RANT: Does Gavin Newsom have Bells Palsy?


Gavin Newsom is lying about his vaccine injury and here’s how I will prove it to you
Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

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He’s a hypocrite. Not only did he lie about his vaccine injury, but his kids aren’t vaccinated either. He wants YOUR kids to be vaccinated, but he won’t vaccinate his kids. Here’s why…

Recently, I wrote a very popular article recently about Gavin Newsom being vaccine injured. It got over 250K views, my most popular article so far.

As expected, Newsom denied it:

Naturally, PolitiFact, FactCheck.org, and Newsweek immediately “fact checked” my article and deemed it to be false. Of course, none of them could explain why Newsom was a no-show at the UN Climate summit via Zoom. Not even for 5 minutes via Zoom!?! Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Not a very thorough fact check. And none of the organizations analyzed the before and after Newsom videos either by asking a prominent neurologist for their opinion. I guess it is hard to find competent help in the fact checking department nowadays.

Well, I just got confirmation I was right

Not only was Newsom himself vaccine injured and deliberately covered it up, but I found out that his kids aren’t vaccinated either. Want to know why? Because his wife is smart: she knows that vaccines are dangerous. She doesn’t want their kids to be vaccine injured. And she’s right! Good for her. Bravo!

But Gavin’s stance is horrible. He’s not just offering his advice on how you should care for your kids. The governor is dictating medical treatment for your kids based on what he believes. He’s forcing his opinion on your kids. But for his own kids? No way are they going to get vaccinated.

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Sorry, but politicians and bureaucrats lie, cheat, and steal.

Two sets of rules — one for me and another for thee.

If the people of the Pepuls Republik of Kaliforkneeah accept this behavior then they deserve everything they get.

The only answer is secession.  Let everyone go their own way in peace.  The Federal Gooferment with its one size fits all policies just encourages bad behavior.

A plague on all their houses.  Why should we allow them such power to “LORD” over us little people.

As far as Newsome is concerned, “I wouldn’t believe you, if your tongue came notarized.” … attributed to Judge Marilyn Milian, but may have an earlier history.


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