JOBSEARCH: You should aleways be looking for your next job — even if you have tenure

Tenured Professors Fired in Sweeping Layoffs
By Kyla Guilfoil, Senior Writer

*** begin quote ***

According to faculty sources, the administration told departments roughly what they could expect would be cut from their departments. Therefore, it became clear to several departments that certain professors would be fired based on the “Last In, First Out” metric. For example, faculty member sources described that a department would be told they would need to lose two faculty members and it was then clear to those two employees most recently hired that they would likely be let go.

Because of this, several employees decided to take the voluntary separation agreements, on the basis that they believed they would likely be fired anyways in the coming semester, faculty sources told The Quadrangle. 

On the other hand, more senior employees, including many tenured professors, believed they were safe in their jobs and would not be on the chopping block during the current academic year. Faculty sources told The Quadrangle that this made the tenured terminations, given mid-year, even more shocking. 

*** end quote ***

I guess that this should be inscribed on great monuments to complacency: “they believed they were safe”.

Guess they never read that parable about the  lion and the gazelle?

“Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle: when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.” This African proverb was reproduced in Thomas Friedman’s book The World is Flat.

I always preached that anyone in a “corporate job” had one objective  — find their next job.  

Whenever I started a new job, the first thing I would do was update my resume and send it to all my friends and headhunters.  Loyalty?  Like the old canard says: “Don’t Kill Yourself For A Job That Would Replace You Within 2 Weeks If You Dropped Dead”  — Anthony ‘AJ’ Joiner

Loyalty is for spouses, family, and friends; not corporations.

A College is nothing more than corporation that takes money and produces “entertainment”.  

Sad to say, but that’s how I see it.



JOBSEARCH: Corporate mergers ALWAYS result in LAYOFFS 

📞 T-Mobile keeps doing the thing it said it wouldn’t do

When T-Mobile acquired Sprint, it promised to keep employee count higher than pre-merger. Yet, here we are with more T-Mobile layoffs. 

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Corporate mergers ALWAYS result in LAYOFFS. (Regardless of what “they” say!)

While NOT ALWAYS true, it’s usually the ACQUIRED company that gets laid off.  

Occasionally when the ACQUIRER wants a particular aspect of the ACQUIRED company, that “team” will be spared.

Typically layoffs occur in the duplicate functions like HR, Finance & Accounting, mid-level management.

Be always prepared for it.  You should always be in “job search” mode.


Success for your generation is: (1) ruthless financial discipline — no bad debt; (2) a life long interest in learning — education — a degree — they can’t take it away from you; (3) a NON-OFFSHORABLE white collar job in order to save big bux; (4) a blue collar skill for hard times — never saw a poor plumber; (5) one or more internet based businesses — your store is always open; (6) a free time hobby that generates income; and (7) a large will-maintained network of people who can “help” you.

If you’re “surprised”, then you have failed at your most important job!


JOBSEARCH: QR Card — Your business card on the smartphone lock screen

“ Hi hunters! I made this application because I was tired of paper business cards. An ordinary card can simply be thrown out or lost. Contact in a smartphone is a completely different matter. QR Card makes contact exchange as quick and convenient as possible.

Source: QR Card — Your business card on the smartphone lock screen

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Seems like a GREAT idea.


JOBSEARCH: Relate — A New iPhone & iPad App for Relationship Building

Montana-based indie developer Samuel Coe has just released Relate , a new iOS/iPadOS app for building stronger relationships. It’s basically tailor-made for people like me who are a little…shall we say, absent-minded when it comes to making and maintaining connections with people.

Source: Relate — A New iPhone & iPad App for Relationship Building

*** begin quote ***

Montana-based indie developer Samuel Coe has just released Relate, a new iOS/iPadOS app for building stronger relationships. It’s basically tailor-made for people like me who are a little…shall we say, absent-minded when it comes to making and maintaining connections with people.

