TINFOILHAT: The “killing” of OBL


The Osama bin Laden Myth

by Paul Craig Roberts

*** begin quote ***

Although only a few Americans are aware of the September 28, 2001 interview in which bin Laden states his non-involvement with the 9/11 attacks, many Americans have seen post-2001 videos in which a person alleged to be bin Laden takes credit for the attacks. There are two problems with these videos. Experts have examined them and found them to be fakes, and all of the videos appeared after bin Laden was reported by the Pakistan Observer, the Egyptian press, and Fox News to have died in mid-December, 2001, from lung disease. See also.

Bin Laden also suffered from kidney disease. According to a CBS news report on January 28, 2002, Osama bin Laden was hospitalized for dialysis treatment in the Pakistani military hospital in Rawalpindi on September 10, 2001, the day before 9/11.

Obviously, a man suffering from terminal lung and kidney disease did not survive for another decade to be murdered by a US Navy SEAL team in Abbottabad. A Pakistani TV interview with the neighbor of the alleged “bin Laden compound” exposed the assassination hoax. This sensational interview also went unreported by america’s “free press.” I had the interview translated, and it is available here. See also.

Shortly after the alleged assassination 30 members of the SEAL unit died in a mysterious helicopter crash in Afghanistan, and now we learn that not a single one of the thousands of sailors on the aircraft carrier, the USS Carl Vinson, witnessed bin Laden’s alleged burial at sea from that ship. The press reports with a straight face that for unexplained reasons it was kept secret from the ship’s sailors. This is supposed to be the explanation of the sailors’ emails reporting to family and friends that they witnessed no burial at sea. Some speculate that the SEALs were bumped off before their questions to one another, “Were you on that raid?,” reached outside the unit. Apparently, it doesn’t strike the media or the public as strange that the US government captured and killed the terror mastermind without interrogating him and without keeping any evidence or presenting any witnesses to support the assassination claim.

*** end quote ***

Here’s a more logical explanation of why there was no interrogation of  this valuable intelligence asset.


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Suppressing the military vote



Running Out the Military Voting Clock

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta wants to know if the military’s voter assistance offices are working–and he’s asking for an immediate answer. More from Air Force Times:

*** begin quote ***

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has directed military officials to provide him a report by Oct. 19 verifying that each of the 221 installation voting assistance offices is appropriately staffed to meet the needs of troops.

He gave officials three days to get it done; the memo was issued Oct. 16 to the service secretaries, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, and chiefs of the combatant commands.

“We must do all we can to ensure that service members know the steps necessary to vote, particularly those service members deployed or based away from home. This issue must be addressed immediately,” he wrote.

Mr. Panetta issued his directive after the DoD Inspector General reported it could not reach about half of the voting assistance offices by phone, despite repeated attempts. Members of Congress have expressed similar concerns.

At first blush, the SecDef’s actions seem to be a model of bureaucratic urgency and concern. A three-day suspense for this sort of survey is virtually unheard of along the E-ring. So, a lot of action officers will be burning the midnight oil for the next few days to give Secretary Panetta the information he requested.

But in reality, Mr. Panetta’s demand is little more than a farce. The IG report was issued in late August–almost two months ago. Why did the Defense Secretary wait so long to issue that last-minute tasker?

*** end quote ***

Sorry, but this is “cheating”. All’s fair in love ‘n’ war.

At least in Heinlein’s Starship Troopers, soldiers couldn’t vote until they became a vet.

As a vet, I find this disgusting.



INTERESTING: Why would some one give the DNC $143,200 for a rubber chicken dinner?


Obama Expects Modest Fundraising Quarter
The Democratic National Committee comes first–for now.
By Marc Ambinder
Updated: May 17, 2011 | 11:04 p.m.
May 17, 2011 | 4:22 p.m.

*** begin quote ***

So far the president has attended a dozen fundraisers in six cities since announcing on April 14 his decision to seek reelection. Half have been events where tickets cost $35,800. DNC takes $30,800 of that; Obama’s campaign gets only $5,000.

Donors, generally, have been asked to purchase at least four tickets to high-dollar events such as these. Obama has also attended a number of fundraisers where tickets run $1,000. The president attended a two-tier event in Washington on Monday night, and he will be in Boston on Wednesday.

*** end quote ***

Ignore the headline story. Who cares. Dig deeper.

Simple question.

Why would some one give the DNC $143,200 for a rubber chicken dinner?

It’s corrupt quid pro quo.

# # # # #

RANT: Making people into serfs


Thousands show up at Tulsa food pantry Friday
By MIKE AVERILL World Staff Writer
Published: 7/23/2010 12:47 PM
Last Modified: 7/23/2010 5:50 PM

*** begin quote ***

The message that was circulating was that the food boxes were free for anyone, however they’re actually restricted to families with children younger than 18 and there is an income restriction as well.

Through the program families can receive one 30-pound food box for each child and one box for every two adults. Families also receive one household box (toilet paper, soap, shampoo, toothpaste) for every two people younger than the age of 18 in the household. Families may receive these boxes each week.

Iron Gate receives 250 food boxes and 125 household boxes each week that it distributes Fridays and Saturdays in conjunction with its regular grocery distribution program. The program runs through September.

*** and ***

“The need seems to be overwhelming, not only in Tulsa but in the surrounding towns. We need to figure out how to better distribute these boxes. Other agencies are sending people to us for food,” she said.

*** end quote ***

Doesn’t anyone see a problem with this?

These people are “welfare farmers”. Now there are probably needy cases in there. But, how many has the Gooferment trained to depend on handouts?

Feed “stray cats” and don’t be surprised when you have more “stray cats”.

These are people, who should be accorded basic human dignity. They need “help”; not a “handout”.

That can’t be done by the Gooferment; it can only be accomplished by an energized empowered community — usually a church or a fraternal organization — who will invest time, money, resources, and most importantly attention to these people as people.

# – # – #


Seven Principles from a Century Ago by Marvin Olasky

*** begin quote ***

The crisis of the modern welfare state is a crisis of government, and it is more than that. Too many private charities and foundations dispense aid on the basis of what feels good rather than what works. As a result, they end up providing, instead of points of light, alternative shades of darkness. Too many act like the arrogant individuals criticized by F. Scott Fitzgerald in The Great Gatsby: “They smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness… and let other people clean up the mess they made.”

