RANT: Little L libertarian question Stossel’s thinking


Immigrants – good or bad?
Posted: July 21, 2010

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Open immigration is dangerous today, however, because some immigrants want to murder us. And now that America is a welfare state, some want to come here just to freeload. That great champion of freedom Milton Friedman said Mexican immigration is a good thing – but only so long as it’s illegal. “Why? Because as long as it’s illegal for people to come, they don’t qualify for welfare and Social Security. So they migrate to jobs.”

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A little surprised at Stossel.

He wavers on immigration because there are people in the world that want to kill us.

He didn’t pursue that line of thought. Why do they want to kill and hurt us? Because unlike Switzerland, we don’t MYOB. If we would follow George Washington’s advice on “entangling alliances” and kept our politicians and bureaucrats from messing in the affairs of foreigners, then we’d be left alone. No one tries to kill the Swiss. Why is that? And, I’m not saying be an isolationist or a victim. The Constitution recognizes Marque and Reprisal.

If we end the warfare / welfare / Prohibition / non-MYOB state, then things will immediately begin to improve.

And, we’ll need more immigrants regardless of skills — low skill migrants to pick the crops and high skill techno-grants to energize the knowledge economy.

For a temporary admission, “We, The People” should insist on: a heath check, a finger print / DNA id, and a bond equal to the cost of a return ticket. For a permanent admission, the same thing. Sounds simple enough. Keep your nose clean, pay the taxes, and you’ll have no problem here. Get in serious legal trouble, and out you go with no hope of coming back.

Anything less, and we get what we deserve.

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RANT: Recall the Ambassador to Kenya now


Obama Ambassador to Kenya Openly Endorses Proposed Pro-Abortion Constitution
from LifeNews.com Pro-Life Headlines by news@LifeNews.com (Steven Ertelt)

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Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — After initially saying the Obama administration is not technically supporting the proposed pro-abortion constitution in Kenya and insisting it is merely supporting the voting process itself, United States Ambassador to Kenya Michael Ranneberger is now openly supporting it.

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Excuse me!

Why are “we” taking any position in what any foreign country puts in their “constitution”?

Especially when the issue of abortion is involved.

How dare they use tax money, wealth stolen from taxpayers who find the issue morally abhorrent, to push that abomination in their name!

This ambassador should be recalled immediately and replaced.

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QUOTES: “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore.”

“Network (1976) – Memorable Quotes.” The Internet Movie Database (IMDb). Web. 20 July 2010. <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074958/quotes>.

Howard Beale: I want you to go to the window, open it, stick your head out and yell: “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore.”

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RANT: Making people into serfs


Thousands show up at Tulsa food pantry Friday
By MIKE AVERILL World Staff Writer
Published: 7/23/2010 12:47 PM
Last Modified: 7/23/2010 5:50 PM

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The message that was circulating was that the food boxes were free for anyone, however they’re actually restricted to families with children younger than 18 and there is an income restriction as well.

Through the program families can receive one 30-pound food box for each child and one box for every two adults. Families also receive one household box (toilet paper, soap, shampoo, toothpaste) for every two people younger than the age of 18 in the household. Families may receive these boxes each week.

Iron Gate receives 250 food boxes and 125 household boxes each week that it distributes Fridays and Saturdays in conjunction with its regular grocery distribution program. The program runs through September.

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“The need seems to be overwhelming, not only in Tulsa but in the surrounding towns. We need to figure out how to better distribute these boxes. Other agencies are sending people to us for food,” she said.

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Doesn’t anyone see a problem with this?

These people are “welfare farmers”. Now there are probably needy cases in there. But, how many has the Gooferment trained to depend on handouts?

Feed “stray cats” and don’t be surprised when you have more “stray cats”.

These are people, who should be accorded basic human dignity. They need “help”; not a “handout”.

That can’t be done by the Gooferment; it can only be accomplished by an energized empowered community — usually a church or a fraternal organization — who will invest time, money, resources, and most importantly attention to these people as people.

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Seven Principles from a Century Ago by Marvin Olasky

*** begin quote ***

The crisis of the modern welfare state is a crisis of government, and it is more than that. Too many private charities and foundations dispense aid on the basis of what feels good rather than what works. As a result, they end up providing, instead of points of light, alternative shades of darkness. Too many act like the arrogant individuals criticized by F. Scott Fitzgerald in The Great Gatsby: “They smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness… and let other people clean up the mess they made.”

*** end quote ***

1. Affiliation 2. Bonding 3. Categorization 4. Discernment 5. Employment 6. Freedom 7. God

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