POLITICAL: Time to dismantle the FBI


Where is the FBI’s Rubicon? After the Mar-a-Lago raid, when will the public stop standing for this?
August 12, 2022 | 10:13 am
By Roger Kimball
Roger Kimball is the editor and publisher of the New Criterion, publisher of Encounter Books and a Spectator columnist and contributing editor.

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Everyone knows that in January 49 BC Julius Caesar, about to lead part of his army across the Rubicon river, said “Alea iacta est,” “the die is cast.” Except that, according to Plutarch, what he really said was “Ἀνερρίφθω κύβος,” “let the die be cast,” and he did not so much say it as quote it, since the already-proverbial line came from the Greek playwright Menander. Anyway, in bringing an army across the stream that separated cis-Alpine Gaul from Italy proper, Caesar had committed treason. In crossing the Rubicon he had crossed a line, sparking the civil war that engulfed Rome and formalized the end of the Republic that had, as Caesar himself noted, been dead in all-but-name-only for decades.

Contemplating the recent actions of our secret police, known to some as the FBI, I have often wondered where to locate their Rubicon. Was it when they conducted a dawn raid against Roger Stone, having been careful to alert CNN beforehand so they could be on hand to publicize the attack? Maybe it was when they burst into the apartment of Project Veritas’s James O’Keefe, throwing him out in the hallway in his pajamas, while they ransacked his home looking for a diary kept by Joe Biden’s daughter? Or perhaps it was when they arrested former Trump aide Peter Navarro, throwing him in handcuffs and leg irons before depositing him in jail? Or when they accosted the lawyer John Eastman and confiscated his cell phone? That seems to have become a favorite pastime of the FBI, seizing people’s cell phones. Just a couple of days ago, they took Representative Scott Perry’s phone. “But,” you point out, “Perry is a Republican and Trump ally. He has no property rights.”

*** and ***

But the question remains: will the American people accept that the FBI has become the Praetorian Guard for the regime? I don’t know. I hope not. Harvey Silverglate is right: given its history of lawless behavior, “it is remarkable that no sitting president has moved to abolish the FBI.” Of course, it won’t happen on Biden’s, er, watch (or during his naps). But one way or another, the FBI must be dismantled. “We need an entirely new agency,” as Silverglate observed, “and a director who has no history of having worked in or with the FBI. Agency culture is a powerful force, and if we are to have any success in ridding the nation of this menace, we best eradicate it completely and start over.”

“Eradicate it completely and start over.” I couldn’t agree more. Will this partisan assault on a once (and possibly future) president be the Rubicon we’ve been waiting for? Let’s see.

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It has definitely crossed the line and demonstrated that it’s now a political tool.  That’s what the Dead Old White Guys feared most — “private militias”.  Rogue “law enforcement”.  Tyrants with their “standing armies”.

It’s up to the next President and Congress to tear this agency down and, where important and salvageable, move components to appropriate places.  


The Federal Gooferment needs to return to it’s very limited nightwatchman’s role.

It does that by eleimating whole Departments.  Education and Agriculture come immediately to mind.  Followed by the FDA, CDC, BATF, Homeland Security, and even the Department of Energy.



POLITICAL: The Pepuls Republik of Nu Jerzee is an example of “voter fraud” and has been for decades


New Jersey Rolls Include Duplicate, Centenarian, and Unborn Voters
Fred Lucas / @FredLucasWH / June 07, 2022

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New Jersey resident Patrick DePaola first registered to vote in June 1927. A 50-year employee as a printer for The New York Times, he died at age 105 more than a decade ago, in December 2010.

But DePaola, who lived in Bayonne, remains listed as an “active” voter and is among 2,398 registered voters in New Jersey who appear to be 105 or older.

That’s according to a new report by the election watchdog group Public Interest Legal Foundation, which notes that the average life expectancy in New Jersey is just under 81.

But ages in the Garden State get even more unusual, the report indicates.

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And both of the established “parties” are just fine with it.


Maybe if we eliminate “voting” then we could get an honest count.

I’d like smaller subdivisions electing a representative.  Then that rep could cast the appropriate number of votes.  All building up to the 21 county reps voting for state wide offices. 

Not to hard to imagine.  Just impossible to get the oligarchy out.



SECESSION: California can just refuse to cooperate; de facto secession


Sessions Reminds California: “There’s No Secession, No Nullification”
by Tyler Durden
Wed, 03/07/2018 – 14:13

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Yesterday, we pointed out that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has finally acted to stop California from ignoring federal immigration authorities and laws, with the DOJ suing the state to nullify Assembly Bill 450, which stops private companies from voluntarily cooperating with federal immigration authorities.

And shortly after the suit was filed, Sessions warned chided the state for disobeying federal laws, saying American law provides no room for secession or nullification, per the Hill

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Isn’t there a quote about “State Officials” and non-cooperation?

Sounds like something Ghandi would say.

In any event, the State of California doesn’t have to aid the Federal Government in enforcing Federal “laws”.

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RANT: Some things are “different” depending upon your bias


Sauce for the Progressive Goose Is Sauce for the Free-Market Gander
by DON BOUDREAUX on JUNE 28, 2015

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Here’s a letter to a gracious, learned, and smart long-time correspondent whose view of the world differs greatly from my view of it:

Mr. Claude Knowlton, Esq.

Dear Mr. Knowlton:

Thanks for your e-mail.

You think me “wooden” and “unrealistic” for criticizing the majority opinion inKing v. Burwell.  Unsurprisingly, I disagree.