*** end quote ***

1. Affiliation 2. Bonding 3. Categorization 4. Discernment 5. Employment 6. Freedom 7. God

# # # # #

POLITICAL: Stephanopoulos misses the point


George’s Bottom Line
Reporting and Analysis from Anchor of Good Morning America and ABC News Chief Political Correspondent George Stephanopoulos
President Obama Said Sec. Tom Vilsack ‘Jumped the Gun’ on Shirley Sherrod’s Ouster
July 22, 2010 6:49 PM

*** begin quote ***

Interview President Obama said Secretary Tom Vilsack rushed to judgment when he dismissed Shirley Sherrod from the Department of Agriculture amid charges of racism.

“He jumped the gun, partly because we now live in this media culture where something goes up on YouTube or a blog and everybody scrambles,” Obama told consumer correspondent Elisabeth Leamy in an exclusive “GMA” interview.

*** end quote ***

Don’t forget that George is a life long D, a Clinton operative, and committed liberal.

Shouldn’t the media be reporting on a “leadership” and “managerial” failure?

In a high visibility blunder, shouldn’t the Secretary of Agriculture be fired?

And, this bozo — the AgSec — is in the Presidential line of succession. He should be removed ASAP. Should a disaster happen and he’s President, he demonstrated he can’t handle the job. DOn’t we need an Ambassador to Upper Slobobivia? Or Lower WhoCaresIchstan?

That’s if you believe this whole little bit of theater? Or was it a misdirection election tactic?

To quote Judy Judy, my legal tutor and one self-descibed “smart cookie”, “I wouldn’t believe you if your tongue came notarized”!

Remember who the racists are here!

# # # # #

RANT: No work for fat old white guys. Even if they are not fat

XXXXX told me an interesting story about his law practice. He gets most of his business from referrals. YYYYY is still out of work. Guess another not so fat old white guy is screwed.


And, as an employment trend, it portends more problems for the country later on. If you can’t find work after say 50, 55, or 60, then we’re screwed as a country. During your working life, say from 20 to 50, you have to put away enough to carry you from 50 to 65. Where one assumes that “social security” and “pensions” will begin.

Argh! Bad assumption.

Let’s reuse that math principle I quote a lot (2.4M$ @ 5% = 120k$ per year) and apply it to our situation. In the 30 years in 20 to 50, you must save 2.4M$. Or, 80k$ per year!

Can’t be done. It not solvable. So what does one do?

I don’t know.

If someone had shown me this when I was younger, I don’t know what I would have said. Even now I’m speechless.

Go to work for the gooferment! You can’t be fired and you get a gold plated pension!


# # # # #

INTERESTING: Goldman sachs AKA the “New York Generals”


First They Came for the Criminal Investment Bankers…
Tim Cavanaugh | April 18, 2010

*** begin quote ***

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s civil action against Goldman Sachs is a certified crowd-pleaser, and based on two iron principles — that you never argue with the audience’s taste and that everybody who has ever worked for Goldman Sachs needs to be executed without trial — it’s probably not something we should be disputing too heavily.

*** end quote ***

Why do I feel this is kabuki?

Is Goldman Sachs now playing the role of the New York Generals? Or the Boston Shamrocks, New Jersey Reds, Baltimore Rockets, or Atlantic City Seagulls. Or any one of another patsies? Playing to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Harlem Globetrotters!

We KNOW that Goldman Sachs is wired to the administration through little tax-cheat Timmy G.

We KNOW that Goldman Sachs has been “fronting” for the FED to allow them to appear to sell Treasury securities while buying them back the next day. Thus they are monetizing the debt. This is exactly what the Chinese fear. It’s hiding inflation.

We KNOW that Goldman Sachs has been manipulating the commodities markets. Specifically, the gold and silver markets. This could only happen with the CFTC and European participation.

So now you want me to believe that the SEC is going to take Goldman Sachs to the woodshed on trading losers to others knowing that the residential market was going to fall out of bed.

Please don’t make me laff!


Corruption abounds.

Sorry, but I think this is “regulatory theater”! “Made-off” gave the SEC a black eye. And, Dodd’s “reregulation bill” is being laughed at. So some kabuki is in order to fool the Sheeple into believing in big gooferment again. So let’s trot out our captive resident Freddie Kruger and have the valiant SEC bureaucrats do battle to slay this dragon.

Goldman Sachs will probably plead out and be fined. And, the SEC will probably allow them to pay the fine with Confederate States of America Banknotes.


# # # # #

MONEY: Gooferment wants to turn savings into guaranteed income streams


Retiree Annuities May Be Promoted by Obama Aides

*** begin quote ***

The Obama administration is weighing how the government can “encourage” workers to turn their savings into guaranteed income streams following a collapse in retiree accounts when the stock market plunged.

The US Treasury and Labor Departments will ask for public comments as soon as next week on ways to promote the conversion of 401(k) savings and Individual Retirement Accounts into annuities or other steady payment streams, according to Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi and Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary Mark Iwry, who are spearheading the effort.

Annuities generally guarantee income until the retiree’s death, and often that of a surviving spouse as well. They are designed to protect against the risk that retirees outlive their savings, a danger made clear by market losses suffered by older Americans over the last year, David Certner, legislative counsel for AARP, said in an interview.

*** and ***

Content Editor’s Note: The Obama Administration is going to try to force investors to structure IRA and 401k accounts into what amounts to a US Treasury debt-backed government annuity. This is an attempt to divert hundreds of billions of dollars of private retirement accounts into federal government debt. If the Chinese won’t voluntarily buy more US debt, the government will simply force it on American investors whether they want it or not. Just more freedoms being taken away.

*** end quote ***

Last time, the trial balloon was “enhanced social security”. Considering that “Social Security Insurance” is broke, that was a lead balloon!

Now they are back with another one, “annuities”, in Treasuries, and I’m sure sold by the Administration’s friends at AARP, packaged by Goldman Sachs, insured by AIG, and delivered by a GM car. (OK, the last is a joke! But this whole think is a joke.)

What those unfamiliar with annuities does is ROB the estates of these people. And, make the gooferment your heir. Argh! As if the Death Tax wasn’t bad enough.

OK, for ha has, why not convert social security into annuities? Sure cause then people could sell them out.

BUT, (there is always a big butt), then we would be FORCED to recognized how underfunded all these “insurance” programs are.

