POLITICAL: Nuking the Federal Department of Education sounds like a good start


Watch: Betsy DeVos Doubles Down on ‘Eliminating’ Education Department, Slams Administrative State
Breitbart News
Breccan F. Thies
1 Aug 2022

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WASHINGTON, District of Columbia — Former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos reiterated her call to eliminate the Department of Education while calling out entrenched federal bureaucrats, the “vast majority” of whom, she said, are “actually working against you.”

“I think anyone who is serious about getting after the size and scale of the federal government has got to make this a very top tier issue going into the next cycle,” she said of plans circulating in conservative circles of firing potentially thousands of federal employees in a new Republican administration.

“I just think about the experience in the Department of Education and how formidable the bureaucracy is and how how difficult it is to advance policy in an environment where the vast majority of the individuals are actually working against you,” DeVos continued. “But that goes to the heart of the argument against the Department of Education, which again, I will reiterate, I think the department was created on a political payoff and we’ve seen the implications of that play out in the decades since then.”

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No doubt about the “political payoff” assertion.  Jimmie Carter made that deal.

An the “American Education System” has never recovered.

Nowhere in the Constitution is a “Department of Education” mentioned as a power granted to the Federal Gooferment.

What better way for a new President to start dismantling the Deep State than by eliminating a whole department with one fell swoop.


POLITICAL: Maybe parents can recapture their children from the clutches of Gooferment Skrules


NYC Catholic school enrollment rising amid end of Gifted and Talented program
By Conor Skelding
October 16, 2021 

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Enrollment at Catholic elementary schools in Brooklyn and Queens grew for the first time in a decade as the city scraps gifted and talented programs.

Enrollment for the current school year increased by 2.4 percent, after a decade of decline, according to the Diocese of Brooklyn.

New York’s parochial schools fully reopened more or less a full year ahead of schools run by the city Department of Education, which have seen a steep enrollment and attendance drop. More recent interest in Catholic schools has been spawned by Mayor de Blasio’s announced plan to kill the Gifted & Talented classes, as parents seek alternatives to remote learning and look for more challenging classrooms.

“The families that came to us last year stayed with us,” Dr. Thomas Chadzutko, superintendent of the Diocese of Brooklyn’s schools, told The Post in an interview. “This is a positive time for Catholic education within the diocese […] It is an alternative for families.”

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I trust parents more than I do the Gooferment, the Teachers’ Union, politicians, or bureaucrats.

We know from the origins of Gooferment Skrules that their purpose was cannon fodder for the Army, willing morons for the factories, and useful idiots to vote for and be led by the elite.  So maybe this is a chance to turn the tide.


RANT: Ron Paul is not a progressive; that’s a good thing


Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Ron Paul is not a progressive

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Paul was right on both wars, on the bailout of the banks and continues to be right about the need for transparency at the fed. He is right about gay marriage and he is right on most civil liberties issues and the drug war.

But Ron Paul is not a progressive. Ron Paul is not anti-corporate. He believes that empowering business is the best way to accomplish all good things and that government has no role to play in ensuring a level playing field. It was Paul’s dismissal of a government role in health care that elicited the shout of “let him die” during the Republican debates.

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Anonymous Anonymous said…

Excellent points by Hank K.    Ron Paul would destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and any social program that helps ordinary folks. He would probably be for assisting the privatization of our public schools. Libertarianism is filth, a despicable bunch of garbage that’s great for the greedy millionaires and greedy billionaires (as opposed to the responsible and altruistic millionaires and billionaires) who don’t want to pay their fair share in taxes. Under libertarianism, if you become disabled and can no longer work, then tough luck or go out in the street and beg for charity. Libertarians say, let the charities take care of the millions who are disabled, elderly or too poor. It’s an idiotic notion to think that charities are even close to being able to help the 50 millions uninsured. Dialysis costs about $150,000 per year and there are many thousands of people in this country with kidney disease or kidney failure. Medications cost thousands per year, there aren’t enough charities on earth to deal with these numbers. I would not vote for Ron Paul even if you put a gun to my head.

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And, everything today is just working perfectly and at costs we can afford?

Ron Paul hasn’t said anything about destroying everything. He has said that we need real cuts in Gooferment spending. Do you dsagree?

For example, he says the Federal Gooferment should have no role in education. Let the States do it. So we send money to Federal Gooferment to send back to the state Gooferment. There’s a swag that says ½ of any money passing through a Gooferment entity loses ½ its value due to the cost og handling. Sending a dollar to the Feds gets maybe 25¢s back! Eliminate the overhead.

Of course that will totally destroy the education establishment. And, maybe we can have a national and state discusion on “education”. Personally, I authored a paper for Hands Across New Jersey on how to transition “education” from Gooferment to parents over 40 years. (Under the theory that parents are in a better position to educate their children. And cheaper and better. They made the decision to have them; they should provide for them.) I’m frustrated because if HANJ wasn’t subverted by the duopoly, we’d almost be out of the problem.

You bring up charity, charity care, and the cost of medicine. But you ignore the role of Gooferment in driving up the cost of healthcare. Just like it drives up the cost of “education”.


I think that Ron Paul represents the essence of the Taft Republicans. It’s been lost for decades and we have a 15T$ debt, deficits for as far as the eyes can see, unfunded liabilities somewhere between 50T$ and 150T$ depending upon who counts what, and a dismal economic future.
Perhaps, you might consider that Socialism doesn’t work. Didn’t for the Soviet Union. And, won’t for the USA.


“everything is fine. move along citizen. nothing to see here.”


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