INTERESTING: Asymetrical warfare example

Asymetrical warfare example
Posted on April 19, 2013

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An interesting observation about the events in Boston. The manhunt resulted in shutting down the mass transit system, creating a no-fly zone around the city (which I’m guessing means the airports were shut down), people were ‘strongly advised’ to stay indoors, crippling some cell phone areas, and traffic was disrupted by searches, roadblocks and checkpoints. So, what we have seen, interestingly, is that all it takes to completely shut down a (mostly) major US city is two guys who aren’t afraid to die. That’s it…two guys.

Imagine a larger, highly-motivated, technically-adept, group…maybe a small cell of four or six people all on the same page, working off the same plan, with the same level of dedication/fanaticism. Dude, you could totally shut down virtually any city.

Asymmetrical warfare is kinda what this seems to be an excellent example of. Two guys with a few hundred bucks of hardware shut down a city, suck the manpower of an entire city and surrounding regions, create a huge economic impact, and create chaos. Pretty big deal to pull off for just two guys. This, I suspect, is the future of ‘terrorism’ in this country.

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Do you really need TWO people?

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