Essentially, Relate lets you create relationship “profiles” for the people you care about, where you can fill in details about each person (birthdays, etc) and make notes about interactions and important moments you’ve had with them (or would like to have later). You can also set up alerts that remind you to keep in touch, because goodness knows I’m terrible at that. Ask anyone in my family, they’ll tell you.

*** end quote ***

Seems like an IDEAL networking tool.

Unfortunately no web interface.  And IPHONE / IPAD only!


JOBSEARCH: Recognizing the change in the employment marketplace

The secret to making $115 an hour in the gig economy | Impact Lab

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​Interesting, but the “gig economy” is imho the wave of the future. Like the “movie studio” model. Folks come together for a project and then disband. It’s low overhead with respect to the “human resources”. Ir means that everyone is a proprietor of their own business. No more “lifetime jobs”. Change is … … unavoidable. One either recognizes it or is crushed by it. Like the Law Of Gravity, one has no choice but to deal with it even if you refuse to recognize it.

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JOBSEARCH: Action speaks louder than resumes


What Job-Hunting Teaches Us about the Value of Innovation
By: Ryan Ayers
In: Innovation Psychology

*** begin quote ***

Create Your Own Solution – Take Action

When you’re searching for your dream job, so are hundreds of others. They’re all applying for the same openings, using the same strategies to land a job that everyone else is. However, the people who really get noticed are the ones who go straight to the companies they want with their value, regardless of whether there’s a posted opening or not. One tech company hired four people in six months who proactively reached out and showed the decision-maker at the company what they could do to make his company more successful.

Innovators don’t wait until someone asks for a need to be filled. They spot the gaps before anyone else sees them, and take action to create solutions proactively. They know their efforts may not be successful, but they try anyway. Why? Because sometimes, it they do work. Decisive, informed action is what sets innovators apart, in both the job search and when driving the changes they want to see in the world.

*** end quote ***

This reminded me of my very first job search when I took my first golden handshake from AT&T. I didn’t know any better, so I sent out 400+ letters to banks and brokerages. Each included a multi-page resume. I don’t remember the page count but it was long. It took two first class stamps to mail. And, each was personalize and in a hand addressed envelope. I was rewarded by many interviews and a choice of three offers. I started the second week in January and remember I was upset because I was out of work about 10 days. Laugh!

So, be aggressive in seeking out YOUR opportunities. I still believe that your UVP (Unique Value Equation) must be backed up with your USP (Unique Sales Process).

Good luck and good hunting.

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JOBSEARCH: Found an old list of the “sales funnel” I used in my many job searches

Job SearchSales Funnel
(Remember this is an inverse tree) 

  • Resume posting
  • Networking meetings 
  • Lead found
  • Hunter contact
  • Hunter discussion
  • Proceed
  • Phone screen
  • First interview scheduled
  • First interview completed
  • Second interview scheduled
  • Second interview completed
  • Third interview scheduled
  • Third interview completed
    (I don’t do fourth ones)
  • Offer
  • Acceptance
    (Remember you only need one)

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JOBSEARCH: Tales of unemployment

At 55, a ‘Rainy Day’ Turns Into a Year
By Jeanna Smialek

*** begin quote ***

“It’s very discriminatory, if you ask me,” Schlager said, explaining that interviewers avoid asking his age or mentioning it, because such discrimination is illegal. He has nothing on his resume that marks his age. “It’s a vicious game, and they do it legally, but there’s that undertow.”

Schlager was making $53 an hour working 35 to 40 hours a week in his last position, but he’s applying to lower-skill, lower-pay positions in logistics as he broadens his job search. There’s a limit as to how far down the ladder he’ll drop, though, because he wants to make sure that he has employer-provided health-care coverage.

Not finding employment isn’t an option. While he has relatively low living expenses, Schlager is dipping into his 401(k), so he’ll need to replace what he’s withdrawn. And, beyond financial motivation, he wants a job for its own sake.

