POLITICAL: A very upsetting example


Illegal Alien With 7 Kids Got Food Stamps, Housing & Social Security – for 20 Years (Video)
by Top Right News on January 18, 2014 in amnesty, Border Security, Economy, GOP, Immigration, Obama, Politics

*** begin quote ***

Illegal alien and mother of seven, Florida resident Marita Nelson, receives $240 in food stamps, monthly medications, $700 in Social Security and a housing allowance.

And she has been receiving government assistance for over 20 YEARS – ever since she illegally entered the U.S. by swimming the Rio Grande.

*** end quote ***

If this is true, then The Sheeple are fools.

This is unacceptable!

Why should the producers subsidize the moochers?

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POLITICAL: The “(pseudo) War on (some) Drugs” has been officially lost


Why the war on drugs has been made redundant

For every ‘designer drug’ the authorities ban, clandestine labs are churning out a new version. No wonder the law can’t keep up…

Vaughan Bell
The Observer, Saturday 15 June 2013

*** begin quote *** 

When Germany identified the substances and banned them in early 2009, new cannabinoids, again never before seen outside the lab, had replaced them within weeks and this is what has been happening ever since. One gets banned and another novel substance takes its place almost immediately. Professional but clandestine labs are rifling the scientific literature for new psychoactive drugs and synthesising them as fast as the law changes. In one of the most interesting developments, a cannabinoid detected in 2012, named XLR-11, was not only new to the drug market but completely new to science. Several previously unknown substances have turned up since. The grey market labs are not only pushing new substances on to the drug market, they are actually innovating drug design. The human testers select themselves of course, unaware of what they’re taking, sometimes leading to disastrous results. Information about the dangers of new substances is usually nonexistent.

The whole process has also been an unwitting experiment in drug policy. Despite the free availability of substances as pleasurable as already banned drugs, we have not seen a massive increase in problem users and drug mortality rates have been falling. Furthermore, even with the newly introduced “instant bans”, drug laws are simply not able to keep up.

Currently, it is barely possible to detect new drugs at the rate they appear. It has long been clear that the drug war approach of criminalising possession rather than treating problem drug-users has been futile. The revolution in the recreational drug market is a stark reminder of this reality. The war on drugs has not been lost, it has been made obsolete.

*** end quote ***

OK, can we now decriminalize “drugs”. 

Let’s recognize reality!

The FDA and Big Pharma are in bed with each other. The underground drug market is how the REAL free market should operate.

Consumers Reports, Underwriters Laboratory, and informed people are our only defense.

Since time immemorial, humans get high. 10% or so become addicts. The percentage varies but that 10% seems to be a floor.

Instead of wasting resources and ruining lives, let’s get back to basic medicine.


But politicians and bureaucrats like to use force on victims of addiction because it is PC and their easy to campaign against.

Meanwhile the politicians and bureaucrats are the real problem. And, some of them are criminals.

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GOLD: Something has to break

Dollar Alternative Anyone?

Home » Economy, News, Politics
Dollar Alternative Anyone?
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com

Countries around the world have been actively seeking ways to not do business in dollars for the past few years. The U.S. dollar is the so-called world reserve currency, but the big question is for how long? China and Japan are beginning to shun the dollar in trade between the two countries. Mind you, this is the 2nd biggest economy in the world doing business without dollars with the 3rd biggest economy in the world. Russia and China, also, have an agreement to not use the dollar, and even India recently announced it would trade gold for oil with Iran. Additionally, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been calling for an alternative to the buck. The big push is not because the U.S. dollar is held in the highest regard but because it is losing its luster on the world stage. After all, the debt debacle facing America is worse than what the Greeks are facing according to a new report from U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions. (Click here to see for yourself.) Senator Sessions says every man, woman and child in the country is saddled with $44,000 in debt.

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So what is a poor retiree to do?

Your retirement savings get no interest. The stock market is dependent upon the inflation that the FED is pumping into it. And, that inflation has to come out somewhere — barf with the world rejecting the dollar as reserve currency or fart that inflation into the economy.