# # # # #

POLITICAL: Why can’t we buy and sell human organs?


LifeSharers: Opting In vs. Opting Out

*** begin quote ***

The United Network for Organ Sharing, which runs the national organ allocation system, has the power to put registered organ donors first. Sadly, it has not chosen to make this common-sense change. Americans who want to donate their organs to other organ donors don’t have to wait for UNOS to act. They can join LifeSharers, a national non-profit network of organ donors who agree to offer their organs first to other organ donors when they die. Membership is free at http://www.lifesharers.org/ or by calling 1-888-ORGAN88. There is no age limit, parents can enroll their minor children, and no one is excluded due to any pre-existing medical condition.

*** end quote ***

Until we wise up and allow a marketplace in human organs, we will always have shortages. The lack of a marketplace hurts the poor the worst. The rich always seem to have “connections”. The poor don’t get a chance to sell what they no longer have a need for and help their families. May sound grusome, but it’s a tough life being poor. Why further complicate a poor family’s life? They should be allowed, no encouraged, to sell their deceased family member for parts. Instead they get their arm twisted to “donate” and a bill for the funeral. Why is it OK for doctors and hospitals to make a buck doing transplants, but not for the “donor” to get paid? I can envision that some unfortunate’s child gets to go to college on his dead relative’s kidney. What’s so terrible about that?

See its our own thinking that kills us by preventing us from seeing the solution. All because it doesn’t fit someone’s preconceived notions. Free markets always clear the supply and demand. Only when the gooferment gets involved to we have shortages, waste, death, injury, and destruction.

# # # # #

POLITICAL: It’s the gooferment!


Health Care Through Central Planning: A Helpful Analogy
by Karen Kwiatkowski

*** begin quote ***

We have examples – ophthalmology and veterinarian services come to mind first. You can get an eye exam for $50, and then order glasses online for another $20. Overall, that’s less than a pair of running shoes, or a meal out with the family at Applebee’s. The wide variety of eye surgeries available and the competitive and safe nature of these surgeries speak to the working of a freer market than what we see for the rest of our health care. The argument by the statist left and statist right is falsely premised by the idea that the current health care “system” is a free market system, and based on the ideas that free market systems can’t work for health care because people are not all equal in either health, desires for health or finances.

*** end quote ***

We have to keep hitting the gooferment on all fronts. It’s ineffective, inefficient, and screws up everything it touches!

# # # # #

GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Get ready for propaganda!



Tue Jun 16 2009 08:45:10 ET

*** begin quote ***

On the night of June 24, the media and government become one, when ABC turns its programming over to President Obama and White House officials to push government run health care — a move that has ignited an ethical firestorm!

*** and ***

Late Monday night, Republican National Committee Chief of Staff Ken McKay fired off a complaint to the head of ABCNEWS:

Dear Mr. Westin:

As the national debate on health care reform intensifies, I am deeply concerned and disappointed with ABC’s astonishing decision to exclude opposing voices on this critical issue on June 24, 2009. Next Wednesday, ABC News will air a primetime health care reform “town hall” at the White House with President Barack Obama. In addition, according to an ABC News report, GOOD MORNING AMERICA, WORLD NEWS, NIGHTLINE and ABC’s web news “will all feature special programming on the president’s health care agenda.” This does not include the promotion, over the next 9 days, the president’s health care agenda will receive on ABC News programming.

Today, the Republican National Committee requested an opportunity to add our Party’s views to those of the President’s to ensure that all sides of the health care reform debate are presented. Our request was rejected. I believe that the President should have the ability to speak directly to the America people. However, I find it outrageous that ABC would prohibit our Party’s opposing thoughts and ideas from this national debate, which affects millions of ABC viewers.

In the absence of opposition, I am concerned this event will become a glorified infomercial to promote the Democrat agenda. If that is the case, this primetime infomercial should be paid for out of the DNC coffers. President Obama does not hold a monopoly on health care reform ideas or on free airtime. The President has stated time and time again that he wants a bipartisan debate. Therefore, the Republican Party should be included in this primetime event, or the DNC should pay for your airtime.

Ken McKay
Republican National Committee
Chief of Staff

*** and ***

ABCNEWS Senior Vice President Kerry Smith on Tuesday responded to the RNC complaint, saying it contained ‘false premises’:

“ABCNEWS prides itself on covering all sides of important issues and asking direct questions of all newsmakers — of all political persuasions — even when others have taken a more partisan approach and even in the face of criticism from extremes on both ends of the political spectrum. ABCNEWS is looking for the most thoughtful and diverse voices on this issue.

“ABCNEWS alone will select those who will be in the audience asking questions of the president. Like any programs we broadcast, ABC News will have complete editorial control. To suggest otherwise is quite unfair to both our journalists and our audience.”


*** end quote ***

Geee, I guess we should complain to the FCC, FEC, and the Supreme Court!

Like that’s going to do any good.

# # # # #


I think your plan to turn ABCNEWS into the propaganda arm on President Obama administration on “health care”. For me, ABC News has lost all credibility. There is a legitimate POLITICAL debate about the pros and cons of what is being proposed. For you to jump in with both feet on President Obama’s side is completely unacceptable. Bad enough that the lines have blurred in the past, now you are dropping any pretense of independent journalism. Shame on you for letting the American people down. We gave you an honored position in civil society, buttressed you with the First Amendment and our support, to protect us from the Political Class. You have stabbed us in the back. Disgraceful.

# # # # #

INTERESTING: Where’s Alex?


ABC News: The Note
Palin vs. Letterman
June 11, 2009 8:11 AM

*** begin quote ***

Klein ABC News’ Rick Klein reports:

Gov. Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, are swinging back at David Letterman, after the talk-show host made the Alaska governor and her family the focus of a series of off-color jokes.

*** and ***

But it was a line in Letterman’s monologue that set off a firestorm: “One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.”

Palin was in New York with her 14-year-old daughter, Willow.

*** end quote ***

Letterman should get a suspension like Imus.

CBS used have standards!

We haven’t heard from Alex Rodriguez.

If I was Alex, I’d really be torqued.

If anything, he goes for older woman. Phyllis Diller might be more appropriate for Alex. He was “friends” with Madonna.

I’d like to see him nose2nose with Letterman.

Letterman wouldn’t have the stones to say that to Alex’s face. Nor, the Palins.

