RANT: Taxation ISTheft!


Taxation is theft - Imgflip

Taxation Is Theft

*** begin quote ***

The idea that taxation is theft originated in Murray Rothbard’s The Ethics of Liberty in 1982. Rothbard compared government tax collectors to thieves demanding to know what valuables one may have in one’s house.

    “Just as no one is morally required to answer a robber truthfully when he asks if there are any valuables in one’s house, so no one can be morally required to answer truthfully similar questions asked by the State, e.g., when filling out income tax returns.”

*** end quote ***



GUNS: Guess Dementia Joe forgot about the ass kicking that both Russia and the US got in Afghanistan


Biden to Gun Owners: You’ll Need an F-16 to Go Against the Government
AWR Hawkins  — 21 Jan 2024

*** begin quote ***

President Joe Biden again mocked gun owners over the weekend, suggesting they will need F-16 fighter jets if they are really serious about taking on the government.

*** and ***

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio and a Turning Point USA Ambassador. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal in 2010, a speaker at the 2023 Western Conservative Summit, and he holds a Ph.D. in Military History, with a focus on the Vietnam War (brown water navy), U.S. Navy since Inception, the Civil War, and Early Modern Europe. Follow him on Instagram: @awr_hawkins. You can sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com.

*** end quote ***

And, the Houti, the Viet Cong, etc etc.

“There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men.” — character Sergeant Charles Zim in Starship Troopers, a book Robert A. Heinlein, author


POLITICAL: Time for age limits on ALL elective offices?


Will This Be the Year Dianne Feinstein Finally Retires?

  • California Representative Katie Porter has already announced her intention to run for the seat. But the 89-year-old senator hasn’t said she’ll step down.

By Sasha Abramsky
Today 5:00 am. (Note: 2023-01Jan-13)

*** begin quote ***

Feinstein is 89 years old; she will be 91 come the 2024 election. In any reasonable world, having had a more-than-distinguished career, she would now gracefully bow out and make room for the next generation—or even the one after that. She should have done so in 2018, but insisted on staying in the race, scaring off most challengers. The one senior figure who did enter the contest was then–California Senate president pro tem Kevin de León; in the top-two-advance primary, Feinstein received about 44 percent of the vote, and de León came in second, with 12 percent. In the general election later that year, she got 54.2 percent to de León’s 45.8. Her rival went on to be elected to the Los Angeles City Council, and then self-destructed in 2022 when he was caught on tape, along with several colleagues, using racially inflammatory language to mock another council member and his adopted child.

Four years later, Feinstein is approaching 90, and, by all accounts, is a pale shadow of her former self. Last year, the San Francisco Chronicle ran a long article quoting colleagues of Feinstein’s who questioned her mental fitness to remain in office. To date, however, despite ever-louder discussions about her impaired short-term memory and her difficulty performing her senatorial duties, Feinstein has not indicated any retirement plans. Like Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd before her—the former of whom served in the Senate until six months before his death, at the age of 100 in 2003, and the latter of whom died in office at the age of 92—at least one part of the aging senator’s psyche seems to believe that eternal membership in the Senate is some sort of birthright. 

*** end quote ***

The Dead Old White Guys, in their inifinite wisdom, put an age requirement to be a Senator.  

The Seventeenth Amendment took the selection power from the various State legislators and created a whole different system. (Like taking the brakes out of a car!)

So it seems time for a Consititional Amendment to repeal the Seventeenth and introduce 70 as a maximum age.

(I can’t blame the Dead Old White Guys for not envisioning the increase in life span that exceeds the human brain’s capacity in old age.)


POLITICAL: Picking “legislators” by lottery — couldn’t be any worse?


The Case for Abolishing Elections
They may seem the cornerstone of democracy, but in reality they do little to promote it. There’s a far better way to empower ordinary citizens: democracy by lottery.
Nicholas Coccoma

*** begin quote ***

Why lotteries and not voting? The Athenians weren’t fools; they learned through bitter trials that elections are tools of elites. Having seen the Athenian experiment himself, Aristotle noted as much. “The appointment of magistrates by lot is democratical,” he observes in Politics, “and the election is oligarchical.” Lotteries go straight to everyday people and bring them into power; they circumvent the designs of aristocrats, resist corruption, and don’t favor one group of citizens over another.

*** end quote ***

I think that we should pick US Senators the osd fashioned way by eliminating the Seventeeth Amendments.  And US House Reps by a random drawing like the Lotto.  Everyone who’s willing can get one ticket and, if they win, they get a small salary to represent the district; one term limit for sure, then they return to their real life.

