GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Social Security is the biggest Ponzi scheme ever!

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I usually joke that I have to live to 132 to steal all my soccer contributions back.

Now I’m not even sure that will be enough.

How did “We, The Sheeple” ever let the FDR and his socialists pull off the greatest theft in human history?

Now, how do we unwind it?


ECONOMICS: Elizabeth Warren cheers AOC’s Green New Deal as she launches 2020 run | Daily Mail Online

The 69-year-old Democrat officially launched her campaign at a rally on Saturday in Lawrence, Massachusetts, one of New England’s poorest and most heavily Latino communities.

Source: Elizabeth Warren cheers AOC’s Green New Deal as she launches 2020 run | Daily Mail Online

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These SOCIALISTS are going to ruin the USA.

First, IMMORALITY “the rich” pay most of the taxes already.  How much more do they think they can pay?  If we think that tithing to God at 10% is holy, then what percentage doe the “god” of Gooferment demand.  IMHO, any tax is an immoral taking.

Second, INVESTMENT “the rich”, unlike Scrooge McDuck, don’t have a basement full of gold goins that they swim in.  They invest their wealth in productive higher order goods that improve productivity.  if the Gooferment takes that wealth, then where is the investment going to come from.

Third, WASTE the Gooferment already wastes so much.  It’s estimated, that for every dollar taken by Gooferment, more than half is wasted.  Over and above that, since the Gooferment produces little if anything of value for real people, why would anyone want to give them more wealth.

The SOCIALISTS want us to ignore the real world examples of East and West Germany, North and South Korea, Venezuela, the Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Hitler’s Germany, and on and on through out history.  Countries that have been seduced by Socialism’s sirens song of “free stuff” have paid the price of death, poverty, starvation, and disease.  Capitalism may not be the “best system”, but it’s better than all the others that have been tried.


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RANT: “Death Panel” thinking


Forget Glee Club and Football – This High School Has a Death Panel!
By Kimberly Paxton
The Daily Sheeple
October 12, 2013

*** begin quote ***

Critics of the public school system will be pleased to know that St. Joseph-Ogden High School in Illinois is preparing kids for the future by teaching them practical skills.

That’s right – 15 and 16 year olds just had an assignment on how to distribute limited medical resources amongst a small sampling of the population. They got to pick who deserves to live and who deserves to die.

The lesson involves 10 people who are in desperate need of kidney dialysis.

*** and ***

“The assignment you are referring to is not a “Death Panel” assignment.  The assignment is one in the sociology unit of our Introduction To Social Studies class.  The purpose of the assignment is to educate students about social values and how people in our society unfortunately create biases based off of professions, race, gender, etc.  The teacher’s goal is to educate students in the fact that these social value biases exist, and that hopefully students will see things from a different perspective after the activity is completed.  The teacher’s purpose in the element of the assignment you are referring to is to get students emotionally involved to participate in the classroom discussion, and to open their minds to the fact that they themselves have their own social biases.  The assignment has nothing to do with a “Death Panel.”

*** end quote ***

Sure, surem sure.

Doesn’t look that way to me.

Implicit in the exercise is that the “student” has a moral imperative to make such decisions.

Or that, in fact, such decisions are made in our society.

Having known an older person undergoing dialysis, the free market, that wonder engine of chaotic order, has no such 6/10 shortage. 

It’s a limitation that doesn’t exist in the real world.

A while ago, more than a decade, I saw a brand new HUGE dialysis center by the airport. Far larger than would be needed by the small number of relatively healthy natives. I was curious so I called them talked to the Director. (Astonishingly he answer his own phone that was publicly listed.) He told me that it was built by the community with support from the hotels FOR TOURISTS who needed dialysis while they were on vacation. They accepted Medicare, all insurances, and cash. The “cash rate” was about a third of what my relative paid in NYC. And the fellow was very apologetic that the “cash price” was so high but all the critical supplies had to be airlifted in due to expiration dates.

I was floored.

So, let’s put “WalMart” in charge of everything. (WalMart is my metaphor for a truly free market.)