“It just kills me to sit here, and not work, and have the abilities that I do,” he said. “I call it a rainy day that turned into a rainy month that turned into a rainy year.”

*** end quote ***

I have been saying for a long time that there is “age discrimination” out there.

Once you turn 50!!!, you must plan that, if you lose “your job”, then you may never NEVER “work” again.

In self-defense, you must have your Plan B, C, and D ready.

Success for the younger generation is: (1) ruthless financial discipline — no bad debt; (2) a life long interest in learning — education — a degree — they can’t take it away from you; (3) a NON-OFFSHORABLE white collar job in order to save big bux; (4) a blue collar skill for hard times — never saw a poor plumber; (5) one or more internet based businesses — your store is always open; (6) a free time hobby that generates income; and (7) a large will-maintained network of people who can “help” you.

Success for the “older” generation is somewhat similar: (1) financial house in order; (2) develop “streams of income” — can’t depend on “one job”; (3) a blue collar skill — plumbers are ALWAYS in demand; (4) an internet business; (5) An income generating hobby; (6) a network of people; AND (7) most importantly a hunter gather mentality. While you may not be one paycheck from financial disaster, you should be always looking for “opportunities”. They may not seem to be “paying ones”, but you might have a pleasant surprise.


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JOBSEARCH: Jobsearchers have yet another hurdle to overcome

The long read
How algorithms rule our working lives
Employers are turning to mathematically modelled ways of sifting through job applications. Even when wrong, their verdicts seem beyond dispute – and they tend to punish the poor
by Cathy O’Neil
Thursday 1 September 2016 01.00 EDT

*** begin quote ***

Will those insights be tested, or simply used to justify the status quo and reinforce prejudices? When I consider the sloppy and self-serving ways that companies often use data, I’m reminded of phrenology, a pseudoscience that was briefly popular in the 19th century. Phrenologists would run their fingers over the patient’s skull, probing for bumps and indentations. Each one, they thought, was linked to personality traits. If a patient was morbidly anxious or suffering from alcoholism, the skull probe would usually find bumps and dips that correlated with that observation – which, in turn, bolstered faith in the science of phrenology.

*** end quote ***

Obviously, the job search process must be “gamed”.

Each “candidate” must figure out the “game” and present the “image” needed to get and stay hired.

Throw out old memes and paradigms. It’s just a jungle out there. Survival of the fitest is survival of the most adaptable. 

Like that book title, fast – lean – smart beats slow – fat – stupid every time.


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JOBSEARCH: Captain Obvious — “Gone is the era of the lifetime career”

August 4, 2015 11:06 am
New ‘gig’ economy spells end to lifetime careers
John Gapper in London

*** begin quote ***

The gig economy is only part of a shift in employment over the past three decades, unleashed by technology and global trade. It has created many winners and losers, both by outsourcing jobs from the west to Asia and Africa, and by changing the terms on which most people work. Financial and contractual risk that used to be borne by companies has been transferred to employees.

“Gone is the era of the lifetime career, let alone the life-long job and the economic security that came with it, having been replaced by a new economy intent on recasting full-time employees into contractors, vendors and temporary workers,” Nick Hanauer and David Rolf wrote recently in Democracy Journal, although the US jobs statistics do not yet reflect such a transformation.

*** end quote ***

Knew that several decades ago. I guess some folks never learn.

I continue to assert the following formula / paradigm / meme or call it what you will.

*** begin quote ***

Success for your generation is:

(1) ruthless financial discipline — no bad debt;

(2) a life long interest in learning — education — a degree — they can’t take it away from you;

(3) a NON-OFFSHORABLE white collar job in order to save big bux;

(4) a blue collar skill for hard times — never saw a poor plumber;

(5) one or more internet based businesses — your store is always open;

(6) a free time hobby that generates income;


(7) a large will-maintained network of people who can “help” you.

*** end quote ***

How many do you have!

I’m working on #4, #5, and #6 now.