We have examples of hyperinflation in other countries. I lived through the Carter inflation of the 70’s.

Nickels, silver, and gold.

Seems obvious to me?

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POLITICAL: A record of theft and killing


Spare Us
by Don Boudreaux on October 3, 2012

*** begin quote ***

Where, for example, was Mr. Obama’s empathy and sense of fairness in 2009 for Chrysler’s senior creditors – people he bullied into accepting fewer cents on the dollar than they were entitled to receive under long-established tenets of bankruptcy law? Mr. Obama’s “empathy” for the UAW – junior creditors (and political supporters) who gained what was stripped from the senior creditors – hardly excuses his lack of empathy for the senior creditors (and, by the way, also U.S. taxpayers) victimized by his political opportunism.

Much worse: where is Mr. Obama’s “empathy” for the hundreds of innocent Pakistanis killed – and the thousands daily terrorized – by the drone strikes that he authorizes? As The Atlantic‘s Conor Friedersdorf now-famously explained, “Women cower in their homes. Children are kept out of school. The stress they endure gives them psychiatric disorders. Men are driven crazy by an inability to sleep as drones buzz overhead 24 hours a day, a deadly strike possible at any moment. At worst, this policy creates more terrorists than it kills; at best, America is ruining the lives of thousands of innocent people and killing hundreds of innocents for a small increase in safety from terrorists. It is a cowardly, immoral, and illegal policy, deliberately cloaked in opportunistic secrecy.”*

*** end quote ***

Obama “screwed” my wife. Yup, she had GM Bonds in her retirement portfolio. She got NOTHING for them. Was it everything she had? Of course not, she was too smart to put more than one egg in any basket. But, it hurt her. Reminded her of childhood poverty. Apolitical all her life, she was torqued.

For me, as I became more anti-war as I got older and wiser, the war and killing of innocents was most objectionable. Candidate Obama hammered Bush43 on water boarding. Seems like murder is worse to me.


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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Why are the girls and boys still in AfPak?


Mr. President, Why Is My Son in Afghanistan? By Anna Berlinrut
Juliet Buck
Radical SAHM
Topics> Foreign Policy, Military, Politics, Diplomacy
Editors Note:

Anna is a member of Military Families Speak Out — the only nationwide organization of military families (and supporters) that want to bring our troops home from Afghanistan NOW and take care of them. There is power in numbers. We now have approximately 4,000 military families registered and about 2,000 non-military supporters. The larger we grow, the more powerful our voice will be. We also want to stop the War with Iran before it starts. That war would also not be in the best interest of our country.

This piece was originally published at warisacrime
Wed, 09/19/2012 – 8:37am

*** begin quote ***

September 17, 2012

Dear Mr. President:

He’s been in Afghanistan for two weeks, but I feel as though I’ve aged 10 years. This is my only son’s sixth deployment in harm’s way.

I was supposed to get together with friends Saturday night. But when I read that two more NATO troops were killed in Helmund Province in a green on blue attack, I cancelled my plans. Then I found out they were Brits. This morning I heard that four American troops were killed by Afghans in uniform. Another mother’s son is dead. Not mine.

I don’t understand why our troops are there. First we were told it was to destroy al Qaeda. But Bin Laden is dead and al Qaeda has not been in Afghanistan in large numbers in many years. They are now scattered around the world in many countries.

*** and ***

My son is an ANA trainer in one of the most volatile regions of Afghanistan. He has left his pregnant wife and two young sons to go half way around the world to a country where many of the people he is trying to help want to kill him. Our President cannot give me a valid reason why he is there. It’s time to bring all of our troops home and take care of them.

Anna Berlinrut, Maplewood, New Jersey

*** end quote ***

Like Ron Paul said: “We can just march out!”

There is NO logic to why we are there, still there, ever went there.


This just proves to me that the “anti-war movement” was astroturf!