So hospital with only capacity for 6 could put on a second shift for capacity of 12. Now we just have to figure out how to pay for it. How about a “Bake Sale”? Wanna bet if our society can sell naming rights of stadiums, our second shift’s name can be sold. 

I think “Reinke’s Ranters” has a nice ring to it.

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POLITICAL: Obamacare is “constitutional”


*** begin quote ***

The chief justice was hell-bent to find a way to make this law applicable, so he just decided, you know what, as a tax increase, it works, because there’s no limit on the federal government’s ability to tax. And it’s right there in the preamble of the Constitution, right there, Article 1, Section 8, the general welfare clause, it’s been established Congress can tax whatever, whoever, whenever, how much they want. Even when they don’t ask for it, the Supreme Court is gonna find a way to make what they want to do legal because John Roberts said it’s not our job here to forbid this. It’s not our job to protect people from outcomes. It’s not our job to determine whether it is right or wrong or any of that. We just get to look at it. We can’t forbid this. This is what the elected representatives of the people want.

No, the elected representatives of the people were deceived. Remember yesterday I asked you, if this decision went this way, what was your initial reaction going to be. And how many of you were deflated as you can be because of the way this was reported? The first thing that came down, the mandate, unconstitutional, that was the first thing everybody reported. Mandate unconstitutional, big sigh of relief. And then within moments, wait a minute, wait a minute, we’re reading further. Hold it just a second. The mandate’s unconstitutional, but the court has decided it’s a tax, and therefore it’s okay.

*** end quote ***

The Socialists and Communists have won.

The battle, that began with Wilson and the Income Tax, the Federal Reserve, and World War 1 form the “peace candidate, has culminated in the official End of the American Experiment.

The Republic actually ended with Abraham Lincoln.

The demise of the American Education System, captured by the Social Progressives, enabled by the Women’s Vote, has score another victory for the effort to end American exceptionalism.

For decades, from when I heard it from Harry Browne in the 1970’s, the Gooferment courts can be counted on to find the Gooferment’s abuses “Constitutional”! The Little L Libertarains have long argues that expecting justice from the Gooferment’s “courts” is like expecting mercy from the Sheriff of Nottingham by appealing to King John.

I can’t say that I am surprised.

And, all the bluster that this will energize the Right is just smoke.

“We, The Sheeple” have in Amerika in essence a One Party System that the Communists in the USSR are envious of.

We have to begin, or in the case of us Little L Libertarians, continue the battle for the heart and minds of the Great American Spirit in the young and the class rooms around the country.

The journey of a million miles begins in the classrooms with the minds full of mush. The Communists have robbed these children of their birthright. That is the right to succeed or fail on the sweat of their own efforts.

The drone have taken over the hive. Where will we find freedom and liberty?


RANT: Ron Paul is not a progressive; that’s a good thing

Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Ron Paul is not a progressive

*** begin quote ***

Paul was right on both wars, on the bailout of the banks and continues to be right about the need for transparency at the fed. He is right about gay marriage and he is right on most civil liberties issues and the drug war.

But Ron Paul is not a progressive. Ron Paul is not anti-corporate. He believes that empowering business is the best way to accomplish all good things and that government has no role to play in ensuring a level playing field. It was Paul’s dismissal of a government role in health care that elicited the shout of “let him die” during the Republican debates.

*** end quote ***


*** begin quote ***

Anonymous Anonymous said…

Excellent points by Hank K.    Ron Paul would destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and any social program that helps ordinary folks. He would probably be for assisting the privatization of our public schools. Libertarianism is filth, a despicable bunch of garbage that’s great for the greedy millionaires and greedy billionaires (as opposed to the responsible and altruistic millionaires and billionaires) who don’t want to pay their fair share in taxes. Under libertarianism, if you become disabled and can no longer work, then tough luck or go out in the street and beg for charity. Libertarians say, let the charities take care of the millions who are disabled, elderly or too poor. It’s an idiotic notion to think that charities are even close to being able to help the 50 millions uninsured. Dialysis costs about $150,000 per year and there are many thousands of people in this country with kidney disease or kidney failure. Medications cost thousands per year, there aren’t enough charities on earth to deal with these numbers. I would not vote for Ron Paul even if you put a gun to my head.