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JOBSEARCH: Don’t be a “source of inconvenient truth”

Surviving (and Thriving) After a Layoff
8 things to know and prepare for–emotionally and professionally
Jan 8th 2015 1:35PM

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I saved this, because I knew it was coming sooner or later.

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1. It is personal. Despite what others may tell you, it really is about you. If you were so essential to the survival of your organization, you wouldn’t have been let go. Accept this as fact and move on.

2. It probably had to do with income. It’s possible that some part of the reason you lost your job is your age, but more than likely it’s because you made more money than your junior colleagues. Employers often figure: Why let go of two lower-paid employees when we can get rid of just a single, senior one? That doesn’t make the loss any sweeter, but it does allow us to keep more of our sense of dignity.

3. Work friendship is fleeting. After you leave the workplace, you’ll miss not only the place and the work (not to mention the steady income and benefits), but also the people. It’s likely that you and your co-workers formed close relationships, especially if you were there for a long time. Be forewarned: often those close relationships are close only through the workplace. You’ll feel ditched by these former friends when they don’t call, write or keep in touch. It happens more often than we like. Two years after my layoff, I still felt hurt when my former friends didn’t reach out or even respond to my calls.

*** end quote ***

I think it is MORE than personal.

If you are viewed as a threat to the “establishment” or a more powerful fiefdom, then “downsizing”, “RIF”, or “job elimination” are great excuse to eliminate an “source of inconvenient truth”.

Keep that in mind, and it hurts a little less.

Very little.

If you are, keep your resume updated. And, your eyes clear.

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JOBSEARCH: The illusion of employment 

My Life
By Burton S. Blumert
February 12, 2015

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After years of working for Reed’s in the South, there was an opening in the company’s California territory. Moving to a suburb south of San Francisco in 1958 was irresistible. My base was in San Mateo County’s new regional shopping center and nearby was a Coin Shop geared toward collectors. I soon befriended the owner. Within three months I evolved from a coin-collecting customer to becoming his partner. For a while I split my time between both businesses, but I knew I would have to decide upon one or the other. It wasn’t easy deciding between the security of the old-line retail firm or the risk of going on my own. I chose to go out on my own. I never had time to suffer any remorse. Incidentally, the security of Reed’s was an illusion. Two years after I sold my first gold coin, they were out of business.

*** and ***

Burt Blumert (1929-2009) was owner of Camino Coins, president of the Center for Libertarian Studies, chairman of the Mises Institute, publisher of, and the author of Bagels, Barry Bonds, & Rotten Politicians.

*** end quote ***

Note the illusion of security by being an “employee” as opposed to “being in your own business”.

It’s a akin to saving your money in bank CD as opposed to investing it in the market (in, of course, a well diversified set of asset classes).

I’ve often pontificated that having 10 ½ day “part time jobs” is much more secure than on better paying full time job. 

And, I’ve warned to income families, where both spouse work for the same firm or are even in the same line of work, about the risk they are taking.

So forewarned is forearmed, and start finding those “part time jobs”.

You never know how things will change.

Especially when your “secure job” goes “bye bye”.


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JOBSEARCH: The Labor stats are as cooked as Enron’s books

Jeff Altman
The US Job Market: February 2015

*** begin quote ***

Jim Clifton, the Chairman of the Gllup Organization, broke down the data.

“Say you’re an out-of-work engineer or healthcare worker or construction worker or retail manager: If you perform a minimum of one hour of work in a week and are paid at least $20 — maybe someone pays you to mow their lawn — you’re not officially counted as unemployed in the much-reported 5.6%.”

“The official unemployment rate, which cruelly overlooks the suffering of the long-term and often permanently unemployed as well as the depressingly underemployed, amounts to a Big Lie.

And it’s a lie that has consequences, because the great American dream is to have a good job, and in recent years, America has failed to deliver that dream more than it has at any time in recent memory. A good job is an individual’s primary identity, their very self-worth, their dignity — it establishes the relationship they have with their friends, community and country. When we fail to deliver a good job that fits a citizen’s talents, training and experience, we are failing the great American dream.

