RANT: Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Charged With Murder — I blame the Gooferment


Posted on October 16, 2023
Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Charged With Murdering Two Men in Tennessee
Joseph Mackinnon, The Blaze, October 16, 2023

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A twice-deported illegal alien from Honduras was charged with murder twice last week in Nashville, Tennessee.

Kevin Joel Castro-Garcia, 31, was first charged on Oct. 10 for the fatal shooting of 37-year-old Elmer Nahum Miranda-Martinez.

*** end quote ***

No excuse for this.

Twice deported?


POLITICAL: Democrat Chuck Schumer admits they don’t want any real immigration law


Chuck Schumer finally admits it: Democrats don’t want any real immigration law
By Karol Markowicz
November 20, 2022 7:17pm

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer made some startling admissions last week about his immigration views: “We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the Dreamers and all of them, because our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers but to get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here.”

The honesty was breathtaking. For so long, Schumer (D-NY) and his party have danced around the truth: They want to legalize anyone coming over our border for any reason.

Schumer wasn’t always this brazen about wanting open borders for all. In 2014, he bragged that President Barack Obama was serious about enforcing immigration law and had “deported more people than any other president.” Schumer used to at least mouth some lines about securing the border when pushing for legalization. No more.

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OK now the “Wizard of Oz” is revealed as a tiny lying man behind the curtain.

How does those who are awake and not sheeple react?

I bet nothing happens as the USA heads down the road to ruin.


POLITICAL: No DACA for felons!


Ten Years Later: Over 53K Illegal Aliens Given DACA Despite Arrest Records Including for Murder, Rape, Kidnapping
John Binder — 17 Jun 20221

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Ten years ago, in 2012, former President Barack Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program via executive order that has allowed nearly 800,000 illegal aliens to evade arrest and deportation.

Standards for the Obama program were set so low that tens of thousands of illegal aliens with prior arrest records for crimes like murder, rape, and kidnapping were able to secure DACA status.

In 2018, then-President Trump’s administration released comprehensive data on DACA, previously hidden by the Obama administration, that revealed the extent to which the program had successfully helped shield criminal illegal aliens from arrest and deportation by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

From 2012 to 2018, about 53,792 illegal aliens were awarded DACA despite having prior arrest records. Meanwhile, nearly 8,000 illegal aliens awarded DACA were later arrested for crimes, the data shows.fe

*** end quote ***

This is more evidence that the Gooferment’s politicians and bureaucrats have a different agenda than “We, The Sheeple”.  If they are not going to enforce the laws, then why do we bother to pretend.

At the every least DACA should not cover felons.  And, probably not even those who make a “nuisance” of themselves. 

I don’t think anyone opposes immigration of hard working people seeking a better life; everyone else should be shipped “home”.



HEROIC: No one knew what a hero this man was and how he helped to change the world


A Stranger’s Kindness Helped Boy Escape the Nazis Who Would Go On to Win Nobel Prize–And He Never Knew it
By Andy Corbley – Jun 15, 2022

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What would you do if in the middle of the night, a stranger asked you to legally declare your financial support for an immigrant family that you would never meet—and hadn’t even arrived in your country yet?

That was essentially the proposition that Barnet Yudin, a Russian-American Jew, faced one night in 1938 when a stranger, who was going door-to-door, appealed to the man asking if he could help a Jewish family from Germany flee to North America.

While Yudin hadn’t gone on to be the doctor he dreamed of being, he and his family lived comfortably in Belleville, New Jersey—and his job as a paint salesmen brought in a healthy $120 a month.

*** and ***

“None of these people would exist today without Barnet Yudin,” David said, emphasizing the difference that Yudin’s choice made.

Joe Yudin, a great-grandson, told Nat Geo that his grandfather didn’t say, “Is this kid going to win the Nobel someday, or play shortstop for the Yankees? He did what he did because it was right and didn’t mention it to anybody. He definitely had this big picture of what humanity should be like.”

*** end quote ***

I heard stories about the “affidavit of support” and how difficult it was to get through the bureaucrats in the USA.

What a difference from today when criminals work across the southern border with impunity.

Here a fellow that did the right thing.  Even though no one knew about it for generations later.

(Ever heard that old Irish adage about “good works only count if done in secret”. Funny, I learned that from my maternal English Protestant grandmother who wanted to teach me about my maternal grandfather’s “heathen Irish culture that has a few good points”. ROFL!)

Here’s an example!


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: What will it take to have the Biden Administration to follow the law on criminal aliens?


Federal court again rules against Biden on immigration, says can’t release illegals into U.S.

  • Court rules decision by Majorkas to release migrants who are supposed to be deported is “arbitrary and capricious, contrary to law.”

