POLITICAL: Why aren’t Covid-19 cabal going to jail?


Bombshell emails show a top Fauci aide used his personal Gmail to ‘intentionally’ HIDE discussions about COVID origins… and would delete anything ‘incriminating’

  •  Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, revealed new documents from a whistleblower Thursday regarding federal official’s communications on the origins of COVID-19
  • They show that a senior advisor to Dr. Anthony Fauci tried to hide correspondence by using a Gmail account 
  •  ‘I will delete anything I don’t want to see in the New York Times,’ the Fauci advisor previously told Republicans 

By Jon Michael Raasch, Political Reporter On Capitol Hill, For Dailymail.Com

Published: 18:03 EDT, 11 April 2024 | Updated: 18:28 EDT, 11 April 2024 

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New documents show that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s top U.S. health aide intentionally tried to hide his discussions about the origins of COIVD-19 by using his personal email. 

Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, claimed a whistleblower provided him new bombshell materials obtained by DailyMail.com.

The unnamed whistleblower revealed emails showing that Dr. David Morens – Fauci’s top aide at the National Institutes of Health – allegedly used his personal Gmail account to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 to skirt federal transparency laws.

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Sounds like, if there was any fairness in political life, that several people would be facing jail and fines.  Makes the J6 treatment look laughable.

Any wonder why people don’t respect politicians and bureaucrats? 

Time to shut down the CDC, FDA, FBI, DOJ, and the CIA!

Time to clean house and break up the USA as immoral, ineffective, and inefficient. As well as untrustworthy.


INSPIRATIONAL: All it takes is one hero to push back — who will it be?


All It Takes Is One Hero
By J.B. Shurk

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No matter how dark things get, all it takes is one hero to push back. Heroes, after all, are not remembered for following the crowd; they emerge because they run in the opposite direction, often into known danger, and spur others to stop, turn around, and act. It is always the lone voice that inspires a people to rise against the injustices of any age. It is the stubborn persistence of the few who marshal real change. It is the resolute among us who peer at the raging inferno without fear. It is the wise who remember that every waterfall begins with just one drop of rain. It is the hopeful who can look around at today’s chaos and see clearly the opportunity for great change.

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Who will it be?  

Where are our Patrick Henry’s, Nathan Hales’, or John Paul Jones?

Joe Rogan?  Dave Smith?  Michael Malice?

We certainly need one.


GOVERNACIDE: Time for the FBI to be “defunded”


  • DOJ to pay $130M to Parkland massacre families after FBI failed to investigate tip off that student Nikolas Cruz was planning a mass school shooting
  • Family of 16 of the 17 killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland have reached a monetary settlement with the government
  • Settlement comes over the FBI’s failure to stop the gunman even though it had received information he intended to attack
  • Attorneys said the settlement’s details are confidential, but a person familiar with the deal said the government will pay the families $127.5 million overall

PUBLISHED: 01:55 EST, 23 November 2021 | UPDATED: 04:23 EST, 23 November 2021

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The families of most of those killed and wounded in the 2018 Florida high school massacre announced Monday have reached a multi-million dollar settlement with the federal government over the FBI’s failure to stop the gunman even though it had received information he intended to attack.

Attorneys for 16 of the 17 killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland and some of those wounded said they have reached a monetary settlement with the government over the FBI’s failure to investigate a tip it received about a month before the massacre. 

The 17th family chose not to sue.

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I don’t understand Family #17’s decision.  That would be a good follow up story.

OK, what heads rolled at the FBI.

We’ve seen all the instigation and entrapment stories.  Now it’s time for “We, The Sheeple” to lower the boom on the FBI as an organization.

Perhaps in needs to be reformulated into strictly a technical assistance to the appropriate agencies of the State’s.

Perhaps the Secret Service can take over it’s duties as “law enforcement”.



GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Berkeley Removes 20,000* Free Online Videos


Berkeley Removes 20,000* Free Online Videos to Comply with Insane Department of Justice Ruling
In the name of equality, destroy your valuable public resource
Robby Soave|Mar. 7, 2017 8:31 am

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The handicappers general in the Department of Justice strike again: the University of California, Berkeley, is deleting a massive amount of free, online content in order to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Berkeley previously housed an online library consisting of more than 20,000 videos of lectures. These videos were free and accessible to the public. But they are free no longer: next week, administrators will withdraw access to anyone who isn’t a Berkeley student or professor.

Why? Because the federal government left them no other choice.

Two employees of Gallaudet University—a school for the deaf in Washington, D.C.—filed a complaint with DOJ alleging that Berkeley’s online content was inaccessible to the hearing-disabled community. After looking into the matter, DOJ determined that Berkeley had indeed violated the Americans with Disabilities Act, according to Inside Higher Ed.

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I can’t imagine the authors of the ADA intended to destroy a valuable public resource because it wasn’t perfectly accessible to all, but here we are. Taking the quality out of equality: that’s clumsy federal regulation for you.

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Hard to imagine the logic that this represents.

The “authors of the ADA” have to bear the brunt of the “Unintended Consequences” of STUPID legislation!

I have heard and blogged about the ADA absurdity — like the drivers exam had to be given in Braille.

We really need a Gooferment department of common sense to review all Gooferment actions that impact the public. Sadly, I hate to ask for more bureaucrats but maybe we could have a blue ribbon panel composed of $1/year grumpy fat old white guy injineers, grade school children, and retired poor old senior citizens on a fixed incomes to “staff” this new “department”.


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POLITICAL: The “fruit of the poisonous tree”


Parallel Reconstruction
By Andrew P. Napolitano
October 9, 2014

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Nevertheless, the NSA’s agents and lawyers felt it necessary to concoct this groundless, disingenuous and fictional legal distinction in order to persuade the FISA court that it is legally acceptable to permit untethered spying so long as the fruits of that spying are not used in criminal prosecutions. Curiously and naively, judges of the FISA court bought that argument.

So, what happens when the spying uncovers ordinary criminal behavior unrelated to national security? In order to keep its hands clean, so to speak, the NSA sends that evidence to the DOJ, whose lawyers and agents in cahoots with the NSA then concoct an explanation as to how the DOJ came upon the evidence. Of course, that explanation curiously and carefully omits the mention of domestic spying. DOJ lawyers know that if the beginning of the process of obtaining evidence is found to be unconstitutional, then the evidence itself can be useless in court.

This is what lawyers and judges call the “fruit of the poisonous tree.”

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This is deceptive, unlawful and unconstitutional behavior by the Executive Branch.

It undermines the “Rule of Law”.

And the fact that it was done by BOTH the R Bush and the D Obama demonstrates that there is little difference between the D’s and the R’s.

At the very least, there should be dismissals and pardons for ALL defendants who were unfairly convicted. 


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