INSPIRATIONAL: Usign “e-waste” to revive an electric scooter

Man Used 80 Discarded Vape Batteries to Power an Electric Scooter Proving the Importance of E-Waste

By Good News Network – Sep 2, 2023 

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A clever graduate has used 80 discarded vape batteries to power his e-scooter—and to make a point about waste.

The 23-year-old Brit says disposable vape devices are marketed as expendable, but still have plenty of power—and people need to know that.

It didn’t cost any money to pick up 80 discarded vape batteries and he wired the lithium-ion batteries to a scooter purchased on eBay for $37 (£30).

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Wow.  Now there’s an “injineer”.  

I’m more impressed with scooters when I see them in use.  While I’m too old and heavy for one, and they really are only for “fair weather”, there is a lesson for “youngsters” who can’t drive yet that there are alternatives to “shank’s mare” aka walking.

It also demonstrates the value of “lateral thinking”.  

Wish I was young again, there seems like there are MORE opportunities for youths to succeed in unconventional 9-5 wage slave jobs.
