GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Let’s have a real expose of the January 6th “insurrection”!

What If? Questions a Bipartisan Probe of Jan. 6 Might Have Answered
Fred Lucas / @FredLucasWH / June 09, 2022

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A bipartisan investigation of the Capitol riot would dig into the security breakdown and not ignore questions that didn’t conform to a Democrat Party narrative, said Rep. Jim Banks, whose appointment to a select committee was blocked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“If I were ranking member of the committee, we would be asking the tough questions that Pelosi doesn’t want the committee to ask, because she’s responsible but she hasn’t been held accountable for the security failures at the Capitol and [on] Jan. 6,” Banks, R-Ind., told The Daily Signal.

“The more we learn, the more we realize that there were serious security failures at the Capitol, and why doesn’t this committee want to dig into that?” Banks added later. “They don’t want to dig into it because it deviates from their political narrative.”

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Part Of The Problem
The January 6th Facade

Dave Smith and Robbie The Fire Bernstein bring you the latest in politics! On this episode of Part Of The Problem Dave and Robbie take a look at the January 6th hearing and what the agenda is behind it. This episode was recorded on 6.10.22

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What could be learned?

  • Who’s Roy Epps (the cheerleader to invade the Capitol)?  Was he an agent provocateur?
  • Who were those that entered (i.e., FBI agents, instigators, contractors?
  • What communications occurred within the Gooferment about the demonstration?
  • Why were the demonstrators waved into the building?
  • What are all the facts surrounding the killing of Ashley Babbit?
  • What was Nancy Pelosi’s role in the whole affair?

When we have an honest and open discussion of what REALLY happened, then it can be on Prime Time TV.  Otherwise it’s just more of the “Bagdad Bob” show!