognize it and staunch the bleeding. Sorry to our friends and allies. Apologies to our enemies. Time to retreat. Discretion is the best form of valor.

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NATIONAL: Why do we suffer the UN fools?


UN committee calls for dumping US dollar…

*** begin quote ***

The dollar plunged today following a United Nations report which called for the greenback to be replaced as the global reserve currency by the International Monetary Fund’s special drawing rights (SDRs).

*** and ***

The dollar is being targeted for destruction because the financial terrorists who caused the economic collapse in the first place want to exploit the crisis in order to institute a new global currency issued by a global central bank.

*** end quote ***

(What side is George Sorros on? I bet he stands to make a pretty penny off this. He destroyed the Thai Baht, the British pound, and now is working on the US Dollar. Why don’t we have a Constitutional Gold and Silver currency?)

So why are we in the UN at all?

I’m not an isolationist, but have you seen who’s on their Human Rights Committee? Everyone who should be embarrassed at their presence! Argh!

We should withdraw our economic support. They want to dump the US dollar. Fine, we’ll help you start. We won’t give you any.

And where did the IMF get its start?

And, we should cut that nonsense off at the knees.

And, by the way, take your headquarters elsewhere. It’s disruptive. It’s corrupt. And, let someone else deal with their tin pot crack pot ideas. American kids trick or treat for UNICEF so that fat cats can get rich. Argh!

Get out of the UN now. Follow George’s dictum: NO entangling alliances!

It’s all part of that expansionist one world gooferment crap any way.

How does that Johnathan Martin line go: Makes no difference if I am ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away or three hundred tyrants ten miles away. Or something like that.

<insert Google’s “memory”>

*** begin quote ***

Among the most famous of those witticisms was one Dr. Byles reportedly delivered on 8 March 1770, during the funeral for the first four victims of the Boston Massacre. Witnesses estimated that several thousand people participated in the processions that day, dwarfing even the ceremony for Christopher Seider. Watching this crowd, Byles is said to have asked a young companion:

   which is better—to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away, or by three thousand tyrants not a mile away?

That remark even got into Mel Gibson’s mouth in the movie The Patriot. But how reliable is the quotation?

*** end quote ***

Movies do have the power to inspire one.


Argh squared!

Argh cubed!

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POLITICAL: OBH44 has chuptzah about Kenyan Constitution


Barack Obama Praises Kenya’s Draft Constitution Allowing Unlimited Abortions
by Steven Ertelt LifeNews.com Editor
June 3, 2010

*** begin quote ***

Nairobi, Kenya (LifeNews.com) — President Barack Obama has come under fire from pro-life members of Congress for his administration potentially illegally spending as much as $10 million promoting the new pro-abortion constitution in Kenya. Now, in a new interview, Obama himself carefully urged Kenya residents to support it.

Obama officials were thought to have spent $2 million but Rep. Chris Smith says that figure could exceed $10 million.

A new interview conducted Tuesday with the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) has Obama actively promoting the constitution, which would have the effect of overturning the nation’s pro-life laws that prohibit most abortions.

*** end quote ***

Are you kidding me? This is a joke. Right!

Two or ten matters not. Why is Taxpayers’ Money being spent on this?

As a Pro-life Pro-choice fat old white guy injineer, I don’t want to pay for this immoral activity. Abortion is a horrible event. To have the Gooferment involved in it is abhorrent. It’s a terrible choice that a woman has to make. In a perfect world, we’d have lots of resources to make it unnecessary. (That’s the pro-life part of me!) In that perfect world, the Gooferment would have an interest in preserving the life of a future citizen. But we are far from perfect. The Gooferment should butt out because it can’t even find it’s own ass in dark closet! Best leave it to the woman and those she chooses to involve. (That’s the pro-choice part of me!)

Us, little L libertarians, are pro-choice on everything.

(1) Doesn’t OBH44 have enough to do here in this country?

(2) Why are we meddling in Kenya’s affairs?

(3) If he wants to run Kenya, he should grab his birth certificate and run for office there!

(4) As a pro-life, I object to using my tax dollars on something so morally offensive.

(5) As a pro-choicer, we in the USA should MYOB!


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GOVERNACIDE: Governement, even gooferments, even “ours”, kill people. Fact of Life!


Follow the rules, comrades … or else
Published: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 1:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 7:50 p.m.

*** begin quote ***

Most students followed protocol and said they learned more than in a regular classroom assignment. Ninth-grader Joe Polarr was arrested several times for walking on the grass, wearing a hat and not pulling back his long hair — basically just being Joe Polarr on a normal school day.

