GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The pressing NJ problem of “varsity letters”?

Shared from the Toms River, NJ Patch | Politics & Government
Chris Christie Signs 7 Bills Into Law, Including One Inspired By ‘Snooki’Gov. 
By Tom Davis (Patch Staff) – May 8, 2017 2:39 pm ET 

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S-2398/A-3879 (Bateman, Allen, Greenstein, Singleton/Ciattarelli, Auth, Space) – Requires school district to adopt policy allowing students in grades 9 through 12 who participate in certain interscholastic extracurricular activities to earn varsity letter

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So the Pepuls Republik of Nu Jerzee has time to legislate on “varsity letters”, but can’t solve the fiscal problems.

Doesn’t anyone see the folly in this?

Another reason that the Gooferment Skrules should be privatized. Really privatized.

I believe that it could take 40 years — 20 to transfer them to private entities and another 20 to reduce the Gooferment funding to zero — but imagine how free we’d be when the Gooferment can’t propagandize the the children.


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