You are, of course, correct to note that the meanings of words and phrases are often ambiguous and, thus, require interpretation.  And reasonable people can and do frequently disagree about the best interpretations of ambiguous words or phrases in their specific contexts.  Recognition of this reality, however, is no license for a court to give to words and phrases meanings that those words and phrases plainly do not have.

*** and ***

This controversial interpretation of the statute is then challenged in court.  If Chief Justice Richard Epstein accepts – as he surely would – the administration’s claim that a minimum hourly wage of $7.25 harms many of the workers who Congress insists it meant to help, why should he and other like-minded members of the SCOTUS not use the logic of King v. Burwell to uphold the Paul administration’s reasonable argument that, to make the Fair Labor Standards Act work as Congress intended, “$7.25” must be read as meaning “$0.01”?  I certainly now can see no good reason for any such “wooden” and “unrealistic” restraint on the part of the Court.

Donald J. Boudreaux
Professor of Economics

*** end quote ***

Of course, “liberals” (aka socialist Big Gooferment types), would insist that laws they favor mean what they say; not what a “classical liberal” (i.e., little L libertarian like the Dead Old White Guys) would want them to mean!



LIBERTY: Gooferment fails to protect property rights


How Much Economic Freedom Do We Have in the United States?
by Andrew P. Napolitano

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The root of economic freedom is the recognition of the right to own private property. That includes the right to utilize it unmolested, to dispose of it without anyone’s permission and to exclude anyone from it, even the government. Suffice it to say, no American president since the advent of the income tax and the Federal Reserve 100 years ago has fully accepted or meaningfully defended that right. The more the government extracts in taxes and the more it inflates the money supply, the more it rejects and assaults property rights.

*** and ***

There is not a single example in human history of central economic planning producing more prosperity than a free market. The framers understood that. That’s why they wrote a Constitution that prohibited an income tax, forbade the states from interfering with contracts, and prevented the feds from taking life, liberty or property without due process. All those constitutional prohibitions have been nullified by amendment or disregarded by consensus.

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From the diktats (i.e., what the politicians call “laws” and “regulations”) that deprive folks of their property, to the taxes and inflation to just steal their wealth, we have no property rights.

In New Jersey, the real estate property tax mostly to support the Gooferment Skrules turns owners into defacto “renters.

How can you think we are free?

# – # – # – # – #  2012-Jan-20 @ 09:32

RANT: The police need some moderation

Death by Checkpoint: A Murder in Massachusetts

via LewRockwell.com Blog by William Grigg on 1/24/10

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Kenneth Howe of Worcester, Massachusetts was beaten to death by police last November 25. This is the official conclusion by the Essex County Medical Examiner, who ruled that the official cause of death was “blunt impact of the head and torso with compression of the chest.” It is profoundly doubtful that the killing of the 45-year-old Howe– carried out by a swarm of 10-20 tax-feeders at a “sobriety checkpoint” — will be prosecuted as a criminal offense of any kind, let alone murder.

*** and ***

The murder of Kenneth Howe at an East Berlin-style checkpoint in Massachusetts is a sobering illustration of a principle none of us can afford to forget: While government cannot produce anything of value, it excels at making “criminals” out of innocent people, and corpses out of living human beings.

*** end quote ***

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On Jan 25, 2010, at 9:05 AM, LUDDITE wrote:

I admit that some of the articles you send are devastating and sad. But I have to believe in the scheme of things it’s just like reporting on the wars…you only see the bad news in the media and hear nothing of the good. You have probably sent me 50-100 articles…they are likely tens of thousands of good endings that no one reported. It appears to me to just represent a microcosm (?sp?) of the bigger populace….we area more angry, more sinful, more violent bunch of people than we were 50 years ago.

# – # – #

The gooferment is force. And, that is the root of the problem.

In a system of “law and order”, the police are out of control. If you were examining a manufacturing process’ sample, where the incidence of defects is SUPPOSED to be zero, that had a large number of true positive defects, you’d designate the process as out of control. You wouldn’t blame the sample or say that the defects were acceptable because the process was turning out lots of good stuff.

Would you?

I would quibble that the media really only reports the most egregious examples. If they don’t have video, they don’t cover it. Unless there are 51 shots in minutes, (indicating that some had to reload), they don’t cover it.

And, we don’t see all the “little intrusions” into our lives, where we are “scared” into compliance. Argh!

No, I think the police, and the militarization of the police, is unacceptable. The corruption of the political class by money is unacceptable. The failure of civic virtue in the people, as evidenced by 51% are takers, is unacceptable. The failure of the currency, as evidence by all the unfunded gooferment “guarantees” like SocSec, is unacceptable.

We have so much that I find unacceptable, I just don’t know where to start! So I’ll start by convincing you. :-)

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We’ll see if I can convince LUDDITE! I r an injineer; not a politician.

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RANT: Innocence should ALWAYS be grounds for an appeal!


New Series Profiles Dallas DA’s Efforts to Find Wrongly Convicted

Radley Balko | March 29, 2009, 10:29am

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Dallas District Attorney Craig Watkins—a former defense attorney—has garnered national headlines for his efforts to uncover wrongful convictions in his jurisdiction. He’s actively working with the Innocence Project and with Dallas defense attorneys to seek out possible injustices perpetrated by his predecessors in the DA’s office.

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Yeah, another myth. Better one innocent man go free?

And, the gooferment’s justice system is about “justice”!

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