Gallup defines a good job as 30+ hours per week for an organization that provides a regular paycheck.

Right now, the U.S. is delivering at a staggeringly low rate of 44%, which is the number of full-time jobs as a percent of the adult population, 18 years and older. We need that to be 50% and a bare minimum of 10 million new, good jobs to replenish America’s middle class.”

So there you have it.

*** end quote ***

Interesting that those who know are calling a foul.

When will “We, The Sheeple” wake up, pick up their pitchfork and torches, and storm “the castle” in the “District of Corruption”?

It’s a shame for those who are “out”.


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JOBSEARCH: The IBM débâcle

Massive Worldwide Layoff Underway At IBM
By Tekla Perry
Posted 3 Feb 2015 | 17:00 GMT

*** begin quote ***

Project Chrome, a massive layoff that IBM is pretending is not a massive layoff, is underway. First reported by Robert X. Cringely (a pen name) in Forbes, about 26 percent of the company’s global workforce is being shown the door. At more than 100,000 people, that makes it the largest mass layoff at any U.S. corporation in at least 20 years. Cringely wrote that notices have started going out, and most of the hundred-thousand-plus will likely be gone by the end of February.

 *** end quote ***

Most interesting is the lack of any comment by the political class in the “District of Corruption”, the various bureaucrats at EOE, FTC, SEC, or Labor, the “State” politicians, or the Big Media.

Wonder if this will show up on the radar of the phone DoL “unemployment numbers”.

I would point out about three years ago there was an IBM-er who said that in a few years IBM would reduce its US employment by 75%. I’m trying to find a source for that. I remember it because it was a topic of conversation with my “old friend”. He got the 3 treatment, but didn’t sue. 

AS I have always ranted, the days of “personnel”, as opposed to “Human Resources”, is long over.

Will this give rise to the White Collar Union movement? If I was the AFL-CIO, then I’d be organizing.

It’s really time to move a contract workforce meme. Workers need protection form arbitrary “Resource Actions”. 

In a truly “free market”, the Crony Capitalists have to compete for labor.

Clearly, anecdotally, it appears to be anti-US worker, anti-woman, and anti-age.

We’ll see if there is any reaction. 

If I had a contract for service from IBM, then I’d be very afraid. Clearly, where is the work going to be done.

And BTW congrats to IBM for great optics for paying bonus and giving raises to the Executives while destroying people’s lives.


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JOBSEARCH: Aggressive networking example

The Fake Plane Ticket

*** begin quote ***

Our hero in this story decided he needed to take a chance to get more time with the speaker than just a handshake and a business card exchange.  The speaker had mentioned heading home later in the day and my friend began to wonder how to capitalize on this knowledge.  He thought about this person getting to the airport and having nearly an hour of waiting for their plane.  It would be an ideal opportunity to have a meaningful conversation, however Dallas is a big city with two airports, so he needed to think about the possibilities.

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I’m not sure if I’d have even thought of this. Let alone had the chutzpah to do it. I’m categorizing this as “being bold” and “unafraid to spend a few bucks”. FWIW!

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JOBSEARCH: “What do you do?” UVP & USP

Answer “What Do You Do?” by Explaining How You Solve Problems

*** begin quote ***

When you are meeting someone new, at some point, they’ll probably ask, “So what do you do?” If you want to make a good first impression, answer by discussing how you solve problems.

The Art of Manliness style expert Antonio Centeno says you need to force the person to think by asking a question about a problem they can relate to, and present yourself as the answer:

*** end quote ***

I usually relate it to my Unique Value Equation and my Unique Sales Equation.

So if you ask me that question, then I answer: “I help Business and IT agree on solutions. Know anyone with that type of problem?”

I like any answer I get back as opposed to the blank stare from my old job description: “I unkink large scale IT infrastructures.” 


