GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Why are the girls and boys still in AfPak?

Mr. President, Why Is My Son in Afghanistan? By Anna Berlinrut
Juliet Buck
Radical SAHM
Topics> Foreign Policy, Military, Politics, Diplomacy
Editors Note:

Anna is a member of Military Families Speak Out — the only nationwide organization of military families (and supporters) that want to bring our troops home from Afghanistan NOW and take care of them. There is power in numbers. We now have approximately 4,000 military families registered and about 2,000 non-military supporters. The larger we grow, the more powerful our voice will be. We also want to stop the War with Iran before it starts. That war would also not be in the best interest of our country.

This piece was originally published at warisacrime
Wed, 09/19/2012 – 8:37am

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September 17, 2012

Dear Mr. President:

He’s been in Afghanistan for two weeks, but I feel as though I’ve aged 10 years. This is my only son’s sixth deployment in harm’s way.

I was supposed to get together with friends Saturday night. But when I read that two more NATO troops were killed in Helmund Province in a green on blue attack, I cancelled my plans. Then I found out they were Brits. This morning I heard that four American troops were killed by Afghans in uniform. Another mother’s son is dead. Not mine.

I don’t understand why our troops are there. First we were told it was to destroy al Qaeda. But Bin Laden is dead and al Qaeda has not been in Afghanistan in large numbers in many years. They are now scattered around the world in many countries.

*** and ***

My son is an ANA trainer in one of the most volatile regions of Afghanistan. He has left his pregnant wife and two young sons to go half way around the world to a country where many of the people he is trying to help want to kill him. Our President cannot give me a valid reason why he is there. It’s time to bring all of our troops home and take care of them.

Anna Berlinrut, Maplewood, New Jersey

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Like Ron Paul said: “We can just march out!”

There is NO logic to why we are there, still there, ever went there.


This just proves to me that the “anti-war movement” was astroturf!

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The United States Government’s Willful Ignorance Is Costing Soldiers’ Lives
Posted by John Bernard, 1st Sgt. USMC (ret.)
Dec 29th 2011 at 5:23 pm

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To that end, it has been my contention that this administration, the past administration and the entire upper end structure of the military machine has failed miserably. Not only have they chosen the wrong strategy to achieve a definable victory for their nation, they chose one that has been disproportionately brutal for our forces while providing cover for the enemy and the population that has proven over and over again to be untrustworthy.

History has defined and will continue to define only a miniscule number of opportunities for a theater-wide application of the precepts of Counterinsurgency Doctrine to have been efficacious. Even a casual glance at the human terrain in either Iraq or Afghanistan, with Syria and Iran to possibly follow, should have given the critical thinker everything they needed to adequately keep COIN under lock and key in the vault of terrible ideas.

*** and ***

First of all, if someone can point me toward the ongoing, public record of support for America in either of these operations or the public record of Muslim denunciation of the actions of the “terrorist” or “radicalized” Muslim or Jihad as a war doctrine, Taqiyya as a deceptive practice with the intent of keeping the enemy off balance, please show me?

The clear evidence only suggests groups as defined by those who willingly strap on bombs and those who do not. Unfortunately, we know that from within the second group comes the financial and spiritual support for the first.

Suggesting you can parse these two and do harm to one while garnering support for said harm from the “moderates” simply misses the truth about religion – all religion!

*** and ***

We watch the wanton destruction of human life by the forces of Islam and the associated silence from the “moderates” every day. Is it the contention of those who submit to the “two Islams” vision that we should continue to assume the best of a people whose religion is belligerent to non-believers?

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The First Sargent correctly imho distills the “problem” into the concept: “It not what we think, it’s what it is that counts.”

Their “moderates” support their “extremists”.

Any failure to recognize this fact in policy, strategy, or tactics dooms us to failure. And, failure, in this case, translates into dead human beings. Soldiers and civilians on both sides are lost due to the stupidity of our leadership. Or lack there of.

We need to get the girls and boys out of the fire zone until we figure it out.

“We, The Sheeple” learned nothing from Viet Nam.

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