POLITICAL: What Federal Gooferment agencies would you shut down?


Trump’s Movement Transcends Politics
By Matt Kane

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But the gloves are now off. So much about the American political system is rooted in precedent, and a precedent has been set that will allow Trump to open investigations into the many troubling actions taken by his predecessors. Another Trump election could bring true generational change to America for the better. He has vowed he would quickly bring down inflation and gas prices, strengthen the economy, secure the border, and reintroduce a strong America on the global stage in just months. But taking on the Deep State is most important now, and he has demonstrated that he understands how vital this task is for America’s long-term future by recently urging Republicans in Congress to “fight fire with fire.” He also referenced “an eye for an eye” when asked, if re-elected, if he would “lock up” those in government who commit crimes.  

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Recently I read someone complain that calling Washington DC a swamp it really unfair to swamps everywhere.  A better adjective would be a sewer.  Like the old joke about calling politicians “morons” was unfair to real “morons”.

That being said, Vivek Ramaswamy has at least begun to address the list of Federal Gooferment agencies that he would shutdown.  Desantis has four.

Us little L libertarians, have an inexhaustible list: Federal Reserve, FBI, AFT, DHS, IRS, HHS, D of Education, D of Energy, Agriculture, … … and on and on and on. 


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