Of course, you should have many UVPs and USPs. I have only five now, because I’m “sunsetting”.

fat VERY old white guy injineer!

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JOBSEARCH: Axioms of an “employee”


*** begin quote ***

Subject: 10 Reasons Working From Home is Better for You (& Your Boss) | Care2 Healthy Living

Should I send this to {REDACTED}?

*** end quote ***

I forwarded this link to {REDACTED}

and received these responses: 

*** begin quote ***

Yes please!

*** end quote ***


*** begin quote ***

I don’t think it would do any good.  It might even be counterproductive as it expresses benefits from a perspective she does not apparently share.

*** end quote ***


*** begin quote ***

Laugh! I agree.

{REDACTED} otoh didn’t see the “joke”.

{REDACTED} thought I was really going to forward it to {REDACTED}.


Interesting points though.

An “enlightened organization” would attempt to create shared value between the BORG (Business Organization) and “their” “Human Resources”.

*** end quote ***

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Attention: K-Mart shoppers be advise the “gold watch” era of employment is over. (Graduate college, get a good job with big corporation, stay with them for 40+ years, retire with savings and nice pension to a great “retirement”.) Folks who still believe in that will be working their golden years at WalMart as a “greeter”. Argh!  

This goes to my personal articles of faith; some of which are:

  •  Today’s “corporation” is a heartless, soulless, dishonest beast.
  • An employee is like a consultant; their ONLY job is find their next job.
  • IN dealing the workplace, one must always remember the JoHari window Johari window 
  • Always remember “Human Resources” sends the signal that you’re a “paper clip”. 

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JOBSEARCH: “EMPLOYEE” is fodder for the “burn pile”

Op-Ed: Microsoft layoff e-mail typifies inhuman corporate insensitivity
Robotic letter is an unfortunately normal example of how companies talk to employees.
by Lee Hutchinson – July 17 2014, 4:01pm EDT

*** begin quote ***

Put another way, the offensive part here is not that Microsoft has to lay off 18,000 people—that kind of thing happens in business, and sometimes companies have to cut employees. That’s not the problem. The problem is that this is an inhumane, inhuman way to let those 18,000 people go.

This kind of insultingly indirect messaging plagues most large businesses—and it’s horrible no matter where it shows up. Companies should “align their synergies” with the humans they’re firing and do them the courtesy of not pissing on them and telling them it’s raining. There’s a decent way to let people go, and this ain’t it.

*** end quote ***

I often say that your ONLY job as an employee is to find your next job.

An employee is a consultant with no choice where to work tomorrow. And, has even less job security!


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JOBSEARCH: The risk inherent in the status quo of employment 


Seems like this is a trend to jump on or tap into. Always thought that “women” made great “entry-pre-newers”, if an only if, they can over come “risk”. Over my career, I’ve seen several women make the leap of faith to their own business. What I try and point out to everyone (men and women) is that the “status quo is not risk free”. I counsel job seekers and potential job seekers that they must rigorously and honestly evaluate just how much is at risk in their current state. One tool is my “how much money do I need to have to get another job”. Age, level of education, hotness of field, hotness of your geography, level of position you’d accept, what’s your burn rate, how do you look, and unfortunately sex all combine in strange complex calculus to determine the risk of the status quo. In more than one instance, I have seen that calculation result in both gals and guys taking a different view of being your own boss. At least then, your fate is in your own hands. It’s a decision I’ve made three times with mixed results. Your mileage may and will vary. 

Anyway, have good week, which ends with “Independence Day”, isn’t that a coincidence? 

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JOBSEARCH: How Can Women Advance? Let Them Fail – BankInfoSecurity

How Can Women Advance? Let Them Fail – BankInfoSecurity

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How Can ANYONE Advance? Let Them Fail – BankInfoSecurity

Counter intuitive?