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POLITICAL: Why Public School Unions Strike


Chicago, and Why Public School Unions Strike
Posted by Andrew J. Coulson
Source: Chicago Tribune

*** begin quote ***

Chicago’s teachers have just walked off the job, and most of the media coverage is quick to point out that this is the city’s first strike in a generation. But is anyone really that surprised by a public school union striking just as kids are supposed to be heading back to class in September? Wouldn’t you be a lot more shocked if you logged on to Amazon.com and were greeted by the message that its site was down due to an employee walkout? Or if you took the kids to the movies to see the latest cartoon extravaganza and found picketing ticket-takers? What is it about public schools—and other government enterprises, for that matter—that have made their unions so much more dominant than those in the private sector? [Two thirds of the public school workforce is unionized compared to about 7 percent in the private sector].

Competitors. Or, rather, the lack of them. Private sector workers can only demand so much from their companies before the demands become self-defeating. Get a pension package that’s too cushy, a salary that’s too far above the market rate, and the employer will have to pass those costs on to customers. And if those higher prices aren’t accompanied by correspondingly better quality, customers will simply go elsewhere—hurting the employees who asked for more than the market would bear.

*** and ***

In the absence of real private sector competition and parental choice, public school unions have been able to drive up the system’s costs without needing to show improvement in performance. Sooner or later, Illinois will adopt a system, like education tax credits, that provides real choice and competition, because the current system will ultimately bankrupt the state.

*** end quote ***

I don’t understand why schools are ANY different than fast food.

I spend no resources about planning for my “burger needs” and the invisible hand of the (relatively) free market provisions three choices within a mile or two of my house. And, they battle ferociously for my business.

Why are “public goods” any different?

Because we’ve let the ruling class convince us that we can’t live without their benign beneficial leadership for which they extract a life of leisure.


Sam Walmart revolutionized retailing for which he was well rewarded. Pick out ANY one of the myriad of politicians and bureaucrats, what have they accomplished for you?

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GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Genocide? The result of confused policies


Obama defunds ‘snowflake babies’
Program aids in embryo adoption
By Cheryl Wetzstein – The Washington Times
Sunday, March 4, 2012

*** begin quote ***

While some observers support this move as a way to free up funds for more urgent reproductive-health concerns, supporters of embryo adoption say this is the wrong time to abandon embryos that are sometimes called “snowflake babies.”

“I think that daily we talk to people about … embryo donation and adoption, and we hear the response, ‘Really? I didn’t know that was even possible,’” said Ron Stoddart, executive director of Nightlight Christian Adoptions, which in 1997 pioneered the process of infertile couples “adopting” the extra embryos that another couple’s in-vitro fertilization process inevitably produces.

Hannah Strege, the first of these frozen, unique “snowflake” babies, was born in December 1998. Researchers think as many as 50,000 of the 600,000 cryogenically preserved embryos in the U.S. eventually could become available for adoption.

*** end quote ***

Being childless is heartbreaking.

Murdering helpless children is horrific.

The problem was setup when the decision was made to START down this path. That sets you up to have the problem of FINISHING off the journey.

We certainly can’t afford the Gooferment; so cuts are essential.

It is just pathetic that we wind up at this stupidity. Isn’t that saying “leaders lack vision and the people perish”?

I’ll drag out my favorite personal realization from the Original Adventure by Wally Crowthier. “If you kill the bird, you can’t get past the sake.” That translates to: “What if the potential person that’s killed is the next Salk who will cure cancer, the next Hawkings who will explain the Universe, or the next Mother Teresa who will comfort untold number of sufferers?”

Imagine 50,000 Jonas Salk’s or 600,000 Mother Teresa’s?

It makes me sad. I know Frau Reinke would have taken as many as she could. Sad.

