GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Any diplomat who uses “immunity” should be immediately declared PNG by the US State Depatment

UN diplomat dodges NYC rape rap thanks to diplomatic immunity: cops
8/22/2022, 5:05:31 PM · by thegagline · 28 replies
The New York Post ^ | 08/22/2022 | Tina Moore, Amanda Woods, Kyle Schnitzer

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A United Nations diplomat from Africa was accused of raping one of his neighbors in Upper Manhattan over the weekend — but NYPD cops released him because he has diplomatic immunity, authorities said Monday. Charles Dickens Imene Oliha, 46 — a career diplomat for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in South Sudan — was arrested in Sunday’s alleged sex assault on a woman inside her apartment around noon, according to a police report obtained by The Post. Oliha was taken into custody on suspicion of rape and brought in for questioning, cops said. But once he informed…

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Seems simple enough.

Too many parking tickets — PNG!

Too many complaints — PNG!

A rape complaint — PNG!

Person Non Grata

Use it more often and “diplomats” will behave like civilized human beings.

And, in a spirit of reciprocity, if the USA’s “diplomats” misbehave, then if they can’t be fired, reassign them to Sitka Alaska.  (Where I am told there’s a woman behind every tree!)