*** end quote ***

And, everything today is just working perfectly and at costs we can afford?

Ron Paul hasn’t said anything about destroying everything. He has said that we need real cuts in Gooferment spending. Do you dsagree?

For example, he says the Federal Gooferment should have no role in education. Let the States do it. So we send money to Federal Gooferment to send back to the state Gooferment. There’s a swag that says ½ of any money passing through a Gooferment entity loses ½ its value due to the cost og handling. Sending a dollar to the Feds gets maybe 25¢s back! Eliminate the overhead.

Of course that will totally destroy the education establishment. And, maybe we can have a national and state discusion on “education”. Personally, I authored a paper for Hands Across New Jersey on how to transition “education” from Gooferment to parents over 40 years. (Under the theory that parents are in a better position to educate their children. And cheaper and better. They made the decision to have them; they should provide for them.) I’m frustrated because if HANJ wasn’t subverted by the duopoly, we’d almost be out of the problem.

You bring up charity, charity care, and the cost of medicine. But you ignore the role of Gooferment in driving up the cost of healthcare. Just like it drives up the cost of “education”.


I think that Ron Paul represents the essence of the Taft Republicans. It’s been lost for decades and we have a 15T$ debt, deficits for as far as the eyes can see, unfunded liabilities somewhere between 50T$ and 150T$ depending upon who counts what, and a dismal economic future.
Perhaps, you might consider that Socialism doesn’t work. Didn’t for the Soviet Union. And, won’t for the USA.


“everything is fine. move along citizen. nothing to see here.”


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SOCIALISM: China’s one child policy impact

China: bachelor villages, kidnapped brides
September 15, 2011

*** begin quote ***

Over the next two decades, up to 50 million men are expected to be unable to find wives. “I don’t have any requirements at all,” said a 35-year-old farmer in a village with no women eligible for marriage. “I would be satisfied with just a wife.”

To help meet the growing demand for wives, thousands of Burmese women have been lured into China, kidnapped, and sold to rural men.

*** end quote ***

Interesting how Gooferment diktats have such long ranging impacts. Like the man in the funny white hat has said (basically) don’t mess with what we don’t understand. It’s a little like surgery on ourselves. Such ego. To think we can defeat “natural law”.


With real world consequences.

Sad for everyone including the USA.

Think all those abortions won’t matter.

My fear is maybe “We, The Sheeple” have killed the person who could have cured cancer.

I’m ashamed that I wasn’t able to make it all stop.

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POLITICAL: Add Gooferment Pharma to the list!  

Federal agency to spearhead new drug-development center
By Gardiner Harris The New York Times
POSTED: 01/23/2011 01:00:00 AM MST

*** begin quote ***

The Obama administration has become so concerned about the slowing pace of new drugs coming out of the pharmaceutical industry that officials have decided to start a billion-dollar government drug development center to help create medicines.

The new effort comes as many large drugmakers, unable to find enough new drugs, are paring back research. Promising discoveries in such illnesses as depression and Parkinson’s that once would have led to clinical trials are instead going unexplored because companies have neither the will nor the resources to undertake the effort. Drug companies have typically spent twice as much on marketing as on research, a business model that is increasingly suspect.

The initial financing of the government’s new drug center is small compared with the $45.8 billion that the industry estimates it invested in research in 2009. The cost of bringing a single drug to market can exceed $1 billion, according to some estimates.

*** end quote ***

Now, add to Gooferment Motors, Gooferment Electric, and all the other Gooferment entities like Amtrak, Post Office, Sallie, Freddie, Fannie, etc. etc.!!!

When does it end?

When they have taken over everything?

Worked so well in the USSR!

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RANT: The Social Security Myth

4 Social Security Changes Coming in 2011
by Emily Brandon
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

*** begin quote ***

The Social Security program will be tweaked in several important ways in 2011. Workers will get a temporary tax break on the amount they pay into the entitlement program, and several claiming options for retirees will be eliminated. Here’s a look at how the Social Security program will change this year.