# # # # #

LIBERTY: The Gooferment is in charge!


High court won’t block Chrysler sale
Jun 9 06:27 PM US/Eastern

*** begin quote ***

WASHINGTON (AP) – The Supreme Court has cleared the way for Chrysler’s sale to Fiat, turning down a last-ditch bid by opponents of the deal.

The court said late Tuesday it had rejected a plea to block the sale of most of Chrysler’s assets to the Italian automaker. Chrysler, Fiat and the Obama administration had warned that the high court’s intervention could have scuttled the sale.

A federal appeals court in New York had earlier approved the sale, but gave opponents until Monday afternoon to try to get the Supreme Court to intervene.

*** end quote ***

The bondholders really couldn’t expect “justice” from a gooferment court.

Talk about a stacked deck!

The President’s plan taken before the Government’s Court. And, you expected a different result.

Watch the bond markets now! Nothing is safe from gooferment manipulation.

Now what happens to the Indiana pensioners who just got screwed?

# # # # #

MONEY: The absurd claims of a bureaucrat

Acting U.S. Attorney Edward R. Ryan of the Western District of North Carolina said, “When groups seek to undermine the U.S. currency system, the government is compelled to act. These coins are not government-produced coinage, yet purchasers were led to believe by those who made and sold them that they should be spent like U.S. Federal Reserve Notes. Such claims are in violation of federal law.”

I have never read such blatant nonsense.

Yes, the seek to return the United States to honest Constitutional money. At the very least, this is an exercise in political dissent protected by the First Amendment.

And, any REASONABLE person can instantly distinguish between a “Liberty Dollar” and the a paper Federal Reserve Banknote. Silver and gold are very different from paper.

In order to spend them like a Federal Reserve Note, one would have to have the intent to defraud!

Sorry, this is a political indictment intended to chill any inquiry into the nature of Federal Reserve Banknotes.

And, how is it that the Government has departed from money as defined in the Constitution.

Perhaps, we should be asking “Is the inflation of the value of Federal Reserve Banknotes a government “taking” under the terms of the Fifth Amendment?”

Hopefully, people will see this for what it is. An attempt to keep the people blind to the unConstitutional conduct of their government.

# – # – #


Acting United States Attorney Edward R. Ryan

Western District of North Carolina


JUNE 3, 2009 704.344.6222

http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/ncw Fax: 704.344.6629


Former Executive Director of Liberty Dollar Services, Inc. Charged in Federal Indictment

ASHEVILLE, NC – Bernard von NotHaus, 65, formerly of Evansville, Indiana, and two

additional defendants from Evansville, along with William Kevin Innes, 53, of Asheville, North

Carolina, have been indicted in U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina on

conspiracy and other charges in connection with an alleged unlawful operation to publish,

possess and sell for profit, coins in resemblance and similitude to U.S. coins. All four defendants

are also charged in the alleged conspiracy with uttering and passing, and attempting to utter and

pass, a coin of silver in resemblance of genuine coins of the United States in the denominations

of five dollars and greater, and intended for use as current money. The four are also charged

with one count of mail fraud, while von NotHaus and Innes are both charged in two additional

counts each, with selling and possessing with intent to defraud, Liberty Dollar coins; and with

uttering and passing, and attempting to utter and pass, a coin of silver in resemblance of genuine

coins of the United States of the denominations of five dollars and greater, and intended for use

as current money.

Today’s announcement is made by Acting U.S. Attorney Edward R. Ryan for the Western

District of North Carolina; Owen Harris, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of

Investigation (FBI) in North Carolina, and Van Duncan, Sheriff of Buncombe County, North


Acting U.S. Attorney Edward R. Ryan of the Western District of North Carolina said,

“When groups seek to undermine the U.S. currency system, the government is compelled to act.

These coins are not government-produced coinage, yet purchasers were led to believe by those

who made and sold them that they should be spent like U.S. Federal Reserve Notes. Such claims

are in violation of federal law.”

Defendant William Kevin Innes was arrested on the charges on June 2, 2009, and made

an initial appearance before a federal Magistrate Judge in Asheville today. Innes was ordered

detained pending a detention hearing which is now set for Monday, June 8, 2009 at 9:35 a.m.

before Magistrate Judge David Cayer in the federal courthouse in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Bernard von NotHaus, 65, Honolulu, Hawaii

Pending arrest

Sarah Jane Bledsoe, 42, Evansville, Indiana

Pending arrestDistrict of North Carolina; Owen Harris,

– 2 –

Rachelle L. Moseley, 34, Evansville, Indiana

Pending arrest

According to the allegations contained in the indictment, which was returned and filed

under seal by a federal grand jury sitting in Charlotte, North Carolina, on May 19, 2009, since

1998 NORFED, The National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve and Internal

Revenue Codes, together with its officers, members, associates, and customers (collectively

NORFED), has been issuing, disseminating, and placing into circulation, including by use of the

Postal Service and United States mails, the Liberty Dollar in all its forms throughout the United

States and Puerto Rico. The indictment alleges that the purpose of NORFED is to mix Liberty

Dollars into the current money of the United States, and further alleges that NORFED intends for

the Liberty Dollar to be used as current money in order to limit reliance on, and to compete with,

United States currency.

The indictment alleges that members affiliated with NORFED sell the Liberty Dollar coin

at a greater price than they pay for it, and that the profit for these individuals is the difference

between their discounted purchase price and the price for which they sell the coin. Additionally,

according to the allegations contained in the indictment, a person who is not affiliated with

NORFED pays the face value minted on the coin.

In the allegations of the indictment, Bernard von NotHaus is described as having been the

president of NORFED and the Executive Director of Liberty Dollar Services, Inc. until

September 30, 2008. He is also described in the allegations contained in the indictment as the

monetary architect of the Liberty Dollar and has been the Regional Currency Officer in

Evansville, Indiana where NORFED corporate offices are maintained. According to the

indictment, Bernard von NotHaus designed the Liberty Dollar currency in 1998. The indictment

alleges that William Kevin Innes is the Asheville, North Carolina Regional Currency Officer for

NORFED and one of three members of the NORFED Executive Committee. Also, according to

the allegations contained in the indictment, until around March 2008, Sarah Jane Bledsoe was the

NORFED Fulfillment Office manager in Evansville, Indiana, and Rachelle L. Moseley works in

the Evansville, Indiana corporate office of NORFED and has been employed as the Regional

Currency Office Manager and Chief Operations Officer.