It couldn’t possibly be any worse than what we have now.

I’d like the Pepuls Republik of Nu Jerzee to have a lower house selected by a random draw from the general population and an upper house selected by a random draw from only taxpayers.

Like any of this could happen!


ECONOMICS: Social Security is a Ponzi scheme that is a national disaster and getting worse


7 Facts Biden Ignored About Social Security in His Speech to Florida Retirees
Rachel Greszler / November 02, 2022

  • Rachel Greszler is a research fellow in economics, budget, and entitlements in the Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, of the Institute for Economic Freedom, at The Heritage Foundation. Read her research.

*** begin quote ***

Social Security is a bad deal for current and future workers. Social Security may have been a good deal for Biden’s generation, but it’s not a good deal for current and future workers. A Heritage Foundation analysis showed that the average younger worker could receive nearly three times as much as Social Security can provide if they were instead able to save Social Security taxes in their own retirement accounts. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.) Even low-wage workers making about $20,000 a year could have 40% larger incomes in retirement as a result of saving on their own. And personal savings can be passed on to family members or friends, something that’s especially important for lower-income Americans, who are less likely to be able to save outside of Social Security and also for individuals with shorter life expectancies. One in five black men will die between the ages of 45 and 65, meaning they will pay tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars into Social Security and could get little or nothing in return.

*** end quote ***

It’s often been asserted and proved that Social Security is a racist program that transfers wealth from poor minority men to rich white women.

If for no other reason, it needs to be eliminated.  I’m sure the financial gurus can transform the unfunded liabilities fairly.  Yes, it will be painful and not pretty.  I can foresee the under 40 participants getting a 25+ year bonds for their “benefit”.  The 40 to 67 get a similar but non-transferable bond ladder.  Current recipients will have to be paid out of the current budget.  It’s going to require pain, but it’s better than future financial disaster when all the politicians and bureaucrats who created the mess are long dead.



POLITICAL: No DACA for felons!


Ten Years Later: Over 53K Illegal Aliens Given DACA Despite Arrest Records Including for Murder, Rape, Kidnapping
John Binder — 17 Jun 20221

*** begin quote ***

Ten years ago, in 2012, former President Barack Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program via executive order that has allowed nearly 800,000 illegal aliens to evade arrest and deportation.

Standards for the Obama program were set so low that tens of thousands of illegal aliens with prior arrest records for crimes like murder, rape, and kidnapping were able to secure DACA status.

In 2018, then-President Trump’s administration released comprehensive data on DACA, previously hidden by the Obama administration, that revealed the extent to which the program had successfully helped shield criminal illegal aliens from arrest and deportation by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

From 2012 to 2018, about 53,792 illegal aliens were awarded DACA despite having prior arrest records. Meanwhile, nearly 8,000 illegal aliens awarded DACA were later arrested for crimes, the data shows.fe

*** end quote ***

This is more evidence that the Gooferment’s politicians and bureaucrats have a different agenda than “We, The Sheeple”.  If they are not going to enforce the laws, then why do we bother to pretend.

At the every least DACA should not cover felons.  And, probably not even those who make a “nuisance” of themselves. 

I don’t think anyone opposes immigration of hard working people seeking a better life; everyone else should be shipped “home”.



GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Let’s have a real expose of the January 6th “insurrection”!


What If? Questions a Bipartisan Probe of Jan. 6 Might Have Answered
Fred Lucas / @FredLucasWH / June 09, 2022

*** begin quote ***

A bipartisan investigation of the Capitol riot would dig into the security breakdown and not ignore questions that didn’t conform to a Democrat Party narrative, said Rep. Jim Banks, whose appointment to a select committee was blocked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“If I were ranking member of the committee, we would be asking the tough questions that Pelosi doesn’t want the committee to ask, because she’s responsible but she hasn’t been held accountable for the security failures at the Capitol and [on] Jan. 6,” Banks, R-Ind., told The Daily Signal.

“The more we learn, the more we realize that there were serious security failures at the Capitol, and why doesn’t this committee want to dig into that?” Banks added later. “They don’t want to dig into it because it deviates from their political narrative.”

*** end quote ***


Part Of The Problem
The January 6th Facade

Dave Smith and Robbie The Fire Bernstein bring you the latest in politics! On this episode of Part Of The Problem Dave and Robbie take a look at the January 6th hearing and what the agenda is behind it. This episode was recorded on 6.10.22

# – # – # – # – #

What could be learned?

