RANT: LICENSE, lisence, … we don’t need no sinkin licenses!


Joe the Outlaw by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

*** begin quote ***

But the New York Times did some digging and discovered – horror – that Joe is doing plumbing without a proper business license. How dare he call himself a plumber! A license is required by Toledo, not just one license for a partnership but for everyone who is called a plumber. Joe has not taken the training courses, is not a member of the union, and cannot legally call himself a plumber.

The press reports on this were explosive, with reporters speaking as if they had caught this guy red-handed and completely discredited him. But what about the complete absurdity of the idea that you have to have a license in order to have the right to fix someone else’s sink? This is Soviet like, but deeply entrenched in American professional life.

The idea of licensing is that it assures quality standards. But this is just a cover used by guilds since the Middle Ages. The real goal of licensing is to create a professional cartel. Fewer providers means higher wages for those with licenses. It is all about boosting income by restricting competition. This is of course a violation of human rights because it impinges on the fundamental freedom of association.

*** end quote ***

Lew got this online before I could, And, of course, did it much better than I could. But, this is what I first thought when the press ‘discovered’ the outlaw.

A more important scandal would have been if they could have found an unhappy customer of Joe’s. That would have been a scoop.

Since it’s a successful plumbing business, I’m reasonably sure they would find one. (Well, there’s always one.)

Funny, how the ‘bad’ plumbers always seem to have licenses?

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