GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Gooferment Skrules discriminate against the poor kids

No pay, no play! Poor kids banned from NY school carnival
Published May 24, 2015New York Post

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No party for the poor.

PS 120 in Flushing held a carnival for its students on Thursday, but kids whose parents did not pay $10 were forced to sit in the auditorium while their classmates had a blast.

Close to 900 kids went to the Queens schoolyard affair, with pre-K-to-fifth-grade classes taking turns, each spending 45 minutes outside. The kids enjoyed inflatable slides, a bouncing room and a twirly teacup ride. They devoured popcorn and flavored ices. DJs blasted party tunes.

But more than 100 disappointed kids were herded into the darkened auditorium to just sit or watch an old Disney movie while aides supervised — the music, shouts and laughter outside still audible.

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So much for the Gooferment Skrules as the great equalizer.

I can’t imagine them doing worse.

And, for those of you who thought “free Gooferment education” was a great idea, this should come as big wake up call.

Can you imagine a parent funded student focused achievement oriented school doing such? I can’t.

Separation Education and State!

The Gooferment is immoral, ineffective, and inefficient and here’s another example.

How do you think those children felt?

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