  • Who’s Roy Epps (the cheerleader to invade the Capitol)?  Was he an agent provocateur?
  • Who were those that entered (i.e., FBI agents, instigators, contractors?
  • What communications occurred within the Gooferment about the demonstration?
  • Why were the demonstrators waved into the building?
  • What are all the facts surrounding the killing of Ashley Babbit?
  • What was Nancy Pelosi’s role in the whole affair?

When we have an honest and open discussion of what REALLY happened, then it can be on Prime Time TV.  Otherwise it’s just more of the “Bagdad Bob” show!

ECONOMICS: Anti-trust? Let Musk buy Twitter. It’d would be a hoot!


Why Elon Musk has rattled them

  • His attempted takeover of Twitter has revealed just how terrified the liberal elites are of freedom of speech.

Tom Slater Editor 15th April 2022

*** begin quote ***

We stand here on the edge of tyranny… Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter. That, roughly speaking, has been the commentariat reaction in recent days as the world’s richest man has launched a takeover attempt of the social-media giant, citing his concerns about its censorious policies as his main motivation.

Musk revealed last week that he had become Twitter’s largest shareholder, with a 9.2 per cent stake. Now he’s offered to buy the whole company for a cool $43 billion, a nice premium on its current worth. As it stands, Twitter’s board is resisting and America’s great and good have gone berserk.

The Washington Post’s Max Boot was swift out of the blocks. ‘I am frightened by the impact on society and politics if Elon Musk acquires Twitter’, Boot tweeted. ‘He seems to believe that on social media anything goes. For democracy to survive, we need more content moderation, not less.’

*** end quote ***

What better way to break up Big Tech than to have some “wild card” break in?


EDUCATION: Another reason for the separation of “education” and the State?


South Carolina Women’s Basketball Team Refused to Take Court During National Anthem

*** begin quote ***

Ahead of Friday’s NCAA Final Four tournament game, the South Carolina Gamecocks refused to take the court and remained in the locker room during the playing of the national anthem.

*** end quote ***

I’m sure that the Taxpayers of South Carolina, the veterans —  disabled or not — in and from South Carolina, as well as all the parents of the KIA, MIA, WIA, and other war related casualties are very “proud” of these snowflakes expressing their opinion while risking nothing.

As a little L libertarian, I’ll just add this to file “Reasons Why the Gooferment should not be involved in EDUCATION”.  (Among other things.)


MONEY: “Inside Money” standard and the “Outside Money” reality


The Ins and Outs of Whose Money is it Anyway?
Date: March 13, 2022Author: Tom Luongo

*** begin quote ***

Today’s “Inside Money” standard, known colloquially as the Dollar Reserve standard, is actually what I like to call “Milton Friedman’s Nightmare.” It is nothing more than a system of competitively devalued and inflated debt-based scrips running around drinking each other’s milkshakes until everyone’s glass is empty.

FYI, there are a lot of empty glasses around the world right now and more are being created everyday as the financial system turned predatory after the Lehman Bros. collapse in 2008.

It was then that the Central Banks and governments turned fully against the people sucking up more and more outside money by inflating inside money egregiously to control more and more of the real wealth of the world.

There is only one problem with that, however. Eventually, you run out of property to squeeze out of people’s hands. The more you take, the less people are restrained by little things like laws.

Eventually two things happen. The first is what we’ve been seeing from Russia and China for the past twelve years — steady accumulation of gold and other hard assets, outside money, including the building of real manufacturing infrastructure as well as the financial infrastructure to house it.

The second is just over the horizon — the moment where all the legal claims to controlling outside money mean nothing when enforcement of those legal claims gets exposed as a bluff because there aren’t enough enforcers capable of keeping the looters from taking it.

*** end quote ***

I’m am waiting for the “Great Reset” to drop on “We, The Sheeple” of which I am part of in someways.  I know this is going to hurt the poor, the seniors, those on fixed incomes, as well as the non-super rich.

Wonder what the price of gold will go to … … (the fellow’s guess)  about 45k$.  By other guesstimates, that’ll translate to 80$/gallon for gas.  Now I’m not predicting this but even if gas goes from 4 to 8$/gallon, the economy is totally screwed.

The U$D would be near worthless.


The future is murky and there could be a cliff in the fog.



RANT: Bill Maher is right “we are all NOT in it together”

https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2022/02/11/maher-on-canada-protests-theres-an-accurawe are all in it togetherte-view-that-some-can-afford-to-stay-home-and-others-who-cant/

Maher on Canada Protests: There’s an Accurate View That Some Can Afford to Stay Home and Others Who Can’t
IAN HANCHETT — 11 Feb 2022

*** begin quote ***

Maher stated, “I thought, like during the pandemic, I talked about this many times, we would see these ads, we are all in it together. And I’d think, no, we’re not. There are some people who stay home and some people who bring them the food. If you’re just ordering Amazon and you don’t ever have to go out and your job, you can do remotely — but who’s bringing the Amazon things? The trucker.”

