JOBSEARCH: “EMPLOYEE” is fodder for the “burn pile”

Op-Ed: Microsoft layoff e-mail typifies inhuman corporate insensitivity
Robotic letter is an unfortunately normal example of how companies talk to employees.
by Lee Hutchinson – July 17 2014, 4:01pm EDT

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Put another way, the offensive part here is not that Microsoft has to lay off 18,000 people—that kind of thing happens in business, and sometimes companies have to cut employees. That’s not the problem. The problem is that this is an inhumane, inhuman way to let those 18,000 people go.

This kind of insultingly indirect messaging plagues most large businesses—and it’s horrible no matter where it shows up. Companies should “align their synergies” with the humans they’re firing and do them the courtesy of not pissing on them and telling them it’s raining. There’s a decent way to let people go, and this ain’t it.

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I often say that your ONLY job as an employee is to find your next job.

An employee is a consultant with no choice where to work tomorrow. And, has even less job security!


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