When I manage folks, my theory has always been: (1) allow them to set their own goals and objectives [I’m always surprised how aggressive folks can be!]; (2) if it’s a “below the waterline” failure, be supportive and don’t allow it to fail; (3) if it’s an “above the waterline” failure, permit it to fail. There’s a theory that says “we learn more from our failures than our successes”. Some of us never learn. Argh!

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JOBSEARCH: IT’s finding your niche

Surviving the post-employment economy
The author argues that in the new economy, it’s people, not skills or majors, that have lost value.
Last updated: 03 Nov 2013 08:50
Sarah Kendzior is a St Louis-based writer who studies politics and media.

*** begin quote ***

Individuals internalise the economy’s failure, as a media chorus excoriates them over what they should have done differently. They jump to meet shifting goalposts; they express gratitude for their own mistreatment: their unpaid labour, their debt-backed devotion, their investment in a future that never arrives.

And when it does not arrive, and they wonder why, they are told they were stupid to expect it. They stop talking, because humiliation is not a bargaining chip. Humiliation is a price you pay in silence – and with silence.

People can always make choices. But the choices of today’s workers are increasingly limited. Survival is not only a matter of money, it is a matter of mentality – of not mistaking bad luck for bad character, of not mistaking lost opportunities for opportunities that were never really there.

*** end quote ***

I agree that the “job market” has shifted as it has many times in my career.

It’s a game.

The seeker has to find the place for them to find their bliss.

Unfortunately what was true for me in the 60’s (i.e., get a job a big company and work your way up) is no longer true.

Ditto: get a Gooferment job.

Ditto: get a PhD.

Ditto: go to Wall Street in some manner.

I THINK (and it’s just my opinion) the model for today’s jobseeker is be in your own business.

Can’t tell you what business that is, but you have to be your own boss.

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JOBSEARCH: Free ebook act fast


Win Interviews! – The Must-Have Game Plan ($14.95 value, expires March 26)

Download Win Interviews! for free

The game plan to achieve job search success is different than just a few years ago, and no one gave you the new rules–until now!

Win Interviews! helps you to understand how to prepare effectively for changing jobs today, what the new rules are, and how you can make them work to your benefit. It gives all levels of job seekers critical insight into the mindset and expectations of hiring managers and their use of applicant tracking systems. It also includes sections on creating your personal brand, effective resumes, what social media strategies you need, and much more. This information in this book will help you win the career you deserve.

At the end of reading Win Interviews!, you will be able to create your personalized new game plan with the latest job-search information, tools, forms, samples, and strategies you need to win the interview and land the job you want. You will have learned how job search doesn’t have to be hard, and you will be steps ahead of your competition with your new must-have game plan!

JOBSEARCH: Your career may end at 40!

AlterNet / By Lynn Stuart Parramore 
50 Is the New 65: Older Americans Are Getting Booted from Their Jobs — and Denied New Opportunities
Age discrimination could be headed for you, sooner than you think.

*** begin quote ***

In every corner of America, millions of people are terrified of losing their jobs and falling into financial ruin. Men and women with impressive professional achievements and credentials are being let go, nudged out and pushed aside. They are pounding the pavement and scouring the job sites, but find themselves turned away even for the most basic retail jobs. Not because they aren’t competent. Not because they lack skills. But simply because they have a gray hair or two.

This is not just a story of people in their 60s or 70s. Workers as young as 50 are shocked to find themselves suddenly tossed onto the employment rubbish heap, just when they felt on top of their game. They’re feeling stressed, angry and betrayed by a society which has benefited greatly from their contributions.

As the global population grows older, age discrimination is on the rise. It could be headed for you, much sooner than you think.

*** end quote ***

“I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!” Captain Renault in Casablanca



So what does society do about it?

Unfortunately, there is nothing to be “done”.

Folks have to:

* Realize that they must form their own businesses.

* Create “streams of earnings”. (Think 10 ½ day part time jobs!)