By The Center Square Staff
By Bethany Blankley
Updated: June 12, 2022 – 7:07pm

*** begin quote ***

“The Biden Administration is refusing to take custody of criminal aliens despite federal statutes requiring it to do so. Instead, Defendants have issued and implemented unlawful agency memoranda that allow criminal aliens already convicted of felony offenses to roam free in the United States. Such aliens belong in federal custody, as Congress required,” they maintain.

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When?  When “We, The Sheeple” say “no more”.



INSPIRATIONAL: Some of what is screamed out in public is truly “ABSURD”


The Age of the Absurd
Dennis Prager / @DennisPrager / May 03, 2022

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No. 11: America is systemically racist.

The manifest absurdity of this claim is easily demonstrated. In the past decades, more than 3 million black people have immigrated to America from Africa and the Caribbean. And probably tens of millions more would like to. Are all these people fools—choosing to move to a systemically racist country? Are they ignorant—unaware that America is systemically racist?

The non-absurd know the answers: All these blacks are neither fools nor ignorant. They know how lucky they are to move to America—because this country is so tolerant and so overwhelmingly nonracist. People don’t move to countries that hate them. No Jews moved to Germany in the 1930s.

We live in the Age of the Absurd. The only question is, why? I think I know the answer and will discuss it in a future column. In the meantime, share these 11 absurdities with friends and relatives, especially with those who actually think they make sense.

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I remember a news clip from the corporate media doing a story about how the “evil Republicans” were slowing immigration and that there were long lines at out embassies seeking permission.  One fellow in the line, who had been waiting for days, when asked why, replied: “America has fat poor people.”  To me, that was the best answer I’d ever heard.  

I see immigrants from India opening all sorts of businesses because it’s easy compared to the corruption in India.  I see Oriental immigrants whose children seem to succeed in Gooferment Skrules against the odds.  I see Mexican immigrants working their butts off at hard labor jobs and proudly showing off their new work truck for their efforts.

“Systematically racist” is something I don’t see.  Pockets of idiots who either can’t or won’t try — of all races — seem to seek to blame “society”.

I will stipulate that the Gooferment “welfare” is designed to keep people poor and it is hard to break the cycle.  But many do.

Let’s get the Gooferment out of the way.


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Hmmm, “illegal’s” seem to be criminals we don’t need in the USA.


Illegal Alien Charged with 19 Counts of Child Sexual Assault in North Carolina
17 Dec 2020149

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An illegal alien, who is the subject of a deportation order, has been charged with 19 counts of child sexual assault in Iredell County, North Carolina.

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Wonder when “We, The Sheeple” will wake up to this abuse!


POLITICAL: Toss out ALL criminal Undocumented Immigrants — no excuses, no delays!


New DHS immigration rules: Drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug dealers, gun offenders not top deportation priorities
BY BYRON YORK | NOVEMBER 22, 2014 | 8:49 AM

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The Department of Homeland Security has just released new “Policies for the Apprehension, Detention, and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants.” Designed to fill in the details after President Obama’s announcement that at least four million currently illegal immigrants will be given work permits, Social Security numbers and protection from deportation, the DHS guidelines are instructions for the nation’s immigration and border security officers as they administer the president’s directive.

The new priorities are striking. On the tough side, the president wants U.S. immigration authorities to go after terrorists, felons, and new illegal border crossers. On the not-so-tough side, the administration views convicted drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug dealers, and gun offenders as second-level enforcement priorities. An illegal immigrant could spend up to a year in prison for a violent crime and still not be a top removal priority for the Obama administration.

*** end quote ***

Surely they are kidding!

As I always say Gooferment is immoral, ineffective, and inefficient! And in this case, STUPID!

Sorry, but “prioritizing” should be if you don’t follow the law, you’re GONE!

In 30 minutes of less.

And, the southern border is a joke to be called a border.

Instead of looking for new ways to poke “We, The Sheeple” — and yes, that’s a euphamism — they should be asking for the resources to do the job right!

Instead of the IRS investigating and harassing Tea Party groups, they should be aimed at this current and present danger!


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POLITICAL: The situation at the border IS a national disgrace


Posted on July 11, 2014 by keywestlou

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ABC News ran photographs on the internet yesterday of some of the children who have come over the border into Texas. The 52,000.

Here is what I saw.

Children sleeping on bathroom floors, in orderly fashion next to each other. More sleeping on shower floors. Not in orderly fashion. On top of each other in many instances. The floor in each room reported to be concrete. Nothing between the kids’ bodies and the concrete. Some standing crowded almost like sardines in what was described as a holding room.

The news report stated the areas where the children were held were fenced in by chain link and barbed wire. It was further reported that the children are only allowed 30 minutes outside each day to play.

ABC’s report further indicated that many of the children still appear dehydrated and hungry. The report also stated some of the children were sick and could not eat.

Is this how we treat children in the United States? Regardless of how they arrived here?

This is not a Republican/Democrat thing. This is a humanitarian crisis. Political differences and hatreds should be set aside. We are duty and conscience bound to react. To do the right thing. To be God like. To help the children.