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POLITICAL: The debate is really NOT about “insurance”


A Woman Said
Posted on February 24, 2012

*** begin quote ***

What follows was part of a discussion on a well known “social media site”.  I copied it because I thought it said a lot about a great divide in our country, the one between two kinds of people, two generations, two different world views, two different cultures.  It was occasioned by the appearance of a cartoon showing the President of these Untied States wearing the clerical robes of a pope.  It was s satirical cartoon designed for strong reactions, and it got them.  People objected to the artist’s robing Obama as the Catholic Pontiff, commented on his support for abortion and his refusal to recognize the conscience rights of Catholics.  Someone, a young woman, wrote:

I find it disturbing, but I’m mostly offended by the commentary it represents. I don’t like Obama, but I don’t find him to be any more “tyrannical” or arrogant than any other President we’ve had. Calling him a Communist really just illuminates one’s complete misunderstanding of communism, and the equation of abortion with the Holocaust as well as the implication that requiring insurance to cover birth control is equal to abortion, just pisses me off.

*** and ***

As for the requirement that private employer’s insurance policies cover contraception – I could go on at length about the necessity of hormonal birth control for many women (such as myself) for entirely NON-birth control related reasons (if I don’t take it, I get terrible cysts due to my endometriosis – cysts that may very well prevent me from getting pregnant in the future when I choose to) – but also that I don’t think an employer, whether or not it’s the Catholic church, should be making the medical decisions of its employees. Removing one area of coverage allows others to be chipped away at – and employers and insurance companies may find it in their interest to lower premiums by not covering many routine [JR: My emphasis.] and/or necessary procedures they chose not to agree with for whatever reason.

*** end quote ***

Stepping out from the pro-choice / pro-life debate for a moment, I’d suggest that we all focus for a moment on the word “routine”. To me that means, “ordinary and predictable”. And, are we talking about “insurance”? Where a bunch of folks with the same random risk profile pool their premiums to be paid out when that fire, flood, or tornado hits. Here we have a lady arguing that we, as a society, should “insure” “oil changes for our cars.” Where is the random disaster in an “oil change”? Went to aa Jiffy Lube / Oil Well / or some such place last week. In and out for under $100 in ½ hour. Now envision if it was insured. Call 1-800-thrid world country, file a report, yada yada. No way that was going to cost under $100 and less than ½ hour. In principle, it’s the same. Forcing “insurance companies” into the position of paying for “routine” stuff is just wrong. So, if this is NOT about “insurance”, then it must be about “politics”, propaganda, and manipulation. So this circles us back to the pro-life / pro-choice debate. Because it’s OBVIOUSLY NOT about “insurance”. imho. ymmv.

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FUN: You might be a libertarian


If you….you might be a libertarian

*** begin quote ***

* If you can wear down someone in an 4 hour debate about rights… you might be a libertarian.

* If your friends won’t discuss politics in front of you cause they know you will hand them their ass… you might be a libertarian.

*** end quote ***

ROFL! I bet folks think of me like this?

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INSPIRATIONAL: Veterans Take A Backseat


Devaluing the American Hero: Veterans Take Backseat to Sports, Entertainment Figures
Posted by Kerry Patton Feb 20th 2012 at 9:42 am in Featured Story
Written by New York times Best Selling Author James M. Pratt and Kerry Patton.

*** begin quote ***

In 2012, a ticker tape parade in New York City is reserved for a Super Bowl team while those who served in Iraq from 2003 to 2011 get a collective “thanks,” at best. A serviceman from New Jersey who gave all he had dying this year gets his parents or wife a flag from his coffin, while this week a flag at “half staff” is reserved for a famous singer from the same state simply because she gave us great music.  Should the same be done for Jon Bon Jovi or Bruce Springsteen when they pass? Should they be granted the same honors as our brave men and women who gallantly fight for our freedoms?

Basketball, baseball, football players, actors, and singers all receive financial and other rewards beyond most people’s wildest dreams and are all too often mislabeled in terminology  and public adoration as “heroes.”

*** end quote ***

Sad that we don’t honor the vets.

Let’s bring them all home now.

Then, let’s work on getting our heads screwed back on correctly.