*** end quote ***

Like my feelings about Piers Morgan, I am finding myself more and more agreeing with Bill Maher more and more.

I think that these politicians and bureaucrats who say “we are all in it together” are just peddling more “barbara streisand”!

I guess my views are becoming more into alignment with these guys calling the hypocrites out.




Truth or Covid? (or, “why we know everything they’re telling us is a lie”)
Guest Post by Michael Lesher

*** begin quote ***


The first and most unmistakable clue about the real nature of the coup is its aggressive destruction of constitutional government.

Right from the start, it involved suspensions of the legislatures; from there it moved quickly to arbitrary rule by executive fiat (mask “mandates” followed by “vaccine passports”), and then indulged head-on in violations of constitutional rights, as in the imposition of mass “quarantines” without a court order – an illegal act even under “emergency” dispensation.

I have argued this in print for over a year and a half, so I won’t belabor the point now except to stress the complicity of mass media in the unprecedented assault on our basic rights. The most important lie, of course, has been one of omission: the press simply never mentions the absence of any constitutional basis for the repeated attacks on freedom.

But I would like to call attention to a small but very revealing lie that crops up every time the press reports a new COVID19-related “order.”

Last month’s story about sweeping new muzzling requirements in California was a case in point. “California is ordering a statewide mask mandate for indoor public spaces,” blared the Los Angeles Times. But “California” does not and cannot issue a “mandate.”

Promulgations of legal requirements belong to the appropriate organs of government – and that means that an honest report would have necessarily told readers how the mandate in question came to be. What body passed the law? Who signed it? Which agency issued the regulation, if it was a regulation, and what was the statutory authority for it to do so?

In my opinion, it was no accident that the Times never informed its readers that the new California “mandate” was a unilateral edict signed by Tomas Aragon, the head of California’s Department of Public Health – an edict that did not even attempt to identify any authority for such an action in California’s statutes or regulatory code.

I repeat: in a constitutional government, health regulations are always grounded in such authority; “mandates” that ignore this are violations of law at best, dictatorial usurpations at worst. And the propagandists in the media, though they know this, obviously do not want you to know it.

The same story – political crime furthered by media complicity – emerges just as clearly from New York’s latest assault on the Nuremberg Code. The fiat recently issued by the state’s dictator – officially, Governor Kathy Hochul – claims to acquire authority for a statewide “vaccine mandate” from New York’s Public Health Law, section 225.

But that statutory section does not address vaccination policy at all – and since the COVID19 “vaccines” do not even prevent person-to-person transmission, there is no legal way the section’s general language about “the preservation and improvement of public health” can be construed to give the state’s governor the power to force 5-year-old children to be injected with experimental drugs, as Ms. Hochul has ordered.

In short, the “governor” – the word really must be put in quotation marks at this point – is acting outside her legal powers. And if we had a political opposition and a functioning court system worthy of the name, she might be facing impeachment instead of routine accolades from the tame “liberal” press, which calls this democracy-wrecking child poisoner “a moderate Democrat.”

Consider, by contrast, the intense debate over the 1985 decision of New York State’s public health council to rewrite its regulations so as to force the closing of gay bathhouses. That decision – taken at the height of the AIDS outbreak – was denounced by liberals at the time and is sharply criticized by students of political history to this day.

Imagine the reaction if New York’s governor had simply written a unilateral order closing all gay bathhouses in the state, thumbing his nose at New York’s legislature and the whole existing regulatory system on the grounds that, in his view, New York faced an “emergency” that justified the suspension of democracy!

But that is exactly what has happened in states across the country – New York and my own state of New Jersey among them – for nearly two years: state executives have issued fiats suspending legal processes on the grounds of a hazily-defined “emergency,” and have followed them up with a series of unilateral decrees that drastically altered the lives of their citizenry – in direct defiance of their states’ constitutions.

You cannot support that and support constitutional democracy at the same time. The propagandists may not like to admit it, but when they sing the praises of mask “mandates,” they are celebrating dictatorship.

And the democracy-busters are everywhere. In New York City, outgoing Mayor Bill DeBlasio slapped a “vaccine mandate” on all municipal employees, topping off the outrage by extending the same requirement to 184,000 private business and organizations.

