GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The not so Unintended Consequences of a new tax

NYC’s Upper West Side already becoming commuter parking lot for congestion-pricing evaders
By Chris Harris
Published April 6, 2024  — Updated April 6, 2024, 9:16 a.m. ET

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The Upper West Side is about to become a commuter parking lot.

Already notorious for its scarcity of spaces, the parking situation on the UWS has reached new lows of desperation ahead of the mid-June implementation of the Big Apple’s much-maligned, five-years-in-the-making congestion parking plan, which the MTA’s board authorized last month.

“The situation up here is untenable,” said longtime West 79th Street resident Renee Baruch, who’s noticed a steady uptick since January in the number of cars with out-of-state plates circling her block each morning.

“They’re on Riverside Drive, on side streets, with plates from all over, and you’re seeing the same ones every day,” explained Baruch, part of a consortium of Manhattanites that continues to push pols for a parking permitting system.

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Ahh, what will “We, The Sheeple” do?

I bet just suck it up and take it.  Death by a thousand cuts.  How do you eat a whole baloney?  Once slice at a time.


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Any diplomat who uses “immunity” should be immediately declared PNG by the US State Depatment

UN diplomat dodges NYC rape rap thanks to diplomatic immunity: cops
8/22/2022, 5:05:31 PM · by thegagline · 28 replies
The New York Post ^ | 08/22/2022 | Tina Moore, Amanda Woods, Kyle Schnitzer

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A United Nations diplomat from Africa was accused of raping one of his neighbors in Upper Manhattan over the weekend — but NYPD cops released him because he has diplomatic immunity, authorities said Monday. Charles Dickens Imene Oliha, 46 — a career diplomat for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in South Sudan — was arrested in Sunday’s alleged sex assault on a woman inside her apartment around noon, according to a police report obtained by The Post. Oliha was taken into custody on suspicion of rape and brought in for questioning, cops said. But once he informed…

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Seems simple enough.

Too many parking tickets — PNG!

Too many complaints — PNG!

A rape complaint — PNG!

Person Non Grata

Use it more often and “diplomats” will behave like civilized human beings.

And, in a spirit of reciprocity, if the USA’s “diplomats” misbehave, then if they can’t be fired, reassign them to Sitka Alaska.  (Where I am told there’s a woman behind every tree!)



GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Gooferment Skrules discriminate against the poor kids

No pay, no play! Poor kids banned from NY school carnival
Published May 24, 2015New York Post

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No party for the poor.

PS 120 in Flushing held a carnival for its students on Thursday, but kids whose parents did not pay $10 were forced to sit in the auditorium while their classmates had a blast.

Close to 900 kids went to the Queens schoolyard affair, with pre-K-to-fifth-grade classes taking turns, each spending 45 minutes outside. The kids enjoyed inflatable slides, a bouncing room and a twirly teacup ride. They devoured popcorn and flavored ices. DJs blasted party tunes.

But more than 100 disappointed kids were herded into the darkened auditorium to just sit or watch an old Disney movie while aides supervised — the music, shouts and laughter outside still audible.

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So much for the Gooferment Skrules as the great equalizer.

I can’t imagine them doing worse.

And, for those of you who thought “free Gooferment education” was a great idea, this should come as big wake up call.

Can you imagine a parent funded student focused achievement oriented school doing such? I can’t.

Separation Education and State!

The Gooferment is immoral, ineffective, and inefficient and here’s another example.

How do you think those children felt?

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POLITICAL: Prefer Entrepreneurs and Business over Gooferment politicians and bureaucrats

Posted on April 21, 2015 by keywestlou

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Monday’s E-Blast carried an article re the Waterfront brewery remodeling. The property is city owned. It is being remodeled for the two tenants who will be occupying. A brewery and restaurant.

My concern is with over costs/over runs. Everything Key West does construction wise, involves the taxpayers getting hit with additional costs for alleged unexpected problems. The brewery thus far has run into two. An additional cost of $64,000. Not much, but more.

Over costs seem to occur on every type construction Key West is involved in. Sometimes in the millions. I never ran into this situation in other areas. Key Wet calls them unexpected. I call them a series of screw ups by the city in not properly investigating and/or discovering the work initially.

Key West never seems to learn.

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And you should ask “why is the Gooferment in the property business at all?”

Entrepreneurs, risking their own capital, will do a much better job. 

Think Donald Trump and NYC Central Park’s Wollman Ice Skating Rink!


Gooferment is immoral, ineffective, and inefficient.

Your examples of “overruns” is just more evidence that it is “bad news”.

Let the politicians and bureaucrats go into private business if they want to be developers.


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