RANT: Boston has to be examined

The Plot Thickens
via LewRockwell.com Blog by Becky Akers on 4/16/13

“University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines. ‘They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it’s just a training exercise,’ Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15. Stevenson said he saw law enforcement spotters on the roofs at the start of the race. He’s been in plenty of marathons in Chicago, D.C., Chicago, London and other major metropolitan areas but has never seen that level of security before.”

And the police-state still couldn’t get it right.

Hmmm. Or did it? Be sure to catch the readers’ comments: plenty of other skeptics out there, flinging terms like “false-flag” and “psy-ops.”

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I too don’t trust the mainstream media not to be a lapdog for “group think”.

Within hours, the liberal press (CNN and MSNBC) were indicting the “right wing”.

Sorry, but I have no idea who did it.

I’m not even sure there was “extra security”. 

What I do know, deep in my heart, that we haven’t gotten, won’t get, may never know the “true story”. 


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One thought on “RANT: Boston has to be examined

  1. Let’s give the police a break. If there had been no sniffing dogs around the finish line, oh I can just hear the outcry now….why didn’t they have bomb sniffing dogs! These guys do an awesome job, and try to give the best of their ability. Are they ‘perfect’….no, the last time we saw someone perfect was over 2000 years ago.


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