RANT: Capitalism needs someone to “take out the dead”


Most People Like to Fire the Same People Romney Does
by Bill O’Connell on January 11, 2012

*** begin quote ***

To turn these remarks into Rick Perry’s “vulture capitalism,” and Newt Gingrich’s “predatory capitalism,” is shameful. It’s about ObamaCare, stupid. I want to fire Obama and I would like to do so as soon as possible. If I could recall him along with the Chevy Volt he supported with our tax dollars and he was filmed driving, I would gladly do so.

*** end quote ***

Argh! I agree. I can’t understand the disgust with an “undertaker”. Maybe they don’t like funeral directors either?

If you’re going to take the benefit of the process we call “capitalism”, then you have to accept the aspect of “creative destruction” subprocess. Someone has to deliver the BAD news! Someone has to take out “the dead”. Someone has to recycle the assets from unproductive uses to productive ones.

And, they are making the “recycler” the bad guy?


How about making the previous leaders of the failing company the bad press?

And, there might not even be a “villain” in this “morality play” about capitalism!

If you assume that capitalism is the economic process by which human beings are induced to cooperate with one another to satisfy the needs, wants, and desires of other human beings.

(Read “I, Pencil” to understand how complex that process is.)

We can either use “greed” (a pejorative label for the perfectly human emotion about satisfying ones perceived needs) to induce cooperation voluntarily or we can use various levels of force (i.e., taxation; “company store”, indentured servitude, slavery) to compel cooperation. I vote for “greed”.

Sad as it is to say, failing enterprises must be “put down”. We must allow labor to be reassigned to “better” uses. It’s not “your” job EVER. A “job” only exists as it satisfies someone else. Those “certificates of appreciation” that get passed around tell you how well those needs are satisfied.

It’s all part of that complex real time calculus we call the free market.

Money is NOT the root of all evil. It IS the essence of human wisdom about what is important.

Ants leave chemical trails to communicate; humans use money.


Politicians are really dumb!

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