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RANT: BHO44’s “settlement” is a payoff to the banks in disguise


Thursday, February 9, 2012
The Top Twelve Reasons Why You Should Hate the Mortgage Settlement

*** begin quote ***

Here are the top twelve reasons why this deal stinks:

1. We’ve now set a price for forgeries and fabricating documents. It’s $2000 per loan. This is a rounding error compared to the chain of title problem these systematic practices were designed to circumvent. The cost is also trivial in comparison to the average loan, which is roughly $180k, so the settlement represents about 1% of loan balances. It is less than the price of the title insurance that banks failed to get when they transferred the loans to the trust. It is a fraction of the cost of the legal expenses when foreclosures are challenged. It’s a great deal for the banks because no one is at any of the servicers going to jail for forgery and the banks have set the upper bound of the cost of riding roughshod over 300 years of real estate law.

2. That $26 billion is actually $5 billion of bank money and the rest is your money. The mortgage principal writedowns are guaranteed to come almost entirely from securitized loans, which means from investors, which in turn means taxpayers via Fannie and Freddie, pension funds, insurers, and 401 (k)s. Refis of performing loans also reduce income to those very same investors.

3. That $5 billion divided among the big banks wouldn’t even represent a significant quarterly hit. Freddie and Fannie putbacks to the major banks have been running at that level each quarter.

4. That $20 billion actually makes bank second liens sounder, so this deal is a stealth bailout that strengthens bank balance sheets at the expense of the broader public.

*** end quote ***

How do you know when a politician is lying?

Lips move.

Did you listen to BHO44 tout this as a great accomplishment?


Read the other 8, this blogger nails it!

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INTERESTING: The Heritage Foundation and OODA


The Heritage Foundation Then and Now
Winslow Wheeler

*** begin quote ***

Since then, Heritage has come a long way in defense policy analysis, all of it downward. On December 26, 2012 the Director of Heritage’s Center for Foreign Policy Studies, Dr. James J. Carafano, published a commentary in the Washington Examiner, “What To Do about Obama’s Pound-Foolish Air Force.” Without saying so explicitly, he implied that the legendary Col. John R. Boyd, “a fighter pilot’s fighter pilot” in Dr. Carafano’s words, would favor what the good doctor wants: to reopen production of the $411 million F-22 and to buy more $154 million F-35s.

*** and ***

Not only did Carafano miss the boat on the technical differences between the F-86 and MiG-15, he ignored the even more important Boydian idea that, to win wars, people come first, ideas (i.e., tactics and strategy) are second, and hardware is a distant third. It was perfectly obvious to Boyd why two hundred F-86s achieved air superiority over 1000 MiGs in Korea and shot down 5 to 10 enemies for every American loss. Our pilots were simply far more skilled than the Chinese and Russians by virtue of better selection, more rigorous and realistic training using better tactics and better exploitation of the skills of experienced pilots, and far more flying hours (the much more reliable F-86 flew 40 hours per month to the MiG’s 10 or 12 hours). Had we changed aircraft with the enemy, our lop-sided victory tally in Korea would have been the same—an insight repeated almost verbatim decades later by the Israeli Air Force commanders after the 1973 and 1982 wars, then again by the U.S commander of the Persian Gulf War in 1991. Despite John Boyd’s seminal role in designing the F-15 and F-16, he was always the first to point out that technical differences in friendly versus enemy aircraft are minor compared to differences in people skills—and that applied with equal force to ground and naval weapons.

*** end quote ***

I love when I can find gems in posts.

Here is a “debunking” of the Heritage Foundation. The same Heritage Foundation that has been advertising on Rush and Hannity and pushing their Reagan connection.

And inside it is an excellent about why Boyd was a visionary. “People first. Ideas second. Technology third.”

A lot of businesses could use that insight.