{Extraneous Deleted}

The Social Security system’s finances are not expected to be harmed because the trust fund will be reimbursed for the full amount of the tax break from the general fund of the Treasury. However, this change also means that the Social Security trust fund will no longer be completely funded directly by citizen contributions. “This pretty much ends the claim that Social Security is self-financing or that it doesn’t contribute to the budget deficit,” says Andrew Biggs, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a former deputy commissioner of the Social Security Administration.

*** end quote ***

What a bunch of hogwash!

This is all a myth.

Myth: “an unproved or false collective belief that is used to justify a social institution”!

Boy, that sure fits.

If you went to Metropolitan Life Insurance and bought an annuity. They would take your wealth that you gave them freely, invest it in something productive, deduct their fee, and return it to you over time in accordance with your contract. You have “rights”. You know it will be audited. You can sell it. You can rely on their assurances. There’s a risk, but you’ve considered and know it.

Now compare it to the Social Security “system”. (It’s wrong to call it a Ponzi scheme. In a Ponzi scheme, you volunteer to participate. Usually out of greed. But, with “Social Security”, you don’t get a choice.)

They TAKE your wealth. If you don’t want to participate, men with guns will come and possibly kill you.

That wealth is thrown into the General Fund. And, you get a promise. Not even an IOU.

The whole article “celebrates” the system.

Where are your rights?

When the system goes broke, you, and I, will be standing like David Copperfield, hat in hand, saying, “May I have what’s mine, sir?”

“We, The Sheeple” are getting shorn again.

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POLITICAL: Do multimillionaires earn their wealth by force and fraud?

Sen. Sanders To Rich “Crybabies”: “When Is Enough, Enough?”

*** begin quote ***

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), a socialist, said “greed is like an addiction” and compares it to heroin and nicotine. “This reckless uncontrollable greed is like a disease,” Sanders said.

*** end quote ***

Argh! The word “socialist” says it all. Turn the question around. “When has the Gooferment taken enough from ‘its’ slaves?” The Bible only commands a tithe, 10%. Today, we can not calculate what the Gooferment Slaveholder takes from us. THere are taxes hidden in everything.

*** begin quote ***

Sanders asks how can anyone be proud to call themselves a “multimillionaire?”

*** end quote ***

Since a multimillionaire has to induce people to give them “certificates of appreciation” (i.e., money) and no one has asserted them using force or committing fraud, one must assume that they provided a valuable product or service. Politicians and bureaucrats excluded, of course, because they get their loot by force and fraud upon the “We, The Sheeple”.

Shame on Senator Socialist for his disrespect of people who serve others successfully.

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RANT: A good family serves as a prop for our Socialist President

Greek Theo Mastorakos, owner of restaurant, lunch with Obama‎!
Posted on 31 July 2010 by Apostolos Papapostolou

*** begin quote ***

The President visited Tastee Sub Shop, located at 267 Plainfield Avenue, and met with several local small business owners, including Dave Thornton, co-owner of eatery. Thornton and his business partner, Carl Padavano, met in school and worked in the Edison sub shop since they were teens. They opened a second Tastee Sub Shop together in South Brunswick, and Thornton opened a third location in Lawrenceville with his two sons.

*** and ***

The President’s small business jobs proposal would provide smaller banks with capital and incentives to lend to small businesses to allow them to expand. It would also support state initiatives to make it easier for small businesses to borrow and create tax incentives to promote small business growth.

*** end quote ***

As a long time patron, I’m sorry to see that hard working family used as a prop for our Socialist President. I hope they enjoy paying their higher taxes next year and the estate taxes when the Gooferment steals their hard earned wealth. Argh!

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INTERESTING: Genetic testing already shows promise; except the Gooferment wants to control it

Should You Be Allowed to Know What’s in Your DNA?
“You can’t handle the truth!” That’s the federal government’s latest message to Americans seeking to learn the content of their own DNA.
July 15, 2010 – by Paul Hsieh

*** begin quote ***

Opponents of direct-to-consumer genetic testing typically raise three standard objections, including: (1) the test results may be inaccurate; (2) even if the results are accurate, customers will not know what to do with the information; and (3) customers may learn about genetic defects that could make health insurance prohibitively expensive or impossible to purchase. However, a truly free market in health services and health insurance would address all of these concerns.