“People understand that there is only one legal currency in the United States. When

groups try to replace the U.S. dollar with coins and bills that don’t hold the same value, it affects

the economy. Consumers were using their hard-earned money to buy goods and services, then

getting fake change in return,” said Owen Harris, the Special Agent in Charge of the Charlotte

Division of the FBI. “No one in this country is above or beyond the law, and our law

enforcement partners will continue to bring violators to justice.”

If convicted, each of the defendants faces a maximum sentence of five years’

imprisonment on the conspiracy charged in Count One and a maximum sentence of 20 years’

imprisonment on the mail fraud charge in Count Two. As to the additional counts with which

von NotHaus and Innes are charged, Count Three (publishing) carries a maximum sentence of 15

years’ imprisonment, and Count Four carries a maximum sentence of five years’ imprisonment.

– 3 –

The indictment includes a Notice of Forfeiture and Finding of Probable Cause that the

defendants forfeit to the United States all of the property involved in the offenses with which

they are charged in the indictment, and all property traceable to such offenses.

The case was investigated by the FBI, and the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office, with

assistance from the U.S. Secret Service, Treasury OIG for Tax Administration, the NC Joint

Terrorism Task Force, and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. Acting U.S. Attorney Ryan

express his gratitude to the United States Mint for its role in the indictment. Ryan characterized

the Mint’s role as “significant and vital.” The prosecution is being handled by Assistant United

States Attorney Jill W. Rose of the Asheville Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Western District

of North Carolina.

The details contained in the indictment are allegations. The defendants are presumed to

innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

A copy of the bill of indictment can be viewed by visiting website:

http://www.ncwd.uscourts.gov and clicking on the word “news.”

# # #

GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Who invented what? When?


Text: Obama’s Speech in Cairo
Published: June 4, 2009

*** begin quote ***

The following is a text of President Obama’s prepared remarks to the Muslim world, delivered on June 4, 2009, as released by the White House.

*** and ***

As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam. It was Islam – As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam. It was Islam – at places like Al-Azhar University – that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe’s Renaissance and Enlightenment. It was innovation in Muslim communities that developed the order of algebra; our magnetic compass and tools of navigation; our mastery of pens and printing; our understanding of how disease spreads and how it can be healed. Islamic culture has given us majestic arches and soaring spires; timeless poetry and cherished music; elegant calligraphy and places of peaceful contemplation. And throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.

*** end quote ***

Here’s where I went nuts!

I’m an injineer. Technology is my “thing”. Mistakes around that just send me up the wall.

>It was Islam – at places like Al-Azhar University – that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe’s Renaissance and Enlightenment. It

Sorry, but wasn’t that the Irish monks that preserved knowledge for the Renaissance?

> developed the order of algebra

Other than the concept of zero, I’m unaware of this. Wasn’t it the Greeks and later the English that developed algebra?

>our magnetic compass and tools of navigation

Chinese and later the English Navy?

>our mastery of pens and printing


>our understanding of how disease spreads and how it can be healed

Hippocrates, and / or Ignaz Semmelweis?

>majestic arches and soaring spires

Wasn’t the arch a Roman invention; spires in the Far East?

>demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.

Wow, that’s a corker. Didn’t, don’t they, they kill Jews and “unbeleivers”?


Sorry I thought this was outrageous!

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MONEY: The Gooferment acts to preserve its monopoly on “dollars”

Dear Reader:

This is OUTRAGEOUS. Just as Sadam Hussein of Iraq learned when he suggested that oil be trade in gold, don’t mess with the US’s monopoly on the world’s reserve currency.

(Disclaimer, I think the Liberty Dollar is overpriced versus the spot price of the underlying commodity. But, maybe I don’t understand how expensive it is to mint medallions. They are cheaper than what is offered on the late night infomercials to buy “Liberian Silver” or such nonsense.)

Bernard and the Liberty Dollar folks are threatening to take the country back to Constitutional money of gold and silver. Single handedly! Interesting is they are the size of a gnat on a cow’s butt in comparison to the Federal Reserve. The “establishment” is so threatened as it has to persecute and prosecute them.

See the Establishment can NOT afford to have any one “look behind the curtain”! You might ask the question “What is a dollar?”. That question leads to the more “deadly” question — deadly to their ability to delude the people into allowing the Government have the ability to inflate — “What value does a Federal Reserve Banknote intrinsically have?”. That’s the question that puts a stake thru the heart of the vampire known as the Federal Reserve Bank. Inflation is the silent hidden tax.

(The Federal Reserve Bank is a misnomer. IT ain’t “federal”. It reserves nothing. And, it ain’t a “bank”. It is a private cartel of the elite banks run for their benefit and that of the entrenched politicians. )

(As an aside, just look at the reelection rate of incumbent politicians. And, where they are “replaced”, note that their “replacement” is a member of the opposite “major” party that follows the exact same agenda. And, you wonder why stuff doesn’t change. How can it? The elite are very content with the current system. It’s only the “unwashed” who get screwed. Repeatedly.)

So, the Federal Reserve Banknote allows the politicians to take everyone’s wealth by inflation. So they can have a “welfare / warfare” society and the sheeple don’t even known they are being shorn. In the last thirty years, the dollar has lost more than 95% of it’s purchasing power. Watch the old quiz show “Let’s Make a Deal” and see the price of a new car in the Sixties was less than 5,000 “dollars”. Why does a Government Motors car cost 50,000 now? It ain’t the same dollars. My first house cost 8,000 “dollars” when it was built in the Fifties, why is it worth 350,000 “dollars” now. Did the boards suddenly become more valuable? No, the Government money is worth less and they can’t print houses.

So, here we have the Government desperately trying to reign in the whole concept of “honest money”. There’s an old rhyme “Money has functions four: a medium, a measure, a standard, a store.” See in order to be “money”, it has to be a store of value. The Federal Reserve Banknote is: a medium of exchange (as long as the sheeple believe it to be), a measure (as long as you realize each year it’s different; imagine a measure of length getting shorter every year — giving the Government “more” land to sell), a standard (as long as you don’t mind a standard shrinking every year), and a store (where the rats in congress erode your wealth silently).

That’s why they have to surpress anything that reflects badly upon their “dollar” monopoly.