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RANT: Capitalism needs someone to “take out the dead”


Most People Like to Fire the Same People Romney Does
by Bill O’Connell on January 11, 2012

*** begin quote ***

To turn these remarks into Rick Perry’s “vulture capitalism,” and Newt Gingrich’s “predatory capitalism,” is shameful. It’s about ObamaCare, stupid. I want to fire Obama and I would like to do so as soon as possible. If I could recall him along with the Chevy Volt he supported with our tax dollars and he was filmed driving, I would gladly do so.

*** end quote ***

Argh! I agree. I can’t understand the disgust with an “undertaker”. Maybe they don’t like funeral directors either?

If you’re going to take the benefit of the process we call “capitalism”, then you have to accept the aspect of “creative destruction” subprocess. Someone has to deliver the BAD news! Someone has to take out “the dead”. Someone has to recycle the assets from unproductive uses to productive ones.

And, they are making the “recycler” the bad guy?


How about making the previous leaders of the failing company the bad press?

And, there might not even be a “villain” in this “morality play” about capitalism!

If you assume that capitalism is the economic process by which human beings are induced to cooperate with one another to satisfy the needs, wants, and desires of other human beings.

(Read “I, Pencil” to understand how complex that process is.)

We can either use “greed” (a pejorative label for the perfectly human emotion about satisfying ones perceived needs) to induce cooperation voluntarily or we can use various levels of force (i.e., taxation; “company store”, indentured servitude, slavery) to compel cooperation. I vote for “greed”.

Sad as it is to say, failing enterprises must be “put down”. We must allow labor to be reassigned to “better” uses. It’s not “your” job EVER. A “job” only exists as it satisfies someone else. Those “certificates of appreciation” that get passed around tell you how well those needs are satisfied.

It’s all part of that complex real time calculus we call the free market.

Money is NOT the root of all evil. It IS the essence of human wisdom about what is important.

Ants leave chemical trails to communicate; humans use money.


Politicians are really dumb!

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The United States Government’s Willful Ignorance Is Costing Soldiers’ Lives
Posted by John Bernard, 1st Sgt. USMC (ret.)
Dec 29th 2011 at 5:23 pm

*** begin quote ***

To that end, it has been my contention that this administration, the past administration and the entire upper end structure of the military machine has failed miserably. Not only have they chosen the wrong strategy to achieve a definable victory for their nation, they chose one that has been disproportionately brutal for our forces while providing cover for the enemy and the population that has proven over and over again to be untrustworthy.

History has defined and will continue to define only a miniscule number of opportunities for a theater-wide application of the precepts of Counterinsurgency Doctrine to have been efficacious. Even a casual glance at the human terrain in either Iraq or Afghanistan, with Syria and Iran to possibly follow, should have given the critical thinker everything they needed to adequately keep COIN under lock and key in the vault of terrible ideas.

*** and ***

First of all, if someone can point me toward the ongoing, public record of support for America in either of these operations or the public record of Muslim denunciation of the actions of the “terrorist” or “radicalized” Muslim or Jihad as a war doctrine, Taqiyya as a deceptive practice with the intent of keeping the enemy off balance, please show me?

The clear evidence only suggests groups as defined by those who willingly strap on bombs and those who do not. Unfortunately, we know that from within the second group comes the financial and spiritual support for the first.

Suggesting you can parse these two and do harm to one while garnering support for said harm from the “moderates” simply misses the truth about religion – all religion!

*** and ***

We watch the wanton destruction of human life by the forces of Islam and the associated silence from the “moderates” every day. Is it the contention of those who submit to the “two Islams” vision that we should continue to assume the best of a people whose religion is belligerent to non-believers?

*** end quote ***

The First Sargent correctly imho distills the “problem” into the concept: “It not what we think, it’s what it is that counts.”

Their “moderates” support their “extremists”.

Any failure to recognize this fact in policy, strategy, or tactics dooms us to failure. And, failure, in this case, translates into dead human beings. Soldiers and civilians on both sides are lost due to the stupidity of our leadership. Or lack there of.

We need to get the girls and boys out of the fire zone until we figure it out.

“We, The Sheeple” learned nothing from Viet Nam.

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