Customers concerned about the reliability and accuracy of their test results are best served by a free market that subjects products to the pitiless scrutiny of consumers seeking the best value for their money. Of course, if an unscrupulous company makes fraudulent claims about its services, it should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Protecting consumers against fraud is one of the proper functions of government. But if personal genomics companies otherwise truthfully describe the capabilities and limitations of their tests, then the early adopters should be left free to exercise their best judgment as to whether they wish to purchase those services.

*** end quote ***

If it’s my body, who is the Gooferment to interfere?

Prevent force or fraud, fine. Keep me from making a mistake, not so good. Tell me I can’t have the use of my own body, tyranny.

Time to pound the FDA back into historical irrelevancy. Who would you trust with your health? (1) Politicians and bureaucrats; or (2) a free market with Walmart, Walgreens, and innumerable competitors “supervised” by Consumer’s Reports, Underwriters Laboratory, the media, the general public, and the Trial Lawyers?

Give me the market any time. Keep your Gooferment “help” to yourself.

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SOCIALISM:Exactly how is microcredit for capital formation consistent with socialism?

RPT-FEATURE-Venezuela slum takes socialism beyond Chavez
06 Jul 2010 11:00:17 GMT
Source: Reuters
By Esteban Israel

*** begin quote ***

They are also turning their hands to urban agriculture and fish farming to feed locals, and say that the future communal bank will extend micro-credit to foster economic independence.

*** end quote ***


If these guys are socialists why do they need money. And, microcredit? That makes no sense. These guys are socialists. Credit is at the bedrock of capitalism. And, that’s their evil villain. Unfortunately, economics is as real as physics in terms of science. Scarcity is a sad fact of life. And, wishing it would go away is hopeless. And actually detrimental to making life better for everyone.

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MONEY: Social Security is like a Ponzi scheme

What is Social Security? by Michael on June 7, 2010

>Have you ever wondered how Social Security works?

The Gooferment, using its gun power, has stolen and continues to steal from the workers taxes under the guise of “insurance”.

Like a Ponzi scheme, it uses what it steals from current workers to pay off older workers. Unlike a Ponzi scheme, it’s almost impossible to avoid this theft.

In practical terms, this program transfers money from poor minority men to rich white women.

It’s intergenerational theft!

And, as an “investment”, it’s the rough equivalent a negative rate of return estimated between 2 and 5%.

>President Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to assist the elderly

While we’ll never know what he wanted, but we do know he was a “progressive” who admired socialism.

It was asserted that “social security” was a big step on the road to socialism. Huge societal changes were initiated by this action. In effect, he put the old on the dole.

>impact on Americans by the Depression

A Depression that was caused by the Congress in passing the Smoot Hawley tariff and exacerbated by the (unconstitutional and monopolistic) Federal Reserve Bank. So, the answer is, of course, “more gooferment”!

>Before Social Security, care and monetary funding for these individuals

Was their own responsibility. And that of their family. Multi-generation family farms were common BEFORE social security.


And, don’t overlook the fact that Congress changes the rules as it sees fit. Try doing that if you were an insurance company.

Social Security is a disaster. And, as such, everyone should be VERY careful in including it in their financial plans.

And, bear in mind that the Gooferment needs money, and the IRA / 401ks are held by “Custodians”. So everyone should be worried that they will have their IRA and or 401k when they need it to retire.

Lest you think “it can’t happen here”, then think back on the Bank Holiday, the Gold Seizure, and the Japanese Internment.

“Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master.” George Washington

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MONEY: Gooferment wants to turn savings into guaranteed income streams

Retiree Annuities May Be Promoted by Obama Aides

*** begin quote ***

The Obama administration is weighing how the government can “encourage” workers to turn their savings into guaranteed income streams following a collapse in retiree accounts when the stock market plunged.

The US Treasury and Labor Departments will ask for public comments as soon as next week on ways to promote the conversion of 401(k) savings and Individual Retirement Accounts into annuities or other steady payment streams, according to Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi and Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary Mark Iwry, who are spearheading the effort.

Annuities generally guarantee income until the retiree’s death, and often that of a surviving spouse as well. They are designed to protect against the risk that retirees outlive their savings, a danger made clear by market losses suffered by older Americans over the last year, David Certner, legislative counsel for AARP, said in an interview.