Forewarned is fore armed!

*** begin quote ***

Begin forwarded message:

From: Liberty Dollar <truth@libertydollar.org>

Date: June 5, 2009 2:35:24 AM EDT

To: reinkefj

Subject: FBI Arrests Bernard, Kevin, Sarah & Rachelle


June 2009 Vol. 11 No. 06-A

Urgent News for All Liberty Dollar Supporters!

FBI Arrests Bernard, Kevin, Sarah & Rachelle

The battle for a value based currency has began!

The last two days have been amazing! Just shortly after midnight on Tuesday, the phone started ringing and I let the answering machine take the call. But very soon there was another call… with an even more urgent message! Very quickly, a friend of Kevin Innes, explained to me that Kevin had been “detained” by the local sheriff and was being held for the FBI to arrest him! Holy Cow!! The #2 supporter for the Liberty Dollar and co-instructor at the Liberty Dollar University training sessions was in deep trouble with the Feds! I was sure to be next. But would they arrive in a few minutes or would it be a pre-dawn Nazi style assault?

Finally, I got up at 4:00 AM. I was very concerned for Kevin and wondered when the FBI would hit me. Fortunately the morning was quickly filled with a flurry of calls from Kevin’s friend, other interested parties, the usual business calls and making preparations for the inevitable knock on the door. But nobody came. Then just after noon, Niles, who’s wife, Rachelle, manages the Liberty Dollar Fulfillment Office, called to tell me that Rachelle had been picked up by the FBI at the LD Office and was due to be arraigned in just a few hours! The FBI strikes again!

Luckily, I was able to talk to Rachelle via her cell phone while the FBI was holding her. I was pleased that the FBI agents were the friendly professional types and afforded Rachelle and I quite a few minutes of private conversation. Under the circumstances, Rachelle’s demeanor and resolve was right on target. And very quickly, I learned that a warrant had been issued for my arrest. And just a quickly, Rachelle was off to court to be arraigned.

Much later in the afternoon, I learned to my surprise that three big FBI agents had arrested Sarah at work. She and Rachelle were arraigned together and quickly released to on their own recognizance (OR) before the sun set on a very eventful day for the Liberty Dollar. The quick, professional effort with Sarah and Rachelle were gratifying and encouraging. Unfortunately, I was to learn that Sarah lost her job because of this event.

By last afternoon it was clear that the Liberty Dollar would be best served by my turning myself in to the to the US Marshals, otherwise know as ‘self reporting.’ After a few calls, I found myself talking to Agent Andy (aka Agent F) who was his usual friendly, chatty self. He even recognized my voice although we had only spoken twice and that was over 18 months ago. Sure enough he confirmed that a federal arrest warrant for my arrest had been issued. And after a bit of gamesmanship with Agent Andy, I agreed to report to the US Marshal’s office in Fort Myers, Florida at 9:00 AM on Thursday morning as it was too late to be arraigned, plus an overnight in jail would have wrinkled by clothes :)

The following morning, Thursday, June 3, 2009, I actually arrived at the Marshal’s office at 8:30 due to light traffic. As the saying goes, “If you gotta do time, do federal time.” Quite simply, the federal boys are better educated, better trained and have better manners. I was immediately escorted to a holding cell. After an hour or less, I met with the Pre-Trila Service rep and made it to court at 11:00 in chains and handcuffs. The female judge was businesslike and granted my request to attend my son’s graduation in Physics from UCLA next week. After fingerprinting, signing a $50,000 Appearance Bond, one final meeting with the Pre-Indictment Service rep, I was free.

In general, the arraignment was a pleasant affair. The US Marshals did their job with very little attitude, as they should. After all, I am self reporting, and it is for anything violent, I just want to prove that I have a right to issue my own currency and if any body chooses to use it then it is a “private contract.” It is certainly not a crime.

And so it came to pass, 2009 years after the birth of Christ, that four regular Americans have taken a stand to defend the People’s right to protect themselves from a government currency that has a long and unforgiving history of stealing the people’s purchasing power. This is a test of individual rights, as protected by the Tenth Amendment. It is the deciding moment that a private voluntary barter currency (PVBC) is legal in the great United States of America. This is a test that the Liberty Dollar must and will pass, for that I have no doubt. But it will not be easy or cheap. Please, if you support our efforts, support us with any kind of money you have, including pro bono services. Now that the Liberty Dollar faces a federal criminal trial, it is the US Government v Liberty Dollar ala Bernard, Kevin, Sarah & Rachelle. Please help us win. Please help yourself win. Please help American win.

Very simply this is a Win or Lose battle. In addition to money for this legal fight we need articles that reference non-government currency, such as Air Miles as currency, legal research assistance, expert witnesses, legal assistance, etc. If you support the ideals of the Liberty Dollar, this is the time to get behind the Liberty Dollar. We critically need your help! Please send your digital info to Legal@LibertyDollar.org and your donations of value including other kinds of “currencies” to:


225 N. Stockwell Road

Evansville. Indiana. 47715

The best news is that the Liberty Dollar finally has the opportunity to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is legal. Over two years ago I sued the US government for a Declaratory Judgment to resolve the legality issue. And how did they respond, they raided the Liberty Dollar and confiscated over $4 million dollars in gold, silver and cash. The US government has done everything possible to kill the Liberty Dollar! And guess what? It has not worked. The mere fact that the Liberty Dollar is still in business is a testament to your demand for Real Money and the ideals that the Liberty Dollar represents.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support! Trust me, the Liberty Dollar is not made up of any fat cats. We are all just regular Americans. And we all just want good money, a lot less government and no damn war!

Click HERE for a stilted Press Release by the DOJ. Its three pages with a whopper by Owen Harris, Special FBI Agent in Charlotte who said, “When groups try to replace the US dollar with coins and bills that don’t hold the same value…” WOW what a telling statement of pure spin.

Click HERE for the 13 page Indictment.

Click HERE for Sarah’s Arrest Warrant.

Guess what?! Liberty Dollar still in business and we need more business! As there has been no Cease and Desist Order, Liberty Dollar remains OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Please visit our shopping cart for all the 2009 Liberty, Peace, Freedom, T-Dollars and more. Don’t be bashful or stupid. Silver is going to the moon, just as sure as the US dollar is going to hell with your purchasing power. Now is the time to protect your purchasing with the “inflation proof” currency and help usher in a new monetary model that provides the only proven, peaceful, and profitable solution to the monetary cancer that has infected America.

