RANT: The four insideous taxes

‎”“Florida is a state of choice,” said Thalius Hecksher, global development chief for Apex Fund Services, who moved many of his operations to Palm Beach. “It’s organically grown. There’s no need to drag people down here. It’s a zero-income-tax jurisdiction.”” http://buff.ly/WszLB0 Should have done it year ago!!!

‘Wall St.’ flees NY for tax-free Fla.


The city’s hedge-fund executives are flying south — and it’s not for vacation. An increasing number of financial firms, especially private equity and hedge funds, are fed up with…
Don’t forget FOUR insidious taxes that you don’t see: (1) the inflation tax — the FED has destroyed 99%of the value of the dollar in the last three or four decades; (2) the gas tax — gets added into every product sold and into every capital good used to make products, or deliver them; (3) the corporate tax — corps don’t pay tax, people do, they just pass it on; and (4) the estate tax — that turns productive assets into legal fees and schemes to avoid it as opposed to capital investment that improves society’s wealth — say goodbye to the family farm or a families’ small business. I’d assert that (a) the true tax rate is incalculable because it’s so well hidden; (B) it crushes the poor and middle class; and (c) some years we pay more than 100% of an annual year’s earnings in taxes! The loss of purchasing power means real savings goes down DESPITE rising account balances!!!!!!!!!