* Develop powerful personal networks. (Not just numbers people on Linkedin, Twitter, or Facebook!)

* Invest in themselves.

* Formulate their Plan B, Plan C, D, E, … Z.

* Refine their Unique Value Equations and the corresponding Unique Sales Propositions.

* And, about establish a ruthless financial discipline, that recognizes the expected delay in finding another paycheck, by increasing dramatically increasing “rainy day” savings. (Over 40, one must recognize that you may never find another job like the one you have at the money you are currently making.)

Now that last sentence is very scary. 

You MUST know your BURN rate. You MUST become a MISER (Unless you never need to work again.) You MUST invest wisely and avoid stupid money mistakes.

And, most of all, you MUST have COURAGE!

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JOBSEARCH: It’s about what you put into it … …



I wanted advice from you on what the best paying business careers are. Im currently a Finance and Global Business major. I’ tried to speak to the dean as well as the handler for internships but they all told me to enjoy my classes and wait out to see how it goes and maybe i’ll find out what I like. I don’t have that luxury and I don’t want to end up in a typical dead end business job.

I wanted an established and successful business man like yourself to assist me since no one at this time is able too. Do you know of anyone who can help me achieve that goal. Im willing to give up everything and work like a dog for success.

I have a feeling you may say your own business in the only way since thats what you had said at the club meeting. If you can teach how to “play the game” I’d greatly appreciate it.

Much Respect,

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It’s not about the “best paying business careers”; it’s about what is “best” for you.

So, find your own internship. You didn’t say what year you’re in. If you’re a freshman, then why would a business spend time on you? There are many part-time sales jobs that you could try that would tell you if you like sales.

There are no “dead end business jobs”. Just people who accept that as an “end point”.

“I want …” Well, I want to be “thin, young, and handsome”. No one care what YOU want; they are interested in what you can do for them.

I think YOU can achieve YOUR goal. When you have one. Goals have to be “SMART”. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Most of the self-help books can help you set your goals. Sounds like what the Dean and the Internship Handler are telling you is that: “You don’t know enough to be good pick for any internship.” I’ll be more blunt — I’m a fat old white guy injineer — you have no clue as to what you can do, want to do, or would love to do.

No, I wouldn’t say “own biz” to you because you don’t have the spark. One of your peers in meeting HAS his own biz, a product, a marketing / manufacturing plan. He’s ready.

What I will say is that you should talk to the folks over in “placement” about taking some of the aptitude tests to figure out where your skills and interests are. I’d urge you visit Ms. Duchone over at the library and have her aim you at some of the clasic “self-help” books — Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill should be and early one. Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. And anything by Wayne Dyer and / or Covey.

Then, you’ll be able to focus on how to craft a great career.

Hope this helps

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JOBSEARCH: “The Coffee, Meal or Beer Rule”

Saturday, May 11, 2013
“The Coffee, Meal or Beer Rule” of Social Media
thom singer 

*** begin quote ***

Not every one of my contacts originally met this criteria, but a majority of those in my LinkedIn and Facebook lists are those with whom I have had a substantial initial conversation. A few got in before I established the policy, and I often make exceptions for meeting professionals and recruiters whose industries practices are to utilize LinkedIn as a way to reach out to people they may wish to do business with in the future.

There are those who disagree with my policy and believe one gains more from linking to everyone, but this has served me well. When I get a request, I will often ask for a personal meeting or a call. If the person reaching out cannot make the time for a chat, I am not sure why they want the connection at all.

My advice to others is to have a policy (even if it is different from mine), and then to be respectful of others who use these tools in different ways! (Lack of respect for those with differing opinions is an epidemic online, and we must get beyond that!).

*** end quote ***

I agree one needs rules.

In the early days of LinkedIn, I loaded my address book.

Now I regret that.

Not enough to go back and clean it up, but enough to have printed copy of my connection and disconnection criteria.

I also dislike this new trend on LinkedIn of people saying you have a skill. (Dumb!)

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