*** and ***

Content Editor’s Note: The Obama Administration is going to try to force investors to structure IRA and 401k accounts into what amounts to a US Treasury debt-backed government annuity. This is an attempt to divert hundreds of billions of dollars of private retirement accounts into federal government debt. If the Chinese won’t voluntarily buy more US debt, the government will simply force it on American investors whether they want it or not. Just more freedoms being taken away.

*** end quote ***

Last time, the trial balloon was “enhanced social security”. Considering that “Social Security Insurance” is broke, that was a lead balloon!

Now they are back with another one, “annuities”, in Treasuries, and I’m sure sold by the Administration’s friends at AARP, packaged by Goldman Sachs, insured by AIG, and delivered by a GM car. (OK, the last is a joke! But this whole think is a joke.)

What those unfamiliar with annuities does is ROB the estates of these people. And, make the gooferment your heir. Argh! As if the Death Tax wasn’t bad enough.

OK, for ha has, why not convert social security into annuities? Sure cause then people could sell them out.

BUT, (there is always a big butt), then we would be FORCED to recognized how underfunded all these “insurance” programs are.

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QUOTE: Thanksgiving lesson

“The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” – Margaret Thatcher


The Pilgrims starved until the dismissed their “commonwealth” of socialism and allowed private enterprise.

If there’s anything to be thankful for, it’s that lesson.

Happy T-day, all.

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Posted: 8:40 a.m. Oct. 28, 2009 | Updated: 9:51 a.m. today
GMAC may get 3rd helping of aid

*** begin quote ***

GMAC, the financial lifeline for General Motors Co., Chrysler Group LLC and their dealer networks, is asking the U.S. Treasury for more federal aid beyond the $12.5 billion it’s already received, because it remains billions of dollars short of a capital reserve requirement all bank holding companies must meet.

The request, which is subject to ongoing negotiations, comes as GMAC is caught in a financial game of chicken with Chrysler Financial that could drive some large Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge dealers out of business or force them to sell their operations.

*** end quote ***

More taxpayer participation required!


More good money after bad.

Bankruptcy would have been so much cleaner.

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SOCIALISM: Cash for … Sheeple

Cash for Clunkers, RIP by Karen De Coster

*** begin quote ***

The program was little more than a political redistribution of wealth from the people of America to politicians’ power base that includes unions, environmentalists, and social justice bulldogs. Along the way, a few select people who fell within certain purchase guidelines received a generous discount for turning in their paid-off cars in exchange for a new chunk of steel and a large chunk of debt. As with most government programs, a select group of people became empowered or enriched while the general population paid the bill.

*** end quote ***

To see perfectly good cars being destroyed shocked this old injineer.

Those cars were better than some of the wrecks I drove around when I was a “poor” student. (Poor in both a monetary and academic meaning!)

How many really poor people were denied a car they could afford by this absolute stupidity.

Even if you never studied “economics” and the parable of the broken window created by Frédéric Bastiat, you have common sense. Don’t you?

In what universe does destroying a perfectly good car make any economic sense at all?

If for no other reason than that, if your rep voted for this, then you should vote them out of office. There’s no excuse for having an idiot representing you.

Argh, sheeple!

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SOCIALISM: “Cash for Clunkers”; bad strategy, bad tactically

Popularity, Web snafus nearly broke ‘clunkers’
Aug 1, 8:56 AM (ET)

*** begin quote ***

Far more drivers signed up for the “cash for clunkers” program than anyone thought, overwhelming showrooms, blowing through the initial $1 billion set aside by Congress and leaving dealers panicked over when or if the government would make good on the hefty rebates.

*** end quote ***

Sure steal from the taxpayer to give money to car dealers?

No wonder the program is a success.

Like a bank robber giving out free samples.

And, there folks want to run health care?

It’s like everyone had gone nuts. Financial restraint, fiscal discipline, out the window. It’s like a Frat Party on the taxpayer’s dime.

One website pointed out that (1) these are future sales brought forward. (2) the “clunkers” are the cars that poor people would have bought used.

