JOBSEARCH: Corporate mergers ALWAYS result in LAYOFFS 

📞 T-Mobile keeps doing the thing it said it wouldn’t do

When T-Mobile acquired Sprint, it promised to keep employee count higher than pre-merger. Yet, here we are with more T-Mobile layoffs. 

# – # – # – # – # 

Corporate mergers ALWAYS result in LAYOFFS. (Regardless of what “they” say!)

While NOT ALWAYS true, it’s usually the ACQUIRED company that gets laid off.  

Occasionally when the ACQUIRER wants a particular aspect of the ACQUIRED company, that “team” will be spared.

Typically layoffs occur in the duplicate functions like HR, Finance & Accounting, mid-level management.

Be always prepared for it.  You should always be in “job search” mode.


Success for your generation is: (1) ruthless financial discipline — no bad debt; (2) a life long interest in learning — education — a degree — they can’t take it away from you; (3) a NON-OFFSHORABLE white collar job in order to save big bux; (4) a blue collar skill for hard times — never saw a poor plumber; (5) one or more internet based businesses — your store is always open; (6) a free time hobby that generates income; and (7) a large will-maintained network of people who can “help” you.

If you’re “surprised”, then you have failed at your most important job!