The mayor’s constitutional authority to order this assault on bodily integrity was so obviously shaky that a local judge promptly stayed his order. But that didn’t bother DeBlasio, who said, “I hope [this measure] will be emulated all over the country because it’s time to get even tougher to end the COVID era.” Got it? When you’re being “tough,” who cares about the law?

*** end quote ***

It’s a long quote but so accurate.

How do we get our freedoms back.


BIGOTRY: Boston bureaucrat practices religious discrimination


Exclusive–Kobach: Supreme Court Appears Ready to Protect a Christian Flag in Boston Case
20 Jan 2022

*** begin quote ***

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard arguments concerning the City of Boston’s refusal to allow a private organization to fly a Christian flag on a flagpole next to City Hall that was routinely made available to any private organization that applied to do so.  The case is Shurtleff v. City of Boston.

*** and ***

The conservative Justices seemed likely to rule against the City.  Justice Gorsuch pointed out that the City was “treat[ing] religious viewpoints the equivalent of offensive or inappropriate ones.”  Justice Thomas reacted to the City of Boston’s claim that it was celebrating diversity by allowing other nations’ flags to fly by pointing out, “it would seem to me that Christians in Boston would be a part of that diversity calculus.”

Even Justice Kagan suggested that “this was a mistake” by the Boston bureaucrat who denied the application.  She wondered why the City had not settled the case with the plaintiffs.

These and other statements suggest that the Court isn’t buying Boston’s arguments.  Hopefully that proves to be true when the Supreme Court’s decision is issued.  For too long, too many government bureaucrats have been hostile to Christianity and its symbols.  A victory in this case for the plaintiffs would do much to reverse that trend.

Kris W. Kobach served as the Secretary of State of Kansas during 2011-2019.  Prior to that, he was a professor of constitutional law at the University of Missouri—Kansas City School of Law during 1996-2011.  An expert in immigration law and policy, he was also an informal adviser to President Trump.  He is currently General Counsel of the Alliance for Free Citizens.  His website is www.kriskobach.com. 

*** end quote ***

While I have no real problem with SCOTUS smacking down the Boston bureaucrats, I wonder why the flag pole is there at all.

It serves no legitimate public purpose other than making work for the politicians and bureaucrats.

Also, I don’t think Churches should fly the Gooferment’s flag EVER.

In the old days, “the Church” was a power that kept the King in check.  Today, it’s like a rubber stamp for the Gooferment.

We need more protection from the tyranny of the Big Deep State and its politicians and bureaucrats.




POLITICAL: When does the American Empire collapse?


This Is Your Last Chance
Author Robert Gore Posted on January 19, 2022Economy, Politics, Social Issues

*** begin quote ***

The death knell sounded in 1971 when the United States government repudiated the last vestige of its promise to redeem its dollars for gold. Debt would be the coin of the realm. The bland term “financialization” hides the moral obscenity. Each year the nation’s debt has grown. Production, when netted against that debt, has shrunk, and an increasingly large portion of what remains is diverted to those who don’t produce. Washington decides who gets what, but it can’t command the what. That shrinks as productive virtue is penalized and theft, fraud, and violence are rewarded.

*** end quote ***

When the US dollar collapses?


RANT: Hunter Biden’s mess needs to be thoroughly studied


Hunter Biden never fails to catch a break, from the White House or the elite media
By Post Editorial Board
December 11, 2021 8:29pm 

*** begin quote ***

Boy, does Hunter Biden get a ton of breaks. The White House has basically given up on setting any ethical rules for the First Son, while the cultural elite rush to cover for his sleaze.

Last week, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki refused to commit to “basic transparency” about Hunter’s divestment from an investment fund owned by a Chinese-state entity during a White House Press Briefing. She also refused to admit his infamous laptop is authentic.

“The president’s son is not an employee of the federal government, so I’d point you to his representatives,” Psaki snarked after being asked about the China connection. She used the same lame excuse back in February: “He’s a private citizen — I would point you to him or his lawyers on the outside on any update.”

And never mind that President Joe Biden pledged last December that no family member would have a conflict of interest in his administration: “My son, my family will not be involved in any business, any enterprise that is in conflict with or appears to be in conflict with where there’s appropriate distance from the presidency and government,” he told CNN.

*** end quote ***

How about anyone in the media taking this whole mess apart … finally?