*** end quote ***

Left out the killing. Socialists, Communists, and Fascists kill people. So “old” Joe would be dead for not following the rules. The gooferment skool left out that little lesson. But, we, The People, can’t ever forget that gooferments, for all their usual ineptitude, are really good at mass murder! Look at the body counts. All gooferments, even ours, kills innocent people at home and abroad. Aren’t we ashamed of that? Aren’t we afraid of that? Aren’t we personally at risk?

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POLITICAL: Marines on Okinawa, why stay?


Bring our Marines home
Pat Buchanan

*** begin quote ***

Indeed, why are we still defending Japan? She is no longer the ruined nation of 1945, but the second-largest economy on earth and among the most technologically advanced.

*** end quote ***

Seems like a good place to start!

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POLITICAL: China dictates American policy


China PLA officers urge economic punch against U.S.
Chris Buckley
Tue Feb 9, 2010 12:00pm EST

*** begin quote ***

BEIJING (Reuters) – Senior Chinese military officers have proposed that their country boost defense spending, adjust PLA deployments, and possibly sell some U.S. bonds to punish Washington for its latest round of arms sales to Taiwan.

*** end quote ***

Doesn’t anyone find this dangerous?

(1) Immediately balance the budget. Nuke functions. Lower taxes (i.e., the Laffer curve will increase revenue).

(2) Create a debt-reduction plan (i.e., whatever reasonable interval to pay it off — fifty years? a hundred years?).

(3) Adopt something with teeth that can keep this from happening again!


Your gooferment at work!

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POLITICAL: Who’s “manning the walls” in the Obama administration?


American Rhetoric: Movie Speech
“A Few Good Men” (1992)
written by Aaron Sorkin

Colonel Nathan R. Jessep Addresses the Court on “Code Red”

*** begin quote ***

You can’t handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Santiago’s death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives…You don’t want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty…we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. You use ’em as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it! I’d rather you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don’t give a damn what you think you’re entitled to!

*** end quote ***

This rings true more today that ever.

Who’s “manning the walls” in the Obama administration?

Sorry, but the Department of Defense and the National Guard should be deployed here at home. Like the Coast Guard should NOT be off gallivanting.

We have bases in reportedly 170 countries. Time for a base closing commission of taxpayers.

Did you know that the Constitution only authorizes a permanent Navy. The Army is only allowed for two years. Guess the Dead Old White guys understood about the dangers of a permanent army. What do you think they’d have thought about the alphabet agencies: FBI, DEA, BATF, CIA, NSA, yada, yada, and yada?


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POLITICAL: Sarah Palin’s Bill O’Reilly debut


Sarah Palin shoots straight in Bill O’Reilly debut on Fox News
Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 4:00 AM

*** begin quote ***

Patrick Roberts: Sarah Palin came out swinging on Bill O’Reilly last night – and for the first time I could see what this woman has that voters find so attractive.She swore, she let loose , she nailed some enemies. She came across as a real person, not a polished politician, but a person who, until very recently, was skinning polar bears or whatever it is they do in the wilds of Alaska.

*** end quote ***

I saw the segment, but the follow up analysis was nuked by Haiti “coverage” (i.e., a talking female head repeating that they knew nothing, dermatologist describing how poor they were on her medical relief missions, and professional fundraiser asking for donations while patting themselves on the back for just delivering two containers of stuff that very day due to lucky timing; in other words, fluff!).

The ex-Guv dodged Bo’R’s attempts to get her to say something bad about the various folks attacking her. She deflected by reporting that the attackers weren’t there and were just passing along third had gossip.

The ex-Guv also dodged the “bomb Iran” question. She called for sanctions. (How does starving little kids bring about peace?) So, she needs to be carefully examined to see if she’s a Libertarian or a neo-Conservative?

This observer is still on the fence. Leaning her way, but on the fence.

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The USA always betrays its “friends”


The American way of abandonment
Posted: November 02, 2009
Pat Buchanan

*** begin quote ***

But what does it avail us to insult these people who have cast their lot with us, many of whom will, with families and friends, pay a far more terrible price than we if we lose these wars?

And if we are going to abandon these people, as we have so many others in the past, let us at least tell them, and ourselves, the truth. We didn’t know what we were getting into. We don’t have the stomach for a long war. We’re sorry we got you into this. Your big mistake was in trusting us. You folks should have known better.

*** end quote ***

Washington was right. Trade with all; alliances with none.

That would have been more honest. I remember that we screwed the Hungarians in their 1956 revolt against the Russians. Voice of America incited them and the gooferment left them hanging out to dry.


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Imagine a world without America
Barry Farber

*** begin quote ***

America took the lead and founded the United Nations, fully allowing for America to be out-voted as that great “Parliament of Man” became a VIP lounge for dictators, aggressors, oppressors, thugs, thieves, sexual predators and other varieties of truly awful people.

*** end quote ***

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No good deed goes unpunished.

Time to send that packing! We should get out now.

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