OUTSTANDING ORDERS: Please rest assured that we will fill all outstanding orders. Yes, after producing a sizable amount of pre-minted Silver Libertys and finally getting current with most orders, we changed mints and are now behind again. We apologize emphatically! Poor and/or slow delivery is not acceptable business. It hurts everyone. And just when we were about to get current again we were arrested. Please continue to support us with your patience too. We promise to get every order out ASAP. But as I hope you can understand, it is a struggle to run a business, any business, in such an environment and fight a major legal battle for our right to protect our purchasing power

The last few 2009 Arrest Dollars. Are you familiar with the Arrest Dollars? Starting in 2007 and continuing through this year the Arrest Dollar is one ounce Silver Liberty that is specially hand hallmarked with a micro “handcuffs” stamp and my federally registered mintmark. Issued only from the day of the raid to today. The last few 2009 Arrest Dollars are currently on the Shopping Cart. After these are gone, they are gone to eBay for much more money.

The 2009 Tea Party Dollar (T-Dollar) is still available and we are still waiting confirmation on the shipment. We are still expecting to have the first batch order in the first 24 HOURS here for the July 4 events. The T-Dollar is still only a buck for an ounce of copper AND you can still get them for 10% discount to they $1 face value for a 100 or more. Hey, they are only a buck… you can’t go wrong. Plus every copper issue has sold out. Get these while you can and help support our legal efforts tooJ

The 2009 Silver Libertys! The backbone of the Liberty Dollar model is the one ounce .999 fine silver Lib! Just in the last few days, silver has bounced back over $16, soon the 30 day moving average will be $16 and the Liberty Dollar will Move Up again to the $50 Silver Base. PLEASE don’t be dumb and buy silver when it is high. Get it NOW!!! Sure it is not $5 per ounce any more, nor will it ever be again. $5 silver is just not possible with the government spending phony baloney fiat money like a drunken sailor. Please order silver now and protect your purchasing power and profit tomorrow!

Stay tuned to the Liberty Dollar News as we vindicate and validate the legality of the Liberty Dollar. Please take an active role in this exciting and profitable time. Don’t lose out. Get involved with the Liberty Dollar to make money, do good and have fun. I am having as much fun in my 60’s and I did in The 60’s and hope you are too.

Thanks again for your support.

Bernard von NotHaus

Monetary Architect





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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: We don’t physically inspect squat!


How North Korea could destroy U.S. for $5,000
Posted: June 01, 2009 1:00 am Eastern
By Rob Pfriender

*** begin quote ***

Several years ago, my company proposed to build three super-security offshore cargo container inspection ports to robotically and cost-effectively inspect each and every container entering the U.S. Despite the proposal being sent to every member of Congress, the Senate, the Whitehouse, Homeland Security and the Coast Guard there was no interest – even though it would cost taxpayers absolutely nothing being privately financed and with a small inspection fee charged to the shipper on each container covering the cost of development and operations. Clearly, this should be considered unacceptable and a national disgrace. How often do the taxpayers get something so worthwhile for free?

*** and ***

Robert Pfriender is the founder and president of Allied International Development, Ltd., a New York-based privately held real estate development and construction management firm. He has also founded Allied Transgenic Energy, Ltd. to exploit his incredible new proprietary process of producing biologically synthesized and economically competitive alternative motor fuels. Allied has proposed to develop three Super-Security Offshore Cargo Container Inspection Ports to inspect 100 percent of containers for weapons of mass destruction before they enter the mainland United States. The ports would be privately financed and leased to the United States government.

*** end quote ***

See that’s the problem. You didn’t have a key role for some Senator’s in-law whereby the Senator could feather their nest. Better yet, three congress critter in-laws. It’s have been done yesterday!

Absurd, that the sheeple think the gooferment is protecting them.

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RANT: Let them eat cake!


May 31, 2009
The Most Expensive Date Night in History
Rick Moran

*** begin quote ***

Thirdly, with GM set to declare bankruptcy next week and American families trying and, in many cases, failing to make ends meet in these hard economic times, shouldn’t the president be a little more circumspect in his private affairs?

*** end quote ***


How out of of touch the rich (DEMOCRATIC) elite are!

Don’t get me wrong — both parties suck.

At least, the R’s don’t pretend to be in touch. The D’s are supposedly the party of the “little people”. Yeah, right!

Sorry, but this had to cost us taxpayers a fortune and it’s irritating.

Guess we should be happy it wasn’t a date in Paris!

# # # # #

UPDATE: Guestimates as high as 250k$ of taxpayer $


*** begin quote ***

One thing is known — The Obamas picked up the cost of dinner costs and their orchestra seat tickets, which cost $96.50 a piece. So if the whole thing cost $250,000, the Obamas offset that by at least a few hundred bucks. Phew.

*** end quote ***

# # # # #

POLITICAL: Can’t beleive anything a politician or his pr flaks report


*** begin quote ***

Obama observes Memorial Day at Arlington cemetery…


Subject: Pool report 5/25/09

POTUS is, reportedly, golfing with Marvin Nicholson. No actual glimpses of the presidential golf game. Aides say POTUS paused at 3 p.m. to observe a moment of silence.

*** end quote ***

Does anyone REALLY believe that?

I don’t!

Especially since he was out of sight.


# # # # #

RANT: Maureen Dowd repeats the Obama stupidity


Op-Ed Columnist
How Character Corrodes
Published: May 2, 2009

*** begin quote ***

As Mr. Obama said in his news conference, it is in moments of crisis that a country must cleave to its principles. Asserting that “waterboarding violates our ideals,” he said he had been struck by an article describing how Churchill would not torture prisoners even when “London was being bombed to smithereens.”

*** end quote ***

A high school buddy pointed out this link with words that indicated his approval.

I could only shake my head.

Obama’s reference to Churchill was mistaken at best, or perhaps ignorant, and might even have been carefully constructed to mislead.

First, Churchill is NOT held in high regard by the Obama’s. See Michelle’s comments about Churchill and the British treatment of the African natives. So clearly, there is something going on here.

Second, Churchill is an icon of the Republicans. (Even though we KNOW there is no difference between D’s and R’s to those who love our liberty.) Most associated with the Iron Lady Thatcher or Ronald Regan. So, perhaps the D’s are trying to “steal” the icons while the R’s aren’t looking.

