VOCABULARY: “Security Theater”


Why Vaccine Cards Are So Easily Forged
Bruce Schneier

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Back in 2003, at the height of our collective terrorism panic, I coined the term security theater to describe measures that look like they’re doing something but aren’t.

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Well, for once, he and I disagree.  The smug cheater getting away with fraudulent documents instills in society that some are above the “rules”.  Like when politicians are unmasked but force everyone else to mask up.  One set of rules for me; another for thee. Doe the smug cheater get to run red lights and put others at mortal risk?

As a little L libertarian, I don’t recognize the Gooferment as having the power to mandate a lot of what it does.  I’m for the “night watchman” government if we have to have one at all.  So, when the Gooferment politicians and bureaucrats promulgate their diktats, I feel free to treat them as “suggestions”.

“I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.” — Robert A. Heinlein

So I stop at red lights and stop signs and expect others to do the same.  Not because the Gooferment has a diktat about it, but it is common sense to cooperate in the real world. 

If a shop keeper feel that masks are need for the well-being of their patrons — even if masks are ineffective and just provide some crazy people psychological comfort — then I’ll either accept their invitation to shop there wearing a mask or go somewhere else. (It’s not my role in society to disturb the peace and preach “any gospel” to the infidels.

Sigh, there are common sense rules that we obey for the benefit of humanity. And, they are way above diktats in moral authority.

But “theater” of any type should be mock, skirted, or just ignored if at all possible.  

(Note: I don’t do bail money. So obey that old knight. “But choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.” Grail Knight in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097576/quotes)


RANT: ‘poor mans nuke’ … … ebola


Further fun with ebola
Posted on October 12, 2014

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I’m still waiting for some troubled loner to grab a diaper from the Sierra Leone isolation ward, mail it to his sleeper cell in Virginia, and start smearing it all over doorknobs on Capitol Hill. There has always been a saying that biological weapons were the ‘poor mans nuke’.

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I thought of this when I first heard of “ebola”.

Remember in the Middle Ages, castles under siege had the bodies of plague victims catapulted over the walls.

Same tactic, minus the catapult.


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RANT: Recognizing Islamic terrorism when one sees it


Beheaded in Oklahoma – What the Media & the Government Won’t Tell You
Sep 30, 20140 28

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According to the reports from major media sources, Oklahoma police sources, and the feds, the fellow who beheaded one of his coworkers was upset over being fired and it’s a simple act of “workplace violence.” Kind of like Ft. Hood. As we’ve reported, this isn’t a simple act of retribution against an employer or coworkers, this is Islamic terrorism come to our shores, as was Ft. Hood.

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Who believes this is “workplace violence”?

Where is all reaction by those Muslims who are peaceful?


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INTERESTING: Asymetrical warfare example


Asymetrical warfare example
Posted on April 19, 2013

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An interesting observation about the events in Boston. The manhunt resulted in shutting down the mass transit system, creating a no-fly zone around the city (which I’m guessing means the airports were shut down), people were ‘strongly advised’ to stay indoors, crippling some cell phone areas, and traffic was disrupted by searches, roadblocks and checkpoints. So, what we have seen, interestingly, is that all it takes to completely shut down a (mostly) major US city is two guys who aren’t afraid to die. That’s it…two guys.

Imagine a larger, highly-motivated, technically-adept, group…maybe a small cell of four or six people all on the same page, working off the same plan, with the same level of dedication/fanaticism. Dude, you could totally shut down virtually any city.

Asymmetrical warfare is kinda what this seems to be an excellent example of. Two guys with a few hundred bucks of hardware shut down a city, suck the manpower of an entire city and surrounding regions, create a huge economic impact, and create chaos. Pretty big deal to pull off for just two guys. This, I suspect, is the future of ‘terrorism’ in this country.

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Do you really need TWO people?

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The United States Government’s Willful Ignorance Is Costing Soldiers’ Lives
Posted by John Bernard, 1st Sgt. USMC (ret.)
Dec 29th 2011 at 5:23 pm

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To that end, it has been my contention that this administration, the past administration and the entire upper end structure of the military machine has failed miserably. Not only have they chosen the wrong strategy to achieve a definable victory for their nation, they chose one that has been disproportionately brutal for our forces while providing cover for the enemy and the population that has proven over and over again to be untrustworthy.

History has defined and will continue to define only a miniscule number of opportunities for a theater-wide application of the precepts of Counterinsurgency Doctrine to have been efficacious. Even a casual glance at the human terrain in either Iraq or Afghanistan, with Syria and Iran to possibly follow, should have given the critical thinker everything they needed to adequately keep COIN under lock and key in the vault of terrible ideas.

*** and ***

First of all, if someone can point me toward the ongoing, public record of support for America in either of these operations or the public record of Muslim denunciation of the actions of the “terrorist” or “radicalized” Muslim or Jihad as a war doctrine, Taqiyya as a deceptive practice with the intent of keeping the enemy off balance, please show me?

The clear evidence only suggests groups as defined by those who willingly strap on bombs and those who do not. Unfortunately, we know that from within the second group comes the financial and spiritual support for the first.

Suggesting you can parse these two and do harm to one while garnering support for said harm from the “moderates” simply misses the truth about religion – all religion!

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We watch the wanton destruction of human life by the forces of Islam and the associated silence from the “moderates” every day. Is it the contention of those who submit to the “two Islams” vision that we should continue to assume the best of a people whose religion is belligerent to non-believers?

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The First Sargent correctly imho distills the “problem” into the concept: “It not what we think, it’s what it is that counts.”

Their “moderates” support their “extremists”.

Any failure to recognize this fact in policy, strategy, or tactics dooms us to failure. And, failure, in this case, translates into dead human beings. Soldiers and civilians on both sides are lost due to the stupidity of our leadership. Or lack there of.

We need to get the girls and boys out of the fire zone until we figure it out.

“We, The Sheeple” learned nothing from Viet Nam.

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