TINFOILHAT: The Moskva Riddle — NATO, Ukraine, sabotage, or accident?


The Moskva Riddle
Pepe Escobar • April 23, 2022 •

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Martyanov also stresses, “it is impossible to hide the external impact of the anti-shipping missile – one will immediately know what hit the ship. Moreover, to hit and sink such a target as the Moskva one has to launch a salvo and not only two missiles, likely 3-4 at least. In this case, Russia would know who attacked Moskva. Does NATO know? I am positive this event has NATO written all over it, if it is not an internal sabotage which absolutely cannot be excluded at this stage. I am sure if Nebo was operational it would have seen the salvo.”

Which brings us to the inevitable clincher: “If NATO was involved, I am sure we will see some retaliation, after all, as I am on record all the time, US bases in Middle East and elsewhere are nothing more than fat prestigious targets.”

So get ready: something lethally “asymmetrical” may be about to pop up.

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Now here’s a good question for a “Conspiracy Theory”.  Apparently, there are four good alternatives for what happened.  It’s seems to be a well proven “fact” that something did happen. But, since I have not touched the hull or have someone reputable touch it, I can’t know for certain.

The author makes a plausible motivation for why NATO might have done something, but that is not evidence.  And, one can’t really expect any reliable dikw (i.e., data, information, knowledge, wisdom) from Russia on the topic.  

The whole Ukrainian tale about sneaking cruise missiles in while the crew was distracted by drones seems less likely. 

So we just have to wait and see what “leaks” out.


PEACE: NATO — Let’s Get Out!

Trump Hammers NATO. Good! Let’s Get Out!Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams Posted on July 11, 2018President Trump is making waves as he arrives in Europe for the NATO summit. Chiding Germany for benefitting from US protection against Russia while buying billions of dollars worth of Russian oil, he has captured the duplicity of European leaders. But the solution is not to browbeat them to spend more on their militaries. It’s to shut down NATO once and for all.

Source: Trump Hammers NATO. Good! Let’s Get Out! – Antiwar.com Blog

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What a great way to return to the “peace path”.  NATO serves NO purpose other than provide Gooferment “jobs” for all involved.

We can’t afford it!

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POLITICAL: “We, The Sheeple” should not be paying for other’s “defense”


FEBRUARY 8, 2016 9:08AM
Europeans, not Americans, Should Spend More on Europe’s Defense

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The U.S. plans on filling Eastern Europe with thousands of troops along with vehicles and weapons to equip an armored combat brigade. That will require a special budget request of $3.4 billion for next year.

An unnamed administration official told the New York Times, that the step “fulfills promises we’ve made to NATO” and “also shows our commitment and resolve.” Moreover, said another anonymous aide: “This reflects a new situation, where Russia has become a more difficult actor.”

However, the basic question remains unanswered: Why is the U.S. defending Europe? The need for America to play an overwhelming role disappeared as the continent recovered and the Cold War ended.

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Clearly, this should be a top priority of any new President. “We, The Sheeple” should not be paying for Europe’s, Japan’s, South Korea’s, or anyone else’s!

Don’t forget “We, The Sheeple” “have” the current 18T+ national debt and the guesstimated 200T+ in unfunded liabilities that our posterity will have to deal with!

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