So like Basat said, (paraphrasing) we can’t see the hidden costs.

Politicians and bureaucrats are stupid. And, I ain’t buying them a beer. And, for sure, I’m not drinking with them!

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Obama-care will kill us!

Socialized Healthcare vs. the Laws of Economics
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

*** begin quote ***

In the UK as well – thanks to nationalization, price controls, and government rationing of healthcare – thousands of people die needlessly every year because of shortages of kidney dialysis machines, pediatric intensive care units, pacemakers, and even x-ray machines. This is America’s future, if “ObamaCare” becomes a reality.

*** end quote ***

Seems to me like this is the essence of Obama-care. Just like Hillary-care. National socialism. And just wrong!

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SOCIALISM: Take the company for the UAW and screw the killed and maimed

Bankruptcies Leave GM, Chrysler Defect Victims in the Dust
General Motors and Chrysler Are Rebuilding but Those With Injury, Death Claims May Not Get Their Day in Court
ABC NEWS Business Unit
July 8, 2009

*** begin quote ***

Asked about consumers’ pending claims against GM and Chrysler, the Obama administration, which has worked closely with the companies on their reorganization plans, reiterated its support for both automakers.

“This was a commercial decision by the company, which we are confident will not interfere with the future viability of GM. While the U.S. Treasury was engaged in this process, GM was responsible for determining the best approach going forward,” an administration official said.

Chrysler’s decisions, meanwhile, were “consistent with conventional bankruptcy practice,” according to the official.

*** end quote ***

I thought the Democrats were the party of the working man.

Silly me!

The White House was up to its elbows in this deal which was a payoff to the UAW and seizing the wealth of honest people.

(The majority of the bondholders were banks who received TARP money. Of course, they voted like the whores to the Government they are. I’d be very circumspect about any bond or any claim made by a politician!)

Screw these little people.

Maybe ABC should ask Obama these questions in his next staged press conference that they get to play act in.

(The mainstream media is just as big a whore for the gooferment as the banks.)

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FUN: Socialism


An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class.


That class had insisted that Obama’s socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, “OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama’s plan”.

All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B.

The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy.

As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little. The second test average was a D!

No one was happy.

When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

The scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.

Could not be any simpler than that.

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OBVIOUSLY, an urban legend. No professor gives out F’s any more. Grade inflation!

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RANT: National Socialism runs amuck!



Well, we better all make the congress critters understand.


One can only hope that the R’s make Teddy and Byrd get out of their sick beds and SHOW UP!

This will be the end of the American Experiment.

Socialism! National Socialism to be precise.

A sad day for America!

Broke (We can’t afford it), Busted (We’ve given the Secular Progressive Socialists control without opposition), and DIsgusted (How many promises and expectations will be left unfulfilled)!

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LETTER TO RUSH HOLT (My congress critter? Can I sell him? No; so he’s not “mine”.)

You had best STOP this health care nonsense. Tell me you’ve read the 1,000 pages? If it passes, we will have socialized medicine. Let’s not kid around. My wife needs her healthcare. And, when you politicians finsih with it, she won’t. So stop it. We can’t afford it. We don’t want to be like Canada and England.

Normally, I’d just say don’t expect my vote. On this issue, I am promising that if you vote for this nonsense, not only will I not vote for you. I will support, campaingn, and contribute to who ever runs against you. An Axe Murder would be kinder. He can only kill you. You are destroying the country.

Shaking my head, what can you in COngress be thining of.

f. reinke

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Thank you for your email message. I appreciate your taking the time to let me know your views and concerns about issues facing America. You will be receiving an answer from me soon.

Please do not reply to this e-mail. If you would like to e-mail me again, go to my web site at .

Member of Congress

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Honeymoon used to expand the gooferment  

It’s the Economy, Stupid
The Obama presidency will rise or fall on results.
Karl Rove is the former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush.

*** begin quote ***

Until now, the new president has benefited from public willingness to give him a honeymoon. He decided to use that grace period to push for the largest expansion of government in U.S. history and to reward political allies (see the sweetheart deals Big Labor received in the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies). The difficulty for Mr. Obama will be when the public sees where his decisions lead — higher inflation, higher interest rates, higher taxes, sluggish growth, and a jobless recovery.