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Rent control — yet another lesson in socialist ekkynomics


St. Paul Just Implemented the Nation’s Strictest Rent Control Law. It’s Already Backfiring Tremendously
It’s one of the strictest rent control measures in the US—if not the world.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Brad Polumbo

*** begin quote ***
Swedish economist once remarked that rent control “appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city—except for bombing.” Unfortunately, we may soon see the destructive consequences of laws limiting rent increases running rampant in St. Paul, Minnesota.  

The city just approved a rent control measure that will limit landlords’ ability to increase rents on its 65,000+ rental properties. They will not be able to increase prices by more than 3 percent each year under the new law. Controversially, the initiative does not account for inflation and applies to new construction, not just existing properties. This makes the St. Paul rent control measure one of the strictest in the US—if not the world.

Opponents of the measure made all the usual critiques. They pointed out, for example, that a supermajority of economists, 81 percent per one survey, oppose rent control because of its long-run consequences. Yes, some renters save money in the short term by enjoying artificially low rents. But the restricted prices limit future construction and housing supply which ultimately leads to a housing shortage and less affordable housing in the long run.

In St. Paul, these consequences are already starting to materialize.

*** end quote ***

Economics is call the “dismal science” because it forces us to acknowledge that resources are scarce and limited.  Everything is a trade-off.  You can have X or Y but not both.  And no matter what a politician promises, they can’t make more of X or Y.  If anything, they make less of both X and Y.  Someone has to pay them for their “sage” “leadership”.

So now Saint Paul will have less housing in the future.  And, what do you think that does to the cost of existing housing?  If you said the price goes up, you get a gold star.  And if the price is not alloweded to rise because of politicians, then what happens?  Quality goes down.  A black market emerges.  There’s a shortage of available housing for people who really need it. 

And, the people blame the “free market” and not the politicians who cause the problem.

It’s time to call them to account.

Too bad that cities are destroyed by “rent control”.

But that’s the cost of the lack of any education in economics.

Life is tough; it’s tougher when humans are stupid!


RANT: Does Gavin Newsom have Bells Palsy?


Gavin Newsom is lying about his vaccine injury and here’s how I will prove it to you
Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

*** begin quote ***

He’s a hypocrite. Not only did he lie about his vaccine injury, but his kids aren’t vaccinated either. He wants YOUR kids to be vaccinated, but he won’t vaccinate his kids. Here’s why…

Recently, I wrote a very popular article recently about Gavin Newsom being vaccine injured. It got over 250K views, my most popular article so far.

As expected, Newsom denied it:

Naturally, PolitiFact, FactCheck.org, and Newsweek immediately “fact checked” my article and deemed it to be false. Of course, none of them could explain why Newsom was a no-show at the UN Climate summit via Zoom. Not even for 5 minutes via Zoom!?! Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Not a very thorough fact check. And none of the organizations analyzed the before and after Newsom videos either by asking a prominent neurologist for their opinion. I guess it is hard to find competent help in the fact checking department nowadays.

Well, I just got confirmation I was right

Not only was Newsom himself vaccine injured and deliberately covered it up, but I found out that his kids aren’t vaccinated either. Want to know why? Because his wife is smart: she knows that vaccines are dangerous. She doesn’t want their kids to be vaccine injured. And she’s right! Good for her. Bravo!

But Gavin’s stance is horrible. He’s not just offering his advice on how you should care for your kids. The governor is dictating medical treatment for your kids based on what he believes. He’s forcing his opinion on your kids. But for his own kids? No way are they going to get vaccinated.

*** end quote ***

Sorry, but politicians and bureaucrats lie, cheat, and steal.

Two sets of rules — one for me and another for thee.

If the people of the Pepuls Republik of Kaliforkneeah accept this behavior then they deserve everything they get.

The only answer is secession.  Let everyone go their own way in peace.  The Federal Gooferment with its one size fits all policies just encourages bad behavior.

A plague on all their houses.  Why should we allow them such power to “LORD” over us little people.

As far as Newsome is concerned, “I wouldn’t believe you, if your tongue came notarized.” … attributed to Judge Marilyn Milian, but may have an earlier history.


LIBERTARIAN: National Popular Vote Compact is a step in the anti-freedom journey towards mob rule


National Popular Vote Compact Would Disenfranchise Smaller and Rural States
Ann Bollin / June 22, 2021′

*** begin quote ***

With the 2020 presidential election in the rearview mirror, a brazen effort is underway in several states to circumvent the Constitution and fundamentally alter the role of the Electoral College in future presidential elections.

If adopted by enough states and not challenged in court, this unconstitutional effort would potentially disenfranchise the voters of several states by ignoring those states’ choice for president and instead defer to the votes of nonresidents to decide how electoral votes would be cast.