Third, and finally, the Churchill as an exemplar of how to treat prisoners is destroyed by three letters. Ready? IRA. Remember cordless drills and the phrase “knee capping”. The Tans. And, the civil repression.

So, not only is Ms. Dowd, again off base. (What does what expect from the NYT? It’s after all the “house organ” of the Obama administration and the liberal wing of the Democratic Party.

My school chum regretted the Bush and how we left the American legacy. I’d merely point out that Bush is just one in a long line of Presidents destroying our liberty and the paper Constitution. It started with Lincoln’s War of Norther Aggression, with stops at Mister Wilson’s War, the creation of the FED, and FDR’s taking us off the gold standard. Kennedy enlarging the VietNam war, Johnson’s atrocity, Nixon’s Watergate, Regan’s Drug Wars, Bush’s “No New Taxes”, Clinton’s asprin bombings and Osama failure, Bush in Iraqi.

Lest my chum think it’s going to be any different for Obama, in 100 days, he’s committed us to lifetime and legacy of debt! In his spare time, he’s started us down the road to Fascism with his actions with Government Motors and Chysler. Think Amtrak?

So we have been on the road to perdition for a long time. And, Ms. Dowd’s article doesn’t do anything to change the course.

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RANT: Pelosi seeks to divert attention!


Pelosi Wall Street Probe Follows Pecora After Crash (Update1)
By Mark Pittman and Laura Litvan

*** begin quote ***

April 21 (Bloomberg) — Wall Street may be heading for the deepest investigation of its practices since a congressional panel’s probe of abuses following the 1929 stock market crash.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to push for a comprehensive inquiry, saying that three-quarters of Americans want to know what led to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and the collapse of Bear Stearns Cos. and Merrill Lynch & Co. She favors one patterned after Senate Banking Committee hearings led by Ferdinand Pecora starting in 1933, according to her spokesman, Nadeam Elshami.

*** end quote ***

And who investigates Congress?

Because, imho, “their fingerprints” are all over this mess — Dodd, Franks, Pelosi, and Reid!

Bush doesn’t escape clean, but they did block him.

The SEC, FTC, FDIC, and the Justice Department could have “blown the whistle”.

There’s enough blame to go around, but Pelosi is seeking to once again divert attention from her own troubles and that of her fellow congress critters.

Throw them all out!

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RANT: Common phrase trademarked?



Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (or, the Privatization of the English Language)
from Zen Habits by Leo
Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter.

*** begin quote ***

Today I received an email from the lawyers of author Susan Jeffers, PhD., notifying me that I’d infringed on her trademark by inadvertantly using the phrase “feel the fear and do it anyway” in my post last week, A Guide to Beating the Fears That Hold You Back.

The phrase, apparently, is the title of one of her books … a book I’d never heard of. I wasn’t referring to her book. I’m not using the phrase as a title of a book or product or to sell anything. I was just referring to something a friend said on Twitter.

*** end quote ***

I would think that “prior art” would defeat the the claim.

I know I heard that in injineering skool and in basic training.

Perhaps if every blogger jumps on this, we can “help”. (Does the lawyer charge his client by the letter, mine always bills me for everything!)

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RANT: Landlord harasses murder victim’s mother


Landlord harasses murder victim’s mother for early termination fees because her son was killed before his lease ran out

Posted by Cory Doctorow, April 26, 2009 7:11 AM

*** begin quote ***

Danelle Eckert, the mother of Colin Byars, a 24-year-old teacher who died after being punched in the head, is being harassed by Colin’s former landlord, who wants to impose an “early termination” fee on her because her son died before his lease ran out.

The landlord is CCRT Properties in Brookfield, WI.

She said the apartment’s property manager told her that they knew Byars had been killed. But the woman told Eckert the management company had been advised by their legal representative that they should go after the rent and fees.

“I said you might be able to do this, but should you do this?” Eckert said. The early termination fee makes her especially angry. “How was my son supposed to know he was going to be killed?” she asked.

*** end quote ***

There has to be a special place for this landlord. You have to hope that karma evens things up!

I asked for their side.


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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Obama’s a fascist, or a socialist!


Obama’s leap to socialism
By Dick Morris
Posted: 04/21/09 05:21 PM [ET]

*** begin quote ***

President Obama showed his hand this week when The New York Times wrote that he is considering converting the stock the government owns in our country’s banks from preferred stock, which it now holds, to common stock.

This seemingly insignificant change is momentous. It means that the federal government will control all of the major banks and financial institutions in the nation. It means socialism.

*** end quote ***

It’s fascism.

Regardless of what you call it, it’s bad news!

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The Gooferment refuses to TARP repayment


   * APRIL 4, 2009

Obama Wants to Control the Banks
There’s a reason he refuses to accept repayment of TARP money.

*** begin quote ***

I must be naive. I really thought the administration would welcome the return of bank bailout money. Some $340 million in TARP cash flowed back this week from four small banks in Louisiana, New York, Indiana and California. This isn’t much when we routinely talk in trillions, but clearly that money has not been wasted or otherwise sunk down Wall Street’s black hole. So why no cheering as the cash comes back?

My answer: The government wants to control the banks, just as it now controls GM and Chrysler, and will surely control the health industry in the not-too-distant future. Keeping them TARP-stuffed is the key to control. And for this intensely political president, mere influence is not enough. The White House wants to tell ’em what to do. Control. Direct. Command.

It is not for nothing that rage has been turned on those wicked financiers. The banks are at the core of the administration’s thrust: By managing the money, government can steer the whole economy even more firmly down the left fork in the road.

{Extraneous Deleted}

*** end quote ***

It’s all about taking the county socialist. He was rated the 100% liberal senator. He has no other skill than manipulation.

We will never recover from this enormous debt he’s putting on our posterity.

Like Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Johnson, and Clinton, he’s taking us where we can’t get back from.

The American Experiment has failed.

Where will the new Revolution arise from?

When do the People again take to the barricades to fight for Freedom and Liberty?

Obama made a joke or threat to the Bankers saying “I am the only think between you and the pitchforks.” I’d take care Mister Politician. When the People get out the pitchforks as few of us my come after the Politicians and not the Bankers.

Beware the Devil’s bargain. And, the gooferment is that devil.

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