*** end quote ***

This pig is going in the WRONG direction.

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RANT: Response to a socialist

>Hey, I’ll take your worthless Federal Reserve Banknote money off your hands.

I’m sure that you would. You liberals will “TAKE” anything! And, your typically big gooferment thugs will be more that happy to rob people of the wealth to satisfy the mob’s demands.

>Are all libertorians anti-union? What a silly question, of course they are.

Of course not. Honest unions that seek to represent their members in fair negotiations with employers are just exercising people’s rights of association. When they use the guns of gooferment to rob the bondholders of their proper settlement, then they are just as bad as the thugs they employ. (Before you say that the bondholders “agreed”, permit me to point out the 52% that did agree were big banks that were getting TARP money anyway. How could they not agree? And, they were being paid off anyway!)

>Basically, libertarians are pro rich, pro management and anti-working class.

If anything, little L libertarians are pro-working class. We want liberty and honest money. And, peace. Take a look at the casualties of war. It’s the poor and working class.

>shouldn’t workers have the right to form unions?

Sure they do. You don’t see L’s rooting for “card check”, minimum wages, or protectionisms.

>Bernie Sanders, a democratic socialist, works for the people and does not take corporate money.

Please don’t make me laugh! He’s a socialist! Maybe even a Marxist.

>Dennis Kucinich, not a socialist, is a feisty fighter for ordinary working Americans.


> I have no idea if it was a good idea to bail out GM.

I do. It was a bad idea for either Bush or Obama to keep GM out of Chapter 11. And, all the money is wasted. It can’t be saved. CAFE standards and all the assorted gooferment actions have made it impossible to make stuff in the US. It’s like giving CPR to a mannequin.

>Millions (including those not directly involved in building cars) will lose their jobs, their health >care and their pensions.

Yes, there will be a lot of breakage. But the UAW voters, … ahh I mean, members will still have their gold plated pensions and health benefits. What happened to the Delta pilots shouldn’t happen to a UAW voter. Sigh! GM was always known as a “health insurance company that made cars”. Argh!

>To only blame government for all our ills and not the free marketeers is just delusional.

It’s the gooferment’s use of force that is the root of most of the evils we are suffering through now. By the way, could you point out the “free market” that you are refering to? I can’t see anything free since the 1860’s.

>Can’t blame unions or the government for the fall of all those financial companies

Sorry, but the seeds of the current collapse is rooted in the easy money of the FED and the Community Reinvestment Act. Barney and Chis, on the dole from AIG and other companies, made it easy for the sheeple to be defrauded.

>ENRON fell because of the corporate crooks not because of unions or the government.

ENRON resulted from the psuedo deregulation of the power industry. Their lobbyist used gooferment to do all sorts of “rule making”. In the end, it all collapsed. And the workers took it in the ear!

>I certainly bash government when necessary, when warranted which is quite often.

You fail to see the force of gooferment (i.e., the often not so silent gun in the room) is at the root of most problems. Our lives would be immeasurably improved it they’d just leave us alone.

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SOCIALISM: Big Media is protecting Obama from the “eligibility” question

CBS Outdoor bans eligibility billboards
Industry signage leader rejects campaign asking simply ‘Where’s the birth certificate?’
Posted: June 03, 2009 8:05 pm Eastern

*** begin quote ***

“Here we have one of the largest media companies in the U.S. now not only refusing to allow news coverage of a vitally important national question being asked by millions of Americans, but one that won’t even permit the purchase of space to raise the question,” said Farah. “What is the value of a First Amendment in a country when this kind of self-censorship is at work – self-censorship specifically geared to stifle inquiry and debate about the most powerful person in the country.”

*** end quote ***


Be neat if this was one every website!

Here’s my modest contribution.

Shouldn’t we have an anti-trust investigation?

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RANT: Unidine or Obama’s Heathcare proxy

RANT: Unidine or Obama’s Heathcare proxy

LADIES4LIBERTY do a skit for universal dining … err, healthcare. Hey, amateur? Yes! Dead on accurate? Yes! See your local VA patron for how they feel about gooferment health care.

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