That would have a devastating effect on how Americans select their president.

The ploy is known as the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. The compact’s enabling legislation bypasses America’s most fundamental body of law—the U.S. Constitution, specifically Article II, Section I—and nullifies the Electoral College, which guarantees each state a minimum number of electoral votes to ensure that small and rural states are represented.

*** end quote ***

(1) Unconstitutional?

(2) Dumb for little states not to litigate NOW?

(3) Federalizes all issues and makes the US of A a unitary state like France!

(4) Ensures the 51% can tyrannize the 49?

Celebrate Independence Day before this takes away our freedom forever and introduces “democracy” AKA mob rule.


GUNS: Didn’t the Afghan irregulars defeat the USSR and the USA?


Is no one going to mention how confusing and out of it Biden was?
By Post Editorial Board
June 23, 2021 | 6:40pm | Updated

  • Biden unveils crime reduction strategy, targets gun rights

*** begin quote ***

President Biden’s topic was one of utmost importance Wednesday — crime and gun violence. But you wouldn’t know it from the way he spoke.

He slurred his words. He called the ATF “the AFT.” At one point, he talked about the history of the Second Amendment and “the blood of patriots” before concluding that someone would need nuclear weapons to take down the government. If you weren’t confused, you were horrified.

Biden was obviously tired, speaking in barely a monotone. He couldn’t pronounce “cognitive.”

*** end quote ***

As I said on Facebook, Biden and his speech writes are ignoring the Afghan irregulars, who armed with late 1890’s and early 1900’s weapons, fought the USSR and the USA to defeat.

Imagine what would happen in the USA where ⅓ of the population is armed with modern weapons, the hunters are even more dangerous, and our “drug gangs” have to be the finest light infantry in the world. (And “light” maybe a miss categorization.)


The arrogance of politicians and bureaucrats!


TECHNOLOGY: EV cars seems to have some BIG problems — with recharging


Sans Garage
By eric-
April 15, 2021

*** begin quote ***

There are many obvious problems with electric cars as mass-market cars, most of which have been discussed. But there’s one that’s regularly overlooked:

The lack of mass-garaging.

Having a garage, of course, is not a necessity. But without one, owning – charging – an EV becomes more . . . problematic.

Without a garage – and the electrical outlets most garages have – where do you plug the electric car in overnight to recharge? An extension cord can be run from an outlet inside the house sans garage to the car parked outside – assuming you have a long enough cord.

*** end quote ***

As a fat old white guy “e-leck-trick-cal” injineer, I know a little bit amount moving electrons.  Clearly recharging is going to be an issue in several ways.  L think that this point about recharging infrastructure is a killer.  Anyone who has recharged a phone or laptop knows how long it takes,  Now imagine if your car is unusable while you’re waiting.


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Hmmm, “illegal’s” seem to be criminals we don’t need in the USA.


Illegal Alien Charged with 19 Counts of Child Sexual Assault in North Carolina
17 Dec 2020149

*** begin quote ***

An illegal alien, who is the subject of a deportation order, has been charged with 19 counts of child sexual assault in Iredell County, North Carolina.

*** end quote ***

Wonder when “We, The Sheeple” will wake up to this abuse!


LIBERTY: State of Tennessee tests of 10th amendment guarantees against federal overreach



Legal Heavyweight Will Represent Tennessee in Appeal of Refugee Resettlement Lawsuit
By Michael Patrick Leahy
14 Mar 2019

*** begin quote ***

The Tennessee case is the only refugee resettlement lawsuit based on the 10th amendment and is the only state resettlement lawsuit still active today,” Barnett added.

Substantial program costs of this federal program have been purposely shifted to state taxpayers over the years. In effect, the federal government is commandeering state taxpayer money for its own purposes, clearly a power that was not delegated to the federal government by the constitution. In fact, the Tennessee lawsuit argues that such dragooning of state resources by the federal government is forbidden by the 10th amendment.

“Objections to intrusive federal power have been around since the beginning of the republic. Federal assertion of authority over how a state spends state taxes is an abuse of the powers delegated to the federal government vis-a-vis state governments. Let’s hope the appeals court thoroughly airs this test of 10th amendment guarantees against federal overreach,” Barnett concluded.

*** end quote ***

“We, The Sheeple” really need to repeal the Seventeenth Amendment — “direct” election of Senators.

The Dead Old White Guys put this there to allow the Senate to represent the wishes of the States they represented.  A senator who permitted unfunded mandates on their state would not be there every long.

