POLITICAL: Picking “legislators” by lottery — couldn’t be any worse?


The Case for Abolishing Elections
They may seem the cornerstone of democracy, but in reality they do little to promote it. There’s a far better way to empower ordinary citizens: democracy by lottery.
Nicholas Coccoma

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Why lotteries and not voting? The Athenians weren’t fools; they learned through bitter trials that elections are tools of elites. Having seen the Athenian experiment himself, Aristotle noted as much. “The appointment of magistrates by lot is democratical,” he observes in Politics, “and the election is oligarchical.” Lotteries go straight to everyday people and bring them into power; they circumvent the designs of aristocrats, resist corruption, and don’t favor one group of citizens over another.

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I think that we should pick US Senators the osd fashioned way by eliminating the Seventeeth Amendments.  And US House Reps by a random drawing like the Lotto.  Everyone who’s willing can get one ticket and, if they win, they get a small salary to represent the district; one term limit for sure, then they return to their real life.

It couldn’t possibly be any worse than what we have now.

I’d like the Pepuls Republik of Nu Jerzee to have a lower house selected by a random draw from the general population and an upper house selected by a random draw from only taxpayers.

Like any of this could happen!


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