*** end quote ***

The situation at the border IS a national disgrace.

Let’s not forget the reason this situation was created — politics.

The D’s figure to remake America into a Socialist Paradise by embarrassing the R’s in front of Hispanic voters. Add to that that all the illegal aliens will vote D is the cherry on the Sunday.

And it distracts from the bad economy, the foreign policy disasters, and the Obamacare disaster. Never mind concealing the IRS scandal and the VA débâcle.

As a Voluntaryist type of little L libertarian, America needs good people to come work and assimilate. The current immigration disaster is failure to have such policy.

A plague on all their houses for the mess that they have made.

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POLITICAL: A very upsetting example


Illegal Alien With 7 Kids Got Food Stamps, Housing & Social Security – for 20 Years (Video)
by Top Right News on January 18, 2014 in amnesty, Border Security, Economy, GOP, Immigration, Obama, Politics

*** begin quote ***

Illegal alien and mother of seven, Florida resident Marita Nelson, receives $240 in food stamps, monthly medications, $700 in Social Security and a housing allowance.

And she has been receiving government assistance for over 20 YEARS – ever since she illegally entered the U.S. by swimming the Rio Grande.

*** end quote ***

If this is true, then The Sheeple are fools.

This is unacceptable!

Why should the producers subsidize the moochers?

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FUN: Bernard McGirk on “replacement refs”

“Our long national nightmare is over!. — Bernard McGirk on the Don Imus show about the regular refs coming back to work

# – # – #  

We have so many problems. Serious problems — unemployment, deficit, debt, crime in Chicago, immigration, … … California finances, crony capitalism … … 

… … where in this list is “replacement refs”?


# – # – # – # – #  2012-Sep-27 @ 07:41  

RANT: “Illegal” immigration


The Truths We Dare Not Speak About Illegal Immigration

July 30, 2010 – by Victor Davis Hanson

*** begin quote ***

Americans are increasingly confused by the tone of the debate, in which self-appointed spokesmen for illegal aliens and indeed, on occasion, illegal aliens themselves seem so critical of policies embraced by 70% of the American populace of all classes and races that they so eagerly wish to join. In cases of the May Day parades, why would alien demonstrators appear so critical of the country (or at least its law) that they so desperately wish to stay in, and so fond and romantic about the country that they so desperately wish to leave? It all makes little or no sense, other than the emotional anger at the paradox of wanting to be in a lawful America without being lawful. Even if the Mexican flag is a symbol of ethnic solidarity, in the manner of the Italian flag for a few East Coast communities, it nevertheless conveys the message of romance for a nation that by all accounts has treated its own quite poorly. And when we get to the purported racialist charges against supporters of closed borders, it all becomes Orwellian, given that Mexico’s ruling elite is as about as racist a government as one can imagine — a Spanish heritage aristocracy glad to see its own indigenous peoples fleeing northward while charging their receptive host with racism.

*** end quote ***

If we eliminated welfare, “free” public education, and simplified the immigration laws, we’d have no “illegal immigration” problem.

Coming here to work, welcome. Coming here to sponge or cause trouble, bye.

We need all those hard working souls “yearning to be free”. As a matter of fact, we have a bunch of “citizen” deadbeats, politicians and bureaucrats that we need to get rid of as well.

Reality is setting in?

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RANT: Little L libertarian question Stossel’s thinking


Immigrants – good or bad?
Posted: July 21, 2010

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Open immigration is dangerous today, however, because some immigrants want to murder us. And now that America is a welfare state, some want to come here just to freeload. That great champion of freedom Milton Friedman said Mexican immigration is a good thing – but only so long as it’s illegal. “Why? Because as long as it’s illegal for people to come, they don’t qualify for welfare and Social Security. So they migrate to jobs.”

*** end quote ***

A little surprised at Stossel.

He wavers on immigration because there are people in the world that want to kill us.

He didn’t pursue that line of thought. Why do they want to kill and hurt us? Because unlike Switzerland, we don’t MYOB. If we would follow George Washington’s advice on “entangling alliances” and kept our politicians and bureaucrats from messing in the affairs of foreigners, then we’d be left alone. No one tries to kill the Swiss. Why is that? And, I’m not saying be an isolationist or a victim. The Constitution recognizes Marque and Reprisal.

If we end the warfare / welfare / Prohibition / non-MYOB state, then things will immediately begin to improve.

And, we’ll need more immigrants regardless of skills — low skill migrants to pick the crops and high skill techno-grants to energize the knowledge economy.

For a temporary admission, “We, The People” should insist on: a heath check, a finger print / DNA id, and a bond equal to the cost of a return ticket. For a permanent admission, the same thing. Sounds simple enough. Keep your nose clean, pay the taxes, and you’ll have no problem here. Get in serious legal trouble, and out you go with no hope of coming back.

Anything less, and we get what we deserve.

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