POLITICAL: Nagasaki — an anti-Catholic national disgrace


Unwelcome Truths for Church and State Concerning the Bombing of Nagasaki August 9, 1945
By Gary G. Kohls
August 6, 2014

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69 years ago an all-Christian bomber crew dropped “Fat Man”, a plutonium bomb, on Nagasaki, Japan, instantly annihilating tens of thousands of innocent civilians, a disproportionate number of them Japanese Christians, and permanently or mortally wounding uncountable numbers of others.

In 1945, the US was the most Christian nation in the world (that is, if you can label as Christian a nation whose churches overwhelmingly fail to sincerely teach or adhere to the ethics of Jesus as taught in the Sermon on the Mount).

Prior to the bomb exploding over St. Mary’s Urakami Cathedral on 11:02 AM, Nagasaki was the most Christian city in Japan. The Nagasaki cathedral was the largest Christian cathedral in the Orient.

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Never mind “just war”.

How about Christian charity?

In Little League, there’s the mercy rule.

In life, the golden rule.

This makes me sad.

Now that I am old, I can see sadly the result.

The Swiss have the right idea.


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RANT: A conversation about a past war and future ones

I was having an conversation on one of the Yahoo Groups I administrate with a fellow I went to high school with, and wrote this. I thought I’d share my frustration with the Universe.

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No, John (my best friend in high school) was an “evader”; he didn’t go to Canada. Just went underground, and was killed in a traffic accident on the 495 around DC in 1972. I’d lost track of him in early 1971. I didn’t find out about it until the 80’s when I by chance met his sister.

My thinking is that this was a national disaster. Some served like you; some went to Canada; others just went underground. A terrible mess. A lot of “casualties” that don’t get recorded anywhere. As a little L libertarian, I just shake my head at the hidden costs of that war, and the others. And, lives disrupted. John DuBois, my cousin Pete, yours, mine, … … all changed by … Johnson, McNamara, other politicians, and bureaucrats. As disasters go, terrible. And, what’s even more puzzling, maddening, frustrating … we didn’t learn squat from the bloody lesson. I read somewhere that the USA has been in 25 “wars” of various sizes since Viet Nam.

I’m sorry I didn’t know you were a WIA. I was just a rear echelon paper pusher. “Defending Maryland” at NSA. I think I did good work, but it wasn’t in the same league with you and the folks under fire. I’m glad you got out of the meat grinder alive. Well done.

I’m conflicted because, while the individuals and their stories are awesome, the strategic blunder that they all were sacrificed in is such … frustrated that I can’t find the right words for it … “wasteful” is the best I can come up with.

I hear the current set of commercials for Wounded Warrior. I combine that with the unfunded liabilities and with the national debt. And I know that once again the vets are pawns in today’s politics. That makes me mad.

Maybe the evaders and “Canadians” were right?

I don’t know.

But, back to the point, I was hoping that “we” could identify Prepsters on The Virtual Wall and make sure their story is recorded somewhere.



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Can’t express the outrage I feel with all the politicians and bureaucrats that put “The Republic” and all those young girls and boys in harms way. “Chicken Hawks” are about the politest epithet I can level at them. If they’re so anxious to get in a shooting war with say Iran, then why aren’t they on the front lines. Or Shut The <synonym for the act of procreation> Up!


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