Of course, the “federalists”, from the Hamilton school of political theater, would like the States to just dry up and blow away.  Much like the ado about the Electoral College, the “federalists” seek to change the Constitution without the bother of following the amendment process.

For extra credit, it’s left to the reader to figure out, why banning alcohol required and Constitutional Amendment and yet banning “drugs” did not?  After that, you can think about the Sixteenth Amendment aka the “income tax” one.


Perhaps, “We, The Sheeple” will come tot eh realization that “amendments” are just “amending” away the power of “We, The People”.

Argh! Argh!

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The pressing NJ problem of “varsity letters”?


Shared from the Toms River, NJ Patch | Politics & Government
Chris Christie Signs 7 Bills Into Law, Including One Inspired By ‘Snooki’Gov. 
By Tom Davis (Patch Staff) – May 8, 2017 2:39 pm ET 

*** begin quote ***

S-2398/A-3879 (Bateman, Allen, Greenstein, Singleton/Ciattarelli, Auth, Space) – Requires school district to adopt policy allowing students in grades 9 through 12 who participate in certain interscholastic extracurricular activities to earn varsity letter

*** end quote ***

So the Pepuls Republik of Nu Jerzee has time to legislate on “varsity letters”, but can’t solve the fiscal problems.

Doesn’t anyone see the folly in this?

Another reason that the Gooferment Skrules should be privatized. Really privatized.

I believe that it could take 40 years — 20 to transfer them to private entities and another 20 to reduce the Gooferment funding to zero — but imagine how free we’d be when the Gooferment can’t propagandize the the children.


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LIBERTARIAN: New Hampshire Libertarian Party as an exemplar


NH Libertarians Officially Recognized as Party For First time in 20 Years + “Free Staters” Win 15+ State Rep Races
by Ian | Nov 9, 2016

NH State HouseLibertarians Had Major Successes in NH 2016 Elections

*** begin quote ***

The national election is just a sideshow. Nothing of substance in DC will change in the next four years and I predict Trump will ultimately disappoint those who think he’s somehow an “outsider” or “anti-establishment”. Meanwhile, the left is MAD and secession will grow into a serious idea for many of them as they begin to see the value in breaking away from the United States. Indeed, Californians already held a #CalExit rally on the Sacramento statehouse grounds today!

*** end quote ***

I am pleased to have been part in this epic victory. 

Maybe New Hampshire can lead the way to a “new” Libertarian Party as the “Party of Principle” and the “Party of Peace”?

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LIBERTARIAN: Libertarian Party Rejects Principle, Nominates Republicans


Libertarian Party Rejects Principle, Nominates Republicans (Except NH & VT)
by Ian | May 29, 2016 | Libertarian, National, New Hampshire, Politics, Republicans

*** begin quote ***

The national LP is hopeless, yet activists across the country toil away trying to wrest control of the organization from the hands of the republicans who have had control of the party for about a decade. To those remaining principled libertarians I implore you:


Your party is dead and has been for years. Your efforts are being wasted on the national and even your state LP. Start planning your move to New Hampshire to get involved with the only proven successful strategy in the liberty movement: concentrating activists in one geographic area.

In New Hampshire we’ve had more political successes in a decade – meaning people being elected who are principled libertarians – than the LP has had in forty years. If you want to keep losing, stay where you are. If you want to see liberty advance, you have to get together with like-minded people and get active here in the Shire.

*** end quote *** 

Such a shame.

While Austin Peterson wasn’t perfect — who is? —  the Gary Johnson / Bill Weld is a joke. 

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RANT: BHO44 is an interventionist and not anti-war


Politics | Fri Oct 30, 2015 1:20pm EDT
U.S. to deploy special forces to Syria in about-turn for Obama

*** begin quote ***

U.S. President Barack Obama plans to deploy dozens of special operations forces to northern Syria to advise opposition forces in their fight against Islamic State, a major shift and a step he has long resisted to avoid getting dragged into another war in the Middle East.

The number of special operations troops in Syria would be fewer than 50, said a senior administration official, speaking ahead of an announcement on Friday by the administration. One U.S. official said the number was likely to be in the range of 20 to 30 but could not provide details.

The decision by Obama, deeply averse to committing troops to unpopular wars in the Middle East, would mark the first sustained U.S. troop presence in Syria and raise the risk of American casualties, although U.S. officials stressed the forces were not meant to engage in front-line combat.

*** end quote ***

So much for the Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Where’s all the anti-war activists now?

We could have elected Ron Paul — the only true non-interventionist who ran for President in my memory. 

So how is that working out for you now?

Did BHO44 run on a peace platform or not?


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