POLITICAL: Democrat Chuck Schumer admits they don’t want any real immigration law


Chuck Schumer finally admits it: Democrats don’t want any real immigration law
By Karol Markowicz
November 20, 2022 7:17pm

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer made some startling admissions last week about his immigration views: “We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the Dreamers and all of them, because our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers but to get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here.”

The honesty was breathtaking. For so long, Schumer (D-NY) and his party have danced around the truth: They want to legalize anyone coming over our border for any reason.

Schumer wasn’t always this brazen about wanting open borders for all. In 2014, he bragged that President Barack Obama was serious about enforcing immigration law and had “deported more people than any other president.” Schumer used to at least mouth some lines about securing the border when pushing for legalization. No more.

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OK now the “Wizard of Oz” is revealed as a tiny lying man behind the curtain.

How does those who are awake and not sheeple react?

I bet nothing happens as the USA heads down the road to ruin.


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